"Who's Telling Your Story?" -- September 27, 2024
Fairview Welcomes New Spanish Teacher Through International Program
As the famous expression goes, America is the “Land of Opportunity,” where people from all over the world can truly become anything they want to be. Such is the case for first-year Fairview Spanish teacher, Mr. Edu Eloy Maurel and his wife, Mrs. Lola Revuelta Cortés, who made a life-altering decision a little more than one year ago to pursue employment in the United States through a program called “Profesorado Visitante de Estados Unidos y Canadá,” or as it’s translated into English, “Visiting teachers in United States and Canada.”
“It is a program between the Ministry of Education of Spain and different countries, such as the United States, Canada, Australia, Ireland, Germany or China,” explained Eloy Maurel. “Around six hundred spots are offered each year for the whole country. To be able to participate, you must be a teacher in Spain and, in addition, you need a certain level of English language and experience requirements, which is why many of the people who apply to be part of the program are ultimately rejected.”
The journey into teaching started for Revuelta Cortés long before it did for Eloy Maurel. She had been a teacher in Spain, which qualified her for the program.
“I´ve always known about this program, not because I previously knew someone who had participated in it, but because I love new experiences, and I love travelling, so I usually check the webpage of the Ministry of Education to see new opportunities that might be of interest for me,” stated Revuelta Cortés. “I already applied for this program in 2020, and I was accepted at a high school in Michigan. But then the pandemic made everything a bit more difficult, so I rejected the offer.”
Then the same opportunity arose down the road in Antwerp, OH a few years later.
“The truth is that I applied for (a job opportunity in) Canada, but then they gave me the option of Ohio,” noted Revuelta Cortés. “I didn´t know much about Ohio apart from its location within United States. I accepted and passed my interviews.”
“Each state has its own requirements,” explained Eloy Maurel about the ability to become a teacher in the United States through this program. “Once you meet all the requirements, each state has an advisor who is in charge of doing personal interviews. If you pass that one, it is finally the school that does the last interview to choose its candidate. In our case, three videoconference interviews were necessary for my wife to be offered a position as a Spanish teacher at Antwerp Local Schools. The program lasts three years and, in some cases, it can be extended to five years.”
Fast forward to the spring of 2024, and Fairview’s seven-year-veteran Spanish teacher Mrs. Jacqueline Davis resigned for a new opportunity. Historically, finding qualified Spanish teachers is not an easy task for school administrators. However, Mr. Tim Breyman, high school principal, came up with a great plan. He knew that Eloy Maurel had been substitute teaching in area schools during the 2023-2024 school year, so he made contact with a few people, and the process for employing Eloy Maurel quickly took shape… although it wasn’t easy on the aspiring teacher’s end.
“It (becoming a licensed teacher) has been a sprint,” exclaimed Eloy Maurel. “I am a civil engineer, so the world of education is something new for me. It is true that it has always been something that has called my attention, but I had never taken the step. When I arrived here, I started as a substitute teacher, and I realized that I liked it and that I could be useful.
“When the possibility of becoming a Spanish teacher arose at the end of April, I did not hesitate, despite the effort that it entailed. First, I had to pass an oral and written Spanish exam to certify that my level was sufficient to teach that subject. That was obviously the easy part for me. Then, coinciding with our family vacation in Spain, I had to complete a very extensive 180-hour training course in just two months. This was a great effort, since the course had part theory and part practice, and obviously everything was in English. As expected, as it is not my native language, the time I invested in writing my practical assignments was high.”
But the hard work paid off just in time: “I got my (Ohio teaching) license a week before classes began!”
On top of everything else going on, the couple shares a beautiful three-year-old daughter named Maria, who for the most part knows Northwest Ohio as her only home.
“My daughter is the one who has adapted best,” admitted Eloy Maurel. “When we arrived here, she was only twenty-one months, so she was not aware of the great change that this meant. At first, it was hard because it took months until we found our permanent home, and for us this meant a lot of stress and worry, not finding a place to live. However, she was never aware of all this.
“Regarding the language, María was just starting to speak when we arrived, so she has learned three languages at the same time: Spanish, Catalan, and English without any problem. In Spain, she had been going to a bilingual Spanish-English childcare for some time, and here we wanted her to continue attending it. Once we found the childcare, the transition was easy. She is a girl who likes to be with other children. Now, she has her routine at the childcare, some extra activities like dancing and swimming, and we love spending time together as a family.”
Revuelta Cortés echoes a similar message concerning her daughter as what her husband does.
“Our daughter is fully adapted to the life in Ohio,” noted Revuelta Cortés. “After a year of full immersion in English, she is now able to speak English, together with Spanish and Catalan, which is another language that is spoken in the specific part of Spain where we come from.
“Obviously, she is much more proficient in Spanish than in English because she has had a lot more input. However, we can see how she sometimes mixes the three languages in a single sentence. She knows which language to use with each individual. That is something that may seem difficult, but is pretty normal for kids with different mother tongues, that is, bilingual or multilingual kids. She is at that stage of life when our linguistic system is being forged, and for kids of this age that is not a problem since they are sponges, which means that they are able to learn any language they are exposed to, and they will do it in a proficient way. That is another reason why we came here with a twenty-one-month-old daughter; we just wanted her to learn the language in a real context."
Although the transition for Maria has been seamless, the adults admit that the adjustment has taken time.
“We come from a big city, Barcelona, so there is a lot of differences (between Spain and Northwest Ohio),” stated Eloy Maurel. “In big cities everything seems to go faster, and here, life is more relaxed.
“Although it is true that the beginning was hard, due to the housing searching and not knowing anyone, once we settled in, we could openly say that we are happy to be here. We want to thank everyone who helped us at the beginning. All of them have made a difference for us. Thanks to all of them, despite having family far away, we have felt very welcomed.
“We have several anecdotes that have happened to us due to the culture shock, but we have adapted well. There are differences such as in food, restaurant tips, school system, etc… but perhaps, what we find most difficult is the meal schedules. In Spain, we usually eat around 2:30-3:00 pm and have dinner after 9:30 pm. We are improving, and now we usually have dinner before 8:00 pm. For us, it is quite an achievement!”
As far as the differences between teenagers in Spain and teenagers in Northwest Ohio, again, they have noted some obvious ones.
“I would say that teenagers here are calmer and have other interests or hobbies,” explained Eloy Maurel. “I don't think it's all due to a cultural difference but rather to the rural environment we live in. Here, children are more at home, and in Spain at that age, they are more street-wise.”
According to Revuelta Cortés, both sets of teenagers are special in their own ways: “The ideal combination for me would be to have the outgoing and adventurous spirit of Spanish teenagers, who are street-smart and enjoy spending time outside, together with the respectful, kind and extremely polite character of the kids in these rural areas.”
For those adventurous readers, Revuelta Cortés concluded with some great parenting advice: “My parents were the ones who insufflated in me this desire to know more about people in other parts of the world, other cultures and lifestyles, and they did this by means of the many trips we did in my childhood. But they also helped me open my eyes to the world as a teenager. That´s what we are trying to do with our daughter, and that´s what I encourage families to do with their kids, since traveling and having new experiences is the best legacy we can leave to them, and there is still a world to be discovered and enjoyed by our youth.”
Engineering 3 Students Design Table for Concession Stand, Learn About Trial and Error
For students interested in hands-on activities and learning something new while “on the job,” the Fairview High School engineering classes are for you. The latest example of these attributes is a project Mr. Ray Breninger recently introduced to his Engineering 3 students.
“My Engineering 3 students recently designed and 3D-printed some caps for a table in the concession stand at the football stadium,” explained Breininger. “Daniel Vogelsong and Payton Kimpel used their tinker cad to design and create the necessary 3D STL files to be printed in the maker space.”
To better understand 3D STL files, this term is defined by Adobe as “a file format commonly used for 3D printing and computer-aided design (CAD). The name STL is an acronym that stands for stereolithography — a popular 3D printing technology.”
“Mrs. Beverly Singer made this request right before school started this year,” continued Breininger. “I used this project request as an opportunity to review the engineering design process for these guys. They used the review of the engineering design process as they are currently preparing to choose a year-long project to complete for the course. They will develop a community project from start to finish to either build something or pitch an idea using the engineering design process and all they have learned over the last two engineering courses.”
Both Kimpel and Vogelsong agreed that maybe they had initially underestimated the complexity of this project but learned a great deal from it.
“What surprised me while completing my task was how much extra time was needed,” admitted Vogelsong. “I have learned from this unit how prototyping is essential to the engineering design process. When designing something, you have to have direct and exact measurements, (which) can be really helpful and consume less time.”
“What surprised me is the number of failed prototypes we had,” stated Kimpel, echoing much of Vogelsong’s sentiments. “We had to remeasure three times and had to make six different prints to make it right and able to prevent people from getting cut by the edges of the table. I learned how to use customer needs to create a product (using) trial and error.”
Another big objective of engineering class and something that Breininger preaches often is that successful projects frequently require second and third go-arounds. Again, both students concurred with their teacher’s prospective.
Noted Vogelsong: “If I had an opportunity to change a procedure during the development of the device, I would make sure my model was scaled correctly with precise measurements. Something else that I would have done differently would be further testing the capabilities and limits of the caps.”
“I would use the correct measurements and to scale the 3D print in a way of using the tolerances of the 3D printer,” claimed Kimpel about another shot at this project.
When asked about his experience in the engineering pathway, Vogelsong sang its praises.
“The engineering courses in Fairview Jr. High and High School provide and ensure physical and digital creative freedom and development for learning minds. If anybody is looking forward to an inventive pathway in the future, the engineering courses should be worth a try.”
In the picture below, Kimpel and Vogelsong pose with their finished product.
Fairview High School Student/Athletes Give Varsity Locker Room a Beautiful Facelift
A handful of motivated students with a vision. Sometimes, that’s all it takes to bring about major positive changes. Such is the case at Fairview HS where a student-led initiative from the recent TRIBE Challenge resulted in a sparkling facelift for the varsity girls’ locker room during the summer of 2023. The TRIBE Challenge, a product of the school’s PBIS program, is a list of opportunities for students to make a difference in their school and community.
Among the leaders of this project was junior Kayla Mavis, who did most of the initial communicating with school officials and played a major role in seeing this project through.
“As student-athletes, we are in the locker room daily, and when we saw it was an option for the TRIBE Challenge, we took the opportunity to make it more comfortable and cleaner for ourselves and all female athletes,” explained Mavis about what motivated her to take on this project.
The list of projects was basically three-fold: Tear out the small, unusual lockers, apply a fresh coat of paint on the walls and lockers to be saved, and replace the old lockers with large cubbies able to hold today’s oversized gym bags. The group, which largely consisted of Mavis, Jayci Schooley, Kortney Grinnell, Natalie Timbrook, Summer Hiler, and Cheyenne Zeedyk, made it happen over the course of three-four months.
However, before they touched one locker or applied one coat of paint, the students took it upon themselves to fund as much of the project as possible with a successful car wash held in early June at the elementary school. With a hard-earned $1,400 in hand, they set out on their mission.
Removing the lockers was the first step, and with the help of teachers Mrs. Lauren Hurtig and Mrs. Kristi List and community members Mrs. Jenny Mavis and Mr. John List, the girls got busy. After removing a large number of screws and wriggling the lockers out of place, they sent them off to be recycled.
Then it came time for the big project: painting the walls and lockers. After conferring with experienced painters, they put together their list of supplies, spent several days covering areas not to be painted, then applied one coat of primer and two coats of paint on all of the walls and lockers that were kept. This part of the job turned out to be very cumbersome, but they kept their promise to both themselves and school officials that they would see it through.
When asked if she ever thought they had bitten off more than they could chew, Schooley stated with a smile: “Yes kind of. I think going into it we were pretty confident, but when we really started and realized what we were doing, I definitely questioned if it was a smart idea or not.”
She’s definitely glad she kept going and gave credit to the main group of workers.
“This would not have happened if it weren't for Kayla Mavis, Kortney Grinnell, Natalie Timbrook, Summer Hiler, Cheyenne Zeedyk and me to step up and take the initiative. We also would have never been able to do this without Mrs. Hurtig.”
The final project was to install new cubbies, and the group solicited the help of a local furniture company. Not having quite enough money to complete the project as needed, Mavis and her mother Jenny reached out to Mr. Arnold, who noted that the board of education would cover the balance. Thus, the project was finished on September 23.
Concluded Mavis with a big grin on her face: “We really appreciate the help from several adults in the community, especially Mrs. Hurtig. We couldn't have done any of it without her support throughout the project.”
Shown in the picture below (left to right) are Kortney Grinnell, Jayci Schooley, Kayla Mavis, Summer Hiler, and Natalie Timbrook in front of a set of spruced up lockers and beautifully painted walls.
Physical Science Students Study Energy and Forces, Practice Earthquake Safety Drill
Although earthquakes are not a regular occurrence in Northwest Ohio, many local residents do spend time traveling to other parts of the world where earthquakes happen more frequently. With that understanding, Mrs. Rayna Moore incorporated earthquake preparedness into a recent physical science unit dealing with energy and forces.
“With recent severe weather conditions and natural disasters around the world, it seems you can never be too prepared,” calmly stated Moore.
As part of her lessons, Moore detailed the story of her own personal earthquake experience in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. The year was 2013, and she was traveling with the company Feld Entertainment as an assistant electrician on the show “Three Classic Fairytales,” which consisted of abbreviated versions of Snow White, Cinderella, and Beauty and the Beast. During the very last show of the tour, when the seven dwarves were singing “Hi Ho, Hi Ho,” a 6.2 magnitude earthquake struck. The 13,000-pound set began swinging back and forth, and panicked audience members fled the theater. Moore and her soon-to-be fiancé were staged in the lighting booth, where they were running the lighting and audio aspects of the show, when they suddenly realized there was nowhere to go. However, they managed to stay calm and patiently await instructions from the production director. Fortunately, after taking quick action, all members of the cast or crew were unharmed. The show was able to resume in a timely manner, and all the princesses found their “happily ever-after.”
After sharing these harrowing details, Moore turned to her students and asked this simple question: “What should you do in the event of an earthquake?” Answer: “Drop, cover, and hold on!” she exclaimed. She continued with more specifics and outlined the following plan:
1. Drop to your knees, so the tremor cannot knock you off your feet.
2. Cover, especially your head and neck, by ducking under the closest, sturdiest piece of furniture.
3. Hold on to your cover to prevent you from shaking away from it.
Moore’s classes then practiced an earthquake drill using those techniques, knowing that anyone in this dire situation can never be too prepared.
Freshmen Jonathon Huffman and Kaden Kennedy were two of the students who studied and practiced the drills. When asked what he learned, Huffman stated that everyone should “stay in a safe place no matter what until the shaking is over (and) that you need to put your hand over your head.” He also mentioned getting objects that are non-harmful to surround the outside of the table openings.
Kennedy echoed many of Huffman’s sentiments.
“I learned that I had to cover my head and to stay safe undercover,” he explained. When asked what he might do differently the next time, he smiled and said, ”I might act like I’m yelling louder.”
Pictured below are Kennedy (left) and Huffman (right) seen in action.
Fifth Grade Students Exceed Their Own Expectations with Chalk Art Drawings
Winter may officially be coming to an end in less than a week, but the hallways outside the Fairview Elementary School art room remain full of amazing color and beautiful artistry created by the fifth-grade students as part of the annual “Winter Animals in Chalk” unit. Inspired by the work of fellow Ohioan Charley Harper, best known for his highly stylized wildlife prints, posters, and book illustrations, Mrs. Denise Pannell’s students did what many of them didn’t think they could do – draw and color amazing lifelike wildlife pictures.
“The requirements for this project were to realistically create an animal in a winter scene,” explained Pannell about the primary objective for this unit. “They were given the choice of many animal photos from which to use as a reference while creating their art.”
To kick off the unit, Pannell introduced her students to the work of Harper, who created stylized drawings of animals. His techniques allow students of all ability levels to perform at higher levels than which they believed they could.
“He reduced the animals to their basic shapes while keeping the integrity of each characteristic,” noted Pannell about the strategies used by the former Cincinnati resident. “The students were shown how to look at a photograph of an animal and use the basic shapes that they saw to form the basis for their animal drawings.
“From there, they used a pencil eraser to draw out these shapes – which wipes right off – on their black papers,” continued Pannell. “Once they had the basic shapes outlined in the correct proportion, they were asked use a pencil to add details, such as markings on the animals, eyes, and items found in the background.”
The next step was to use a black oil pastel to outline their animal and a white oil pastel to outline any snow.
“These lines acted as a barrier to keep the chalk pastel from mixing together too much,” explained Pannell. “The students were eager to add color to their animals using colored chalk, and we discussed making their animals as realistic as possible, especially in the texture of the fur and feathers. Finally, the students filled the skies using two colors of chalk, which were blended together and added snowflakes using oil pastel.”
This unit, which generally occupies most of February, is one Pannell highly anticipates each school year.
“This has become one of my favorite projects to do with fifth graders, not only because the results are spectacular, but I love seeing the look of accomplishment and pride in each student’s face as they finish their art!” exclaimed Pannell with pride beaming from her face. In addition, students often exceed their own expectations.
“I always get a few students who look at the examples and swear that they absolutely CANNOT draw an animal in this style, but once I show them all my tricks and tips, it usually seems to click with them. I remind them that everything can be broken down in to lines and shapes when trying to draw. After all, how did we learn to write our names? It’s all lines and shapes.”
Proudly displaying the top art work (left to right in the picture below) are fifth graders Kadilyhne England, Emmy Anderson, Liberty Becker, and Chevy Orr. These students’ artwork, as well as other Apache Kid Artists, will have their work on display at Just Be Original Fine Arts Academy in the Defiance Northtowne Mall for the month of April.
Engineering 1 Students Produce Usable Pinhole Camera
Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen once said, “A picture is worth a thousand words,” and for nearly two hundred years these famous words have rung true time and time again. Of course, without the use of cameras, these words would have far less meaning. But who really knows how cameras actually work? This was part of the inspiration behind Mr. Ray Breininger’s recent Engineering 1 lesson.
“My Engineering 1 students recently completed the Pinhole Camera Unit,” stated Breininger, now in his sixth year introducing students to the world of engineering.
Another objective from this unit was to combine various measurements to accommodate individuals with fewer skills.
Explained Breininger: “Students created a pinhole camera from used shoe boxes. They discovered the engineering design process as they created their pinhole cameras to meet both quantitative design specifications and qualitative requirements for usability by people with limited dexterity in their hands and wrists.”
On the last day of the unit, students posed for a picture using the camera designed by freshmen Gabe Cline, James Smith, and Kalvin Woodring. Smith expressed a lot of satisfaction about what he learned as well as the end result.
“We learned how to calculate the camera's distance to the object as well as the importance of a light-tight box,” noted Cline about one of the objectives. “It was a fun lesson that I think had a good turnout.”
Students also learned new vocabulary words, most notably parts of camera that they had never really considered prior to this unit. As an example, Woodring drew attention to the aperture, which is defined as “a space through which light passes in an optical or photographic instrument, especially the variable opening by which light enters a camera.”
“This lesson taught me very much about how cameras work,” explained Woodring. “I found the way film paper works by burning with sunlight very interesting.”
With most projects or lessons, both trial & error and timelines become factors in the equations. Such was the case here as well. When asked what they might do differently if given the opportunity to complete this lesson again, Woodring detailed a well-thought-out response.
“The way we light-sealed the camera was very inefficient and led to redesigns later on. So, if we did the project over again, I would have spent more time on sealing at the beginning,” deemed Woodring.
For Smith, it was about the pinhole itself. “I would have designed a smaller pinhole for a career picture,” also noting that the smaller the pinhole, the clearer the image becomes.
Breininger was pleased by his students’ efforts and enthusiasm for this lesson.
“Our last day, students asked to take a class picture,” noted Breininger, as evidence as to how excited his students were about the success of their projects.
Shown in the pictures below are Cline, Smith, and Woodring (left picture), who developed the camera (center picture) that took the picture of the Engineering 1 students (right).
Middle School Students Sweep Top Three Places in Defiance County Patriot's Pen Competition
When it comes to essay writing competitions, the word "dynasty" doesn’t come up often. However, one could make the case that for the VFW Post 3360 Patriot’s Pen essay contest, Fairview MS has a dynasty going. For the ninth time in the past thirteen years, Fairview took home the gold, silver, and bronze medals in this competition, held annually and open to all middle school students in Defiance County.
The theme for this year’s competition was "My Pledge to Our Veterans."
“Each year, the VFW reaches out to the language arts teachers in the Defiance County Schools about the Patriot's Pen Contest,” explained Mrs. Tracy Robinson, who coordinates the event for her eighth-grade students. “The prompt given each year is on a patriotic topic, and the students are asked to interpret it and write a 300-400 word essay on the topic. My classes have been involved with this contest for the last 13 years, since 2009.”
For Sammy Mavis, it’s a family affair, whose older sisters all competed in this event as middle school students. Now she’s followed in her older sister’s footsteps by claiming the top place.
“My sisters did Patriot’s Pen when they were in school, and I remember my oldest sister, Cassie, winning,” stated Mavis. “All my sisters who wrote the essay in previous years got picked by Mrs. Robinson so, of course, I wanted to do the same.”
Both Robinson and her students take this writing assignment very seriously.
“Once I receive the information about the Patriot's Pen Contest, I spend a class period reviewing the rules of the contest, and then I assign all my classes to write on the topic given that year,” stated Robinson. “We begin with a brainstorm activity of all the ideas they can come up with associated with the topic. I then work with them to write an outline of how they want to organize their information in the essay and then give them class time to type it.
“After reading all the essays from my students, I am allowed to enter five-ten essays each year to the VFW for consideration for the contest, along with all the other entries from other Defiance County Schools. Once all essays are entered, it is then up to the VFW readers to decide who places in the contest.”
Third-place finisher Amaya Perez was motivated to do well for a couple of reasons.
“My motivation to participate in this event was to voice my opinion and to truly recognize and thank all of the veterans,” noted Perez. “The theme of my essay was about all of the freedoms we are given that we use in negative ways every day, and how I pledge to always do good with the rights I am given.
