News from Panther Headquarters
May 2020
From the desk of the Principal...
Hello Panther Families –
As principal of HIJH, I want to say "Thank You" for expanding your role as parent during this spring of distance learning. I know how difficult it can be to help your child navigate through assignments and Zoom Meetings while maintaining the healthy social and emotional well-being of those in your family, all while still assuming all your other daily duties of work and home. This is certainly a major adjustment for our teachers as well. We do our best to provide academic learning, but still maintain what we believe as most important, the overall mental health and well-being of our Panthers. We do not know exactly what the future will hold or what our ‘new normal’ will be when we return to school, but we want you to know that that we are thinking and planning proactively with the mantra of ‘what if...?’ with multiple plans to utilize depending how things move forward from state government safety guidelines. Two key elements are remainder of the year learning and learning to start the next school year. Below is the statement from the elementary and secondary Directors of the general plan for teaching and learning:
For the remainder of this school year, teachers are targeting instruction towards the most essential standards to equip students with the prerequisite skills they will need for the next grade level or course. In the beginning of the next school year, teachers will work to meet students where they are in their learning, fill in any gaps by adjusting curriculum and move students in the direction they need to go in. Teachers will spiral the review of grade level standards through their subjects and courses. It is also important to remember all students across the state and much of the country are facing the same challenges.
In conclusion, please refer to the link below for up to the week information through an FAQ format. https://www.hseschools.org/happenings/covid-19-information/covid-19-(coronavirus)-update. We can’t thank you enough for your ongoing support of our teachers and HIJH. Take care, Be Safe, & Stay Healthy. We miss our Panthers!!
Tim A. Mankin
Upcoming Important Dates
May 1 Emergency Closure Day - NO SCHOOL
May 4 and 8 Emergency Closure Days - NO SCHOOL
May 5 - 7 E-learning Days
May 11 and 15 Emergency Closure Days - NO SCHOOL
May 12 - 14 E-learning Days
May 18 Emergency Closure Days - NO SCHOOL
May 19-21 E-learning Days
May 21 Last Day of School for students
Panther Preview Information for the 20-21 School Year.
Counselor's Corner
Current 5th Grade Students. Student schedules for next year will reflect the natural progression of their current courses. Team assignments will be available at Panther Preview Day.
Current 6th and 7th Grade Students. Families should have received a Skylert to view course selections for next year. The window to view your child’s courses is now closed, to allow the Guidance Office to continue working on scheduling. Please contact the Guidance Office (via email at this time) if you would like to verify those course selections.
Current 8th Grade Students. All 8th Graders should have met with their High School Counselor to go over next school year’s scheduling options. If your child has not yet met with a high school guidance counselor, please contact your high school guidance department counselor to make an appointment or set up a time to discuss courses.
All schedule changes need to be made by the end of this school year or June 1st.
8th Grade Students Attending a Private School Next Year. If your child will be attending a private school for 9th grade year, you MUST notify the HIJH Guidance Office, Cheri Mahoney, cmahoney@hse.k12.in.us, AND sign a withdrawal form. HSEHS requires that we forward these withdrawal forms to them at the end of this school year. If one is not completed, you will be phoned by the high school to come in to sign their form before they will release records to your new school.
Address Changes. Anyone requesting to change their address due to a move to a new home, must provide proof of residency to the attending school to make this change. Residency documents needed are a current signed lease, HUD statement or title with the address and closure signature. Also needed is a utility bill and/or a driver license. Only one document is needed to change the address, however, the others may be provided within 45 days. Please feel free to update your address at this time by emailing or scanning those documents to the Guidance Registrar, Cheri Mahoney (cmahoney@hse.k12.in.us). As the return to the buildings will be quite busy, we are happy to take care of these updates for you at this time.
HONOR ROLL postings are on the HIJH website! HIJH honor roll is located on the Home page of the HIJH website. https://hij.hseschools.org. Students receiving all A's are listed on the high honor roll listing. Students receiving nothing lower than a B- are listed on the regular honor roll listing.
Withdrawing Your Student. If your child will be withdrawing from HIJH, anytime prior to the last day of school, you must notify the Guidance Office at least two days in advance of your child’s last day. Withdrawal forms prepared by the Guidance Office will need to be signed by the parent/ guardian. Once all administrative items are completed, a copy of the withdrawal form, current grades and schedule will be given to the student to provide to their future school for enrollment.
