Bermuda Bay Condominium Newsletter
October 2023
Owner Information, Documents, Work Orders, Meeting Minutes, Voting platform, Forms, etc.
My Thoughts About the Town Hall Meeting - by Jesse Reynolds
The first thing is that on behalf of Cindy Hansen, Pat Petralia, and myself; I wish to thank the owners who contributed questions or their concerns to us. These contributions were essential for the Board and Property Manager to understand what the need for information, cooperation, and coordination is. The attendance for the meeting was impressive and showed the depth of interest owners have. Thanks to all of you who attended!
We started the meeting by asking several crucial questions that directly relate to our community’s future:
· How do you want to be treated as an owner?
· What is your vision, and expectation, on what the relationship and coordination
between the Board and Property Manager should be?
· Where do we, as a community, want and need to go, and when?
· Who, or what, is necessary to achieve our desired goals?
Unquestionably, all of us owners (which obviously includes Board members) are responsible for
our success or failure. With few exceptions, there are no outside forces that dictate the
directions we take in order to have the community we desire and when. It is US that make
choices to either complain or suggest; to be part of the solution, or do nothing; or, too often
state: “They should do something about that.”
If our community’s Town Hall is to achieve any lasting effects, we need to identify ways to
coordinate with the Board and Property Manager- now and in the future - in order to help
achieve community goals. We also need to make it clear to the Board, and future boards, that
we have specific expectations that should be met for success. Two current examples are:
Adopting a Code of Conduct and Civility. The second is adopting a formal policy that will ensure
our committees can operate efficiently and meet the necessary goals. Both examples will help
the Board and the community.
We organized the Town Hall with the hope it would be a first step in achieving better
cooperation and coordination between those responsible for our community – US.
If you have thoughts about other town halls, please let us know and identify ways you can be
part of making Bermuda Bay Condominiums, Inc. like the vision you have for the future.
How often would you like to see Town Hall Meetings held?
A Message from the President
Hello neighbors!
The weather is cooling off!!!! I can’t tell you how much I am looking forward to Florida Fall this year. What a brutal summer. My favorite time in St. Pete is truly the middle of Oct-Dec due to the lighter traffic and cooler temps!
There has been so much work going on in Bermuda Bay over the past few months. If you haven’t looked at the newsletter or the management reports and eblasts you may have missed many projects in process and even a few completed!
The stair construction is complete! However, they are still doing punch out and touch ups. There is still work to do, but WKM and Karins are nearing the completion of their project led by attorney Paul Terry. Paul will make sure they complete everything according to their contract and responsibilities to the community.
Balcony construction is still on hold. The board had a meeting with Paul this week concerning parts of the Clout contract and more requirements we are negotiating. It’s not an easy process, but the protection of the owners and the association is the priority for the board, management and attorney. While we do have four permits issued for stairs, Clout is asking for a damage change order/addendum and a hold harmless addendum. The requests are not in our best interest, so we are trying to meet on middle grounds.
Landscaping and dumpster placement over the past few weeks has really kick-started the clean-up of the whole community. While it isn’t going to be back to paradise perfection until after the big projects are done, it has really helped the overall feel of the community and allowed owners to clean up their own spaces with no additional cost to them as individuals.
The budget committee is preparing to start work on the 2024 money numbers and the team of seven individuals will work diligently to find every cent we can save to put towards future increases. This will be my third year on the committee, so I hope to add some level of experience to the line items so that we can be as accurate as possible going into the next fiscal year.
October is the INTENT TO RUN deadline for anyone wanting to join the board and the larger decision-making process for our community. We will have three open spaces and every vote counts. If you feel your ideas and opinions are being overlooked, please consider joining. It is a difficult job and takes some time, but can be very rewarding. I originally got involved because I didn’t understand why decisions were made in some cases and felt I needed to be more educated to protect my own investment. Well, I can say I am now very plugged into why the decisions happen the way they do and often share that info with my neighbors that ask. It is enlightening and stressful and sometimes thankless, but without volunteers we would have to pay to have a state appointed board who would not have our best interests at heart. Please remember it is a TWO-YEAR commitment.