“Thank you to all of the veterans that have fought for our country,” stated Perez with pride in her voice.
“I appreciate all the hard work my students have put forth all these years in the VFW Patriot's Pen Contest,” concluded Robinson.
The picture below depicts Fairview eighth grade students (left to right) Sammy Mavis (1st place), Morgan Mavis (2nd place), and Amaya Perez (3rd place) flanked by VFW representatives Jim Seymour (far left) and Chris Taylor (far right).
Mykenzi Hartz Finishes as Runner-Up in Defiance County Voice of Democracy Competition
Whether the competition involves academics, athletics, or co-curricular events, Fairview High School students continue to shine in local competitions. This fact was again exemplified as senior Mykenzi Hartz recently finished as the Defiance County runner-up in the annual VFW Post 3360 Voice of Democracy contest held this fall. Started in 1947, this year’s theme was “Why is the Veteran Important?” For Hartz, her reasons for competing were two-fold.
“I was motivated to participate in this event because I found it not only as a great way to thank our veterans for their service but also contribute towards my college expenses,” explained Hartz, gleaming with pride. Her runner-up finish accomplished both goals, as she made a great impression on the judging committee and earned a $1,000 scholarship for her efforts.
“The theme of my presentation was ‘Why the Veteran is Important’,” continued Hartz. “In my essay, I was able to present how veterans are not only the heart and soul of our country, but also a representation of the freedom our country has fought to obtain.”
In order to participate, students must write a patriotic essay on the theme that is announced each fall. Applicants must then submit both their written essay and an audio recording of the essay. Students in grades 9-12 are eligible to submit entries for this scholarship competition.
School counselor, Mrs. Lori Polter, is the school’s point of contact. She plays a critical role in the students’ success by advertising the event, getting English teachers involved, and assuring that students are following specified guidelines.
“Over the years, we have had great success with students placing in the top four and winning scholarship money at the Post (local) level,” stated Polter, who confirmed that Fairview has been participating since at least 2004-2005. “I help students by making sure their entries are complete and submitted in the proper format.”
Hartz now has the opportunity to move to the next round where the stakes are even higher.
“Winners at the local level advance for judging at the district, state, and national level,” continued Polter. “Students compete for over $2 million in scholarships given by the VFW organizations across the US.”
Each year nearly 80,000 students compete in various VFW Post level competitions, with the VFW Post 3360 sponsoring two other upcoming events: A Defiance County scholarship for seniors (due in December) and the Patriotic Arts Contest (due in March). Interested students should reach out to Polter for more information.
Shown in the picture below is Hartz (center) accepting her award from VFW Post 3360 treasurer Chris Taylor (left) and Post Commander Jim Seymour (right).
Physics Students Try Something New, Conclude That Everything They Read on the Internet May Not Be True
Every year as students enter high school, many of them inquire in one class or another, “Why do we have to learn this?”
Physical Science teacher Mrs. Rayna Moore has been answering this question by offering creative analogies for her students, comparing points of her lessons to what she knows her students are truly interested in: Food. Moore remembers one of her first examples while doing her student teaching in a biology class.
“If you never tried chocolate ice cream, how would you know you liked it?” enquired Moore to a group of disgruntled students, challenging the necessity of a particular lesson. “High school is like a buffet. Some dishes you will like, while others you won’t, and it is important to know both.”
This topic again came up in a recent lesson Moore introduced to her physical science students, when some students wondered why it was really necessary to learn “how elements combine to form compounds and the fact that the ration of elements in these compounds is always consistent.” And what better way to make her point with teenagers than to turn to an example of misinformation found on TikTok. A current TikTok trend says that water can be “big” or “small,” and only “small” water is good for you because it keeps you from bloating and doesn’t dilute your system.
“Wrong!” exclaimed Moore.
She and her students then discussed how every water molecule is made of exactly two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. Water can never be “larger” or “smaller.”
“We talked about how out in the world people make claims all the time, and it is up to our students to gather background knowledge and techniques for researching reliable sources to make their best decisions about these claims.
“In this case, it was decided that these misinformed TikTok-era (messages) are spreading fake news to sell a product, but my students in physical Science class won’t be falling for it.”
One such student is freshman David Bennett.
“I learned that people are willing to go against science to sell people a product,” explained Bennett about his new-found knowledge. “Even if science is proving them wrong, they will still fight for you to buy a product even if they know they are wrong.
“I find (it) especially interesting that even if science can and does disprove things they say, they will still try to get you to buy their product. I believe that this is a good lesson that can teach people that you shouldn't always listen to what people say to you and that you should do your own research.”
The morals of this story are simple: 1.) You never know until you try; and 2.) Don’t fall for every sales pitch you hear. You many find yourself on the wrong end of a bad deal.
The picture below depicts the Tik Tok lesson Moore used to make her point, resulting in she and her students disproving the false theory than there is such a thing as “big” and “small” water.
Biology Students Participate in Hands-On Ecology Lesson
Anyone who is a fan of the 1960’s television series The Andy Griffith Show knows that Barney Fife would frequently get upset about something and abruptly quit his job. After one such event, Fife says to Sheriff Taylor, “There’s a great big world out there, and I’m going to take my place in it.” Although this classic show was often full of silly scenes like this one, Don Knott’s iconic character was definitely correct about “the great big world” and all it has to offer to the many organisms it helps to survive. Through the leadership of Mrs. Rayna Moore, her biology students spent several days studying this topic.
“The world is full of resources and during a recent ecology unit, my biology class learned how these resources interact and the systems that drive them,” explained Moore. “What better way to study how systems in nature interact then to go and explore it.”
Thanks to the beautiful weather that was plentiful through much of the fall, along with the wooded area on the school grounds, students were able to get in some hands-on learning.
“It is important for students to understand that ecology is not made up of far-off concepts. It is everything around them,” explained Moore.
After an introduction to the unit and various key terms, students were divided into groups to apply their new found vocabulary to their backyard world. They were challenged with finding examples of ten key terms, taking pictures of them, and arranging them in a Google Slide presentation showing their understanding. Students also researched the area’s ecological past and discussed what changes have been made and why.
Another outdoor activity that students enjoyed was creating a food web and learning about the flow of energy through the web. In this activity, students were each assigned an organism native to Defiance County. They were tasked with arranging themselves into a food web and labeling each organism as an autotroph or heterotroph, as well as determining whether they make their own food or get energy by consuming other organisms.
Among the students who benefited from this lesson was sophomore Kayla Mavis.
“This was a good, interactive lesson to teach us about the different levels of a food pyramid,” noted Mavis. “It was interesting to learn the specific classifications within each trophic layer and their characteristics.”
Students also had to work together to classify each organism as a detritivore, carnivore, herbivore, omnivore, decomposer, scavenger, or producer.
“Students were able to use real-world, local examples to fortify their learning,” concluded Moore.
The left picture below represents atmosphere, which is defined as the layers of gases surrounding a planet or other celestial body.
The center picture below represents biotic factor, which is any living part of the environment with which an organism would react.
The right picture below represents community, which is an assemblage of different populations that live together in a defined area.
Sources of Strength, PBIS Team Combine to Make Positive Difference for Fairview Middle School Students
Statistics show that today’s youth are under more stress than their parents and grandparents were at the same age. To help young people cope with this fact, the teachers and staff at Fairview Middle School have introduced an evidenced-based suicide prevention program called Sources of Strength. Introduced to the district during the 2020-2021 school year by Laura Kamp, NWOESC School Climate Facilitator, this program was well received by Principal Suzanne Geis and School Counselor Adam Brickner. However, it was the buy-in from the teachers and staff who comprised the Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) team that has transformed the program into the successful program that it is today.
“The PBIS team was a vital part of the decision to implement the program,” explained Brickner. “Once we had our teachers on board, we knew it was going to be a success.”
The program promotes the following strengths:
· Family support;
· Positive friends;
· Mentors;
· Healthy activities;
· Generosity;
· Spirituality;
· Physical health; and
· Mental health.
Relationship is a main focal point of the Sources of Strength. The program brings together positive student allies called Adult Advisors with a varied group of Peer Leaders from as many school peer groups as possible. The Adult Advisors and Peer Leaders are trained by national trainers and meet to plan and implement programming regularly. SourcesofStrengh.org explains it this way:
This team of youth and adults work to build a community of Strength, not only by practicing Strength in their own lives, but by sharing that Strength with others through Strength-based/public health style messaging campaigns. Spreading stories of Strength across a school or community, Peer Leaders invite students, staff, and their community to interact, engage, and apply Strength to their own lives.
Among the students active in this year’s program is seventh grader Chloe Northrup, who is doing what she can to make middle school a great experience.
“There are many ways we as a student body can support each other,” stated Northrup. “For example, even though we're not all close, we're always there for each other and other students in the group. And the staff members who are a part of this group are supportive of new ideas and thoughts each person has.
“We never get judged for anything we throw out there in meetings. Instead we simply get deeper into detail.”
While the main goal of Sources of Strength is prevention, the program has had success in the areas of intervention and crisis situations as well. SourcesofStrengh.org continues by saying:
A Peer Leader who has been trained in Sources of Strength is four times more likely to refer a friend they are worried about to a trusted adult. A Sources of Strength team works to create a culture of help-seeking and connection, where it is okay to not feel okay and where reaching out for help is a sign of Strength, not weakness. We also realize that tragedy and hardship still occur in life, despite our best efforts: Loved ones can get sick, a school could lose a beloved teacher, etc. However, a Sources of Strength team can have great impact on a community after such loss. Peer Leaders can act as the eyes and ears of the school, helping adults be more aware of the areas of the school that may be struggling and in need of support. Sources is also about helping people heal and recover after tragedy. In this way, Sources can have a more universal and comprehensive impact in prevention, intervention, and postvention.
Continued Brickner: “Peer Leaders, with the help of Adult Advisors, promote change through positive messages of hope, help, and strength. The students are not young mental health counselors but are fellow peers trying to encourage others to improve their behavior and make healthy life-choices.”
Paying for the program included grants provided by Ohio School Wellness Initiative (O.S.W. I) and Prevention First of Ohio. Kamp continues to seek out grants to make sure the Sources of Strength is fully funded at Fairview Middle School.
“It is so much fun to be able to feel comfortable with a giant group of people even though we are not all in the same grade level,” noted Northrup. “With them, I always feel welcome, sometimes even more welcome than kids in my own grade. Trust is very important to have and if I'm being honest our whole program is built on it. I've learned to trust and be more supportive because of the program."
She also has much praise for everyone involved.
“I don't think anyone realizes how many great adult advisors and student advisors (we have) that work hard in this program. It's not the easiest thing to do. It is a real commitment, but we all enjoy it. We have such an amazing group of staff and students who all put lots of effort into encouraging and spreading positivity throughout the school just for everyone to grow stronger in their strengths.
“So I would love to give them a special thanks for everything everyone in the group has done to promote our program! Thank you everyone in the group for choosing to continue in the program this year. Again, thank you staff for putting lots of planning and training into our program!”
Shown in the picture below is Sources of Strength Wheel. Each Wednesday, students have opportunities to win small prizes for correctly answering questions about one of the strengths.
Fairview Physics Students Explore Stem Research, Are Joined in Fieldtrip to Wittenberg by Students from Area Schools
Mrs. Rayne Moore loves science, and she clearly wants her students to love the benefits of science as well. This admiration for her field of work was recently on display, as for the second year in a row, Moore organized a field trip to Wittenberg University for her physics students.
“To make advances within our society, scientists must collaborate often sharing methodologies, research findings, and even equipment,” stated Moore with a noted tone of excitement. “With that in mind we embarked on a mission to share STEM opportunities with local seniors.”
Students had the good fortune to explore the Wittenberg campus and see labs being used to research dusty plasma and antimatter, visit the campus’s observatory, and see a particle accelerator without traveling to The European Organization for Nuclear Research, better known as CERN.
One such senior, Michael Mansel-Pleydell, spoke fondly of his experience at the Springfield, Ohio university.
“On our visit, I was able to gain a general understanding of anti-matter, particle accelerators, and dusty plasma,” explained Mansel-Pleydell. “I also learned about the various career pathways available for a physics major in particular. Something I found especially interesting in this lesson was the diversity of applications available for a physics major in the modern world.”
This year’s trip was the second for Fairview students. However, Moore took it a step further and invited students from three area high school to join her Fairview students.
“My first year at Fairview (2021-2022), I contacted one of my physics professors at Wittenberg (about a prospective field trip),” explained Moore about how the trip’s origin. “I always said I chose Wittenberg (to attend college) because of the particle accelerator that students can access, and I wanted to show my students how many opportunities were available in the discipline.
“With the support of my principal and superintendent, this year I set out to extend this opportunity to experience STEM research to a broader audience,” she continued. “I used the connections that I had made to work with Antwerp, Wayne Trace, and Crestview Local Schools to invite students and educators to come with us and see what research is being done firsthand.
“I am so excited that we were able to share the importance of collaboration with a much fuller bus this year.”
As much as knowledge as educators have to offer, knowing the right people and getting their students in front of the right people, opens up additional doors. No one knows this better than Moore.
“As you make your way into the educational system, you make many connections: mentors, professors, student teachers, etc.” stated Moore, who didn’t take the typical route to teaching and has learned the importance of networking.
In the pictures below (left to right), students observe the particle accelerator, check out the retractable roof on the observatory, and visit a beautiful campus building.
Students Hear Message from US Senator's Office
Anyone who follows politics has likely heard the expression, “Make your voices heard at the ballot box.” In other words, those who wish to have laws enacted that represent their way of thinking need to cast their votes for political candidates whose views align with theirs. However, before citizens can cast such a vote, other citizens need to step up and run for office, also known in Lehman's terms as “getting their name on the ballot.” But how does one go about doing so?
Recently, students in Mr. Andy Singer's Political Pathways class had the opportunity to ask that question and more to Miss Erica Krouse, who represents the Toledo-area office for longtime Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown. Among many topics, she discussed her role in his office and how to get involved in government/elected office.
“My students have been studying the process of becoming a politician and the decision-making process that goes along with it,” explained Singer. “To help, we invited Miss Krouse and other local and state politicians to come in to be guest speakers to get a first-hand account of politics in action.”
According to Krouse, most politicians get their start by working in some form of government work to see how the process works. Most are often already fairly prominent members of the community who wish to share their experience and values with the people they represent. Most politicians, she believes, have the best interest of their constituents in mind and really do care about making life better for people.
When asked how she became involved in politics, she explained that she did what most people do when looking for job.
“I saw where Senator Brown was looking for someone to help in his Toledo office, and I thought I would apply,” state Krouse. “I don’t want to be a politician, but working for one has been rewarding.”
To become a candidate in the state of Ohio, the first step is to be a registered voter. From there it's a matter of filing paperwork with the elections board, getting the necessary number of signatures from other registered voters, and getting all paperwork turned in on time. Most people who wish to become candidates are able to successfully complete the process on time. From there, it's just a matter of campaigning and getting the message out that you are the best option for the job, she explained.
The picture below depicts Krouse answering one of the many questions asked by Fairview students.
Sixth Graders Participate in Conservation Field Trip
Data shows that students often learn the best through active, hands-on activities. To help solidify this point, the Fairview sixth-grade students recently attended the Defiance County Soil and Water Conservation District where the students were able to participate in a variety of conservation-based presentations in the areas of water treatment, pollinators, geology, petroleum products, soils, and archery.
Organized by the sixth grader teachers, and facilitated by local conservation experts, reviews from students were largely positive.
“Going hands-on is something I enjoy," stated Gage Miller with a smile on his face. “It was a great learning experience for all of us.”
“I think this field trip was an amazing experience to learn about all types of things and give students the chance to take part in some of the activities,” excitedly stated Carson Main. “I was really surprised when we did the water treatment activity because I did not think the color would change.”
Classmate Riley Maulsby shared in the excitement, but his favorite activity involved geology.
“My favorite thing at the field trip was the rock center,” Maulsby exclaimed. “I liked the story the guy (local geology expert) told us about two brothers and a sister. One brother liked to make destruction, (while) the other was peaceful.
“Another thing I liked about the rock center was the rocks. They had insane colors on them, and I liked how they had different shapes and sizes.”
Miller wasn’t expected to be surprised, but even he was. Stated Miller: “The one thing that surprised me was the petroleum products station. This opened my eyes to a new career I didn't see myself entering.
“Considering that my dad works for Defiance County Soil and Water, it was a surprise to me that I learned something there.”
When asked whether he would do anything differently should he have a chance to participate in this event again, Main noted that he would “change the type of water I picked for the water treatment activity and see what effects that has on the color of that water.”
Maulsby admitted that he had a big change of heart concerning the soils activities.
“When I went, I wasn't really interested in the soil center,” said Maulsby. “But if I could go back, I would pay more attention because now I find soil interesting.”
There’s no question that Miller had a great time. “There was absolutely nothing on that field trip that I would change. It was perfect!”
“Our students had a great day of hands-on learning and represented Fairview well!” exclaimed Mrs. Anne Frank, sixth grade math and science teacher.
To top it off, lunch was provided to the students and adults by the Conservation District, with Maulsby giving high praise to his meal.
“One last thing I want to say about the field trip is I loved the lunch,” a smiling Maulsby noted. “It was good, especially the hamburgers and chips.”
The center picture below shows the sixth graders taking a break from the day’s events, while the pictures of the left and right show students in action.
Fifth Graders Participate in "Flicker of Hope" Program
As the saying goes: When students are in a good frame of mind, the best learning takes place. Thus, the physical and mental health of all students remains a very high priority at Central Local Schools. To help amplify this important point, Mrs. Lindsay Estle has introduced a program known as "Flicker of Hope," which is aptly named after an age-appropriate book written by Julia Cook. Being that September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month each year, Estle found creative ways to bring this program to her fifth-grade students.
“In the elementary level, suicide is not a topic discussed. However, depression and feelings of sadness and anxiety are very prevalent among the older students in our school,” explained Estle, now in her fourth year serving as the elementary counselor.
“I wanted to bring awareness to an awesome donation and project here at the elementary school,” continued Estle. “I created a Donors Choose project to purchase the book (Flicker of Hope) for all of our fifth-grade students at Fairview Elementary. The project was fully funded by one donor in memory of her father, Mr. Gerald Foust, who was a teacher in the district for many years.”
Students in fifth grade had the opportunity to read this story during their guidance lesson on September 30th and spread hope and positivity throughout their class by becoming “Hope Builders.”
Concluded Estle: “The students then decorated a candle poster and put a positive message for their classmates to look at throughout the year. The students will let their light shine throughout the year and hopefully will always remember to build hope, seek help when needed, and to let their light shine throughout their lives.”
The picture below features each of the candles displayed neatly under a poster reminding students just how important they are.
Once Again, Middle School Students Offer a Helping Hand
"My mom originally saw a Facebook post, and that gave me the idea to email Mr. Bricker (MS counselor) about it," explained Northrup with a very humble look on her face. "Then we set up a meeting with Mrs. Geis (MS principal), and she approved the idea."
Located just outside the middle school office, students have opportunities between classes, during lunch, or other appropriate times to grab a variety of needed school supplies. Hygiene products, such as deodorant, shampoo, and tooth paste are also available.
According to seventh grader Anthony Singer, the cupboard is serving a great purpose.
"Kids are ready for class when they use the cupboard and are not slowing class down to have to ask for a pencil," stated Singer. They now have access to folders so they will have their papers ready for class."
Another program already in place, known as Sources of Strength (SOS), has also been very pivotal in the success of the cupboard.
"The whole operation came from the group SOS," noted seventh grader RayShawn Maulsby. "Led by Mr. Brickner, he called us all down and we got to work."
Seventh grader Dasen Wermer has noticed the value of the cupboard.
"I think that was a really good idea to do the Kindness Cupboard," said Wermer, "and I also really like helping do the cupboard. The first goal is that everyone uses it correctly, and everyone knows that they can use it for stuff they need."
One concern noted was that students may not want to be seen using the cupboard and/or taking advantage of the program. So far, that hasn't been the case as outlined by seventh grader Olivia Schindler.
"I have seen a student take a folder from the cupboard," noted Schindler. "Hopefully, that means kids are getting more comfortable using it.
"I have the hope that kids won't take advantage of the cupboard and just use it (even) when they don't need it," continued Schindler. "A goal of mine would be for kids to not be scared or embarrassed and to just use the cupboard when they need it."
Northrup, Singer, and Schindler noted their appreciation for the support the program has received from the adults at Fairview MS.
"Mrs. Schlachter was the teacher to get the cupboard and help with decorating it, so we should thank her," stated a smiling Schindler.
Singer chimed in: "Having help from Mrs. Schlachter and Mrs. Cooper played a big role in the success of the Kindness Cupboard."
"I want to give the adult advisors and Mr. Geis a thanks for making my idea come to life!" exclaimed Northrup. "It's been really helpful to people and that was our goal. So thank you!!"
The middle picture below shows that five students that brought this idea to life. They include (counter-clockwise from upper left) RayShawn Maulsby, Olivia Schindler, Chloe Northrup, Dasen Wermer, and Anthony Singer. The pictures on the left and right show its outside and inside.
As Engineering Program Grows, Hands-On Projects Remain a Top Priority
The Engineering program at Fairview High School not only remains a popular option of elective courses, but it also continues to grow at a steady pace. The latest example is the inception of a course appropriately named Engineering 3. As one of just ten high schools in the United States partnering with the University of Texas to pilot this course, the course is an authentic, project-based engineering course.
Mr. Ray Breininger, who teaches each of the courses in the engineering pathway, explains a couple key objectives for this fledgling course:
“Students will work in teams to identify a need in their community and apply the engineering design process to address that need. This student-driven, special-projects course will give students the opportunity to apply the skills developed in the engineering pathway, and to integrate and apply math, science, and communication skills to engineering.”
One of the first lessons this year involved having students complete a rapid prototype for a catapult.
“Our objective was to quickly design, test, and redesign a catapult that could consistently hit a target at 100 centimeters,” explained senior Quinton Smith. “This catapult was to be made out of popsicle sticks and rubber bands.