Click here for Twenty-First Century Scholars information.
Messages from the Nurse
Upcoming 6th Grade Vaccinations. All incoming 6th graders will need Tdap, Meningitis, and Hepatitis A to begin school. If you get these shots at anytime, please bring a copy to the school or email them to the nurse at eallen@hse.k12.in.us.
Please stay safe and be healthy!
Library News
- If you're looking for physical books: Kids Ink is a local Indy area book store that often supports HSE schools and libraries with getting books for author visits. This link will take you to their Bookshop page. You’ll see a list they have there of Indiana Authors. You can search at the top and find almost any book that are currently in print. Also, HSE teacher librarians will be coming together in the coming week or so to make a recommendation list that will be available at that link as well once it’s completed with recommendations from us.
- If you're looking for free, digital books: Remember students can use their school ID/lunch number to access eBooks and audiobooks through the free Libby app. Here's a video how to. There’s also now access to thousands of Mackin ebooks through the library’s Canvas page that will be available through September.
- Spring Into Reading Bingo is an optional reading challenge/contest for HIJH students and staff to participate in during April and May.
- Our annual bookmark contest is open and entries can be sent to Mrs. Boudreau.
- Some eLearning tech help and more can be found on the Library's Canvas home page.
HIJH 2020 Talent Show
Send in your pop can tabs to HIJH!
Attention all parents of 7th Graders
Did you miss the registration deadline for next year’s legendary Washington, DC trip? Don’t worry! Due to the unprecedented circumstances, we have managed to extend the deadline! Register by June 5th and you can still lock your child in on this amazing trip! Over 100 7th graders are already signed up! To register, just go to www.worldstrides.com/signup and type in our trip id# which is 184678. If you have any questions about the trip feel free to check out our informational website at www.dctrip.info or contact Eric Brown (594-4120, ext 5120 or ebrown@hse.k12.in.us).
Panther Pride Geist 5K-May 16th
Due to the Covid-19 outbreak, the Geist 5K has been postponed until Saturday, October 10.
If you are already registered, the Geist 5K cancellation policy does not include refunds. They do, however, offer the following options:
- Participate on the new fall date - you don't need to do anything at this time.
- Convert your registration to a virtual run to be ran anytime between May 16, 2020 - October 10, 2020 (you will still receive your shirt, medal & bib). To convert to virtual email us at infogeisthalf@gmail.com
Any other questions you may have may be directed to Arin Aldrich, Geist Half School Coordinator at www.geisthalf.com or 317-445-0180.
PTO News
While quarantined safe at home please remember you can still be helping your child’s school. Thank you in advance.
Panther Rewards.
Amazon. Please go to http://smile.amazon.com/ and type HSJH PTO under “supporting”. You will need to go to smile.amazon.com each time (rather than use the app)- saving it under bookmarks makes it easy to use. (yes – it is HSJH …not HIJH.)
Kroger Community Rewards (on desktop). You still earn all your personal Kroger rewards & fuel points. This is just bonus/ like FREE money for the HIJH PTO.
1. Sign in to your account by clicking the person on the top right hand corner of the screen
2. Once you are signed, click “My Account” under your profile tab.
3. Click “Community Rewards” on the left hand side of the page.
4. Type in “HIJH-PTO” or use the school code WT583
5. Click “Enroll”
Coke Rewards. Save those Coke Bottle Caps to turn in once we go back to school or enter online.
Box Tops. Keep clipping & scanning Box Tops & send the clipped ones in with your child's name, grade, teacher on envelope or baggie once we go back to school.
Middle Years
Unsure how to handle you tween during these uncertain times? Click here to find special Co-Vid information.
Permitted use of school newsletters as required by the Equal Access Act is not an endorsement of this group or this group’s beliefs by Hamilton Southeastern Schools or the Board of School Trustees.
Hamilton Southeastern Intermediate/Junior High
Ph: 317-594-4120
Attendance: 317-594-4126
Guidance: 317-594-4124
Fax: 317-594-4129
Twitter: @HIJPanthers
Athletics Twitter: @HIJathletics