Over the next few months, the board has a goal of using the budget, the reserve study and the known future projects to make a priority list for the next few years. We know we have a long way to go, but having a road map that future boards and management can follow will hopefully make an impact on our property over the course of several years. The office has been working diligently to set up the systems to keep this goal in place and help future staff continue to move in a forward motion.
“Organizing” is not the main goal. Optimizing and document discovery for pending litigation was motivation to create the systems and get the historical document requirements completed. While our staff is very overwhelmed, they say it is getting easier each day and feel it will continue to improve as everyone is trained on systems such as entering work orders into the CA website.
Several owners have teamed up with some of the social committee and myself to create some Bermuda Bay themed swag for purchase. We will be running a logo contest for the art/logo and hopefully will raise some funds for Social and Landscaping committees as well as getting to purchase some fun swag from our personal paradise.
Tune in for more info or reach out anytime with questions.
BOD ~ President
If you wish to run for election to the Association’s Board of Directors, you must, on or before October 22, 2023, submit a notice, in writing, of your desire to run. This notice must be delivered, in person or by mail to Condominium Associates, 4201 38 Avenue S., St. Petersburg, FL 33771, or
scanned and emailed to bbbmanager@condominiumassociates.com. The “Notice of Intent to be a Candidate for the Board” may be used for this purpose. This will be emailed/mailed out to the Association. Be on the lookout for this important form.
You may also submit a one-page Personal Information Sheet, no larger than eight and one-half inches by eleven inches containing your qualifications and/or platform for the office. This Information Sheet must be RECEIVED by the Association no later than October 27, 2023.
Click on the PDF below for the form and First Notice.
The Information Sheets, ballots and additional relevant information will be mailed to all voting members at least fourteen (14) days prior to the date of the Annual Meeting.
What's coming up on the ballot?
There will be several questions on the annual ballot, amendments to the declaration, and candidates to vote on. It is time to start looking over those amendments so you will be fully informed and make your vote wisely. Susan Hoffman, former chair of the Review of documents committee, wrote a great layman's language review of each amendment that is moving on the ballot, and below that is the legal language, so you can see the changes that were made. It is important to look at the originals below so that you are fully informed.
These are the proposed amendments to be voted on at the annual meeting. This is the explanation in layman’s terms as to what each amendment means. You will be voting on each amendment change one by one. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the explanations and know what you are voting for. 75% is needed so YOUR VOTE COUNTS AND IS VERY IMPORTANT.
I. Amendment to Section 9, Paragraph 1: This Amendment updates the Declaration so that common expenses will cover any alterations or improvements to limited common elements or common elements that the Association may undertake.
II. Amendment to Section 12.02: This Amendment clarifies that each Owner is responsible for any limited common element balconies, patios, or enclosures, except for mechanical or structural elements originally installed by the developer, and each Owner is responsible for any other additions or improvements or other features added by the Owner, and eliminates ambiguity with respect to responsibility for maintenance of air conditioning units and other fixtures that may be located outside the unit but that service only that unit.
III. Amendment to Section 13.03, Paragraph 4: This Amendment allows the Board to adopt or amend fees or charges for the use of the common elements, including fees for the storage of oversized vehicles, boats, kayaks, and other storage uses. This would not apply to the ordinary parking of passenger cars.
IV. Amendment to Section 14.02: This Amendment allows the Board to approve an owner’s modification of the exterior of his or her unit. (4) Not to paint or otherwise decorate or change the appearance of any portion of the exterior of the building including patios, balconies, or terraces or any stucco portion of the unit, except in accordance with this Declaration and with the prior written approval of the Board of Directors.