“Our final design was to be completed in two days. On the second day, we were given a twist. Instead of having to fire a ping pong ball at the target, we were to fire a cotton ball.”
This activity is designed to help review the engineering design process they have studied over the last two years.
“This lesson was a review of prior Engineering Your World (EYW) courses,” continued Smith. “We used the engineering design process (EDP), concept sketching, teamwork/collaboration, and all the model-building skills we learned in EYW 1.”
The left and right pictures below show closeups of the catapult, while the center photo displays Smith and junior Ava Breyman in action as they embrace this unique lesson.
Central Local Welcomes New Staff Members for the 2022-2023 School Year
Engineering 2 Students End School Year With Creative, Hands-On Unit
Imagine being able to control a wheelchair just by using head motions. That was the objective of the Engineering 2 class’s final lesson for the 2022-2023 school year, and it was one the students will certainly remember for some time as the lesson was very much student driven almost right out of the gate.
“This unit was led by the students as much as productively possible,” explained veteran teacher Mr. Ray Breininger. “I led the initial lesson where the design challenge is laid out, and the students did the rest.”
The goal is to “build” a wheelchair that will be manipulated simply by the passenger’s head motion. Students had some initial directions and a clear starting point, then they were challenged to test their skills.
“The students used the requirements and constraints provided by the Email to Engineers, an explanation of the hardware, plus multiple handouts,” continued Breininger. “After that, the students were then set free to complete the unit using the skills that they have learned in all of the previous units and engineering.”
Among the students who learned many valuable lessons from this unit is Charlotte Vogelsong.
“One thing I learned from this unit is how important it is to communicate with your partners,” stated Vogelsong. “This unit wasn't the kind where our group could split up, do our tasks, and come back together to form a final project. We had to discuss how individual tasks would affect or play a role in the outcome and work from there.
“For example, Andy Mosier was in charge of coding the wheelchair device, the switches that operate it, and the camera/monitor. Together, we discussed how the camera, monitor, and switches were supposed to work, how many he planned on using, and how we could attach or fix them to a wheelchair. Then, Allison Rhodes and I designed models to fulfill the needs and constantly checked back in with Andy to ensure we were on the right path. Without communication, it would've been like trying to combine two different puzzles: our designs wouldn't fit together.”
Madisyn Clark also had praises for the knowledge and experience she garnered.
“A few lessons I learned from this unit were how to accurately use the engineering design process, how to program through a MotorHat, and how to delegate different tasks to team members,” explained Clark. “We have been using the engineering design process since Engineering 1, but we kind of drifted from using it in every aspect of the project due to COVID. This was also the class's first time programming through a MotorHat."
Continued Vogelsong: “I also learned how important it is to test our designs. Allison and I had to try to ‘break’ our designs for the switches. The purpose of trying to break a design is to test its limits, functionality, and safety. For example, we thought we had come to a final design that could hold our switches, but when tested, a piece that was crucial to the functionality broke off, leading us to redesign and make the piece thicker.”
Both students also agreed there were some surprises along the way.
“Personally, one thing that surprised me about this lesson is that I was the one to solder everything even though I had never soldered in a serious manner before,” said Clark with a chuckle. “With all of the soldering I did, I became way more efficient than when I first started. When soldering my first MotorHat it took me about three hours and on my last MotorHat it took maybe ten to fifteen minutes.”
“I was surprised by how time-consuming it would be,” noted Vogelsong. “We started this unit in April, and despite splitting up the work, we worked for the rest of the school year finishing the project. However, knowing that we have put our best efforts into this project, it is rewarding to see it all come together.
“This unit has been challenging and time-consuming, but we have had a great support system: intelligent, creative classmates and Mr. Breininger, who we can rely on for feedback and assistance, concluded Vogelsong”
Shown in the pictures below are (left) Madisyn Clark, Andy Mosier & Cory Mavis (center), and Charlotte Vogelsong (right) busily competing various tasks.
Young 5's Students Benefit from Donors Choose Program
Over the course of the past four years, Miss Kim Beek has utilized the Donors Choose program to bring an array of books, furniture, and other classroom supplies to her classroom, all with the goal of making the learning experience and learning environment thrive. To date, Beek has spearheaded sixty-eight projects with close to 500 donors. All told, her efforts have raised over $30,000 in materials.
What she is most proud of is her efforts to supply books for her students.
“The support I have received from donors to get books for the children is phenomenal,” stated Beek. “Families receive books that may not have otherwise been available to them. Reading at home is so important.”
Along with books for both home and the school library, Beek has secured funds to purchase several other items, including supplies for on-campus field trip items during COVID; journals and pre-made blank books for writing each year; manipulatives, STEM items, and dress up clothing for student learning centers; new furniture, a light table, and sensory materials for student learning centers; and Wobble chairs, scoop rockers, floor cushions, and lap desks for each student.
She is quick to show appreciation to those that make donations for Fairview students.
“I like the connections made with donors and the ability to thank each one for their contribution and support for my students,” she concluded.
The left and right pictures below show various classroom supplies, while the center picture depicts students checking out books in the elementary with the help of Ms. Kim Dockery, elementary library aide.
Middle School Students Excel in Annual Math Counts Competition
Fairview Middle School students continue to excel in local math competitions, as evidenced by several high finishes in this year’s annual MathCounts competition held recently at the Northwest Ohio ESC in Archbold.
“This year, MathCounts was a little different than usual,” explained eighth grade math Mrs. Beverly Singer, who serves as Fairview’s local coordinator. “The national organization hosted the chapter and state competitions virtually to allow students in all different parts of the country to participate. Local chapters were allowed to host in-person events if they chose, but these were not used as qualifiers for advancement.”
Fairview participated in both the virtual and in-person chapter competitions with the following results:
* In-Person Chapter
- 2nd place Team: Landon Clemens, Ayla Singer, Malaki Neilson, Levi Panico
- 3rd place Individual: Landon Clemens
- 5th place Individual: Malaki Neilson
* Virtual Chapter Competition
- 1st place Individual: Landon Clemens (state qualifier)
- 9th place Individual: Malaki Neilson
* Virtual State Competition
- 76th Place Individual: Landon Clements
Singer loves having her students take on this challenge.
“The problems that our students are often faced with through this competition often challenge their problem-solving skills,” continued Singer. “For a single problem, they often have to put together several skills they've learned in the classroom, but haven't typically used at the same time. While putting these skills together, they solve challenging problems and stretch their thinking.”
Seeing the students improve from year to year is what continues to motivate their teacher.
“As seventh graders, students are often very timid and overwhelmed with the process.
As eighth graders, it's great to see their maturity and confidence in their ability grow. Landon participated and qualified for state as a 7th grader. This year, he was able to improve his final placing in that event,” concluded Singer with much pride.
In the pictures below, Landon Clemens (left) and Malaki Neilson (right) show off their hardware, while the team of Ayla Singer, Neilson, Clemens, and Levi Panico pose for a quick photo during a break time (center).
Archery Teams, Individuals Perform Very Well at State Competition, Express the Benefits of the Sport
Make room for more hardware, as the Fairview archery teams brought home a boatload of it from this year’s state archery tournament held recently in Columbus, OH. Out of the several schools that competed, the high school team and the elementary team each finished second overall in their respective categories, while the middle school team was right behind in third place in its category.
Not only did our archers shine as teams, but an amazing six individuals finished first overall in their grade level. This group of sharpshooters includes the following student/athletes:
· Stephanie Moore: 12th grade girls division
· Clayton VanArsdalen: 11th grade boys division
· Edreanne Peck: 7th grade girls division
· Liahm Kimpel: 6th grade boys division
· Rachel Ward: 4th grade girls division
· Will Mavis: 4th grade boys division
Although doing well as a team and individual is important to the archers, many were quick to note that this sport does way more than just name winners. It adds a great deal to the overall school experience.
“The archery program has added to my experience during school by teaching me perseverance, leadership, and how to be mentally tough,” stated senior Marissa Sims, who finished a respectable 6th place in the 12th grade girls division.
Her teammate, Moore, expressed similar feelings: “The archery program has added to my experience during school by helping me meet new people and get closer to others from my school. It has also helped me get recognized more at my school when being mentioned on the announcements.”
Van Arsdalen points out the mental aspects of what archery has done for him. “Being in archery has taught me to be patient. Archery is very much a mental game, and you have to learn to be calm and patient and not let stuff get to you.”
For Kimpel, it was his family that sparked his interest in the sport.
“My sister joined archery when she was in fourth grade, and my dad also hunted with his bow. So seeing the shoot made me want to,” explained the sixth grader. He certainly puts in the time, which is reflective of his performance. “I try to shoot at least four nights a week and sometimes more. I'm going to nationals, and to get ready I will just try to shoot a little bit more and focus more on my shot not as much on my grouping.”
Brett Zeedyk, who finished third for Fairview middle school and 8th overall in his division, believes the archery program has elevated school sprit.
“The Fairview archery teams continue to be a source of pride for the school and community as evidenced by their success again this season, especially at the recent state tournament,” noted the well-spoken eighth grader. “All three teams finished in the top three of the team scores with the high school and elementary teams each finishing as runners up.”
With the national competition on the horizon, most of the student/athletes who have qualified are practicing hard in hopes of impressive finishes at such a prestigious event. Among those is fifth grader Olivia Zeedyk, who is making plans and gearing up for the competition. Said Zeedyk: “I’m planning to go to nationals, and I’ve been practicing really hard. I usually spend one hour a week with my bow.”
The top two seniors, Moore and Sims, are especially excited knowing this will be their last go-round as a Fairview Apache.
“I am looking forward to our final competition at the NASP National Tournament, where we will compete with teams from around the country,” stated Sims in her usual steady way. “I have always enjoyed being a part of the archery program, and I am grateful to everyone who helped with the program throughout my time as an archer at Fairview.”
“Archery has affected my life in many positive ways,” declared Moore. “I loved the overall experience, and I had fun getting to go to different states for national and world tournaments. Archery was always a fun little competition for me, and I always strive to try to beat my personal best. I can't wait to see how my teammates and I will perform.”
Some students are looking at competing after high school. Among those is VanArsdalen, whose impressive performance garnered the attention of an Ohio college.
“I can see myself continuing (with archery) out of school,” he said. “At the state competition, I received a scholarship for Muskingum University.”
As our teams continue to practice for the big event, to be held in Louisville, KY on May 12-14, we salute our student/athletes, coaches, support staff, parents, and everyone who has played a role in the success of Fairview archery.
Zeedyk speaks for the community when she stated, “Go Apaches.”
The pictures below reflect the top three state competition finishers from each respective building. High school students (left picture) include Clayton VanArsdalen, Marissa Sims, and Stephanie Moore; middle school students (center picture) include Liahm Kimpel, Edreanne Peck, and Brett Zeedyk; and elementary school students in the right picture include Will Mavis, Olivia Zeedyk, and Rachel Ward.
Fairview Baseball Program Teams Up With Good Sam Students For An Amazing Day
Although winning games and championships is certainly a top priority for any varsity team, the Fairview baseball program showed its true colors by hosting several students from Good Sam School in Defiance for a day of baseball practice one day over spring break. And no one is more proud than head coach Mr. Andy Singer.
“They (Fairview baseball players) took a rainy, dreary day for playing baseball and turned it into a memory that will last a lifetime,” stated Singer with a glowing beam on his face. “These young men took a day out of their spring break and came in for ‘practice’ with our new Fairview baseball friends from Good Sam.”
The day started with lunch (Pizza Hut pizza, chips, and drinks… what more could anyone ask for?), and Singer was quick to point out the extra efforts of custodian Mr. Steve Rohrs for helping to set up tables in the cafeteria. Following the nice meal and fellowship, the players and coaches headed to the gymnasium to play some baseball. But no baseball event ever starts without the playing of the Star Spangled Banner.
“We started by teaching them the proper procedure for standing for the National Anthem when it is being played,” continued Singer. “Each of the students from Good Sam took our make-shift field in their favorite spot with our baseball players. Dakota, one of the students, wanted the Canadian National Anthem also, so we obliged and played that as well. Many of our players had never heard it and cheered loudly for Dakota after he sang the lyrics as it was being played.”
With the singing of the two anthems complete, it was time to play some ball.
“We then started working on our baseball fundamentals,” explained Singer. “We worked on fielding, throwing, hitting, and then running the bases. Our players worked so well with everyone; it was such a sight to see.”
Along with the great interaction among players and guests, no one left empty handed.
“We got each of the students from Good Sam a Fairview baseball shirt and an autographed page of the players that they can take home and keep for souvenirs,” noted Singer.
Not only was there was much learning and enjoyment that occurred, but Singer couldn’t have said it better than this: “As much as they enjoyed the day, our Fairview baseball players and coaches enjoyed it even more. Our players learned so much from this, and it is hard not to get a little choked up because as much as I love the game of baseball, it is just a small part of the game of life. We all have so much to be thankful for, and days like today help us in taking a step back to realize the most important things in life.
“I left our players today with this thought: Just remember when we think we are having one of the worst days in our lives, this day could be a miracle day in someone else's.”
Singer summed it up so well: “Again, I can't explain enough how proud I am of the way our baseball players helped, encouraged, cheered for, gave high fives, and yelled "Yeah Buddy" today. From being called ‘Boss’ to ‘Coach’ to letting the students from Good Sam be the umpires, there wasn't a time in the couple hours we were there for practice that everyone didn't have a smile on their face.”
Singer would like to make a special "Tip the Cap" to Mr. TJ Hammer (interim superintendent of Good Sam), Amanda Westrick, Helen Bowden, and Alex Hartman for making this event happen. And for Dakota, David, Carrie, Ashley, Jarred, Tori, and Zane: “You are truly the All-Stars! ‘Yeah Buddy’!”
The left and right pictures below show students ready for action, while everyone poses for a group picture in the center.
Physics Class Applies Learned Concepts to Real-World Applications
The Fairview High School physics students continue to apply concepts learned in class to real-world applications. The latest example of this concept is the construction of “Mouse Trap Cars.”
To bring real meaning to this lesson, the students were all "hired" as engineers at the fictional MRM Engineering Solutions and tasked with developing the most efficient and reliable cars while combining the content standards of the lesson.
“We are working through three tasks while practicing following the scientific method and engineering process using what we have learned about motion, friction, and forces,” stated physics teacher Mrs. Rayna Moore about the lesson. In addition, students are learning another great lesson, and that is “learning to revise and improve designs.”
Each task began with a "client” calling on MRM Engineering Solutions with a specific problem and a set of guidelines. In this case the clients were the fictional Philo T. Farnsworth, Walter Elias, and Joseph Strauss.
“Students used their creativity to find the best solution for our clients,” continued Moore about the lesson. “So far, students have created an apparatus for hands-free viewing of mobile devices, and a vehicle that could travel the farthest possible distance powered only by a mousetrap.” The third challenge will be trying to create the most efficient bridge made of only toothpicks, glue, and string.
Senior Marissa Sims was very intrigued by what she learned.
“The part of the lesson that I found most interesting was learning how to harness the energy of the mousetrap to power a car,” explained Sims. Concerning the lesson on improving designs, Sims stated that if she had the opportunity to do the project again, “I would design a car made out of higher quality materials that could travel farther.”
As Moore stated, one of the objectives to her lessons is to find ways for improvement. Senior Nathaniel Adkins took that part of the lesson to heart.
“I learned how to modify and make better adjustments to my car as needed,” noted Adkins. “(Also) how to use tools and everyday items to make a mousetrap car.”
Continued Sims: “Through this lesson, I learned about the engineering process and how to assess problems with a design to find solutions.”
For senior Alyson Saul, propulsion is what stood out to her. Wester defines propulsion as “the action of driving or pushing forward.”
“The most interesting part of this lesson was being able to understand how propulsion can be the sole force able to make something move,” explained Saul. “The cars built were able to move as mousetraps provided enough force to the wheels to make them spin.”
She too would prepare slightly differently the next time around.
“If I had the opportunity to change something about how I carried out the project, I would have done more extensive research on the mechanics of how the propulsion process works.”
We look forward to the opportunity to see these cars in motion soon.
Shown in the picture below are physics students (left to right) Easton Kime, Nathaniel Adkins, Marissa Sims, Brooke Phillips, Andrea Macsay, and Alyson Saul proudly displaying their models.
First Graders Make Time Capsules to Celebrate Special Day
Although 2-22-22 happens every one hundred years, this date actually falling on a Tuesday occurs approximately every four hundred years. To help celebrate such an unusual event, the first-grade team of Mrs. Allison Ciolek, Mrs. Linday Imm, Mrs. Jenny Johnson, and Mrs. Molly Nusbaum celebrated “Twosday,” 2-22-22 by assisting their students with developing time capsules which are to be opened on 3-3-33, which coincidentally will be this group of students’ senior year in high school.
“Several students wondered how many years they had to wait to open the time capsule, so we did a math problem and found they will have to wait eleven years!” exclaimed Ciolek.
The teachers and students got very creative when it came to what items to place in the capsule. Items included the following:
· Family pictures and a note from their parents
· A piece of string showing how tall each student was on this day
· A handprint to show the size of their hand as a first grader so they can compare that with the size of their hand as a senior
· A note with their current weight & shoe size and how many teeth they have lost so far
· Their favorites items in a variety of categories
· Pictures they drew depicting three of their current friends
· Masks to remind the students of the COVID-19 pandemic
· Current gasoline prices and prices of various grocery items
· And finally, two more pictures of each student, one posing alone and one posing with their teacher
In addition to the awesome time capsule activity, students were encouraged to dress up wearing a combination of items including tutus, tie dye shirts, tube socks, tennis shoes, and ties. The celebration ended with students enjoying a cupcake slathered in frosting with a cookie shaped like the number on the top.
When asked about the day, the teachers and students agreed that it was, “A fun day was had by all.”
Enjoying the day's events include Mrs. Nusbaum's students (left picture), Mrs. Johnson's students (right picture) and a happy first grader (center) holding a balloon of the celebrated number.
It Was a TWOSDAY Celebration for Second Graders
What are the odds of being in the second grade on a year that 2-22-22 falls on a Tuesday? Although someone in our would be smart enough to figure out the answer to that question, the answer of “not very good” would certainly be an acceptable answer. In fact, the last time 2-22-22 fell on a Tuesday was during the year 1622, and 2-22-22 won’t be on a Tuesday again until 2422.
Well, to commemorate something that happens about once every four hundred years, the second-grade team of Mrs. Lisa Ford, Mrs. Kelly Panico, and Miss Emily Willitzer made this a day to remember by focusing several activities around the number two.
Activities included dressing up in tutus, tube socks, and ties, along with creating crowns, completing a time capsule page, reading the book Tuesday, and taking two and twenty-two minute brain breaks throughout the day.
Students then spent the afternoon rotating between classrooms completing "two-related” centers such as compound words, doubles facts, word and picture puzzles, and an activity called “How many 2s can you find?”.
“Students celebrated being in the second grade on 2-22-22!” exclaimed Panico about the day’s events.
Shown below are Mrs. Ford's students (center) and groups of two students completing two of the activities (left and right).
Fourth Grade Team Organizes Super Bowl-Themed Party for the Men in Their Students’ Lives
Fathers, step-fathers, grandfathers, uncles, and other male role models lined the halls and walls of the fourth-grade classrooms recently as the Fairview Elementary School fourth grade team organized and celebrated a Super Bowl-themed event the Friday before Super Bowl LVI.
“The students participated in a variety of activities having to do with football and the Big Game,” stated Mrs. Brooke Snyder with her usual big smile on her face.
While mothers spend an average of about two hours per day interacting with their children, men spend about half that time according to sources dedicated to this topic. The teachers looked at the Super Bowl as the perfect opportunity for students to spend additional time with the men in their lives, while combining educational lessons into the theme.
Comparing the biggest stadiums in the state of Ohio, adding and subtracting concession stand food prices, and making paper footballs to see how far they would fly are examples of lessons planned for the event. Each of these lessons introduces at least one of the content standards from the fourth-grade curriculum.
Other fun events included a Super Bowl BINGO, Jersey Glyphs, and Pin the Football on the Goal Post. And of course, no event would be complete without a form of tailgating or concession stand food.
“We had a concession stand for everyone to visit and the guests were invited to stay for lunch. It was a great day!” exclaimed Snyder.
In the pictures below, students are shown having a great time with “the men in their lives”
Anatomy & Physiology Students Team Up with Human Growth & Development Students for Very Unique Bone Gelatin Project
In what may be a first-ever project at Fairview HS, life science teacher Mrs. Amy Woodring and family & consumer science teacher Mrs. Jill Speiser recently combined resources to conduct a “bone gelatin” project for students in their anatomy & physiology and human growth and development classes, respectively.
“Recently, the A&P (anatomy & physiolocy) II students thought it would be interesting to attempt to make gelatin from scratch,” explained Woodring. “(We) decided to collaborate with Mrs. Speiser’s human growth & development class on this endeavor.”
Woodring’s anatomy students conducted research, found a recipe, and provided raw beef bones, which were provided by community member Mr. Darren Bok’s family. Speiser’s students assisted with the cooking, the straining, and preparing the flavored gelatin. This entire process took several days.
“Preparing for the final product was long,” stated senior Grace Bok, daughter of Darren Bok. “There was some trial-and-error involved. After putting the juice and fruit into the contents with the gelatin, we cooled it overnight. When we pulled the Jell-O out of the fridge, we realized that the juice made the Jell-O too runny.
“We decided to heat the Jell-O and add more gelatin along with sugar, as it was tart and boney. Once the Jell-O was mixed, we put it back in the fridge overnight.”
This example of trial-and-error proved to be successful. Continued Bok: “The next day, we tested it again, and it tasted better.”
“The students made orange, apple, and grape/blueberry flavors, then had the chance to try each,” continued Woodring. “Most students and staff members who sampled the flavors did not enjoy the taste, but there were a few who didn’t mind it.”
“We had many teachers try all three flavors without telling them what it came from,” Bok said a little sheepishly. “In doing this, we found many teachers liked the Jell-O until we told them it came from bones.”
When asked what thoughts she was having right before tasting the product, senior Kylie Gates had a great response: “I was nervous to try it because if anything came from the boiling down of animal bones, it couldn't taste good.
