FAA Flyer
May 8th, 2020
Distance Learning through the end of the year...
FAA Kahoot! Family Game Night
We’re thrilled to host our first virtual family game night on Thursday, May 14 at 6:30 pm Questions will involve fun trivia relating to Disney movies, after school clubs, local history, FAA teachers, and more.
Kahoot! is many kids' favorite school activity (not including recess), and we’re thrilled to bring this small bit of normalcy and family fun to our families as a way to Connect with each other. You can play as a family team, or individually, it's up to you.
You will need a device to click the Zoom link at 6:30 pm on Thursday, May 14th. Once logged in, the host of the call will share the screen with you and you will see the Kahoo! Game pin.
You'll then also need an additional device to play the game and answer the questions.
Please join us, it's going to be a blast!
Parent Survey
Each year, FAA students participate in a walk-a-thon at school to raise funds for ADRA. School is online so we are moving our fundraiser online. We're asking students to create a family relay race or obstacle course, make a video of it, post it on social media, and tag friends. We’re hoping to bring awareness to ADRA’s help in the fight against the CoronaVirus.
The Challenge
1. Create a relay race or an obstacle course for your entire family.
2. Record a short video of your family completing the challenge.
3. Post it to social media along with the instructions (email it to friends and family if you do not have social media) and tag friends and family to keep the challenge going. Encourage each participating family to make a $10 or more donation to ADRA.
4. Be creative with your relay race or obstacle course!
Donations can be made on our FAA Facebook Page or you can mail a check to the school.
See how ADRA is helping with the current COVID-19 pandemic at https://adra.org/adra-provides-hope-during-coronavirus