2018 Summer Reading
A round up of resources for your reading pleasure.
WHS Summer Reading Challenge
Be one of the first to commit to the challenge by emailing Mrs. Cox and you'll receive a summer prize pack. Click and print the reading challenge here. Turn in your titles when we return in the Fall.
When Adults Don't Read, Kids Lose
"Helping students create and grow authentic reading lives, is one of our most important jobs as educators." Check out this post from Jennifer LaGarde. I hope you'll agree that "it’s time for educators to make their own reading lives a priority so that they can, in turn, help students grow their own. "
Bookmarks for Children
Challenge your children to read and color these bookmarks. Download here.
Rock Out With Summer Reading!
Sign up your children and yourself for the Anderson County Public Library summer reading program.
Fun, Free Printables
Download these fun printables to help your child or grandchild read throughout the summer.
Don't Forget About Audiobooks
Audiobooks are an excellent tool to build your reading life. Check out this webinar sharing the impact of audiobooks on student learning or this blog post summarizing the information. Be sure to look at the public library's selection of audiobooks.
Sync YA Free Audiobooks
Sign up here to get 2 free audiobooks each week throughout the summer.
Don't know what to read? Check out the lists below.
2018-2019 YABA
This year's list is full of great titles.
Read Widely
This list from Lee and Low has lists for K-2, 3-5, and 6-8 if you need suggestions for your own children.
20 Books of 2018
This is a list of the top 20 Young Adult books according to Seventeen magazine.
Summer PD
Use the summer months to learn something new. This is a great post with PD book suggestions from the Cult of Pedagogy blog.
Follow Me For Book Giveaways
I'll be hosting book giveaways on the Wren High Library Instagram and Twitter accounts throughout the summer. Follow me for a chance to win. @wrhslibrary
Wren High School Library
You can find me on Goodreads to see what I'm reading, tamara-cox.
Email: coxt@apps.anderson1.org
Website: https://www.anderson1.k12.sc.us/domain/1241
Location: 905 Wren School Road, Piedmont, SC, USA
Phone: 864-850-5906
Twitter: @wrhslibrary