“I had only tasted my group's flavor,” stated Gates when asked about which flavor tasted the best. “We made orange, (and) it did not taste like beef broth as you would think. The orange flavor didn't turn out the best, but it did surprise me that it set up like normal Jell-O.”
Being a big believer in recycling and not one to waste anything that may be reusable, Woodring suggested her students find something useful to do with the extra tallow (fat). After a little discussion and additional research, the students developed body butter using essential oils to help with the smell.
“The students and staff thought the peppermint turned out the best and was great for skin hydration,” concluded Woodring with a smile.
The teachers and students wish to throw out a special thank-you to the Bok family for providing the bones.
The pictures below (left and right) show students preparing the bone gelatin, while students in the center picture sample the final product.
Kindergarteners Celebrate the 100th Day of School With 100-Theme Lessons
To help celebrate the 100th day of school, and to practice hands-on activities surrounding one of the most important numbers in Arabic numeral system, the Fairview kindergarten students recently partook in a variety of creative activities involving the number 100. Although children this age may not be aware of just how important the number 100 is, they will certainly learn its incredible significance over the course of the next several years. As Britannica explains: “Because our notational system for numbers is decimal (base 10), the number 100 takes on a significance that it would probably not possess if we employed other systems of notation. It is a round number and holds hints of perfection.”
“Some activities included making necklaces, identifying numbers on a 100’s chart using Hershey kisses, counting by 10’s to 100, and decorating a shirt using 100 of their favorite items,” explained Jessie Sliwinski, a member of the kindergarten team. “They (also) had a fashion show to show off their t-shirts.”
The winners of the Fashion Show included Adele Wheeler, Max Miller, Jaxson Fleming, and Hudsyn Bonar, who each took home a tumbler with 100 pieces of gum/candy.
“It was a fun day filled with lots of learning about the number 100!” exclaimed Sliwinski.
The pictures below show students having fun and showing off their prizes.
Donations Galore as Young 5’s Students Receive Books
Most students who enter the Fairview Young 5’s program are on the cusp of learning to read. Well, as the saying goes, “You learn to ride a bicycle by riding a bicycle.” The same certainly goes for learning to read, and one of the greatest tools adults can give to young people is books to read. Such is the case in the Fairview Young 5’s classroom.
“I want my students to love being read to and to love reading,” stated Miss Kim Beek, who is in her fourteenth year of teaching this class. “I have found a way to foster that love through donors on Donors Choose. Learning to read is a major milestone in a child’s life. We need to model reading to support them through their reading journey.”
Because Donors Choose has become a reliable avenue for obtaining free books, Beek has used it successfully for several years.
“Last year, each child received eleven books throughout the year thanks to generous donations from Donors Choose contributors,” noted Beek about the program’s contributions. “The support was overwhelming and appreciated.”
Beek is quick is note that many celebrities are major contributors, including Ken Jeong, Neil Gaiman, W. Kamau Bell, Kristen Johnston, Martina Navratilova, and Yvette Nicole Brown, just to name a few that help spread the word for teachers.
The 2021-2022 school year has been no different. Explained Beek: “This year, each student has now received four new books, including Rhyming Dust Bunnies, Pete the Cat I Love My White Shoes, Brown Bear, Brown Bear, The Book with No Pictures.
“I will continue to put books into the hands of my students and their families as opportunities arise,” concluded Beek.
The pictures below reflect the excitement of three young students after receiving their books.
In a different twist to “Who’s Telling Your Story,” we have reached out to senior Brendan Degryse to discuss his historic acceptance into the United States Military Academy West Point. Enjoy.
“Who’s Telling Your Story” (“WTYS”): Tell us about the process you went through in order to be accepted into West Point.
Degryse: The process to get into a service academy is very long. I started the application at the end of my junior year in March. I filled out the Candidate Questionnaire and applied for the West Point Summer Leaders Experience (SLE). The SLE is normally a week at West Point, but this year it was virtual. At the SLE, I learned a lot about West Point and other service academies. I was also able to do my interview at that time, which is another step in the process. Starting in June, the rest of my application for West Point opened up. I had to take a fitness test, medical exam, write 3 essays, obtain letters of recommendation, send in transcripts and ACT scores, and answer some other questions that West Point had. I also had interviews with the offices of both of Ohio's Senators and Fifth District Representative Robert Latta. At the time, my first choice was the Air Force Academy. Senator Portman nominated me to the Air Force Academy and Representative Latta nominated me to the Air Force Academy and West Point. After a lot of waiting, I received a call from Representative Latta on January 4th and was told I was offered admission to West Point. I am still waiting to hear back from the Air Force Academy, but I am hopeful as it is still very early in the process of hearing back from the Academies. At this time I am leaning towards West Point but I haven't completely decided yet.
“WTYS”: What was your biggest obstacle to overcome in order to get accepted?
Degryse: People have different issues when applying to a service academy. Some people have an issue with the fitness test, others need a medical waiver, but for me, it was the waiting. I finished everything as quickly as I could, which meant I had to wait longer for results. I was very lucky in this regard, as I feel that it is much better to have to wait than worry about whether or not you will be cut out of the admissions process early.
“WTYS”: What is your timeline once you graduate from Fairview HS?
Degryse: If I go to West Point, I will have to be there for Reception day on June 27th. That is the start of 6 weeks of basic training. After those six weeks, the academic school year starts.
“WTYS”: What people have been most influential in your life to help you become successful?
Degryse: The people that have been most helpful to me are all the people who helped me through this process. I talked to many graduates and cadets at service academies who helped me understand more about the process. I am also appreciative of all the people who wrote letters of recommendation for me. My friends and family have given me lots of encouragement as well.
“WTYS”: How do you picture your life one year from now? Five years from now?
One year from now, I will likely be halfway done with my plebe year at West Point. Plebes have a lot of rules that they have to follow, like not being able to speak or look around when walking down hallways. They also have to do chores and call minutes. I will mostly be focusing on classes. In 5 years, I will likely be a Cadet First Class, which is the equivalent of a senior at a normal college. By this point, I will hopefully know my job in the military. Right now I am looking at aviation, cyber operations, and military intelligence. I will also be close to finishing my degree in Computer Science.
“WTYS”: Anything else you would like to add that might be interesting for our readers?
Degryse: Getting into a service academy is a long process that can have a lot of hangups. I have heard of a lot of people that want to go to a service academy but never start or finish their application. If someone wants to go to a service academy, then they should apply. It costs nothing but time and effort. Service Academies like to see good grades, extracurricular activities, and sports. But what they are really searching for are people who are going to be good leaders and good officers. If someone wants to serve and lead, then service academies are a great place for them. But if they don't get into a service academy, then ROTC and OCS are just as good of options for people who want to become officers. Everyone commissions as a Second Lieutenant.
"Who's Telling Your Story?" congratulates Brendan (shown below) for all he has accomplished so far in his young life and wishes him the best during his next several journeys.
January 10 is "National 4th Graders Day," Fairview Elementary School Participates
Studies show that the fourth grade is a huge transition stage for elementary-aged children. So, to help celebrate this critical academic stage in a child’s life, the second Monday of January has been designated as “National 4th Graders Day.” True to form, fourth grade teachers Mrs. Taryn Monroe and Mrs. Brooke Snyder organized and led an array of educational activities throughout that entire day.
“On Monday, January 10th, the 4th grade students and teachers celebrated ‘National 4th Graders Day’,” explained Monroe with her usual bright smile on her face.
Students began the day by reading all about National 4th Graders Day over the morning announcements. Then they popped a balloon every hour, with each balloon containing a different activity: four laps around the school; playing the four corners game in the classroom; four minutes of free time; and “All About 4th Grade Blooket” computer game.
In class, students completed STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) activities called Snowflake Symmetry, Pom Pom Slingshot, Pencil Tower, and Sled Ramp, all of which combined STEM activities with teamwork, cooperation, patience, trial & error, and other soft skills needed to be successful as both students and adults.
To help build self-esteem among one another, students drew the name of a classmate out of a hat and wrote four positive attributes for which they were proud of that classmate.
“We finished the day with decorating cupcakes that I made, to celebrate! We had a fun-filled day!” exclaimed Monroe.
In the pictures below, several students appear hard at work and having a great time participating in the day’s activities.
Fifth Graders Take a Trip "Around the World" -- Learn About Cultures and Traditions of Foreign Lands
In a world full of amazing cultures, breath-taking sites, and traditions unlike those in NW Ohio, Fairview's fifth graders had the opportunity to “visit” Mexico, Italy, Australia, and Malta through a cross-categorical lesson introduced by the fifth grade team of Mrs. Kelly Dempsey, Mrs. Annie Kauffman, Mr. Kurt Nusbaum, Miss Maggie Schneider, and Mrs. Annie Zipfel. Although nothing replaces actually visiting another country in person, learners can glean a great deal of information about foreign lands through reading, research, and other forms of studying.
“The fifth grade students and teachers did a ‘Christmas Around the World’ activity,” explained Schneider. “Each teacher shared information about one of the countries of Mexico, Italy, Australia, and Malta.”
Three of the four countries studied are located in a different continent; and although Malta and Italy are both part of Europe, Malta is very close to Africa. As a result, the students were introduced to not only very different cultures and environments, but also to very different locations on the world scene.
Because not everyone around the world celebrates the Christmas season the same, the holidays were also a focus of the lesson.
Stated Schneider: “Students rotated between classes to learn about the language, geography, and Christmas tradition of each country. Students also received a stamp when they ‘visited’ each country and marked the country on their map.”
As follow-up activities, each student made a craft related to Christmas traditions to take home with them.
Three proud fifth graders display their crafts in the pictures below.
Fourth Graders Learn Many Life Skills Leading Up to Holiday Break; End December with a Fun-Filled "Grinch Day"
Today’s employers continue to reach out to school officials stating that today’s graduates lack the life skills and soft skills needed to be reliable employees. Soft skills include getting to work on time, showing up for work every day, getting along with fellow employees, being able to make decisions without always being told what to do, following simple directions, and looking others in the eye when speaking and listening, among many others. To help with this matter, the Fairview fourth grade students had a hopping, eventful month of activities throughout December that focused on such skills.
With the Amazing Shake event just around the corner, students spent several minutes on December 9-10 preparing for this event by dressing up and practicing their soft skills with attendees of the annual “5th Grade Grandparents’ Day.” The students met visitors at the elementary school doors, greeted them with a warm smile & handshake, offered them a program for the concert, and directed them to their seats, all while making good eye contact and speaking in a clear, audible voice.
“Students, staff, and grandparents were all impressed with how well the students did at welcoming them to our school and striking up conversation,” stated Mrs. Brooke Snyder about the students’ efforts at the grandparent event.
The following Friday, the students designed and built hanger Christmas trees as gifts for their loved ones. Among the many skills needed to be successful were cooperation, leadership, compromise, and teamwork.
“The boys and girls had to work together to complete this task and follow multi-step directions for this task to be successful,” noted Snyder, while highlighting the various skills being taught from this lesson.
On December 19, the fourth graders had a STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) Day in which they completed activities such as Elf Glyph, Tallest Christmas Tree, Parachute for Santa, and Build a Shelf for an Elf. During these activities they practiced group work, following directions, and used creative thinking skills in order to complete the tasks.
To round out the holiday season, the students participated in a fun-filled “Grinch Day!” The students wore green, drank Grinch punch, made Santa hat kabobs, played pin the heart on the Grinch, and completed a digital pixel art activity where they had to solve math problems in order to create the Grinch.
“We ended the festive day watching The Grinch!” exclaimed Snyder while beaming with pride.
The three pictures below (left to right) show the students all dressed up to greet grandparents; students competing in the tallest tree contest; and a student displaying her parachute.
First Graders Are Introduced to Fictional Authors; Hear Story and Celebrate the Season
For anyone who has spent a significant amount of time with young children, one thing they’ve learned is that most children love to be read to by adults or older children. Just prior to the holiday break, the Fairview first grade students had the thrill of being read to by the actual authors of a fictional story called North’s Pole. Through the collective efforts of the first grade team – Mrs. Allision Ciolek, Mrs. Lindsay Imm, Mrs. Jenny Johnson, and Mrs. Molly Nusbaum – authors (and sisters) Lindsay Yacovino and Courtney D’Annunzio provided a virtual presentation of their first published story.
“They (the authors) shared with students that the whole process took three months to complete their book, North’s Pole,” explained Ciolek. “Before reading the story to the students, the authors shared the process that they went through as they wrote their book, as well as how they found their illustrator, Kaitlyn Terrey.”
The story is inspired from their personal love of Christmas, and the characters in the story are based on their own children. The students also had the opportunity to purchase a signed copy of the book, if they wished, prior to the day’s events.
“This was a great opportunity for students to be inspired to possibly become authors of their book one day,” Nusbaum stated.
As a fun, concluding event to the authors’ visit, the students enjoyed two bonus treats: a cup of hot chocolate with lots of delicious extras and the opportunity to complete their own craft.
The pictures below (left to right) showcase one of the authors reading her story virtually; Mrs. Imm and one her students enjoying some hot chocolate, and the students in a classroom posing after completing their crafts.
Physical Science Students Study Solutions, Acids, and Bases; Then Earn Reward for Great Lab Safety and Clean-Up Habits
Studying solutions, acids, and bases may not seem too exciting for a group of young, high school physical science students, but Mrs. Rayna Moore had a great plan that combined this state content standard with the holiday spirit for some festive fun. And because she was so pleased with her students’ efforts with the recent unit, she planned an experiment that rewarded them for their good behavior.
“After a solubility lab where students observed the differences between saturated solutions of salt and sugar, they were rewarded for great lab safety and clean up with special demonstrations,” stated Moore. Specifically, “students learned how supersaturation results in crystallization of excess solute and enjoyed a rock candy treat made from this method.
“Students also balanced the equation for an acid base neutralization reaction, watched the explosive results, and enjoyed the sparkling product.”
Freshman Zane Timbrook was among the students who found the experiment interesting. Stated Timbrook, “(I learned) that you could experiment with different amounts of C02,” something he hadn’t considered ahead of the process.
Fellow freshman McKenna Kimpel was equally impressed. “One thing I found interesting about this experiment was how sharp each of the candy crystals was,” noted Kimpel. “It's crazy how they can form into shapes with perfect corners.”
Not knowing for sure what the candy would taste like was one of the surprises, but both students surmised that the candy tasted like pure sugar.
In the center below, Mrs. Moore is providing an example for her students. The pictures to either side of Mrs. Moore show students studying and enjoying their treats.
Beloved Fictional Character Pete the Cat Visits Young 5's Classroom
Through the combined efforts of a Fairview Elementary teacher, a retired Central Local employee, and a generous community, Pete the Cat made an impromptu visit to Miss Kim Beek’s Young 5’s classroom to surprise her students with a new book and a chance to meet one of their favorite fictional characters.
“I obtained Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes for each student through a Donors Choose grant opportunity,” stated Beek about how she was able to provide her students with this opportunity. “These books are for the students to have at home to foster reading and a love for reading at home.
“The rhythm and repetitive text is perfect for young children to aid in the development of pre-reading skills,” she explained about the age-appropriateness of the book.
Mrs. Deb Rhodes, a retired educator who spent a combined 35 years working for Wayne Trace, Hicksville, and Fairview as both a teacher and counselor, played a key role in bringing Pete the Cat to Fairview Elementary School.
“Deb Rhodes was a huge contributor to this project. She offered to have Pete the Cat visit our classroom, and of course I said yes!” exclaimed Beek about the beloved character.
During his visit, Pete the Cat delivered the books, stickers, and a Pete “Cool Cat” necklace to the students. He also posed for several pictures with all of the kids, one of which is shown below.
Second Grade Students Learn about Macy's Day Parade Through Creative, Interdisciplinary Lesson
Fairview Elementary School teachers continue to find fun and creative ways for students to learn. Recently, the second grade team of Mrs. Lisa Ford, Mrs. Kelly Panico, and Miss Emily Willitzer developed a unit that combined history, reading, arts & crafts, and a holiday season.
Centered around the Macy’s Day Parade, the plan involved three steps:
“First, we read the book Balloons on Broadway, which discusses the history of the parade and the amazing balloons displayed there every year,” explained Panico. “Then, each student had the opportunity to design and create their own balloon. Last, all three classes paraded through the school displaying their amazing creations” for the rest of the students to see.
“The second graders had a ‘popping’ good time celebrating and learning about the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade!” exclaimed Panico about the lesson.
Learning while having fun is always a good combination.
Shown in the pictures below are (left to right) Miss Willitzer’s students, Mrs. Ford’s students, and Mrs. Panico’s students proudly showing off their individual balloons.
Fifth Graders Experience Unique Book Tasting Event, Interest in Reading Skyrockets
As the saying goes, “If you feed them, they will come.” Well, Fairview Elementary’s three fifth grade reading teachers, Mrs. Annie Kauffman, Mr. Kurt Nusbaum, and Mrs. Annie Zipfel, introduced a unique twist to this philosophy by developing a lesson based on the saying, “If you feed them, they will read” using a concept appropriately titled “Book Tasting.”
“During this book tasting, the students sampled different books from different genres,” explained Zipfel about the fledgling lesson.
The three teachers set up their rooms like restaurants. Each table was decorated with a white table cloth, decorations, and a variety of books. Snacks were served between each round of books, which included Salt Sticks (pretzels), Rainbow Beans (Skittles), Golden Mackerel (Goldfish snacks), Wild Beast (deer summer sausage), Crème de la Chocolate (Oreos), and Crimson Chews (licorice).
“Students were seated like at a restaurant,” continued Zipfel. “Their teacher then played up the part of being the waiter and then chef.”
Students were given ten minutes at each table and had a menu to fill out the books they liked, which coincides with the “40 Book Challenge” that Zipfel is doing in her class this year.
“During the challenge, students are encouraged to read as many chapter books as possible with the goal of completing forty books by the end of the year,” noted Zipfel. “Students work daily on reaching their goal, and I also conference with students individually on a weekly basis to see how they are doing and what books they are reading.”
“The 40 Book Challenge” is based on the book The Book Whisper by Donalyn Miller, which encourages reading through finding books students love. “Many students did end up reading books they sampled during the book tasting!” exclaimed Zipfel.
The teachers are singing the praises of the program, and the results prove it’s making a measurable difference in the amount of time the students are spending with books in their hands.
“I have noticed a big difference in students reading more,” noted Zipfel. “I don't know how many parents I talked with at (parent-teacher) conferences that said their kids are reading more than ever. I really think the ‘40 Book Challenge’ has gotten them interested in reading.”
Students are even passing along rave reviews to one another.
“I hear students sharing book recommendations with each other!” stated Zipfel with much enthusiasm.
While doing the individual conferencing with teachers, the students are given fifteen minutes in class each day to read their books and, “They don’t want to stop. I also want to note there is no prize or party for getting the forty-book goal. All their motivation is coming internally from actually reading books they enjoy,” concluded Zipfel.
The pictures below (left to right) depict students silently reading at an adorned table; snacks neatly displayed; and Mrs. Zipfel having individual conferences with her students.
First Graders Feast on Thanksgiving Favorites, Learn About Early Thanksgiving Traditions
Led by the creativity of the first grade teachers, comprised of Mrs. Allison Ciolek, Mrs. Lindsay Imm, Mrs. Jenny Johnson, and Mrs. Molly Nusbaum, Fairview first grade students gathered slightly before the Thanksgiving holiday to enjoy a Thanksgiving feast planned and prepared by their team of teachers.
“Students tasted cornbread muffins, cranberry Jell-O, chocolate chip pumpkin cookies, candy corn, popcorn, and a glass of apple cider,” explained Ciolek about the various treats made available to the children.
The few days leading up to the festivities, students learned about the first Thanksgiving and compared how it was back then to how it is now. Among other differences, the students learned that the first Thanksgiving holiday lasted three days instead of one day as it does now.
To help bring more vision to the experience, the classes created hats and headdresses to wear to the meal. Mrs. Ciolek’s and Mrs. Johnson’s students depicted the Native Americans, while Mrs. Imm’s and Mrs. Nusbaum’s classes took on the role of the Pilgrims.
“It was a great time to gather together for one final celebration before the Thanksgiving break,” declared Imm. “This is always a fun activity that our students look forward to participating in.”
The pictures below showcase several students showing off their artwork and enjoying their delicious treats.
What Does a Research Physicist Do? Physics Class Students Get Answers to This Question and More
Most people have probably seen or used a telescope. And while just about everyone benefits from the services provided by the Space Station, most of these same people likely have a limited understanding what it is that research physicists do. To help get answers to these and many other questions, Mrs. Rayna Moore’s physics class students recently traveled to Wittenberg University to witness the unique job of a research physicist and what may occur in an ordinary day for this anything-but-ordinary profession.
“The students were able to see some state-of-the-art equipment, like the university’s particle accelerator and refracting telescope and learn how physicists have to design and create many of their own tools” explained Moore.
Senior Jace Chapman was intrigued by the particle accelerator.
“Wittenberg had a functional particle accelerator that students built and used for projects,” stated Chapman about what he found most interesting about the field trip.
These same sentiments about the accelerator were echoed by fellow senior Marissa Sims.
“I found the particle accelerator very interesting,” noted Sims. “I liked learning about how the pieces of old and new technology in the accelerator work together to conduct research, and it's very impressive that many parts of the accelerator were designed by former students.”
Located in Springfield, Ohio (about an hour west of Columbus), Wittenberg University is a private liberal arts college offering an array of programs in many fields of science, including physics and physics research.
“I learned the basics of how the particle accelerator works,” explained Sims about what information she brought back to Fairview. “I also learned about antimatter and the current research taking place at Wittenberg on positrons and their characteristics.”
Chapman was very precise in his description about what else he learned, stating, “On Earth, positrons only last mere nanoseconds before being annihilated by an electron." Pretty fascinating perception indeed.
“The students were introduced to several fields currently being researched, such as plasma physics and antimatter,” concluded Moore. “They even learned about collaborations the university is doing with other schools, Homeland Security, and the Space Station.”