VI. Amendment to Section 14.04. There are three sections to this Amendment. The first section allows the Board to authorize alterations or improvements to common areas or limited common areas so long as the alteration or improvement does not cost more than $25,000. The second section allows the Board to authorize repair, replacement, or maintenance of any common area or limited common area, even if it involves a material modification, if the repair, replacement or maintenance is necessary! The cost cannot exceed $100,000 unless it is required by law or Milestone Inspection or Structural Integrity Reserve Study (in other words, to keep our property from falling apart). The third section states that in any other case of a necessary repair, replacement or modification (costing in excess of $100,000), a majority vote of Owners voting is required.
VII. Amendment to Section 17.07. When a mortgage holder takes ownership of a unit in foreclosure, this Amendment specifies that the mortgage holder continues to be responsible for all maintenance fees and assessments (including overdue maintenance fees) unless their responsibility is limited by law.
To try and streamline communication throughout the community we are initiating a system whereby there will be one person (Captain) who will maintain communication for each individual building. The purpose of this will be clear and concise communication about particular “Building” business and concerns. Owners will still be encouraged to contact the office/property manager whenever they have a concern or question, but a Building Captain can focus personal communication/fellowship/and pertinent information in another way. This will not replace email blasts from the property manager – it would be an extension of that service. Examples of this could be:
Hurricane information – making sure that their building is prepared and make sure that neighbors are helping neighbors when emergencies arise
Evacuation safety – making sure that residents understand the route and get out!
Safety concerns – for their individual buildings
Stair Project information that concerns their buildings
Landscaping concerns to your individual building
E-voting – making sure that their building residents are registered and will vote when the time comes
We are looking for one person per building who would be willing to take on this communicative responsibility. We would prefer someone in your building who is a year round resident if possible. This person would be responsible for obtaining the emails and phone numbers of the residents of your building for communication purposes only.
We Need Captains For
If you would like to be considered for Building Captain please contact bermudabaymgr@condominiumassociates.com or
Christine Dickey (administrative assistant)
Team work makes the Dream work!
Bermuda Bay Contact Information
Current Contact information for the Board:
President - Tori Elvir - bermudabaypresident@gmail.com
Vice- President - Adriana Lein- bermudabayvicepresident@gmail.com
Treasurer - Mike Martin - bermudabaytreasurer@gmail.com
Secretary - Chris Boyd - bermudabaysecretary@gmail.com
Director-at-Large - Vivi Iglesias - bermudabaydirectoratlarge@gmail.com
Juliet Mee, Property Manager: - bermudabaymgr@condominiumassociates.com
Administrative Assistant: Christine Dickey - bbboffice@condominiumassociates.com
Bermuda Bay Office: 727-864-0735
Bermuda Bay Security Phone Number: 727-212-9963 (Current guards are Hettie Grondin and Jaymon Jones)
If you have an after hours emergency, please call Condominium Associates at 727-573-9300 or reach out to a board member for assistance.
Police Non-emergency: 727-893-7780
Police Emergency: 911
Bermuda Bay Clubhouse WiFi: Username: Bermudabayclubhouse (it should pop up)
Password: bbclubhouse
Committee Chairs at Bermuda Bay
ARC COMMITTEE - Roger Daisley hrdaisley@gmail.com
Beach Restoration Committee - no chair
Courts and Sports Committee - Robin Ward - Rifkasema@gmail.com
Environmental Committee - Vic Vena bigvic01@icloud.com
Kayak/Trailer and Boat Committee - Barbi Martinson boutfintime101@gmail.com
Landscaping Committee- Barbi Martinson boutfintime101@gmail.com
Pool Committee - Cindy Vena cyvena@icloud.com
Preventitive Maintenance Committee - Meredith Borden mrkbdn@yahoo.com
Review Committee- Patti Brazil brazil.patty@gmail.com
Security Committee: Peg Daisley- MDaisley@msn.com
Social Committee: Michelle Lubotina Michelle.Lubotina@hhglobal.com
Stair Committee - Tori Elvir and Adriana Lein: bermudabaypresident@gmail.com and bermudabayvicepresident@gmail.com
ALUMINUM CANS ONLY! No plastic bags. No trash.
