Monday Morning Memo
May 1, 2023
New Information
It's Boosterthon Time!
May Crowning
The May Crowning will take place this Friday, May 5th immediately following our 10:00 AM School Mass. All Virtus Certified family members are welcome to attend both the Mass and May Crowning. Students may bring flowers to present to Mary during the May Procession. We hope to see many of you at the Mass and May Crowning this Friday!
SMA Summer Program
St. Mary’s Summer Camp offers a fun-filled, prayerful camp for incoming PreK-8th grade campers. The camp is run by our own faculty and our volunteers are teens from the Archdiocese of Washington, some being SMA alum. Camp is open to students enrolled at St. Mary's for the 2023-24 school year as well as family friends. Feel free to share the information.
Baysox Tickets
Due to the rain the game was cancelled. Tickets can be exchanged for another Baysox game between the dates of June 4th and July 2nd! You MUST have the original ticket from Friday's game to exchange it for another game.
Fish Fry
Show Place Arena Graduation Schedule
NWEA MAP and ARK Testing
Students in K through 8 will be taking their end of year standardized tests over the next two weeks. Please try to arrive on time with well-rested and well-fed students so they are set up to do their best on these assessments. If there is any way we can support, please let us know.
Middle School:
- MAP Tuesday 4/25, Thursday 4/27, Monday 5/1 & Wednesday 5/3
- ARK Tuesday May 2
5th grade:
- MAP Tuesday 4/25, Friday 4/28, & Tuesday 5/2
- ARK 4/27
4th Grade
- MAP Wednesday 4/26, Friday 4/28 & Monday 5/1
- ARK Thursday 4/27
3rd Grade:
- MAP Wednesday 4/26, Wednesday 4/27, & Tuesday 5/2
- ARK Wednesday 5/3
2nd Grade:
- MAP Wednesday 5/3 & Thursday 5/4
1st Grade:
- MAP Wednesday 4/26 & Thursday 4/27
- MAP Monday 5/1 & Tuesday 5/2
Sponsor an Ad on Our School Folders
We are looking for businesses to help underwrite the cost of our school folders, handbooks, and calendar magnets. If you would like to participate in the ad program, please fill out the attached form, or call our printer directly. Our children receive these items FREE from the advertisements. If we are unable to utilize you as a sponsor at this time, we will contact you with the next available advertising space. Thank you!
Track It Forward
Please don't forget that each family is responsible to serve 20 hours each year. Please log your hours in Track It Forward https://www.trackitforward.com/site/st-mary-of-the-assumption-hsa.
If you have any questions, please email our Hours Recorder, Mary Butler at hsahoursrecorder@stmaryum.org.
Upcoming Dates
April 25-May 5: MAP and ARK Testing
May 5: May Crowning Mass 10AM
May 18: Field Day
May 22: Band Concert 6PM
May 29: No School
June 2: Half Day
St. Mary of the Assumption School
Email: office@stmaryum.org
Website: stmaryum.org
Location: 4610 Largo Road, Upper Marlboro, MD, USA
Phone: 301 627 4170