The pictures below (left to right) depict students learning from a current Wittenberg student about her summer field experience; the telescope found in the observatory ; and students observing parts of the particle accelerator in the target room.
Fifth Grade Students Have Great Fun While Learning About Nature and Teamwork at Camp Palmer
When people in Northwest Ohio hear the words Camp Palmer, most light up with excitement, especially young people. For it is here that people of all ages can learn about nature, while participating in activities that you wouldn’t ordinarily get to participate in very often. Located near Fayette, OH, Camp Palmer recently played host to the Fairview fifth grade students and provided an array of outdoor, hands-on, educational activities.
One of the hands-on challenges combined science with technology.
“Students built large roller coasters with marbles and insulation pipes,” explained Mrs. Kelly Dempsey, who along with her co-teachers Mr. Kurt Nusbaum, Mrs. Annie Zipfel, Mrs. Annie Kaffman, and Miss Maggie Schneider, provided supervision and support to the day’s events. The objective of this challenge was to use the pipes to form a track that the marble would move about without running out of momentum.
Students also had two different activities involving ropes.
Stated Demsey: “Students worked together as a team to complete low ropes courses. They also cooperated as a large group to help all teammates complete a high ropes course, including a long zip-line.”
Prior to taking this field trip, many of the fifth graders didn’t realize that this part of the world was so diverse with many living creatures.
“The children were fascinated as they learned from naturalists about the many species of turtles and snakes that live right here in Northwest Ohio,” concluded Dempsey.
In the pictures below (left to right), students discuss what teamwork will be needed to complete one of the challenges; a student hangs on tightly during a rope activity; and a ranger from Camp Palmer models the proper handling of a snake found in the park.
Fairview HS/MS Library Looks to Expand on Multicultural Selection of Fiction Books
In an effort to introduce students to the many cultures throughout the world, HS/MS librarian Mrs. Sally Miller set a goal earlier this year to adopt fiction books with characters other than White or from the United States. As a result of her efforts, she recently announced that the library has received several additional books that meet these criteria.
“One of the projects that I have been working on this year is to increase our multicultural selection of fiction books,” stated Miller with pride in her voice. “I’m working in collaboration with Mrs. Jacqueline Davis and the World Languages Club.”
The library, named after longtime school superintendent Mr. Darrell E. Jones, started this school year with a collection of a shade over 5,100 fiction books. Of this number, only 139 of these books have been identified as multicultural, meaning only a little over 2% of the inventory contains a character of a race other than White, a setting in a different country, a cultural issue between races, or an author that is a race other than White.
“As we try to encourage empathy and understanding of races and cultures other than our own, we were lacking stories that model that,” continued Miller. “As educators, we know that reading and stories are a foundation for learning. Therefore, I began reaching out to authors and publishers in an attempt to get some donations for our library.”
Well, her hard work has paid dividends: “I'm pleased to share with you that I have received a donation!” she exclaimed. “(Library agent) Suzie Townsend from Publishers Marketplace recently delivered a box of eighteen books, with a retail value of $306.78, that can be categorized as multicultural and will help expand our collection. This collection contains both middle grade books and young adult, or high school books.”
Miller is very appreciative of the continued value of the Darrell E. Jones library.
“Our ability to provide students with physical books is greatly appreciated by the staff and students,” continued Miller. “Students admit that they truly prefer having the physical book in their hands. They've expressed that they can concentrate better, read longer, and comprehend better when it's not on the screen.”
However, she is quick to point out that online options do exist. “For books that we don't have in our library, I suggest online options such as eBooks,” concluded Miller.
Shown below is the collection of books donated by Townsend and Publishers Marketplace.
Kindergarten Students Enjoy Outdoor Activity Comparing Living and Non-Living Objects
The highly acclaimed new reading series at Fairview Elementary School once has again brought reading to “life” – and “non-life” – for several excited kindergarten students. In a recent outdoor, hands-on activity, Mrs. Megan Gearhart, Mrs. Jessie Sliwinski, Mr. Kobe Baker, and Mrs. Lisa Karlstadt teamed up to introduce a creative lesson to their students with the objective of comparing and contrasting biotic, or living organisms, with abiotic, or non-living objects, using the simple technique of T-Charts.
“The students had to observe their surroundings outside to draw or write living and non-living things on a T-Chart,” explained Sliwinski about the combined lesson.
As noted in a previous entry to “Who’s Telling Your Story?,” a T-Chart is defined as “a graphic organizer that separates information into columns, traditionally for comparing.” It gets this simple name because it looks like the letter “T” and “is both versatile and commonly used across all subjects” to show pros and cons and/or similarities and differences.
Along with combining reading and science, the teachers threw in differentiation, teamwork, and nature as added incentives.
“We grouped the students by their ability to allow for differentiation and small group instruction,” continued Sliwinski. “The kids enjoyed being able to go outside for this activity.”
Below (left right), Mr. Baker models his T-Chart for students; several students pose in front of living plants with their T-Charts; and Mrs. Gearhart models her T-Chart for students.
Kindergarten Students Read and Learn All About Animals in Fun Hands-On Lessons
When it comes to what motivates five and six-year-old children, not many topics bring more joy than learning about animals. Mrs. Jami Speiser seized on this opportunity by combining reading with building and learning centers to introduce her students to various aspects of the animal world.
“Students used independent reading time reading about various types of animals and their traits,” explained Speiser. By reading about various animals, students were able sort them by listing different characteristics.
To help with the process, she had students complete T-Charts about living and non-living things, while also comparing and contrasting domestic versus wild animals. A T-Chart is defined as “a graphic organizer that separates information into columns, traditionally for comparing.” It gets this simple name because it looks like the letter “T” and “is both versatile and commonly used across all subjects” to show pros and cons and/or similarities and differences.
To help bring the lesson to life, Speiser had her students participate in the ever-popular activity of building with blocks.
“We built animal homes with various hands on materials including blocks,” she continued. “Students had other hands-on activities, such as learning centers, including puppets and giving life-like characteristics to non-living objects using dramatic reenactments.”
Shown in the picture below are students happily displaying an example of one of their T-Charts.
Second Grade Interdisciplinary Lesson Combines Science with Reading and Writing
As part of the permanent improvement levy approved by the community in November 2019, Central Local Schools has begun a textbook adoption program. For the 2021-2022 school year, Fairview Elementary School adopted the ARC Reading Series, which has been widely praised throughout the first semester of school. The second grade team of Mrs. Kelly Panico, Mrs. Lisa Ford, and Miss Emily Willitzer has come up with a very creative way of combining the awesome reading series with both science and writing to bring something most second graders enjoy learning more about: bugs!
“The new ARC Reading Series has us ‘bugging out’ in 2nd grade!” exclaimed Panico as she described the unit. “Each student is becoming a bug expert.”
Combining science, reading, and writing in an interdisciplinary lesson introduces students to multiple content standards at one time. As part of this particular process, students participate in daily sustained reading for thirty minutes, followed by daily research on individual bugs. They then spend several minutes writing about the bug they have chosen as their primary focus.
“The students are focusing on classification, ecosystems, social interactions, impacts on the environment and much, much more,” stated Panico with obvious excitement in her voice. “At the end of the unit, each student will have written a chapter book telling everything they have learned about their bug.”
Students in the pictures below are shown studying, writing about, and displaying their work.
Fifth Grade Students Practice Multiple Ways to Solve Division Problems
As studies how, people both young and old learn in different ways. Likewise, people have learned to solve problems in more than one way too. This phenomena is especially true when it comes to solving math problems. In order to demonstrate to her students that they can solve division problems in a variety of ways, Miss Maggie Schneider introduced her students to a lesson on division where students were challenged to come up with as many ways to solve division problems as they could.
“After spending a few weeks learning and reviewing division, one of my classes used number talks to discover new ways to divide mentally,” explained Schneider about the objective of her lesson. “Students were given a problem and tasked with solving it in their heads.”
That was only the beginning of the lesson though.
“Once they solved it, they were challenged with trying to find more ways to solve it,” continued Schneider. “In the photos you will see students holding up their fingers to show me how many ways they have come up with to solve the problem.”
So that students could glean information from one another, they took turns going to the front of the room and solving the problems on the Whiteboard.
“Students shared their thinking and demonstrated what they did in their heads on the board,” stated Schneider. “Students talked about what they may had done similarly or different. We also did this during our multiplication unit and will continue to do it throughout the year.”
As stated above, the objective was to not only demonstrate, but to encourage students that it’s perfectly okay to solve problems in more than just one way.
“(This lesson) shows students there are many ways to think about the problem and many times the standard way of solving it may not be the easiest. When students have to think outside the box, they come up with truly creative ways to solve the problems,” concluded Schneider.
The pictures below show the students deep in thought with their various ways of solving problems on the Whiteboard.
Kindergarten Students Have a Great Time Being Letter Detectives
To assist her kindergarten students in learning all about the letters of the alphabet, Mrs. Diane Meyer designed a creative scavenger hunt game within her classroom where students “searched” the corners of her room looking for the desired goal.
“Kindergarten students were being letter detectives,” explained Meyer about her hands-on lesson plan. “While learning about the letter ‘A’, (including) its sound and letter formation this week, the students enjoyed a letter hunt.”
Multiple studies show that young people learn and retain information at a much higher rate when they are up moving about a classroom and participating in a fun way with their peers. Therefore, students worked in teams, which added the component of cooperation and teamwork to the activity.
Stated Meyer: “Their goal was to find all of the uppercase and lowercase ‘A’s,’ which were hidden in our classroom. Before hanging the letters upon the chart, the students had to share the correct letter name and sound with me.”
Shown in the pictures below are students in having a great time locating and learning about the letter ‘A.’
Mrs. Moore Introduces "Reading is Me, Reading is Thinking, Reading is Power"
Mrs. Vicky Moore is excited to introduce a new strategy for teaching all students to read with fluency and comprehension. Known as “Reading is Me, Reading is Thinking, Reading is Power,” this innovative program focuses on teaching impactful reading strategies to boost comprehension in third grade.
“I took a summer workshop on-line,” stated Moore about her initiative. In the training, Moore and her colleagues learned that “reading strategies involve the reader, (while) reading skills involve the text only.” She now is implementing these new strategies with her students. “My goal is to teach students how to think about their own thinking,” she explained.
The program strategies involve the following skills:
1.) Schema is similar to background or prior knowledge. Students should be able to access their schema before, during, and after reading. They should be able to answer this question: “How will what I already know impact my understanding?” If not, they should slow down or re-read the passage. Without connecting new learning to old learning, the information will not stick.
2.) Visualization is the ability to make “movies in our mind.” It takes the information from the paper to our ears to our brain. Albert Einstein once said, “If I can’t picture it, I can’t understand it.” Our brains hold on to memories by storing photographic images. Students should use their own memories to connect to themselves, to the text, and to their world.
3.) Making connections to themselves, to the text, and to the world should strengthen their level of understanding of a topic. Our schema (background/prior knowledge) affects our ability to make connections to a topic or to a text. When little or no connections can be made while reading, the level of comprehension and understanding will likely decrease.
4.) Students should be able to ask themselves questions before, during, and after reading or within, beyond, and about the text (to expand their vocabulary level). Asking questions when we are curious, clarifying, predicting, and identifying the author’s intent while reading will enhance our level of comprehension and understanding.
5.) Metacognition simply means “thinking about your thinking.” To be aware of your voice when reading promotes critical thinking. It also helps the reader to monitor their level of comprehension or when they stop comprehending. A good reader must learn to realize when they have stopped understanding.
6.) Determining Importance is the most difficult to teach if students have a lack of schema. Concrete and real-life situations will help students determine and summarize important ideas. Using non-fiction books is a good way to distinguish between important and unimportant ideas. Students will begin to use their metacognition - “thinking about your thinking.”
7.) Synthesizing is the process where readers bring together schema and the reading text to formalize their own original thoughts. Good readers will be able to explain how each part of reading is involved in synthesizing. They also determine when their thinking changed and what caused the change. Lastly, they justify why they are thinking that way. Many times it will be through text evidence.
These research-based strategies are sure to bring even greater reading skills to many students at Fairview Elementary School. In the picture below, three of Mrs. Moore’s students proudly reference their reading program.
First Graders Finish Up Grading Period with Fun STEM and Motor Skills Activities
Friday, October 29 was truly a special day at Fairview Elementary School. Not only did it represent the final day of the first grading period, but it was also an opportunity for students to dress up in their Halloween costumes and have a good time celebrating forty-five uninterrupted days of learning so far this school year. Among the teachers who made the day extra special was the first grade team of Mrs. Allison Ciolek, Mrs. Lindsay Imm, Mrs. Jenny Johnson, and Mrs. Molly Nusbaum, who introduced their students to an array of STEM activities throughout the morning.
“Students enjoyed engaging with their peers in various competitive and STEM activities,” explained Ciolek.
STEM is an acronym which stands for science, technology, engineering, and math. Many of the activities also involved using motor skills in some fashion. Motor skills are those skills that require a person “to manage the process of movement. To execute motor skills, a person’s brain, muscles, and nervous system must all work together.”
Examples of motor skill activities included the following events:
· Toss backwards and catch Starbursts;
· Wrap a Mummy;
· Is it easy to move your face and eat a cookie?;
· Relay Candy Corn;
· Can a donut be eaten from a string without falling onto the floor?;
· Flip the cup over a pop can; and
· Flip the Twix into a cup.
Other activities required students to use either advanced brain power and/or guessing skills. Examples of these activities included the following events:
· Toss and count to ten pumpkins;
· How many M & M’s could be sucked up with a straw and transferred to another plate in one minute?;
· Can a Sweet Tart sour ball bounce and stick to the middle of an Oreo cookie?;
· How far can a Twix be pushed?; and
· Draw anything in a circle contest.
Ciolek concluded that it was an enjoyable experience for the first graders: “My first graders had a fun Friday morning doing fall activities.”
Central Local School officials wish to thank the first grade team for all of their planning and efforts in making the last Friday of the first grading period both a fun and educational experience for their students. Job well done.
Shown below, are students participating in three of various activities.
Third Graders Learn about Matter, Design Their Own Toy
“Students designed a toy using a solid, liquid, and gas as a final project for the end of our second unit,” explained Longardner about her neat idea. “Students were given time to design a toy on paper after I demonstrated my toy, a skydiver.”
Matter is defined as “that which occupies space and possesses rest mass, especially as distinct from energy.” All of the toys the students constructed represent some form of the definition and were built using various classroom objects, such as balloons, paper plates & cups, cardboard, tape, glue, markers, decorative stickers, googly eyes, and feathers. Students then were given an opportunity to present their toy in front of the class.
“The students really enjoyed designing, creating, and presenting their toys, and I enjoyed watching them be creative and having fun,” concluded Longardner.
In the picture below, Hayleigh Smith proudly displays her toy, a Zoom car. Great job!
Students in Young 5's Classroom Work "Writing Buddies"
Miss Kim Beek has shown to have a real knack for finding educational resources through the Donors Choose program. Her recent acquisitions include tools designed to help young people improve their writing and drawing skills.
“I obtained Start with a Dot Journals by Peter H. Reynolds for each student,” explained Beek. “The journal promotes writing at a developmental level for the Young 5’s students.”
Students complete one-two pages each morning in the journal using special tools known as “Writing Buddies.” Shown in the pictures below, this small device works as an extra grip and promotes the appropriate pencil grasp, while helping the children become even more interested in writing and drawing.
“The ‘Writing Buddy’ makes writing fun for the children. The children have shown improvement in pencil grasp, pencil control, letter formation, and drawing abilities with this daily activity,” concluded Beek.
The pictures show the tool at work along with a copy of the journal the students use each day.
Fourth Graders Engage in M-A-T-H Lesson
“What an awesome lesson in Mrs. Snyder's fourth grade class today!” exclaimed Mrs. Sherrie Brown after observing Mrs. Brooke Snyder’s fourth grade students engage in a hands-on math lesson appropriately titled M-A-T-H.
The letters spell out the four different activities involved in the lesson:
M -- Meet with your teacher: The students joined their teacher to practice the box method for two-digit-by-two-digit multiplication. This is a strategy used to help make large number multiplication easier, and it gives the students a better understanding of multiplication and place value.
A -- At your seat: The students completed a two-digit-by-two-digit activity at their seats to reinforce the box method.
T -- Technology: The students completed two-digit-by-two-digit math pixels on their Chromebooks. They had to work out the problem, type in the answers, and the mystery pixel was revealed.
H -- Hands on: The students played multiplication war with a deck of playing cards and a partner. This was used to give the boys and girls extra practice with their basic multiplication facts.
As the students were meeting in small group with their teacher, they worked on the box method. The box method is a strategy used to multiply large numbers and is a great way to give students a better overall understanding of multiplication, while improving number sense and the knowledge of how to break down numbers.
“When transitioning to the next group, Mrs. Snyder would say ‘FES,’ and the students would say ‘is awesome!’ What a great way to build school spirit!” stated Brown with much excitement in her voice.
Once all the students had a chance to rotate through each group, they had the opportunity to play Blooket, an online math fact game. “It was tons of fun, and they even let Mrs. Brown join in and win,” explained Snyder.
In an effort to combine math with geography, the fourth graders had the opportunity to complete a mystery Zoom with a classroom from another state within the United States. The lesson focused on map skills and geography with students from both classes asking questions, one at a time, to try to determine the other classroom's state/location through clues using time zones and bordering states.
When all clues had been revealed, Snyder’s fourth grade students won the competition by determining that the competing classroom was located in Maryland.
“This is the second win for our fourth graders after Zooming with students in both Maryland and Alaska,” concluded Brown. “Way to go FES fourth grade!”
In the pictures bellow, students are shown participating in the lesson.
Students Shine in “It’s ‘Element’ary!” Physical Science Lesson
In just her first semester teaching science at Fairview HS, Mrs. Rayna Moore has introduced some pretty creative lessons for her physical science students. Her latest gem is a lesson appropriately named “It’s ‘Element’ary!” where students completed a set of activities getting to know atoms, elements, and the periodic table. The lesson combined both individual work and group work, providing students with not only the opportunity to shine as an individual, but also to work as a team.
“First, each student was assigned an element and created one square for the class periodic table,” explained Moore. “Next, each student created their own color coded periodic table to help them understand the trends in characteristics of the elements. Finally, students worked together to use clues to determine the identity of six mystery elements.”
Students learned skills such as how to model atoms, to determine how many types of each particle are part of an atom, and how to convert moles to grams. The end result for each class was to produce a periodic table such as the one shown in the center picture below.
Among the students who stood out in this lesson were freshmen Jocelyn Smith and Eli Meyer.
Stated Smith about what she learned from this lesson: “I learned atomic numbers and the atomic masses of many elements. I figured out how to separate the metals, non-metals, and metalloids.”
Meyer, too, learned a great deal from this lesson. “Atoms make up all matter,” he explained. “Different elements are unique with atomic mass, protons, neutrons, and electrons. Our Period Table has 118 elements and eighteen groups. (It) includes oxygen, carbon, gases, and metals.”
Both students agree that hands-on lessons are their preferred manner for learning.
“I prefer hands-on (lessons) because science is not easy for me, and reading out of a book will make me forget things,” said Smith. “If I do hands-on lessons, I remember how to do stuff better.”
Meyer agreed. “I prefer to learn by hands-on lessons because I love having a visual and being taught audibly by a teacher. It’s also fun when you get into a lesson while being taught and having the teachers teach the criteria well.”
Moore is certain the majority of her students not only learned the material, but all had a good time.
“I even heard students saying, ‘this is actually kind of fun,’” concluded Moore.
Showing off her Period Table is freshman Heather Romero (left picture), while freshmen Boden VanderMade, Kasen Schooley, and Zane Timbrook work on the group project as a team (right picture).
Large Screens Display Daily Information for MS Students
"The electronic signs change daily with messages providing important announcements, schedules, photos of student activities, Thursday motivational thoughts, and Friday Funnies," explained Geis, who is currently in her eighth year serving as the Fairview MS principal.
Signs are placed in three locations: east hallway by the treasurer’s office, west hallway by the bathrooms, and in the main hallway. The messages, which are updated daily, provide students with much-needed information to help them navigate their schedules in a more-organized fashion.
The duties of updating messages are shared by Mr. Adam Brickner, Mrs. Jessie Timbrook, and Geis. They have been very well received by the staff and students.
"I see students in the hallways everyday looking at the screens to see what's going on for the day," stated Timbrook. "The screens have helped students in many ways, especially students who may have missed morning announcements because they may have been out of the building when the school day began."
Since the beginning of the school year, Geis has stressed the ease and efficiency of getting the messages out to MS students.
"I've told my staff that If you have important information that you would like to share about a student club, athletic team, or community activity, consider contacting the middle school office so we can create a posting on our new signs!" she exclaimed.
The pictures below provide examples of messages that appear on the screens.
Physical Science Students Combine Science with Literature in Inquiry-Based Lesson
Innovative, cross-curricular lessons remain an active part of the curriculum at Fairview High School, as Mrs. Rayna Moore introduced her physical science students to such a lesson by combining science with literature. Using the ever-popular Harry Potter series, Moore developed a lesson where students conducted research and practiced their scientific citation skills to determine each flavor of the Bertie Bott’s Every Flavoured Beans presented to them.
Because, as Moore made cleared, “In the lab, there is no tasting,” students used other skills and tools to conduct their research.
“Students practiced using a variety of tools, such as graduated cylinders, calipers, rulers, scales, and their senses to make quantitative and qualitative observations,” explained Moore. “They had to conduct research and practice their scientific citation skills.”
Among the twenty different flavors of beans noted in the series, the Fairview students were challenged with deciphering the flavors from among cherry, earthworm, sausage, black pepper, grass, soap, dirt, and lemon to name a few.
“We took a look at the texture of the jelly beans, and we used our resources to look up different flavors on line to determine if they corresponded with our jelly beans,” stated freshman John Yagel when asked what strategies the students used. “After our research, we found out ours was between dirt, sausage, and black pepper.”
Continued Moore: “Students used visual observation to record coloring, pattern, and texture. They weighed and measured the beans and used the scientific technique of wafting to experience the scent of their sample." Wafting is a technique used in labs to prevent scientists from inhaling chemicals when determining a substance's aroma.
