Bulldog Bulletin
October 24th, 2022
A Message from Ms. Gilcher
It has been a Busy Month!
Hello, Bulldog Families!
What a busy month October has been. We had our annual Fall Spirit Week, our first Bulldogs in Action Parent Meeting, and our Hispanic Heritage Month assembly. Now we are getting ready to celebrate October holidays with Red Ribbon Week and Storybook Character/Heroes and Villain's Day.
Our students have all completed their first round of the new Florida state testing model with progress monitoring test 1. Test reports were sent home with every student over the past week. With that, the first quarter of the school year is over, and we are a few days into quarter two. The year is flying by!
On Friday, October 28th, we will have school picture day. All students should wear their light blue uniform shirts. Parent volunteers are needed to help the day run smoothly. Use this link to sign up to volunteer or call the front office during the school day at (239)677-4211:
On Saturday, October 29th, we will celebrate Halloween with a Trunk-or-Treat event on campus and we need your help. We need to fill up 20 parking space with families and businesses who will hand out treats to our students. Please use the link below to sign up or call the main office during the school day at (239)677-4211:
As always, thank you for partnering with us in your child's education. It is an honor to work with each and every student and family at BridgePrep Academy of Collier. See you soon!
With Bulldog Pride,
Ms. Gilcher
FAST & STAR Testing
At this time, all of our students have completed their state progress monitor testing. Every single student did an outstanding job of persevering and showing what they know. Thank you to our Bulldog families for helping encourage our students and get them to school on time. Special thank you to Ms. Farguson for being a spectacular testing coordinator and to all of our teachers for their hard work and flexibility. Test score reports have been sent home, so please check your child's backpack for score reports.
BPA Collier October Activities Calendar
This Week's Important Dates
Monday, 10/24/22
Morning Meeting Assembly with Student of the Month Announcements
Wednesday, 10/26/22
Donut Sale- $1 Each
FACEBOOK LIVE Bulldog Book Club- 7pm- A Unicorn Ate My Homework, by Julia Inserro
Friday, 10/28/22
School Picture Day! All students should wear their light blue uniform shirts
Pizza Sales- $2
Monday, 10/31/22
Storybook Character/Heroes vs. Villians Day
It's time to clean your closets! Now accepting gently used, laundered uniforms. Please drop off during carline drop off or pick up- we will take them from your car for you. Place your child's name in the bag of uniforms so you can receive credit.
Our first Used Uniform Sale will take place in October. Each family will get a voucher for uniforms turned in to use for credit during the Used Uniform Sale. If you do not have a credit voucher, all items will sell for $5 per item.
If you would like to volunteer to sort, set up, launder, or work during the sale, please join this Bulldogs in Action Group.