Recently, Roger Daisley removed three bags of garbage from the blue recycling bin, which is right next to the big trash compactor. That's where the garbage should have been deposited. There are big signs painted on the blue bin that clearly state it is for aluminum cans only. It also says clearly NO PLASTIC BAGS or other garbage, but yet he find himself cleaning NON-aluminum can garbage out the blue bin about every three days. It's only 7 steps to the compactor (9 if you have short legs).
We get money from these recycled aluminum cans, which helps us to keep our costs down, but if there is garbage in the container, we have to PAY to get it removed. There was at least one occasion when we actually lost more than we made.
It is only a few steps from the recycling bin to the trash compactor, so PLEASE! Throw only your beer and soda cans in the bin -- and then throw the boxes and /or plastic bags into the compactor. Simple, right?
As a reminder: We do have a security camera recording who is dumping what, but we really don't want to spend the time going through the video footage to catch those who don't follow the rules. However, we may have to, and we may also have to fine people to get the point across. If it turns out to be YOUR renters who are throwing things in the blue recycling bin that shouldn't be there, then the fine will go to you as the owner. So please remind your renters of the recycling rules - again and again and again, as your renters change.
Please cooperate and only put aluminum cans in the blue recycling container. Please don't force us to fine people over this, when the solution is so simple:
Roger Daisley
From our Security Chair
I am so pleased to be able to inform you all that the car stolen over the weekend has been located. We now know also that at least SIX cars were broken into. AND NONE OF THESE CARS WERE LOCKED! Please, people, lock your cars! And keep track of your fobs and gate cards and inform the office immediately if any are missing. The perpetrators were caught on surveillance video using fobs to open the front gate. WAS IT YOUR FOB? If so, you may wind up getting involved in the investigation. REPORT MISSING FOBS AND GATE CARDS IMMEDIATELY! And LOCK, LOCK, LOCK your vehicles!
Treasurer’s Report September 25, 2023
All numbers I am reporting are as August 31, 2023.
Bank Accounts
We have bank balances totaling $700k.
The operating account has $245k. While that may seem like a comfortable number, we have a large insurance premium coming due soon.
Major expense year-end projections compare to budget
Insurance $80k over
Legal fees $20k over
Office & Admin 11k over
Plumbing $15k over
Reserve Fund
The Reserve Fund has $432k in the account. According to the Reserve Fund Study, the year-end target balance is just shy of $1 million. As I stated during previous meetings, this year’s budget provides for a contribution of only $350 to the Fund compared to a recommended $880k. There is no way we are going to meet the target balance.
Many Stair & Balcony Projects’ expenses are being charged to the Reserve Fund.
The Reserve Fund does not include any provision for these projects. The bank loan funds some, but not all, of the WKM and Clout costs. There are many costs the bank loan does not cover, such as Karins, ASA Air Conditioning, and Florida Boys. The Reserve Fund is forced to covers those expenses but they are not included in the budget.
Total delinquencies amount to $36k.
$23k are for Operating fees and $12k are for 2022 Special Assessment fees.
Overall, since the end of June when I last reported, that is an improvement of $8k.
$26k is more than 90 days old. 6 owners owe the larger outstanding balances and
they with the attorney for collection.
September Tailgate Party was a SUCCESS!
Bucs won 20-17
Best tailgate dishes were shared by all who attended. Prizes went to Laura Bunting for her Jimmy Buffet mac-n-cheese, Alan Gowen for his Jaleopeno poppers, Jay Holden for his meatballs, Steve Heisler for his Nashville wings & Gail Oliveria for her ranch chicken poppers.
Social committee provide Publix sub platters & a cookie tray, and we had an anonymous donor who supplied a few cases of beer.
A great time was had by all and requested to do it again next year
A big thanks goes out to Social Chair Michelle Lubotina for organizing this event. Photos by Michelle, Tori, and Chris
October 8 - Oktoberfest - Sunday - 1:00-4:00pm in the clubhouse. Bring a dish to share and BYOB. Games such as pretzel toss, beer stein holding competition and a pumpkin carving contest (bring your own pumpkin and carving tools). Sign-up sheet will be in the clubhouse library until the party if you want to share what you are bringing.