“They also used displacement to measure their sample's volume.”
The students are anxiously awaiting the outcome of their hypotheses.
“I’m pretty excited to find out if we were right,” concluded Yagel with a big smile on his face.
Shown in the pictures below is a book depicting the uniquely-named beans flanked by two groups of students busy at work.
Fourth Graders Learn the Power of Reading
As most parents can attest, one of the most frequent questions they hear from children – young and old – is, “Why do I have to do that?” This question can be especially true when it comes to reading books, lessons, and directions. However, through a creative lesson adapted by Mrs. Amy Eitniear, her fourth grade students learned first-hand just how powerful reading is when it comes to being successful, whether through short-term projects or exploring other parts of the world.
“I wanted to explain why reading is important,” noted Eitnear. The essential questions she wished to have answered were: 1.) What power do people who read have over people who do not read? 2.) How does reading give us power? 3.) What can we use our reading power for?
To demonstrate one power of reading, Eitnear gave her students the necessary materials to build a catapult. After dividing the students into groups, the students attempted to build a catapult with nothing but the materials. No written instructions and very little explanation as to what a catapult even is.
After allowing them five minutes to build a catapult, Eitnear paused the activity to get her students’ feedback at that point.
“I wanted to know what was frustrating for them? What could have made it easier? And why did one group do better than the others.”
After listening to various responses, she gave them written instructions, which outlined what a catapult is and how to go about properly constructing one with the materials on hand. Students were encouraged to read the instructions and to refer to them as often as they needed to do so. Again, students were given a few minutes to complete the tasks. Without exception, the second time around was much more successful.
“Students ended the lesson with a sound understanding that reading gives us power and knowledge that we can’t get anywhere else,” explained Eitnear. And it’s far more than just reading instructions for building a project.
She continued: “When we read, we learn, expand our minds, are taken to unique places around the world, and get to experience things we may never get to in real life. Reading is the ultimate travel guide. It’s the ultimate teacher. Reading is life.”
Eitnear concluded the lesson by directing her students to the book Calvin Can’t Fly. In this book, Calvin is a young bird who instead of learning how to fly, decides to learn how to read. His friends make fun of him until a day comes when his reading knowledge saves the day!
In the pictures below, three different groups of students try out their finished products.
Child Development Class Brings "Play School" to Fairview HS
For a two-week period in late April/early May, the Fairview HS family and consumer science room turned into a bustling preschool, as Mrs. Jill Speiser’s child development class planned out and conducted a “Play School” for community children, ages 3-5. Altogether, fifteen young people participated in this year’s program, which has been happening at Fairview HS nearly every year for close to twenty-five years.
As with the previous events, Speiser’s students spent many hours of class time preparing for two weeks of fun-filled activities.
“The students begin by picking out a theme, then divide the class so that they are the teachers for at least one day,” explained Speiser about this unique program. “From there they develop a story time based on the theme, along with small motor activities like crafts and large motor activities like playing with the parachute and playing outside.”
This year's theme was “Outer Space.” As a result, most of the activities centered around projects normally linked to the moon, other planets, and the galaxy.
“Throughout the time that the play schoolers were at the school, they made rockets, moon rocks, moon slime, galaxy bottles, and alien playdough,” continued Speiser. In addition, they played with flying saucers and galaxy slime, made rocket packs and constellation cups, and went on a moon rock hunt.
Outdoor activities included playing with the parachute, playing kickball, and participating in a stomp rocket activity.
Healthy eating was also a priority, as students planned out a nutritious snack each day for the play schoolers.
“They had lots of galaxy/rocket snacks,” concluded Speiser.
Shown below are children happily playing with the parachute.
World Languages Club Celebrates World Cultures
The Fairview HS World Languages Club (WLC) continues to be a very active student-led organization as evidenced by the array of activities students partook in during the annual WLC Week. With the standard goal of celebrating and promoting world languages & cultures, club members interacted with various staff and community members to bring a great experience for all.
Through the mentoring of Mrs. Jacqueline Davis and the leadership of senior Jalee Elson and junior Jenna Collins, members participated in a multitude of interdisciplinary activities. For example, students collaborated with Mrs. Sally Miller in the library to highlight and purchase new multicultural literature, which promoted the annual WLC Reading Challenge; and students collaborated with Ms. Chris Bok in the cafeteria to serve Brazilian BBQ pork, Japanese teriyaki chicken, Irish potato soup, and French toast, which introduced them to tasty dishes many had never tried before.
Explained Collins: “Each year, World Languages Club has a whole week dedicated to different countries and cultures. Each day, we had a new activity to go along with the country we were celebrating.”
Other promotions included a “Snack Crate,” colorful flags in the hall, and trivia in the mornings with prizes. Additionally, each day had a dress-up theme that included St. Patrick’s Day and clothing featuring international locations, languages, themes. The week concluded with a free movie night for Fairview students and their families at Defiance Cinema 9, where senior WLC member Merrick Breckler is employed. A good turnout of students and family members were entertained by the film Raya and the Last Dragon, which is inspired by a number of Southeast Asian cultures.
“Ms. Bok was kind and served a food item from the country we were celebrating that day,” continued Collins. “In addition, the new Disney movie Raya and the Last Dragon has come out in theaters and to conclude the week, we held a movie at the theater for free to anyone who wanted to attend.”
To help add some sizzle to the trivia questions, students had an incentive to compete and be the first student to correctly answer the questions.
“Each day, we had a question over the announcements and the first person to come down with the correct answer got a food item from that country,” explained Collins. “Along with that, on St. Patrick’s Day we gave away a Kalahari Day Pass to one lucky winner wearing green. The winner was Jace Chapman!”
Mrs. Davis was extremely complimentary of the work done by Elson: “This was her last year leading this, and she has done an excellent job leading and planning.”
She also sent out her appreciation to Mrs. Terri Cooper and her daughter Kayla Cooper for donating boxes from “Snack Crate.” Students were able to try candies and snacks from India, South Africa, Israel, Brazil, and Japan.
“This is something we hope to do again in the future to promote World Languages & cultures,” concluded Mrs. Davis.
Collins echoed her appreciation. “Thank you to all who helped put this week together. A special thanks to the World Languages Club, to Ms. Bok, and to Mrs. Davis."
In the top picture below, Meika Wolfrum, Jackie Delno, Patience Lewis, and Jesse Brown are displaying their outfits to celebrate international clothing and accessories. In the bottom picture, Taya Shellenberger and Katie McCavett are showing some of the candies from the Snack Crate.
Fairview Celebrates FFA Week With Team-Building Activities
The Fairview HS FFA Chapter recently celebrated National FFA Week with a slew of activities on the docket. The officer team, comprised of Clair Shininger, Cassie Mavis, Kaitlyn Zeedyk, Colton Saylor, Carrie Zeedyk, Molly McGuire, and Blake Zeedyk, led the way, and with the help of advisor Ms. Jessica Nagel, divided all of the members of the chapters into teams for a friendly competition.
Teams were rewarded for both participation and levels of success for each competition. Specifically, any team member who participated in an activity was rewarded with a point, while those team members who won a competition received another point for their team. Competitions included a tie-tying contest; designing an FFA emblem; unscrambling the opening ceremonies; an escape room; and an online scavenger hunt. Another way for teams to earn points was to correctly answer trivia questions throughout the week. Each day, a small lesson and a trivia question was posted on Facebook and emailed to all students. Students in the senior class were in charge of the questions, which included the categories of the following topics: History of Tractors, the Dairy Industry, Land in Defiance County, and Soybean Production. When all the points were tabulated, the winning team consisted of Clair Shininger, Jose Avalos, Chris Sparks, Madisyn Michael, Dawson Sines, Kennedy Hill, and Russ Zeedyk, who had nicknamed themselves the “Mad Cowboys.”
“All of these activities could have not been successful without the help of the officer team,” stated Nagel about her leadership team. “They spent many hours planning for FFA Week and also led their teams during the competitions that were held throughout the week.”
She also lauded the younger students as well. “In addition to the teams, many other underclassmen stepped up and showed their participation to help their teams earn more points,” explained Nagel.
In summary, FFA Week is celebrated by high school students across America to spread the history and knowledge of agriculture and to bring students together. The activities that were planned were to encourage members to come out of their comfort zone and participate in something they had not done before. The festivities also t taught members to work together as a team to accomplish one goal.
President Clair Shininger summed the week up well. “FFA Week is by far my favorite week of the year,” stated the senior leader. “It allows for bonding between members while also developing leadership potential for our underclassmen. We also love to bring a competitive side to our chapter by doing activities in the classroom for team points and prizes.”
Among those students having fun with the tie-tying contest are Emily Treace, Aspen Brubaker, and Gracie Willitzer, shown in the picture below.
Kiersten Cline Gives Teammates, Coaches Much Credit For Her Individual Success
In a different twist to “Who’s Telling Your Story,” we have reached out to senior Kiersten Cline to discuss her athletic seasons so far this year. Enjoy.
“Who’s Telling Your Story” (“WTYS”): How does it feel to be named Green Meadows Conference Player of the Year in two different sports?
Cline: "It’s such an amazing honor! It has always been a dream of mine to become Player of the Year in a sport, let alone two! I couldn’t have done it without my teammates pushing me to become better every day in the gym and all of the summer workouts and open gyms. Being named Player of the Year was such a surprise to me because there are so many other talented athletes in the conference! It is an extraordinary feeling because now I know that all of my hard work has paid off, and I helped lead not only my team to success but also myself. I’ve always looked up to the high school athletes when I was younger and wanted to be like them, so now that I am in this role it brings me so many joyous emotions. I’m not the type of person who wants to make everything about myself and showboat my accomplishments. I want everyone to know that my team helped me get here and without them, I wouldn’t have been named POY. But, this accomplishment is also something to celebrate, especially since it has been a long time since someone has been named POY in two different events. I’m forever thankful for everyone who has supported and congratulated me along the way."
“WTYS”: Has your senior year gone as you hoped it would?
Cline: "Senior year definitely has been something different, and not the exact way I hoped it would have happened. As a freshman, I always dreamed about what senior year would be like. Getting to experience homecoming, football games, basketball games, prom, and graduation. The biggest bummer was how we could no longer have pep rallies or assemblies in the gym to celebrate the school. I’m just grateful that I am able to still play sports and go to some of the other athletic events to cheer my classmates/schoolmates on! Although I wish this year would have been normal, I can’t argue with anything that happened throughout the year! Fairview did the best they could to make us seniors still have the best last year of high school, and I’m thankful for that!"
“WTYS”: What has it been like to win both volleyball and basketball league titles without any losses?
Cline: "It’s such a huge accomplishment to win both volleyball and basketball league titles with zero losses. It’s such an incredible feeling because the team has put so much hard work and effort into the season, and it obviously paid off! We always put “win the GMC” number one on our goal list, and to finally reach this goal for the first time in almost a decade in both sports is awesome for us. It gives the team determination for next year too, to keep the league title in our name! In previous years, we have had the opportunity to win the league, but left dissatisfied with the losses we had to other league teams. So, in the summer and season, we worked hard and had the mentality to win the league, and that kept us going."
“WTYS”: The Class of 2021 has had a lot of success. What has it been like to play with your classmates all these years?
Cline: "To me, the Class of 2021 is such a spectacular class full of athletes and intelligent students. It’s incredible to have been able to play with my classmates since we were little. We always look back to when we were younger and reminisce about the memories of our young times. Something that sticks out to me is the number of my classmates that stayed playing sports. Usually, classes lose half of their athletes and are left with a few seniors, but for our class, many of us have played forever and continued to play in high school. It’s amazing because we have created such a close bond between all of us, and they are like my family to me. My classmates and I have always had a tough time with losing because we want to work hard, become better athletes and students, and be successful. We wanted to represent Fairview the best way possible not just by helping the school win league titles, but also being mature young adults and acting responsible!"
“WTYS”: Anything else you would like for our readers to know?
Cline: "All of this wouldn’t have been possible without the non-stop support from the school and community. Being able to have this support felt amazing and loving. This also wouldn’t have been possible without all of my past and present coaches. They pushed the team and me to become better athletes and overall people. They were the ones who taught us the love for the game and the way to act when things did or didn’t go our way. All of these people had a huge impact on me and my game and also my team. I will forever be grateful for that!"
Cline (pictured below) and her teammates will look to continue their winning ways this spring on the softball diamond. Good luck!
Landon Clemens All Set to Compete in State MathCounts Competition
Fresh off his finish as the runner-up in the annual Fairview MS Spelling Bee, seventh grader Landon Clemens is now flashing some impressive math skills, as he has qualified for the annual state MathCounts competition.
Along with classmates Levi Panico, Alexa Van Arsdalen, and Eli Adkins, Clemens competed in the “Chapter” round on February 5. Unfortunately, a bad ice storm the night before forced the cancellation of school, so these students competed virtually from home in the “Hard Math” category.
“Typically, Fairview MS takes several students to the Educational Service Center in Archbold for the in-person competition. Our students completed this virtually from home since we had a snow day that day!” exclaimed math teacher Mrs. Beverly Singer.
By finishing in 6th place in the NW Ohio “Chapter” competition, Clemens once again competed virtually from home, this time in the “Chapter Invitational” round held on February 25. It was here that his placement qualified him for the State Competition on March 25.
“I am not competitive, but my mom convinced me that it would be a good idea,” stated Clemens when asked about his motivation for taking part in the event.
He is now preparing for the state competition with a solid strategy in mind.
“I am going to try to learn more about the problems that confused me the last time,” he explained. “I am going to try my hardest in this competition.”
Started in 1983, MathCounts has become a regular events for the past few years at Fairview MS for the past few years under the direction of Singer. The competition is comprised of four rounds: Sprint, Target, Team, and Countdown Round.
“MathCounts is a great opportunity for our students who excel in math,” continued Singer. “Part of the competition challenges their speed, another part their computation skills; and when we’re able to compete in the person, the team part allows them to work together.
“Accuracy is obviously important, but these other skills are also important to excel. This competition also requires the use of excellent problem-solving skills and often forces students to think outside the box,” she concluded.
Shown in the picture below is Mrs. Beverly Singer with state qualifier Landon Clemens.
World Languages Club Continues Giving To Others
The Fairview High School World Languages Club (WLC) continues to be a very active group. Along with introducing students to languages and cultures around the world, WLC is also a very caring service organization. As part of this mission to serve others, WLC is making a generous monetary donation to Samaritan's Purse "Operation Christmas Child" in collaboration with Fellowship of Christian Athletes.
“Operation Christmas Child is where we come together and fill shoe boxes with small gifts and necessities,” explained club president Jenna Collins when asked about the program. “We then send them off to be given to children who are less fortunate all over the world.”
For the second year in a row, WLC ranks at the top of Fairview High School student organizations concerning donations around the world. Council members voted to give $500 this year.
“Our club got involved with Operation Christmas Child through our school’s FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) group,” continued Collins. “Every year, our FCA hosts Operation Christmas Child, and we then participate though them!”
Members of the club feel a special calling to help those less fortunate.
“We are so honored and blessed to be a part of this outreach and to be able to contribute the way we did!” exclaimed Collins. “We hope to continue this throughout the years. Thank you to all who donate to our group to make this possible.”
In the picture below, club officers Jenna Collins (president), Brynn Harwell (treasurer), and Brook Mavis (FCA representative) proudly display their donation.
Fairview Takes Top Three Places in County VFW Writing Contest
Patriotism. What does that mean to today’s middle school students? Well, thanks to the efforts of Mrs. Tracy Robinson and the local VFW, several Fairview Middle School students participated in this year’s VFW Patriot’s Pen Writing Contest; and after the judging was final, three FMS 8th graders took the top three places.
Open to all middle school students in Defiance County, several students from other local schools submitted their entries on the topic of “What is Patriotism to Me?”
“The students began the project by brainstorming ideas about Patriotism: topics, people, quotes actions, and personal connections,” explained Robinson, who required all of her students to participate.
“All of my students wrote an essay on the topic and then my student teacher, Miss Baker, and I had the task of reading them and picking the top ten papers to enter into the VFW writing contest,” she noted.
After reading many excellent essays, the following students had their work submitted for judgement at the county level: Seventh graders Elias Colbart, Kenna Kauffman, & Kateri Mansel-Pleydell; and eighth graders Aicha Diaw, Brett Grine, Selah Hall, Casey Lucas, Cole Mack, Kayla Mavis, and Bryce Reineck.
As noted above, the news at the county level was a clean sweep for Fairview as a panel of judges from the VFW awarded first place to Hall, second place to Mack, and third place to Lucas. Their efforts paid off financially, as each winner was awarded a monetary prize.
In addition they had their picture taken for the newspaper with Ric Booher, the chairman of Defiance’s VFW The Patriot’s Pen Contest, and their essays will now move on to the next round of judging at the VFW District regional level where the first-place winner will advance to the VFW Department state level. From there one first-place winner will advance into the VFW national competition. Some of the top ten entries from the local level many also advance to further levels for judging.
Each of the three top placers had unique thoughts about the experience.
“I approached the topic of patriotism more from the emotional side,” stated Hall. “I wrote about the feelings you get from being an American. I am proud to be an American and my paper focused on that aspect.”
“The Patriot’s Pen paper took a lot of thought because patriotism can mean many things to different people,” noted Mack. “I chose to focus on the history of patriotism and this country. History doesn’t change, even if people want it to be different. History is what it is, and I wrote about what has happened in our country and how it has made this a great country.”
“I wrote more about facts from American History and how those facts affected American patriotism today,” explained Lucas.
From everyone at Fairview Middle School, good luck to all three of our students at the regional level.
Shown in the picture below are (left to right) Selah Hall, Cole Mack, Casey Lucas (on the Mimio board), Mr. Booher, and Mrs. Robinson.
Engineering II Class Does Wonders with Digital Images
Imagination and skill: Two words that have led people all over the world to do amazing things. These two words are now being put to the test in Mr. Ray Breininger’s Engineering II class with a lesson involving images.
“Students created a program that turns digital images into Warhol-style pictures,” explained Breininger about the creative lesson. ‘Warhol-style’ refers to the work done by American artist Andy Warhol, who is famous for taking original portraits and blasting them with unique and powerful color schemes.
“Students started with a partial solution, then reversed the engineered existing code, analyzed user needs, and developed a plan for completing the project,” he continued. “They integrated libraries of code and created a user interface that enables an artist to ‘paint images’ by controlling colors with slider bars. Finally, students developed instructions for the artist who will use the software.”
Now, comes the real judgement, as the students’ efforts will be put on display for other students to critique.
“Students’ coding and writing skills will be put to the test when the program and its documentation is handed over to students in the Engineering I class for testing and feedback,” concluded Breininger.
Not much compares with peer reviews, so everyone is excited to hear what the first-year class has to say.
In the top picture below, Quinton Smith and Paige Ricica work on their 10 color Trackbars code. The bottom picture models the original artwork to grayscale to a customized image.
Fifth Graders Benefit from Community Support
Every success story begins with an idea, a vision, and much hope. That is certainly the case with Mrs. Lindsay Estle’s wish to provide each fifth grade student with a copy of a book she hoped would make a difference in their lives. And with the help of the wonderful Central Local community, her wish came true.
“I had created a Donors Choose project to fund the purchase of a copy of the book A Flicker of Hope by Julia Cook for every fifth grade student at Fairview Elementary,” said Estle. “This book touches on the topic of depression and mental health in an age-appropriate way, while also helping kids to understand that each of their lives holds value!”
It didn’t take long for the money to start rolling in.
“Thanks to our amazing community, this project was fully funded in just a week!!” exclaimed Estle with a glowing smile on her face.
As part of the curriculum, Estle meets with each fifth grade classroom on a regular basis, and she took advantage of this time built into the schedule to read the book as part of a group.
“The students and I read through the entire book together in our November Guidance lesson (as part of the fifth grade curriculum),” she explained, “and then each fifth grade student became a ‘Hope Builder’ by creating a positive and supportive message for their class. These hope building posters are on display in the fifth grade hallway!”
Among the students who participated in this program (top picture) are Landon Ridgway, Kurtis Keegan, Anthony Singer, and Chloe Northrup. In the bottom picture, the posters are proudly displayed outside the fifth grade classrooms.
Hand-On STEAM Lessons Thrive in MS Makerspace Room
Fairview Middle School continues to provide its students with a one-of-a-kind education. Among the many great programs thriving again this year is Makerspace. Coordinated by gifted intervention specialist Mr. Jake Jones, the Makerspace has taken back off and given students a more hands-on approach to learning.
“The students get the chance to put the learning to work and see why it's important to learn the material that we talk about,” stated Jones.
Appropriately named, this MS classroom is a “space” where students “make” their studies happen with STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics) as the backbone for lessons. Currently, seventh grade STEAM is learning about aerodynamics with cars.
“We are testing the vehicles by wiring a battery pack to a fan and putting it on the back of the car, seeing which designs can go the fastest,” explained Jones. “Not only do they learn about aerodynamics, but also how to wire a DC motor to batteries. While doing the unit, we learned about the pros/cons to electric vehicles and how hybrids work as well.”
Equally intriguing is the current sixth grade lesson. Exclaimed Jones: “Sixth grade STEAM is working on engineering an arcade game out of cardboard and other materials around our Makerspace for students to have a chance to play during intervention as a reward for working hard throughout the first quarter! This project helps them to get creative, use their imagination, and also learn about simple machines.”
One group of students has developed a creative game called CoronaFish. The objective is for students to fish out sanitary items from a box, such as hand sanitizer and masks. But players can also fish out the "virus," or the ping pong ball, which causes the player to lose points.
“While making the game, the group members made a fishing pole out of a wooden stick, string, and a thread wheel and made a pulley device to make a working fishing pole.” Jones stated with enthusiasm. “Students pull out objects from the box from a magnet attached to the end of the pole and all of the items in the box have magnets as well to lift the object out.”
STEAM isn't the only place where students are learning through hands-on methods. The science department recently got the chance to work with gizmos through the website www.explorelearning.com that lets students do online simulations of hundreds of science experiments that they may not usually get to see.
