Hendrickson High School
August 16, 2020
Staff Shout Outs!
Give a shout out to special staff members that are working hard or making your life better...fill out the form before Wednesday, August 19 Click Here
STAR Folder
The STAR Folder contains the master schedule, phone numbers, and other frequently forms.
If you are working from home this can be access on the district homepage by clicking on "efiles," located on the top of the webpage
The Week Ahead...
Sunday, August 16
Monday, August 17 (A Day)
Tuesday, August 18 (B Day)
Happy Birthday! Taryn Gregory
Wednesday, August 19 (A Day)
Thursday, August 20 (B Day)
Happy Birthday! Brian Westerfield
Friday, August 21 (A Day)
Happy Birthday! Meagan Sanders
Saturday, August 22
Happy Birthday! Doug Pearce