Northpoint News
Wednesday August 2, 2023
Important Dates to Remember
August 1- Elementary Offices Open
August 11-Skyward Access Open to parents
August 14- Ice-Cream Social
August 16- First Day of School For Grades 1-5
August 16-9:00 Kdg Orientation
August 17- First Day of School for Kdg
September 8- Picture Day(not on district calendar)
Welcome to the 2023-24 School Year
Dear Northpoint Families,
Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year at Northpoint Elementary. We hope that your summer break has been wonderful and that you had the chance to relax and create new memories. It is always exciting to start a new school year because new opportunities lie ahead as we look forward to serving our new and returning students and families. One of our areas of focus this year is growing in STEM education, and we are thrilled to expose our students to more innovative and hands-on learning. A special welcome to the families who are just beginning their experience at Northpoint. We are dedicated to make sure every student is;
finding a way to feel connected
engaged in the learning process
challenged to grow everyday
Our staff and school community are all committed to providing the best educational experience possible as you embark on this journey of learning with us. After the release of the results of the recent Standardized Test Scores(ILEARN), the Indiana Department of Education ranks Northpoint as the #1 school in Indiana for passing both ELA and math for the 2022-23 school year, again. Congratulations to our students, teachers, staff members, and parents for this accomplishment. We could not have done this without the tremendous effort of all involved, we are proud to celebrate this accomplishment!⭐
Please read through this important information, so that you and your student are ready for the start of school. If you have any questions our office will be open on Monday, July 31st from 7:30-3:30.
All families should be connected to Skyward. For new families, an email will be sent from Skyward giving you a username so you can create a password. If you experience an issue, please email This is our Student Information System platform. Here you will be able to find necessary information such as, reporting absences, viewing progress reports and accessing important communications from the district. It is important to update Skyward with your CURRENT EMAIL to receive updates and other information. I will send weekly newsletters through the SMORE platform every Friday. On Friday, August 11th, you will be able to view your child's teacher placement in Skyward.
ICE CREAM SOCIAL- Monday, August 14th (4:30-6:00 p.m.)
All Northpoint families are invited to come and meet your students' teachers, share a tasty treat, and connect with their peers. This will take place at our main entrance (Door A.) Classrooms will not be open at this time. Our plan for inclement weather is to move into the cafeteria/gymnasium. ***During our ice cream social, we will make an announcement asking for NEW Northpoint students (grades 1-5) and their families to come into the LGI from 5:30-6pm to meet with the principal and to get acclimated to our school with a short presentation and a tour around the building.****
The first day of school for grades 1-5 is Wednesday, August 16th.
The first full day of school for Kindergarten students will be on Thursday, August 17th.
School begins at 7:55 a.m. and ends at 2:20 p.m. Our carpool line begins moving at 7:40 am.
Kindergarten students and families will have orientation on Wednesday, August 16th at 9:00 a.m in our LGI. The first full day of school for Kindergarten students will be on Thursday, August 17th.
Kindergarten: Wednesday August 16th 9:00am-10:00am
1st Grade: Wednesday August 23rd 5:30-6:00
2nd Grade: Thursday August 25th 5:15-6:00
3rd Grade: Wednesday August 24th 5:15-6:00
4th Grade: Tuesday August 23rd: 5:00-5:30
5th Grade: Wednesday August 24th 6:00-7:00
Breakfast is $1.25 and lunch will cost $2.25. You may send cash/check in with your student in a sealed envelope labeled with their name and teacher, or you may utilize the app ”SchoolCafe” to maintain your child's account.
Bus Riders: Please see the attached memo from transportation.
Car Riders:If your students will be a car rider at any time this school year, please be sure to have a car tag number. We are hopeful that returning students have their car tag number from the previous year. Those tags should be used again this year. If not, parents can pick up a NEW car rider tag from the front office (8am-3pm) or at our ice cream social.
Please help us in celebrating and welcoming our newest STAR Staff to Northpoint.
Mrs. Jocelyn Dupis- Music Teacher replacing Mrs. Youngblood
Mrs. Maddie Geyere Second Grade Teacher replacing Mrs. Van Ort
Mrs. Summer Menz-Replacing Mrs. Sue Mater as an Office Aide
We will be hiring a few substitute teachers this year as Mrs. Sorocco in 5th grade is still on maternity leave and Mrs. Pawlowski is on medical leave.
Mrs. Jenny Reger will be filling in for Mrs. Sorocco in 5th grade, and Miss Ana Rupert will be filling in for Mrs. Pawlowski in 2nd grade.
We look forward to seeing all of our Northpoint Stars shine bright this year!⭐
Mrs. White
July 20, 2023 2023-24
We hope that you are having a great summer! The transportation department has been hard at work this summer getting our fleet refreshed and student routes ready to go for the 2023-24 school year. In order to prepare for a successful start of the school year with bus transportation, please review the following important information.
Important dates:
8/8/23 Student enrollments/address changes deadline for the 1st day of School. Those changes shared with your child’s school by 12pm WILL be routed to begin on the first day of school. The EZRouting Parent Portal will go live on this day with routed student bus information.
8/9-16/23 Student enrollments/address shared with your child’s school will be routed in the order they are received. Please check your EZRouting Parent Portal after enrolling/requesting changes. When you see routing information for your current address – your student can begin riding! If the information is not posted, please make alternate transportation plans until your request is processed. An email will be sent to the primary contact in Skyward when routing is complete.
If you do not have an EZRouting Parent Portal – please visit for instructions and information on how to set up your account.
With GPS tracking, you can track your child’s bus LIVE letting you also know exactly what time your child is dropped off. You can use “Here Comes the Bus” on your desktop, laptop or tablet. Make sure to download the app and use it on your smartphone.
You will need the following information to register:
PHM account number is 76205
Your child's last name
Your child's student ID (found in Skyward)
Kids Club Registration
Consent Forms
Safe School Helpline
The Safe School Helpline® is a confidential way to report student concerns about threats, suicide, drugs, bullying or anything that threatens the safety of our schools. It's Available 24/7. Click to watch a video on how to get in touch with Administration anonymously 24/7/365.
Four Ways to Report to the Safe School Helpline®
Call: 1-800-418-6423 ext 359
Text: TIPS to 66746
Mobile App: Download the FREE app from the GOOGLE PLAY STORE and the APPLE APP STORE
- The app makes it easy to anonymously report a safety or mental health concern using your mobile device to text, call, or submit an online form.
Northpoint Contact Information
Location: 50800 Cherry Road, Granger, IN, USA
Phone: 574-271-8598
Twitter: @NorthpointStars