“For example, students can observe how the phases of the moon work by speeding up a simulation of the sun, earth, and moon to learn why the moon looks the way it does in the night sky,” concluded Jones.
Shown in the top picture below is the group of students showing off CoronaFish. In the bottom picture, a student puts the finishing touches on his project.
Annual Great American Apple Crunch Becomes Lesson on Apple Sauce
Like many other facets of education, the annual Great American Apple Crunch had a different look this school year. Unlike a year ago when the whole district was able to participate, this year’s program was limited to a smaller number of students. Among those students who participated were Mrs. Jill Speiser’s Principles of Foods class.
“While the class was studying fruits and vegetables, they decided to participate in the Apple Crunch and then make their own applesauce from the apples,” explained Speiser about the unique efforts of her students. “From there the students learned how to can the applesauce by using the water bath process.”
The Apple Crunch program is sponsored by the Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems. Its main purposes are to support local farmers with their product and to promote healthy eating. Celebrated primarily in the Midwestern states of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin, it also promotes the “Farm to School” program. A more detailed overview of the program can be found by visiting the website at the following web address:
Among those participating in this lesson was junior Hannah Harbourt, who stated that she hadn’t ever canned apple sauce before and enjoyed learning how to do so. She also had a good time with the lesson. “Being able to eat the apple sauce after watching the process of how it was made” was the most fun, but she admitted that in doing the lesson over again she would "not have added as much cinnamon." Good advice, for sure.
Shown in the picture below is Harbourt mixing the final product.
Fairview HS Band Shows Off New Uniforms and Refurbished Drums
An already well respected program, the Fairview HS Marching Band of Pride has taken another positive step forward this season with a brand new look. After several months of aggressive fundraising, the band recently revealed both classy new uniforms and a renovated drum set as part of this year’s halftime shows.
“The new uniforms were purchased in June using the funds from the Defiance Area Foundation and many other generous individuals,” stated veteran band director Miss Kari Rosania, who is entering her 23rd year with Central Local Schools. The fundraising was in full swing last year, and right before school buildings were closed in March, the underclassmen had a chance to get excited about the potential of wearing new uniforms this fall.
“Band members were individually fitted a week before the school was shut down due to COVID-19,” she explained.
Fairview HS was founded about 1960, with varsity football beginning in 1969. As a result, the marching band had its halftime show inception during that era. The new uniforms reflect that era as “the design is based on uniforms from the late 1960's,” noted Rosania.
Senior Cassie Mavis is among many seniors band members excited, stating that the band got a new style of marching last year and the new uniforms are a perfect fit.
“As seniors, we are so happy,” she said with a smile. “We are taking so much better care of our uniforms this year. It’s also really cool to hear all the comments from other people about how good our band looks.”
Along with flashing new threads, the percussion section also has a brand new look despite using the same drums as last year.
“The drums are wrapped in new black and gold colors. It took about an hour to wrap each drum. Some of the drums are over 25 years old, but now look brand new!” exclaimed Rosania.
Among those drummers using the new-look instrument is Riley Krill. When asked about using drums that have a shiny new look, he had so much good to say.
“What our drums do really adds a lot of oomph and really gets the crowd going,” he said matter-of-factly. “Our cadences, we work really hard on those and keeping the band going.”
Having both new uniforms and new-look drums adds much pizazz to what is already a source of pride for the school and community.
Shown below are two pictures of this year’s Fairview Marching Band of Pride.
Experiments Show Students Just How Important Hand Washing Is
With the current situation with COVID-19, Fairview teachers and staff are putting increased emphasis on proper hand washing. To further illustrate the need for hot water and soap, Mrs. Jill Speiser and her Principles of Foods students put their hands to the test.
“My Principles of Foods students are reviewing safety and sanitation before we start cooking for the year,” stated Speiser. “Since it's COVID time, I've really been going over it in depth!”
To provide the best example possible, Speiser did a little research to find the best products she could for this experiment. The key ingredients are cooking oil and cinnamon.
“We did an activity where students put cooking oil on their hands followed by cinnamon,” she explained, noting that the cinnamon represented bacteria. “I had the students rub the two ingredients together.” This combination created quite a mess for the students to clean off their hands.
Then the experiment began: “I made them wash their hands as they would typically, like after using the restroom.” She continued, “first they had to wash their hands in cold water. Next, warm water. Finally in the hottest water they can stand with soap.
“Obviously, the cold water might have rinsed away some germs, as well as the warm water, but the hot water and soap totally removed it. Plus, we could tell who did a really good job washing their hands!”
Among those students participating were junior Stephanie Robinson and senior Kiersten Cline.
When asked about how effective the cold water was, Robinson made it clear that is wasn’t the efficient choice.
“The cold water took most of it off but not all of it,” Robinson said with a smile. “To get it all off, you would have had to scrub a lot longer.”
Cline thought the experiment was very great.
“It was really fun and showed how we really need to wash our hands considering the amount of bacteria we get on our hands,” stated Cline, also smiling. “We should wash our hands more.”
Robinson agreed about the effectiveness of the experiment.
“This was a really cool experiment to show just how much scrubbing you really need to do to get everything off your hands.”
As Central Local Schools enters the third full week of school, everyone is reminded that proper hand washing is one of the most effective means of staying well.
Pictured below are Robinson showing the mess ahead of washing and Cline showing the effectiveness of using hot water and soap.
Miss Kim Beek's Students Benefit from Her Grant Writing
In an effort to continue providing educational materials to her Young Fives students, Miss Kim Beek spent countless hours this summer writing several grants, and her efforts have paid off.
“I’m so excited to be able to give each student some books this year for them to keep,” stressed Beek. “Books are a necessity that many families may not be able to afford right now.”
Donors Choose is her go-to site, but another site was instrumental as well: ClearTheList.org.
“Some generous donors have stepped up and funded some Donors Choose projects,” she explained. In addition “ClearTheList.org, in partnership with Clorox, awarded many teachers grants up to $500. I was a lucky recipient. I received a new bookshelf, utility cart, and Pete The Cat matching games for my students. Through Donors Choose, generous donors made it possible for me to give each student the book Pete The Cat Visits the Library.”
Not to be outdone, two additional, gracious donors funded her Scholastic Campaign to give each student the book The Kissing Hand.
“This story is a great book to read before coming to school to show kids that even though they are not with mom and dad during the day, their love is still with them,” she noted.
“I know the students' parents are overjoyed with this news, and several parents have been contributors on Donors Choose.”
Adding to the excitement is that she has three more books to give to students in the coming weeks, but wants to keep it secret for now. “I do not want to spoil the surprise for them! I will post pictures on the website when they are handed out.”
As always, she is quick to give praise where it belongs: “Thank you so much to our Fairview Community and beyond for the overwhelming support we have received for our classroom and the Young Fives students!” she exclaimed.
In the top picture below, Kennedy Kuhn shows off her new books. The bottom picture reveals the new cart with some special decorations.
MS Math Students Earn More Than a Trophy at This Year’s Competition
Educating today’s youth is more than just the intense, 21st Century instruction our students receive each day. It also involves helping to develop outstanding citizens. The latter was certainly on display with our middle school Math Counts team following the annual competition held recently at the Northwest Ohio ESC. While our students did not bring home any hardware from this year’s event, our young people received something even more valuable: a huge compliment from a fellow patron at the restaurant where they dined after the competition.
“For lunch, we dined at Mancino's restaurant in Archbold,” explained Mrs. Beverly Singer, who chaperoned the group again this year. “When it was time to leave, I never mentioned anything to the students about cleaning up their table and disposing of their trash. I was zipping up my coat when a lady at a nearby table got my attention and asked me to come over to her table.”
Not knowing what to think, Singer slowly approached the woman wondering what was on her mind.
“She was very sincere in complimenting our students' behavior,” stated Singer with pride in her voice. “She and her family were amazed that seventh and eighth graders would behave so appropriately in a restaurant.
“She said she watched them be polite to the other customers when refilling their drinks. She noticed they cleaned up their area without being told, and she was especially impressed with their eating habits and the appropriate volume level for their conversations.”
Singer was quick to note that these compliments are a tribute to the students’ parents and something we have come to recognize as the norm here at Fairview.
“I expected nothing less from them and will take compliments from strangers over a trophy any day!” exclaimed Singer.
From everyone at Central Local Schools, we are very proud of our young people. Keep up the great work.
Shown in the picture below is this year’s team. The front row includes (left to right) Alexa VanArsdalen, Addysen Harwell, Jesse Coolman, Bethany Singer, Braylin Snider, and Boden VanderMade. The back row includes (left to right) Kasen Kauffman, Breaven Williams, Mrs. Singer, Aiden Casterline, and Jack Karzynow.
Eighth Grade Students Experience Career Week
Anyone who has attended Fairview Middle School in recent years knows one thing for sure: As an eighth grader, you are going to learn a great deal about a specific career field; you’re going to be introduced to many ELA (English/language arts) standards at the same time; and you’re going to have a good time doing so.
In what has become an annual event, Mrs. Tracy Robinson’s eighth grade students recently participated in a Career Fair unit. In a project that combines multiple content standards, Robinson reintroduces her students to several of the sub-categories within the ELA spectrum.
“This project hits upon roughly twelve Ohio content standards and seven sub-standards in eighth grade ELA,” explained Robinson about its broad impact on the learning process. “These standards cover writing, speaking, and listening standards.”
This year’s fair, which is four years running, took place during the afternoon of Monday, February 10. The eighth grade students prepared their Career Fair boards from the research papers they had completed previously and then presented their information to the sixth and seventh-grade students. Parents were invited to the school to witness what their students had been working on so diligently for so many weeks.
Choosing a career to study is a lengthy process and their teacher expects them to take the decision very seriously.
“Students learned about a chosen career after doing an interest survey and listening to some experienced former students and seasoned career workers tell their stories of how they ended up where they are in life,” noted Robinson. “The students learned of some mistakes to try to avoid and how to find a career they love and enjoy.”
The Career Fair is the culmination of about four and a half weeks of hard work and practicing several necessary life-long skills. Among the many skills is involving the writing process, where students go through several steps before calling their research paper a “final draft.”
“The students worked on learning how to research, outline, write, proofread, and rewrite for publication, as well as learning how to cite sources both inside and outside of the paper,” stated Robinson. “Then they learned how to transform that information into a presentable project for public display. They wrapped up the unit by learning how to prepare a presentation they could give to sixth and seventh grade students.”
According to Robinson, many students were very positive about their experience. One of those students is Bethany Singer.
“Even though the research was hard and sometimes not the most fun, I learned a lot,” stated Singer, who studied early childhood education. “I’ve always known that I wanted to work with little kids, but I didn’t know a lot of details about becoming a teacher. Now after doing the research, I understand it a lot better.”
Among the students who participated in this year’s fair are Marisa Fadley, proudly displaying her work in the field of cosmetology and Abbie Sprow, beaming with pride after studying the field of nurse practitioner.
Fairview Classes Work Together to Help and Learn From Deaf Dog
In yet another example of cross-curricular instruction and learning, the American Sign Language (ASL) class has joined forces with two vocational agriculture classes to help teach a deaf puppy some basic commands, such as dropping a fetched item, staying put, or going outside. Among the students most actively involved are juniors Clair Shininger and Elizabeth Puffinberger, who each have different goals with this endeavor.
Shininger, for instance, is using the dog – named Wrangler – as her science fair project this school year. Titled “Teaching Alternate Ways to Train Dogs with Disabilities”, she has two primary goals for her assignment.
“I’m hoping to teach the dog basic commands and hand signals,” noted Shininger, who has plans to study agriculture in college. “I’m also attempting to find other ways to get and keep his attention.”
The second goal has been noticeably challenging for her. “This project has been a lot more difficult than I had originally thought. As a puppy, he’s all over the place, and it’s hard to keep his focus.”
Puffinberger, an aspiring medical student and second-year ASL student, is using the dog to help enhance her sign language skills.
“Mr. Breininger told us that there was a deaf dog in the Ag room, and they (Miss Nagel’s students) are trying to teach it signs,” explained Puffinberger. “We are trying to teach it basic signs like sit, lay down, stay, and outside.”
Sign language is so much more than just communicating with a hearing impaired person. Stated Puffinberger: “Sign language is not just a language. It’s a whole other community with history.”
Wrangler, a rescue dog from southern Ohio, has been a great addition to both Nagel’s plant and animal science class and her AFNR (agriculture, food, and natural resources) class.
“Both classes have him (the dog) as content standards,” stated Nagel.
Shown in the pictures below are Puffinberger practicing signs and Shininger happily hugging her friend.
Fairview Welcomes Three Student Teachers for Second Semester
Like all professional jobs, proper training is essential. As a result, aspiring teachers go through a rigorous training program that includes several hours in various classrooms, leading up to the culmination of the program, commonly known as “student teaching.” Central Local Schools fully embraces this concept. As a result, the district has opened its doors to three young men wishing to fulfill their dreams of becoming teachers one day.
Corey Davis, a native of Grover Hill and a 2016 Wayne Trace graduate, is a senior at Defiance College pursuing a degree in special education with the goal of becoming an intervention specialist. He has the pleasure of working with both Mrs. Cheryl Olwin and Mrs. Brittany Badenhop, who help to provide a solid foundation for working with students with special needs. Davis is very happy to have the opportunity to continue working with these experienced teachers after a positive experience in the fall. In fact, his efforts this fall were such that the two teachers encouraged both the Defiance College supervisors and Davis to return here this winter and spring.
"I was lucky enough to spend my final methods placement at Fairview Middle School," beamed Davis. "Mrs. Olwin and Mrs. Badenhop wanted me to continue working with their students."
Methods placement is the final step teachers-in-training have before the student-teaching placement.
Gibsonburg native and GHS graduate Derek Angelone, also a Defiance College senior, is pursuing a degree in AYA (adolescent to young adult) life sciences education. This degree allows license holders to teach all disciplines of life science, such as biology, anatomy, and physiology, to students in grades 7-12. Working under the direction of Mrs. Amy Woodring, Angelone also had his methods placement experience here and sought to return for the final chapter of teacher preparation.
“I’ve held multiple placements in my college career thus far,” explained Angelone. “I was placed at Fairview for my advanced methods and have loved every minute of my time here since that month in October.”
He is also quick to give praise to both his mentor and the Fairview student body.
“I’ve been lucky enough to be placed with a wonderful mentor teacher, and the students have been fantastic and hard-working in my time here,” concluded Angelone.
Sam Williamson, a native of Antwerp and 2016 AHS graduate, is a senior at Purdue-Fort Wayne. Working cooperatively with Mrs. Beth Bechtol, Williamson is seeking licensure in grades 7-12 mathematics education. This degree allows license holders to teach an array of math subjects, including algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and calculus. Like his fellow student teachers, he expresses his appreciation for the opportunity to work at such a caring school.
“I am originally from Antwerp, so I wanted to stay close to home,” noted Willamson. “Fairview was kind enough to accept me, and I am enjoying my experience.”
As all three young men finish up their undergraduate training, the faculty and staff at Fairview MS/HS wish them all the best of luck in their future endeavors.
Shown in the picture below are (left to right) Williamson, Angelone, and Davis on a Friday at Fairview MS/HS.
Middle School Career Week Culminates with Career Fair
For the fourth consecutive year, Fairview Middle School students were recently immersed in a week-long of activities known as “Career Week.” The brainchild of Mr. Adam Brickner and Mrs. Suzanne Geis, this program has evolved over the years and remains a very valuable time for students to reflect on what they may wish to do for a living in just a few short years.
“The vision for Career Week is for students to begin the process of taking a serious look at what they might to do as a career,” explained Brickner, who is currently in his fourteenth year of serving as the middle school counselor. “The students are asked to explore the questions of ‘What do I like to do?’ and ‘What am I good at?’ as the baseline for the week.”
Students are also asked to dream a little bit.
Continued Brickner: “Even before these questions are considered, students are asked to envision their favorite thing to do and/or their favorite place to be...then imagine what it would be like to form that activity and/or that place into a career and/or workplace.”
Arguably the highlight of the week is the career fair, where twenty-five different companies were represented this year.
”The career fair is the culmination of the week where students have the opportunity to actually speak with people who are presently working in their related career paths,” noted Brickner.
The chance to meet with such an array of business owners/business managers is of utmost importance for the experience to be a success.
“The most impressive part of this year's program is that students were given time to speak with multiple companies at the career fair rather than just a select few,” stated Brickner. “The hope is that students may encounter a career area they never considered exploring. Also, Keller Logistics group brought their driving simulator where students could actually experience what it would be like to drive a big truck.”
Among the many students who “drove the truck” was sixth grader Mara Hanover, who used a variety of adjectives to describe her experience.
“Very real,” stated Hanover very matter-of-factly when asked why the simulator was like. “A bit of anxiety. (I was) kind of freaking out but kind of in control.”
Great job, Mara.
Shown in the top picture below are several students participating in the driving simulator. In the bottom picture, district resident and presenter John Mansel-Pleydell shows off his enthusiasm for ever-changing world of technology.
Decorative Doors Reflect Both Curriculum and Festive Fun
Tis the season for decorations!
As one walks the halls of Fairview Elementary School, he or she will surely notice that teachers’ doors are adorned with many student-created, holiday-themed patterns. But a closer look may also reveal that many of these patterns are based on recent lessons taking place in class. One such door is that of Mrs. Annie Zipfel, whose class has recently completed a unit on a classic story.
“My class read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,” explained Zipfel. “For the past two weeks, we have been doing activities which relate to the book. The door takes the students deeper into the story by imagining they are going to Willy Wonka's factory.”
Other fun activities her students completed were creating and writing about a candy invention the students designed, as well as reading about and watching how chocolate is made. After reading about chocolate, the students made white chocolate party mix and decorated their own chocolate rooms and Golden Tickets. They also did most of the work on the door.
“The students helped create the candy on the outside,” said Zipfel. “They also cut out the Oompa Loompas for the ‘Authorized Oompa Loompas Only’ part of the door. They were all very excited to see the ‘extra big’ Wonka bar with the Golden Ticket and the Oompa Loompas!”
To add another element of fun to this project, it was turned into a contest for “Most Decorative Door.” Considering the fact that the contest had 100% participation, the competition was intense. After all votes were counted, the winning door(s) was the combined efforts of Mrs. Brooke Snyder and Mrs. Taryn Monroe, along with much help from their students.
“Taryn and I love to collaborate and share ideas,” stated Snyder when asked about her vision for the final product. “We discussed creating a display that we could utilize both doors. We started searching on Pinterest and found a gingerbread house. We fell in love with it and knew that with the students' help, we could make it look amazing!”
The students played major roles in the process.
“The students were involved from the get go,” noted Monroe. “They had the ideas of which candies to make and were put into teams to create them. They helped put the tape onto the pieces and the pieces onto the house. They loved being involved and collaborating with a different grade level.”
“Taryn, the kids, and I had a blast creating our gingerbread house and decorating it!!” exclaimed Snyder. “Ours didn't quite look like the one on Pinterest, but it still looked awesome.”
Great job, everyone. Keep up the good work.
Shown in the top picture below are fourth grade students showing off their white chocolate party mix. The bottom picture shows the winning classes.
Elementary Students Are Introduced to the STEAM Curriculum
When the average person thinks of a STEAM project happening in their local school, he or she often pictures middle school or high school students in action. But even the youngest students at Fairview Elementary School are being introduced to this curriculum, as evidenced by Mrs. Jami Speiser’s students and their STEAM Family Projects.
“This unit is a way to connect critical, higher-level thinking processes between school and home,” explained Speiser. “The projects promote inventive thinking skills.”
To stimulate higher-level thinking skills, students are asked to answer the following questions:
1. What can your project be used for and what purpose does it serve?
2. What problem could your project solve?
3. How can you improve your project to make it better?
4. What was the most challenging part about your project?
The supplies for the projects require nothing more than items around the house, basic crafting supplies, and materials from nature. Students may use everything from lollipops, to plastic containers, to sticks in the back yard and are encouraged to be both creative and inventive.
“Students are reminded to think like an inventor, be a problem solver, use their imagination, and have fun with their family while creating your project” noted Speiser. “They are also encouraged to plan, test, and improve designs to the best of their ability.
“Thus far, students have been asked to create something using items from nature, to create something using candy, and they are currently working on creating a gift for someone.”
As part of the unit, students also make a brief presentation in front of their peers, which has been a smashing success.
“Students are very proud to present their creations to their classmates!” exclaimed Speiser with a smile.
Among the many proud students are Maizyn Gonzales (top photo) and Kaine Marsee (middle photo) posing with their creations. In the bottom picture, several more students' projects are on display.
Elementary Students Find Creative Ways to Give Back to Community
Fairview Elementary staff and students continue to find innovative ways to make a difference in the community, while having fun at the same time. With supervision and direction from the teachers and staff, “Popcorn Fridays” are one of this year's main charitable happenings.
“One Friday each month, we have Popcorn Friday at Fairview Elementary,” explained Mrs. Sherrie Brown. “We sell a bag of popcorn for 50 cents, and the money raised will be used to give back to a local charity to assist a family, person, or group in need.”
Each grade level has a designated month. Jobs are divided up among the students, which include popping the popcorn, distributing of popcorn, counting the money collected, and determining the group or charity for which to donate the profits.
“It is our way of spreading kindness by giving back to our community,” noted Ms. Amy Hammer, who brought the idea with her from a neighboring district.
The fifth graders kicked off the event on November 15 and collected $270.00 to donate to their chosen charity – The D.A.R.E. program. Among those students who made a difference was Liberty Vogelsong.
“I made announcements everyday to get people excited about Popcorn Friday," said Liberty. "I also helped open up the bags, bag the popcorn, and deliver the popcorn to classes."
Great job fifth graders.
Volunteers, especially parents and grandparents are welcome to help with the cause. Stated Brown: “Any parent volunteers who would like to help with their child’s grade level should be sure to let their child's teacher know.”
The next scheduled day is December 13th with the fourth graders leading the charge. Beyond that day, the third graders will take the reins on January 31st, followed by the second graders on February 28th, the first graders on March 20th, and the kindergarten students on April 17th. That should be a fun sight to see!
