Commit to Be Fit Newsletter
April 18th, 2022

8 September 2023/ Issue No. 254
Photo of the Week
The cup stacking station in ABL helps students strengthen fine motor skills and challenges the brain when they switch to their non-dominate hand.
Strength, Fitness, and Personal Health Class
At the high school, students have been enjoying C2BF's new elective class, Strength, Fitness, and Personal Health. This class is designed to prepare students with knowledge and skills to lead an active, healthy lifestyle now and throughout their lifespan.
Shout-out to Farm-to-Table
On September 8th, the RCES Farm-to-Table class planted vegetables and herbs in the elementary school courtyard. Brian Volmrich, the new RCPS Cafeteria Liaison, shared his farming expertise with the students as they added soil and water and planted a variety of seeds: green onion, lettuce, cucumbers, cabbage, beets, chives, dill, thyme, oregano, and thyme. The students and Ms. Fincham, RCPS Agriculture Education Instructor, will tend to the garden. Once the seedlings sprout, they will be transferred to a larger space. Eventually, the students' harvest will be served in the school cafeteria and enjoyed by all students!
RCPS was recently awarded a two-year Healthy Meals Incentive grant from Action for Healthy Kids and USDA Food and Nutrition Service to support and improve the nutritional quality of school meals and enhance nutrition education initiatives.
Ballet Toning Video- Strength and Balance
This past Monday we kicked off TWO physical activity challenges. The 150 Minutes Challenge (for RCPS staff and the Rapp community) and the Superintendent's Physical Activity Award Challenge (for RCPS staff). Both challenges aim to increase weekly physical activity and strength.
If anyone is looking for a muscle strengthening activity that doesn't involve weight training or typical body weight exercises (squats, push-ups, lunges, etc.), we have included a "classic" C2BF Ballet Toning video from a few years ago. It is a bit of a "sneaky" workout since the moves look easy, but you will definitely feel your muscles working! Added bonus- this routine, done regularly, can help to improve your balance.
This workout may not be appropriate for everyone. It's a general recommendation to consult your physician before starting any new exercise program. Please note- at the end, there is a mention of a live class. Unfortunately, this live class is not meeting at this time.
Commit to Be Fit is excited to host a FREE community event featuring Karen's Line Dancing! Bring your family and join us for 2 hours of line dancing lessons!! 😀
Come visit our booth, along with all other vendors, at the Art of Aging Lifestyle and Wellness Expo on Wednesday, September 20th at Reynolds Memorial Baptist Church from 10 am- 1 pm.
POP Bucks Market Bags & Tokens
Through a PATH Foundation grant, Commit to Be Fit is excited to continue the POP (Power of Produce) Bucks program to provide access to local food and support our local 2023 Farmers Market season. EVERY Rappahannock County Public Schools student has the opportunity to redeem a POP Bucks Market Bag, which will include local produce, protein, bread, and more! Plus, every student picking up a market bag will be given two $5 tokens to redeem for additional items at participating market vendors. To learn more and/or to sign-up for your appointment date (REQUIRED), visit https://www.rappc2bf.com/pop-bucks
*Once the sign-up is full for the upcoming weekend, the link will close. Be sure to check back each week for availability.
A Surprising Benefit of Pickle Juice
Muscle cramps! A total fun-blocker. If you’ve ever had this experience during an intense activity, you know what I’m talking about. You’re having fun, but your muscles seem to lock up, not to mention become downright painful. Like me, you’re probably looking for some quick relief. Try taking a quick swig of pickle juice. You may even notice athletes using this same practice during their games or matches. The science is still out on exactly why pickle juice may relieve muscle cramps. Some believe the high sodium content helps replenish electrolytes lost during hot weather and sweating profusely. Other studies suggest the acid in the brine triggers a nerve reflex in the back of the throat to block certain signals to the muscles. Whatever the conclusion, I know this age old remedy has seemed to work for me. So before you curl your nose to a tablespoon or two of pickle juice, it may just be the simple, low-cost solution to those pesky muscles cramps.
Food That Fuels Fitness
With many of us challenging ourselves (and each other) for our Superintendent and 150 Minute Fitness Challenge, it is important to know what and how much foods and fluids to fuel our bodies with before, during and after working out. If we don’t have enough to eat before exercise, we might not have enough energy to push through. Consume foods that are high in healthy carbohydrates such as oats, brown rice, fruits and vegetables two hours before exercising. Drink plenty of water before, during and after your workout. Refuel your tank after by eating foods rich in protein and carbohydrates. Know that what you PUT in your body is EQUALLY as important as what you DO with your body.
Here are a few foods to add to your diet:
Whole grain cereal
Veggies with hummus
Apple with peanut butter
Granola and greek yogurt
Sweet Potatoes
Brown rice or whole grain pastas
Lean Protein (chicken, salmon)
Check out our post-workout featured dinner recipe in the Featured Recipe section below!
Black Bean Chicken with Rice
This week's recipe comes from Taste of Home and features black beans, corn, brown rice, and chicken.
Neuronasium Reminder
RCHS Teachers-- The updated sign-up sheet for the Neuronasium was emailed today. Be sure to snag your spot for this alternative seating classroom! As a reminder, this fully-functioning classroom is based on the latest brain research that shows a link between movement and learning by increasing attention span, strengthening memory, and boosting brain function. If you have any questions, reach out to a C2BF team member. We are happy to assist you!
Teacher Resources
RCPS Teachers-- As a friendly reminder, we have a massive database of brain breaks (PreK-12) and movement games/activities with SOL and content integration ideas (PK-5). CLICK HERE to view the Teacher Resource page. If you prefer, the C2BF team would be happy to come to your classroom and lead a brain break, activity, or even a mindful minute. Email c2bf@rappahannockschools.us to schedule a push-in.
Commit to Be Fit is a school sponsored, grant funded program in Rappahannock County, Virginia. Through the generosity of the PATH Foundation, Commit to Be Fit was created to promote a culture of wellness in Rappahannock County Public Schools and the Rappahannock community.