UUCSJS Midweek Message
March 16, 2022
- Minister's Midweek Meditation
- Announcements
- Notes From the Board
- Stewardship Campaign
- Events This Week
- This Sunday
- Call to Action
- Explore Our Monthly Theme
- Connect to Our Faith
Minister's Midweek Meditation
The Ides of March
Greetings, good people!
Spring finally appears to be serious about its arrival, as crocuses bloom and various forms of lilies push up through the leafy detritus of the winter’s leavings by my front stoop.
The “Renewing Faith” monthly theme for March matches well with the beginning of our annual stewardship drive. The 2022-2023 year is going to be different than recent years, as you will be going forward, still together, but without a professional ministerial presence. There is a lot to be done in the coming year: much rebuilding and renewal, a lot of thinking and self-examination. This is the time to consider some of the foundational questions that face a congregation: Who are we as individuals? Who are we as a community? Who do we want to be? What is our mission? What are we willing to do to achieve that mission? What are our priorities? How we decide where to spend our energy and resources?
You have a big year ahead, with the opportunity for some deep and rich conversations. Because you will not have a professional minister’s salary and compensation package to support does not mean that operating the congregation will be free. There will still be expenses, and it will be important for you to be able to save some money for an eventual interim or developmental ministry and then a search for your next called minister. This is the year to invest in your collective future with both your energy and your financial resources. I encourage you to engage with an open heart in the work before you so that you can move into the future as a healthy faith community.
Rev. DC
Rev. DC is available for pastoral care appointment Wednesday through Friday 10am to 3pm. Email minister@uucsjs.org to schedule an appointment.
Need Help?
Team members can provide you with support during/after an illness, a death in the family, or other loss or hardship. They can find you resources, run errands, or provide meals in time of need.
Reach out to:
- Tracey Catino at (609) 674-8721 email: Traceysnaps@msn.com
- Denise O'Meara at (610) 316-7495 email: denome53@gmail.com
- Helen Utts at (609) 338-3391 email: HelenUtts@aol.com
- MaryLou DeMaria-Berhang at (201) 247-5635 email: MLberhang@gmail.com
- Tony Zitelli at (201) 463-2800 email: happy85a@aol.com
Planning a special event? The Communications Team can help. Visit https://uucsjs.breezechms.com/form/42685e for more information.
Our Last Road Cleanup before Earth Day, 2022
will be held on Sunday, April 10th
Our participation in “Adopt-a-Road” had been in jeopardy…
… UNTIL we turned out in such force on January 23!! It was a wonderful response and thank you all. Eleven stalwart UUs +1 turned out that Sunday in below freezing temperatures, although walking warmed us up quickly. So many turned out, in fact, that we ran out of safety vests and even grabbers; both of those two necessities, and gloves, too, have since been obtained from ACUA (along with more recycle and trash bags).
What I’m saying is that we’re now ALL READY for you on Sunday, April 10 – whether you’re coming for the thirtieth time or the first time ever: new vests, new grabbers, new gloves, so please don’t hesitate. We have this one more cleanup to do to fulfill our quota (4) before Earth Day, April 22, 2022.
After this last one is done, our new coordinator will be Nancy Watson. I’m grateful that she has graciously stepped forward and she will be wonderful at the task. Nancy just told me she and Mike Hannisian will not be going to Florida after all, so they will be here for this, our last cleanup for Earth Day Year 21/22.
And finally, point of privilege: since I happen to know that Sunday, April 10 is also Betsy Searight’s birthday, I hereby take this opportunity to excuse her publicly from road cleanup on that day; Betsy, please honor this decree!
Special thanks to you who rescued road cleanup from jeopardy in January; can we keep it up? Namely: John Brilla, Jesse Connor, Mike Hannisian, Barbara Miller, Jack Miller, Alice Miller, Barbara Morell, Judy Pereira, Maryellen Riche, Betsy Searight, Nancy Watson, and David Weesner. (We missed you, Diane.)
Thank you for your participation over the years since I took over from Michele Bellinger. I’ll still be there (most but not all the time).
Judy Pereira
We Want to Plan a Day Trip!
Harriet Tubman Museum
Are you interested in learning the local history of American abolitionist and political activist, Harriet Tubman? We are offering an opportunity to explore her history in OUR region by attending a private group tour at the Harriet Tubman Museum in Cape May, NJ. Located at 632 Lafayette Street in Cape May, NJ the museum opened June, 2020 and offers $10 (per person) tours on weekends.
What we know:
- The trip is planned for Saturday, April 16, 2022
- The private group tour is Limited in Space
- Stay for Lunch and Discussion after the tour
- Deadline for sign-up is Wednesday, March 30, 2022
For more information or to sign up, please contact Colby Tippins at 609-442-0967 or Shelee McIlvaine
Welcome back to coffee hour!
Notes From the Board
Worship Coordinator Hired
At our meeting on Thursday, March 10th, UUCSJS’ Board of Trustees agreed to create a position called a worship coordinator. This position is salaried, 1/4 time (roughly 10 hours per week). The Board also chose to hire Deb Dagavarian for this position. She will start on May 1st.
Deb will schedule, and collaborate with, worship celebrants. We expect to draw celebrants from the membership, the community, and other UU congregations. If you have an interest, please, let Deb know.
