Little Trojan News
Centerburg Elementary Newsletter - September 2023
From the Principal - Mr. Thompson
What a great opening to the school year. Our students are engaged and learning. My Vision for our school is to provide a fun, safe, caring, and challenging environment for learning for staff, students, and parents.
Please check PowerSchool often to keep informed of you child's progress in each of his/her classes. If you need help logging in to PowerSchool, please contact the school.
I encourage you to make sure your student is in school. Attendance is critical to students' success. Students who are consistently in school have better grades and do better on local, state, and national tests. It is important that parents and schools work together to make sure every child is in school. See below for an infographic on attendance.
Let's make it a great year!
Welcome New Staff!
Mrs. Wilhelm is our new art teacher this year. She is a BGSU graduate with three years of teaching experience in Columbus. After staying home with her three children, she was a dedicated substitute teacher for five years in our district. Taking over the art room and turning it into a bright and colorful studio was her first goal. Mrs. Wilhelm's teaching style and project ideas allow for students to have choices and be creative. As a long-term Centerburg resident, she loved taking part in the Oldtime Farming Festival Youth Art Show this fall. You'll frequently see her volunteering in the community as well. If you're interested in seeing CES artists at work and art displays around our school, she shares many pictures online. You can follow ces.artstagram on Instagram.
Youth Art Exhibit winners at the Old Time Farming Festival
1-3 winners
Aria Loudermilk - 2nd place
Olivia Fox - 3rd place
4-6 winners
School Social Work Corner - Mrs. Mann
Triple P (Positive Parenting Program) is a program that offers on-line or in person sessions designed to help parents with a wide range of parenting issues. Parents can get a whole toolkit of effective positive parenting strategies free - sign up at www.triplep-parenting.com/oh-en/triple-p/
You may also join a Triple P class designed to build your child’s social-emotional skills (starting November 7 - December 12th @ the YMCA in Mount Vernon) also free.
Call 740 397-2840 for more information.
Upcoming Events
October 4 - Walk, Ride, & Roll to School
October 11 - 1st Grade to Memorial Theatre
October 12 - 3rd Grade to Memorial Theatre
October 18 - Picture Day
October 23 - No School (Teacher Professional Day)
October 24 - 4th Grade to Memorial Theatre
October 24 - 3rd Grade Ohio State Test Reading
October 25 - 3rd Grade Ohio State Test Reading
October 26 - Student of the Month at 8:30am
October 27 - Grandparent's Day for 5th Grade at 9am
October 27 - 4th Grade to Highbanks Metro Park
October 31 - Halloween
Happenings in the Classroom
Egg Drop
Egg Drop
Liam Park and Cooper Sabins' egg survived!
Abby Fisher and Paislee Fairall's egg survived!
Regions of the US
Mrs. Stimmel's classes have been learning about the different regions of the United States. First, they researched about a region that they were the most interested in. They made scrapbooks about the physical features, landmarks, natural resources and fun facts about the region. Next, they learned how to create a slideshow from the scrapbooks. They learned how to add transitions and effects to enhance their presentations. The students worked great together on proofreading each other's work and presenting in front of their classmates.