Oct 28 – Halloween Party – Saturday, 6:30pm-10pm
Live Band IBUPROFIN 7-10:00PM
o Ask guests to Bring creepy dish to share.
o Prizes for best costume, best couples costume & best creepy dish
Tip jars will be available - please bring CASH$$$ to show your appreciation.
Nov 12– Art Marche & Silent Auction Sun Nov 12th 4-7pm. Join us for an evening of socializing, appetizers, wine, along with donated artwork & crafts. The money raised will be split between the Social & Landscape committee to use on future projects. The Social Committee will provide a cheese & appetizer tray but is asking attendees to also bring an app to share.
Join us for an evening of socializing, appetizers, wine, along with donated artwork & crafts. The money raised will be split between the Social & Landscape committee to use on future projects. The Social Committee will provide a cheese & appetizer tray but is asking attendees to also bring an app to share.
6 bottles of wine are being donated by an anonymous resident.
We are welcoming any other BB resident artists or crafters to donate one of their items for this
event as well. This means any wall art, ceramics, jewelry, pottery, sewn items, crochet items.
Welcoming any BB residents who want to donate a piece of artwork you may have on your wall
but no longer want.
· All items will be auctioned off to the highest bidder.
· Sign up bid sheets will be available for each item to enter your name, bid amount and phone# if you cannot stay for the entire event.
· Items can be donated to Peg Daisley & Dawn Daisley between Nov 1st-11th.
Dec – Toys 4 Tots Christmas party. (Date and more information to be announced)
Marcia Montgomery and Gail Oliveria have volunteered to run the Toys 4 Tots Christmas Party
New Year's Eve Party - December 31
o Tree Burning – those who have done it over the years want to pass the baton. If there is interest in continuing this event please contact Michelle to volunteer and receive more information.
Mark Your Calendar for Thursday, October 19, 2023 5:30pm-9:00pm Bermuda Bay Clubhouse
Everyone is invited to help celebrate Chris' big birthday. Please bring a dish to share with others and BYOB. Portillo's dogs and Italian beef will be available. Music will be provided by DJ Dan Music Services! Chris and friends will be leaving for Italy and Greece to help celebrate the occasion. We hope to see you all! Click the link below to join in all the fun!
Art Marché
Sunday, Nov 12th
4-7 pm in the Clubhouse
SAVE THE DATE! And look through your condo and storage units to see if you have any great pieces of ART and/or CRAFTS that you would like to donate for the SILENT AUCTION. Proceeds will go to the Social and Landscaping Committees for future social events and for the beautification of Bermuda Bay’s property.
JOIN US FOR A FUN EVENING of socializing, appetizers, and drinks—and bidding on original and “re-sell” arts and crafts, all donated by Bermuda Bay residents. The Social Committee will provide cheese and appetizers. Attendees should also bring an appetizer to share. Six bottles of wine (so far) are being donated by an anonymous resident. You can BYOB too!
ITEMS FOR THE SILENT AUCTION can be donated to the hosts, Peg Daisley (65E) or Dawn Daisley (51A), between November 1st and 11th. Please email Peg and Dawn with questions or to coordinate pickup or delivery.
Peg Daisley: mdaisley@msn.com
Dawn Daisley: dawndaisley@yahoo.com
Russell Landscaping has been on our property tidying up everywhere; trimming, cutting, and removing debris. Duke Energy is upgrading the power lines all around the community. Tradesmen are up on deck, awaiting details and directives. The dumpster is still here and available for owner disposal.
Rescued Flamingo Likely To Be Released By End Of Week: FL Sanctuary
A flamingo rescued off St. Pete Beach after Hurricane Idalia will likely be released in the wild this week, Seaside Seabird Sanctuary said. (Courtesy of Seaside Seabird Sanctuary)
INDIAN SHORES, FL — A flamingo rescued from waters off St. Pete Beach after Hurricane Idalia affected Florida’s west coast will likely be released by the end of the week, the Seaside Seabird Sanctuary, which is caring for the bird at its Indian Shores facility, wrote in a Facebook post.