Worship Committee
The Worship Committee has not met for months. I wrote to the most likely participants to ask them to meet and select a chairperson. That meeting has not been scheduled yet. If you have an interest, please write to let me know.
Annual Meeting
Last year, we held our annual congregational meeting on the first Sunday of June. Many members had to choose between our meeting and the Asbury Park gay pride. This year, we will meet on Sunday June 12th to avoid that conflict. Please, mark the date.
The Nominations Committee had no chair to call their meetings. I wrote to all of the members. Judy Pereira will function as chair, at least through their first meeting. The committee expects to produce a full slate of nominations on time.
Highway Signage
The ad hoc committee that’s considering the signs and symbols that UUCSJS places on Pomona Road is studying ideas that were raised in the Membership meeting on February 27th. They will offer the membership alternatives for signage at the Annual meeting on June 12th. To reduce confusion, the committee will hold an open session late in May where members can learn about the alternatives
Pandemic Safety
The Pandemic Safety Task Force recommends that UUCSJS modify our covid-19 protocols by making the wearing of masks in the sanctuary optional after April 1st. The Board reacted with enthusiasm and asked the task force whether coffee (the Unitarian sacrament) service could resume on Sunday April 3rd.
Kit Marlowe
UUCSJS Board President
Together We Move Forward: Annual Stewardship Drive 2022-23
March 20 to April 17, 2022
The programs and services we are able to provide each year are made possible through the generous financial support of our members and friends. So each year we have a season of stewardship to receive advance pledges of support from members and friends to help us to plan our programming budget in advance (planning for July 2022 to June 2023). Our stewardship campaign this year will run from March 20th to April 17th. We will host small group gatherings to share what we value about the congregation and what we envision for our the future. Everyone who is part of our covenanted community is invited to participate in one of these conversations. It is the collective generosity of our community that makes UUCSJS possible! More information about the small groups will be coming soon.
~ Karen York, Stewardship Chair
Events This Week
CLICK HERE to reserve the Zoom Room or to add your event to the calendar.
UUCSJS March Book Club
Book Club will be meeting on Friday, March 18th at 7:00 pm on ZOOM (www.tinyurl.com/uucsjszoom)
We welcome anyone to join in the meeting.
AMERICAN DIRT by Jeanine Cummins
American Dirt is a rare exploration into the inner hearts of people willing to sacrifice everything for a glimmer of hope. It is a literary achievement filled with poignancy, drama and humanity on every page. One of the most important books of our times.
Jesse Connor will be leading the meeting.
April selection
PAPER WIFE by Laila Ibrahim
The author will be joining us for this meeting !!!!
This Sunday
Renewing Faith, Renewing Commitment
Rev. DC Fortune
It is time for our annual pledge drive, in a year that is quite different from recent years. We are in a position to renew ourselves through a renewed commitment to our congregation and our faith. Join us as we kick of the stewardship drive for a new future.
PLEASE NOTE: This service will be in person at UUCSJS and streamed live on our Facebook page. A recording will be available later in the day on our YouTube Channel.
Last Sunday
Call To Action
Tutors Needed for Afghan Refugees!
Currently, we are aware of a need for tutors of English for Afghan refugees. This can be done in person (at a local library) or on zoom. These are folks being served by Catholic Charities, a partner of ours. If you are interested, please provide the following information.
- What time of day/day of the week do you prefer to tutor?
- Where do you live (if you wish to tutor in person.)?
- Do you prefer to tutor in person or via zoom?
- Is there a specific population you prefer to work with?
- Do you speak any language other than English?
- Do you have any teaching experience (of any subject) or experience tutoring ESL? (These are not requirements.)
After we hear from you, we will forward your information to Vincent Mancuso at Catholic Charities Dept of Refugee Resettlement & Immigration. Vincent makes matches between tutors and students. Please contact Deb Dagavarian if you have any questions.
We Need You!
Explore Our Monthly Theme
Picture Your Faith
Forget trying to explain it. Sometimes faith is best expressed through images. So this month, think about what faith looks like for you.
Here’s your assignment in a nutshell:
Find or take a picture of yourself or others “living faithfully.”
So many images to choose from: A person lost in prayer. Two people holding hands. Picketers. Someone planting a seed. A sunrise. Whatever it is, try to take at least a few photos, and maybe jot down a few words on what the images taught you about your own intuitive understanding of faith.
Then check this episode of the On Being podcast: "The Meaning of Faith"
“In this show, we’ll explore the connotations of the word “faith” in four traditions and lives: Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. We’ll speak with Sharon Salzberg, Rabbi Lawrence Kushner, Anne Lamott, and Omid Safi…”
(Adapted from Soul Matters)
Connect to Our Larger Faith
Click on the images for more information.
- The UU Institute
- UUA General Assembly
- A Second Slice of Pi: An Online Conference for Smaller Congregations
- Jubilee 3 Anti-Racism Training
- Spring for Change in 2022: A Season of Sacred Activism
- Intergenerational Spring Seminar: “Displacement & Human Rights: All in for Climate Justice”
- News from the UUA
- and a full calendar of Central East Region events
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the South Jersey Shore
Email: admin@uucsjs.org
Website: www.uucsjs.org
Location: 75 S Pomona Rd, Egg Harbor City, NJ, USA
Phone: (609) 965-9400
Facebook: facebook.com/uucsjs
Twitter: @UUCSJS