“The bird was admitted after being found waterlogged and nearly drowning, and it required rehabilitative care,” the organization wrote.
While the wildlife sanctuary doesn’t name its rehabilitation patients — only its permanent residents — those who found and rescued the flamingo called it “Peaches,” the Tampa Bay Times reported.
The displaced bird was found Sept. 1 about 800 yards off Blind Pass by Captain Jeff Brooks and Madeira Beach Commissioner Anne-Marie Brooks during a boat trip organized by Bobbie Shay Lee, aide to Pinellas County Commissioner Brian Scott, to assess beach erosion caused by the storm.
Tiffany Razzano,Patch Staff
Posted Thu, Sep 7, 2023 at 1:14 pm ET
LET'S USE THE RESOURCES ON OUR OWN WEBSITE - https://condo.cincwebaxis.com/
CA maintains a web site for us that contains all kinds of important information and methods to make your life easier. You can pay your HOA and Special Assessment fees through the website, you can see what events are taking place each day on the Calendar, and you can put in a work order to get maintenance or repair done pertaining to your unit or building. Communication through Cinc (our website) is THE BEST WAY to get things done. If you need more training on how to use this tool, please reach out to the office, and they will assist you.
Below is a reminder on how to put in your own WORK ORDER, which will speed up the process. When you email your request into the office, it must be transitioned by hand into the work order system. You can speed up the process, by typing it in yourself. We know how overwhelmed the office can get and the office staff may not be able to get to your request that day. This ensures a prompt record and time stamps your request. The Calendar let's you see all the activities that are going on around the community and the UPCOMING EVENTS (ARC Meetings, Social Committee Events, Private party functions, and so much more).
Have you registered to vote electronically with MyHOAst?
Dear Owner,
I am taking the time to contact any Bermuda Bay owner who has not yet registered to vote. We have six more VERY IMPORTANT voting items coming up. These are the six amendments that the Board previously moved forward and the attorney prepared for the annual meeting. We also hope to have some practice polling activities on MYHOAst for the ownership to practice with before the annual election. We are hoping to get 100% participation from the community. I would like to trouble-shoot any problems that you might be having with registering on the Bermuda Bay website. After the registration is completed…it will be a single online click to get your vote tabulated in a safe and secure manner. Below are the directions to get started with the registration process: If you have done this please let Juliet know but you are not showing that you have created an owner account or that it has been approved yet. After you complete and have an active account, you will need to log into your account and at the top of the page it will say Voting Online- you will have to fill in a couple pieces of information and then Juliet will be able to approve you to vote. Please give Juliet or Christine (727-864-0735) a call If you have any questions. Here are the steps to create the portal:
1. Go to or Click this link: https://condo.cincwebaxis.com/
2. Register
3. Fill out the information below
. Click Register- an approval will come via email to you You might need to wait for Juliet to enter you into the system. She will then send you another email to finish the process. It is a couple of steps…but once you have completed it – you will not have to do this again to vote. We appreciate you taking the time to register, to vote, and to stay on top of the many changes that are happening at Bermuda Bay. Please contact the office if you have any difficulties and the office staff will walk you through the process.
Shore posts have been picked up by Florida Boys with a few remaining for structural reasons. WKM is progressing (as seen below). Karins continues to monitor progress, as we await the balcony permitting. Only the first four buildings have been submitted, so if there are any changes, they can be corrected on all of the other drawings before submitting. This will save time and money in the long run.
WATCH HOW YOU PARK! Could someone in a wheelchair be able to use this sidewalk?
Property Managers Reports
Bermuda Bay Beach Condominium Association, Inc.
Email: bermudabaymgr@condominiumassociates.com
Website: https://condo.cincwebaxis.com/
Location: Bermuda Bay Beach and Racquet Club, 4201 38th Avenue South, St. Petersburg, FL 33711, USA
Phone: 727-864-0735
Twitter: @BermudaBayStP