Shown in the top picture below are fifth graders Conner Hart, Lucile Figgins, Dominik Hill-Mendez counting the money. In the bottom picture, D.A.R.E. officer Phipps (front) and Sheriff Engle pose with several members of the fifth grade class as they present the big check to the D.A.R.E. program.
Middle School Clubs Enhance Learning Opportunities for Students
Walk the halls of the middle school building on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, and you will see students learning more than just the traditional academic skills. Rather, you will see up to nineteen different clubs in action, as teachers and staff work together to bring the middle school experience alive for the students at Fairview Middle School. The brainchild of Mrs. Suzanne Geis, Mr. Adam Brickner, and several members of the teaching staff, this program provides an array of positive experiences for the students.
“The two most important motives for setting aside time for activity/club time at the middle school are personal connections and relevance for learning,” explained Geis when asked about what ignited the program’s birth. “I wanted to provide an opportunity for students to make connections with teachers on a deeper level because teaching and learning is really all about the relationships.”
Over the course of the past two decades, the state of Ohio has created an era of high-stakes testing and very demanding academic standards for students in all grades. This program provides a needed respite for students to relax, have fun, and learn information in a different environment.
“Teachers are providing experiences and instruction in areas of personal interest with no grade attached or homework assigned - no pressure for students,” noted Geis. “This allows for sincere and joyful interactions during activities of common interest. Students can see teachers as ‘human’ with likes and dislikes and as someone who shares a love for reading, drawing, designing, creating, coding, dancing, exercising, or just finding peace, like they do.”
As much as students benefit, the teachers benefit as well. “Teachers also gain from this exchange because they can learn more about what interests students, what motivates them, excites them, and energizes their thinking, which can all be integrated into classroom lessons,” outlined Geis.
As noted above, nineteen clubs are currently available. When choosing what programs to offer, some necessary guidelines have been established.
Explained Geis: “The focus of the clubs and activities must be linked to healthy living or possible careers. This year, teachers have provided activities that encourage healthy living and staying active like the walking club, line dancing, and meditation/yoga. In the walking club, students learn about healthy resting and exercise heart rates, as well as how to check their own pulse. The meditation/yoga club learns how to de-stress and create a positive outlook.
“Many other activities are career centered, and teachers show students how a personal interest or talent could turn into a life-long career. Maybe a student loves drawing and making seasonal decorations for the building or dance. That student could be a future wedding or party planner. Another student may show an interest in coding or design. I see a future engineer.
“Hopefully the experiences in an activity or club plant a seed of excitement about the future or help bring relevancy to the daily math or English lesson because the students begin to see a connection and importance for learning,” summarized Geis.
The teachers play a largely-critical role in the program’s success by leading clubs of their choice.
“Every teacher chooses an activity/club to lead,” stated Geis. “Mr. Brickner gathers all this information and creates the sign-up sheets. The sheets are posted in the hallway with the name and description of the activity.”
Students have the option to participate in a different club each quarter. For the first grading period, eighth graders get to sign up first, followed by seventh graders, then sixth graders. To promote fairness, seventh graders get to sign up first for the second quarter, with sixth graders getting first dibs the third quarter.
“Activities and clubs are limited to the first twenty students who sign up,” noted Geis. “We encourage students to change activities each quarter so they have an opportunity to experience more and so more than twenty students get to experience a particular activity.”
Concerning the future of this program, Geis has a big vision.
“Moving forward, I would love to see groups taking field trips to area manufacturers or businesses to learn more about the potential for working in our local area someday. I would also love to have community members, who are able to volunteer, come in and share a skill, hobby, or basic job training activities.”
If anyone is interested in donating time and expertise to this program, please contact the middle school office and ask for Mrs. Geis.
Shown in the top picture below is Brody Vandemark participating in the architecture club. In the second picture, Mrs. Anne Frank demonstrates some stylish moves for her line dancing club. The current events club is shown updating their bulletin board in the third picture, while the bottom picture is a culmination of the clubs with photos complimentary of the photography club.
Seventh Grade Students Study Endangered Animals, Combine Art Into Lesson
Biology and art collided in Mrs. Trisha Schlachter’s seventh grade science class, as students were immersed in a cross-curricular lesson that involved studying plant and animal life while taking an animal and creating a 3D print.
“Students chose an endangered animal and studied the adaptations the animal has for survival, its scientific name, and the biome where it lives,” explained Schlachter.
What is a biome? Merriam-Webster defines a biome as a large, naturally occurring community of flora (plant life) and fauna (animal life) occupying a major habitat. A forest and a tundra are two examples of a major habitat. A biome can also be described as a community of plants and animals that have common characteristics for the environment in which they exist. Biomes can be found over a range of continents and are distinct biological communities that have formed in response to a shared physical climate.
Upon conclusion of studying chosen animals, Schlachter then introduced art into the lesson to incorporate a visual learning component. At first, students created a simple poster outlining the traits described above. Then they took the poster to another level.
“For the concluding project of the unit, students created a 3D print of their chosen animal. The 3D prints really brought the poster more to life!” exclaimed Schlachter.
One student who enjoyed learning about his animal was Dallas Hill, who chose the poison dart frog.
When asked what he enjoyed most about the unit, he stated, “Researching endangered animals and learning more about their habitat and what they look like.”
He also learned that it (the frog) “can’t injure you if you hold it in your hand correctly.”
Shown in the picture below is an array of the animals in the 3D print form.
Fairview Students Entertain Senior Citizens at Recent Event
The festivities kicked off with a presentation from members of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA), followed by an update of what is happening in the arenas of Future Farmers of America (FFA), National Honor Society (NHS), and Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA).
The music departments then took over for the next several minutes with the HS Concert Choir performing several nice selections. Members of the Marching Band then performed a stirring rendition of the "School Song."
The event wrapped up with presentations from students representing Relay for Life, Student Council, Quiz Bowl, and the School Newspaper.
Many thanks go out to the members of the Fairview Pride Club, which helped to cover the costs of the food.
Shown in the picture below are members of the Concert Choir providing a rendition of a piece they will perform at an upcoming concert. The school's choirs are under the direction of Mrs. Mackenzie Melnik.
Archaeology Students Turn Back the Clock to 1849
It was 1849 in Mr. Andy Singer’s archaeology class, as his students re-lived, first-hand, what the original “49ers” experienced over 150 years ago: Panning for gold. The primary objectives of this unit were to help students understand what it was like to pan for gold and to appreciate the impact that gold has had on ancient societies as well as on our present society.
“We focused on the connections of the past and the continued connections today,” explained Singer about what he hoped his students would take from this experience. “The students were taught the process of panning for gold just like the 49ers of the 1800s. The excitement was shared by all when a ‘picker’ was found or even the tiniest of flake.”
Singer’s quest for student-centered lessons prompted him to research how he could bring this unique experience to the students of Fairview High School. He was fortunate to hit the jackpot (no pun intended) by finding a reputable company in the Southeast US.
“I buy the material from Thermal City Gold Mine in North Carolina, and they ship it to me here so that our students can search for the gold,” noted Singer. “If you have ever watched Gold Rush on Discovery Channel, then you know what we felt like when we found the gold.”
Among the students who participated in the activity was junior Edie Roehrig, who noted how much she enjoyed studying this unit. She stated, “The most interesting part of gold panning is finding different sizes of gold in the sentiment.”
The top picture below shows the archaeology class practicing the act of panning for gold, while the bottom picture is the entire class showing off their findings, which turned out to be roughly $200 worth of gold.
Students Continue to Work on Cursive Handwriting
With the continued emphasis on the use of technology in today’s society, one may wonder if having good handwriting even matters anymore. After all, with the ability to type and print written statements, more and more people are getting away from using handwriting at all, especially the art of cursive writing. However, with the passage of Ohio House Bill 58, cursive handwriting is making a comeback in Ohio’s schools. The bill gives Ohio’s schools the resources to teach cursive handwriting. Among those teachers up to the task is Mrs. Amy Eitniear.
“Every year, I've always reviewed print handwriting with my students,” explained Eitniear. “I would introduce cursive and review print through spelling worksheets each week and throughout the year.
“Now that Ohio has passed HB 58, I have stepped it up and am doing regular lessons on cursive and continue to review print through spelling worksheets, but have added weekly lessons using Pencil Pete videos and board practice.”
According to the bill, the curriculum should be designed to enable students to print letters and words legibly by grade 3 and create readable documents in cursive by grade 5. The curriculum became available to schools for the start of this school year.
As noted, the Pencil Pete videos are part of the available curriculum. According to its website, Pencil Pete videos “help children master both printing and cursive writing, line by line, and curve by curve.”
Eitniear has positive things to say about the curricular program and that her students are engaged. “They (the students) like to see how Pencil Pete is going to form the letters since he usually has silly beginnings or dismounts off the letters being drawn. His facial features are formed by the #2 since he is a standard yellow #2 pencil.”
Eitniear admits that her own penmanship is not a personal strength, which is a big reason why she readily introduces and reviews good handwriting with her students.
“The idea of me doing lessons on penmanship will cause many to snicker because I am not known for nice handwriting,” said Eitniear with a laugh. “As a matter of fact, several years ago Mrs. Hill had ‘suggested’ I type a note home to a parent.”
There may come a day when handwriting becomes obsolete. But until that day occurs, students at Fairview Elementary School will continue being introduced to the art of cursive writing.
Shown in the picture below are students practicing cursive writing in the classroom.
Apple Event Sends Loud "Crunch" Through Buildings
Students, teachers, and staff members of the Central Local Schools recently participated in the “Great American Crunch,” a nationwide, healthy-eating activity whose goals are to promote good eating habits while using local produce to prepare healthy meals.
“The purpose of this event was to help promote ‘Farm to Plate’,” stated Mrs. Jill Speiser, family and consumer science teacher for Fairview MS/HS. This program ‘Farm to Plate’ encourages local consumers to purchase fruits and vegetables from local growers and to prepare meals that encourage people of all ages to eat several servings of fruit and vegetables each day.
Each of the buildings had its own unique flair to the event. The Middle School students kicked off the big day by performing their “crunch” at 8:15 during their enrichment time. As part of a cross-curricular lesson, Miss Addie Batt had her students complete a writing exercise where the students made apples come to life and explained how it felt to be the star of the day, then ultimately get eaten!
“As a part of the ‘Great Apple Crunch’, we were given the opportunity to enjoy a fresh apple during our homeroom time,” explained Batt. “These were enjoyed by most of the students. Some wear braces at this stage in their lives and couldn’t participate. Crunches were heard, smiles were produced, and photos prove the fun we had!”
Around 9:00 the High School students “crunched” during their enrichment time. A reporter from The Crescent News came and took a photographs of several students crunching along with their principal, Mr. Tim Breyman. As part of the experience, students in Speiser’s global foods class made apple sauce, where they also learned the process for correctly canning it for later consumption. Among those students involved in the apple sauce project was senior Adrian Metz.
“I thought it was a cool experience,” beamed Metz with a big smile on her face. “I’ve never made apple sauce before and getting to do it with my friends was cool. It was also a lot easier than I thought it would be.”
Finally, the Elementary students “crunched” all day! Mrs. Annie Zipfel was brave enough to make caramel apples with all of her 4th Graders. To assist with the event, several members of the Fairview Pride Club volunteered their time to help Zipfel complete this unique project.
“Since I teach reading, I like to do a few activities a year that involve following recipe directions,” noted Zipfel when asked what motivated her to take this event to the next level. “We talk as a class about how important it is to follow directions in order to get the outcome we want.
“I also chose to do the caramel apples because kids sometimes need a break! We are so go, go, go all week with academics. It is nice to slow down with a fun, engaging activity! I loved seeing how excited they got over the apples. Many of them had never had a caramel apple before!”
Speiser noted that this event was a total school event. “Custodians, office workers, and other staff members were encouraged to crunch on apples that were located in the individual offices,” concluded Speiser.
A big thank you goes out to the teachers and staff for their coordination and financial dedication to this fun experience. Special recognition goes to the teachers association, which graciously purchased the apples, to Miss Jessica Nagel for arranging to have the apples picked up at a local orchard, and to Miss Emily Wilitzer, Mrs. Beverly Singer, and Speiser, who were in charge of organizing the activities for the individual buildings.
Shown in the top picture below are several middle school students with their teachers taking part in the festivities. In the middle picture, Mrs. Zipfel and her students prepare the caramel for dipping. The bottom picture depicts students from the global foods class proudly displaying their jars of apple sauce.
Physics Students Learn the Importance of Structural Strength
When it comes to support systems, such as bridges, buildings, and other structures… well most people have pretty high expectations. Why? Because these structures are everywhere, and we expect them, without exception, to handle high volumes of weight. In the matter of bridges, we expect them to get motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians safely from one side to the other. However, what we take for granted can only be achieved when bridges and other similar structures are built to manage the necessary weight needed. Recently, Mrs. Sarah Dominique’s physics class completed a student-centered activity that required them to build support systems that would withstand a minimal amount of weight.
“To wrap up the unit on scientific inquiry, the students were assigned a project to build a geodesic dome completely out of newspapers and tape,” explained Dominique. “They had to incorporate the ideas of tension and compression as well as geometric shape strength to build the strongest dome possible.”
Students had a specific set of rules to follow, which made it tough for the domes to hold much weight without a well-thought-out weight-distribution system.
“Before starting their final dome, the students had to do research on weight distribution, geometric shape strength, and compression,” continued Dominique. “Once they had completed this research, they designed a ‘blue print’ of what their dome would look like. After the blue print was approved, they moved on to building a model out of toothpicks and gumdrops. This allowed them to explore the field of engineering and architecture as well as how to improve a design throughout each step of the process.
“After their model was built and approved, they were allowed to begin work on their domes. In order to pass, each dome had to hold at least 45 pounds. Everyone passed!” she exclaimed.
To add an extra twist to the experience, the project became a contest to see which team's dome could hold the most weight. The winning team consisted of Alistair Smith, Riley Lucas, and Austin Allen. Their dome held an astonishing 135 pounds.
When asked what he learned from this experience, Smith noted that “the structure of an object can provide even weak materials with strength. It was rather impressive that the smaller towers could hold as much weight as they did.”
Each member of the winning team played a different role in the success. Allen noted his role was to construct the newspaper roles.
“What I did for the group was have the maximum amount of newspaper sheets that can be rolled into one newspaper role,” explained Allen, who hoped the roles would provide the greatest amount of strength permitted by the outlined guidelines. “The most challenging step was angling the newspapers roles and taping them together” at the best angle for support.
A picture of the winning structure hangs proudly in Dominique’s classroom on her "Wall of Champions."
“This wall will consist of the winning team for each project we do throughout the year,” stated Dominique. “Their picture will remain on the wall as the "Newspaper Dome Record Holders" until they are beaten by another team in a future school year. I plan to continue this throughout my teaching career to allow students to compete for a chance to leave their mark on the physics classroom.”
Shown in the top photo below are Austin Allen, Riley Lucas, and Alistair Smith constructing the winning dome. The bottom photo paints a clear picture of how the strength of the domes was measured as Dominique Mansel-Playdell adds additional plates to the structure as Evan Mallett looks on with interest.
Acts of Kindness in full swing at Fairview
The students in all three Fairview Schools continue to do amazing acts of kindness. After participating in a highly-inspirational presentation from motivational speaker Brian Williams, the students rose up to the challenge. Williams encouraged the children to give back to the community, and project number one was to collect and donate gently used shoes for those in need.
To get the ball rolling, Mrs. Sherrie Brown and her staff made the students and community aware of their goal.
“We announced it (shoe collection) each day, including doing other acts of kindness,” explained Brown. “We sent a letter home, and donations just started happening.”
In all, students received 168 shoe donations from the Fairview and surrounding community. Half of the shoes will be kept in the community, while the other half have been sent to an organization that will distribute the shoes to needy children in Africa.
High school students also did their part by sorting and packaging the shoes. Among those who helped sort and package was senior Riley Lucas.
“We sorted, counted, and organized them (for shipment),” explained Lucas.
When asked about how such work makes him feel, he quickly responded that “It means a lot. Obviously not everyone has as much as some people. They don’t have the opportunities. It’s a special feeling knowing that you’re helping other people,” concluded Lucas.
Shown in the picture below are several high school students surrounding Mr. Breyman with a large shipment of shoes ready to go.
Mrs. Panico's Students Are Excited About Having an "Ahh!" School Year
Mrs. Kelly Panico has one simple question for her second graders this school year: Do you want to have an “Ahh!” year or a “Blah!” year? Of course, the resounding answer was to have an “Ahh!” year, and to help make that happen her students made elephant toothpaste.
“This was a science demonstration that created an oozing foam,” stated Panico. “When it went from a liquid to a foam, the students all said ‘Ahh’! So in a way, it was an analogy to having a good school year.”
Several students loved the experiment, including Will Mavis and Grace Zeedyk with each of these students having a slightly different description of the process and end result.
Explained Zeedyk: “We put chemicals in a science container, then we put water in it. It looked like a melted Popsicle,” she said with a big smile.
Mavis’ description was equally fun. “It looked like tooth paste and a sunset” referring to the orange and yellow colors. “We put food dye in it, and it foamed over,” he said, while also beaming with pride.
Here’s hoping this particular science lesson leads everyone at Fairview Elementary School to have an “Ahh!” year.
Shown below are Mrs. Panico’s students proudly showing off the end result of the elephant toothpaste.
Fairview Teachers Continue To Secure Classroom Supplies Through Grant Writing
For Fairview Elementary School teachers Kim Beek, Taryn Monroe, Brooke Snyder, and Jami Speiser, finding innovative ways to enhance their classrooms has become a “grant writing thing.” All four of them currently have projects on the Donors Choose website. In addition, three of the four teachers completed projects either last school year or over the summer.
Flexible seating is a high priority in elementary classrooms right now, as it provides many benefits for younger learners. Said Snyder: “Kids love them (seating options). It improves their ability to sit for longer periods of time.”
Another innovative seating idea for keeping students’ attention during class is a stretchy band known as “Bouncing Off Some Energy.” They are large rubber bands that attach to the bottom of a student’s desk. Students can put their feet on the band and “bounce” their feet freely. Monroe uses them with her students with much success.
“It’s like a fidget for students to move while I’m teaching,” stated Monroe. “They are not distracting to anyone because they are down below the desk.” As far as keeping a student’s attention, she continued, “We had them last year, and they were phenomenal.”
The Young 5’s classroom, taught by Beek, is full of innovative equipment secured through available grants, such as a Light Table, Flexible Seating, and Trikes for Gross Motor Play. When asked what motivates her to pursue available grant dollars, Beek exclaimed, “Because I want things for my students, but I know that our district doesn’t always have the available funds to pay for everything.”
The Light Table has turned out to be a great learning tool for children.
“My students are using the light table to learn about letters, numbers, counting, and sorting,” beemed Beek with pride. “I am planning to create an additional project in the future to try to get additional math items along with STEM activities for the table.”
The kindergarten students in Speiser's room will soon be introduced to an art easel. Her goals are to enhance the reading experience.
“It’s a magnetic, write-on board,” explained Speiser. “We will use it for our big books that go along with our reading series. It will help with letter manipulation."
Everyone at Central Local Schools appreciates the hard work of our teachers and encourages the continued efforts of grant writing.
Shown in the top picture below is third grader Wyett Greenwalt demonstrating the rubber bands. In the bottom picture, students in the Young 5's program work with the Light Table.
Innovative Seating Helps Younger Students
When Katrina Tonneas saw an avenue to create a better learning environment for her students, she jumped on the opportunity. Through a series of generous donations and grant money, she was able to raise the necessary $700 and purchase several new “desks” that provide her students a unique style. The veteran intervention specialist explained that the flexible seating and lapdesks enhance many different forms of learning.
“The students are more engaged, and they’re attention is a lot better,” stated Tonneas. “When they're grounded (their feet are on the floor), they're better able to concentrate.”
The seating also allows for students to have movement breaks while building up key muscles without them even knowing it, especially stomach and back muscles.
“The seats help create stronger cores,” continued Tonneas. “Strong core muscles are important for a person’s overall health.”
The set-up also allows for enhanced student-teacher interaction.
“We (teachers) can see better what students are doing, which allows us to provide even more support,” concluded Tonneas.
Shown below are several students showing off their new seating arrangement.
Makerspace Provides Great Educational Opportunities for Students
By definition, a Makerspace is an area in a school, library, or community center that provides children with educational materials that range in high-tech scale, such as 3D printers and robots, to low-tech scale, such as Legos and cardboard used to design, create, invent, and tinker.
"The Makerspace at Fairview Middle School has both high-tech and low-tech materials for its students and so much more!" exclaimed 7th grade science teacher Trisha Schlachter. "Today, you may see students operating robots through an obstacle course that they designed, and tomorrow you may see students printing a miniature version of an endangered animal with the 3D printer."
The Makerspace is available to all teachers in all subjects. In addition, the district employs a gifted instructor who teaches two STEAM -- science, technology, engineering, art and math
-- courses each school day.
How did the school acquire all these materials?
"Fairview Middle School has a great team of teachers willing to write grants, create crowd-sourcing pages, and simply ask for donations," explained Schlachter.
To date, the school has received nearly $2,500 in STEAM materials, almost exclusively through grants, including spheros, ozobots, and snap circuit kits. Most recently, Fairview Middle School was awarded a $1,000 check from North Western Electric Cooperative’s Operation Round-Up program to help purchase a new 3D printer.
"Faiview Middle School truly defines the concept of TEAM where Together Everyone Achieves More!" concluded Schlachter.
For more information about this great program, contact the middle school office.
In the picture below, Darin Thorp, President/CEO of North Western Electric, presents a check to Mrs. Schlachter.
Local Group Donates Backpacks
"A friend of mine once told me that we were put on this earth to help other people," stated Arnold. "I've always remembered that advice, and this example of kindness from the V-Twin Motorcycle Club certainly backs up that philosophy."
From pink and blue "My Little Pony" to scarlet and gray Ohio State, students have had an array of choices. Arnold stated that over half the backpacks have been claimed so far.
"This is another example of how the people in this community rally around one another to help provide the essentials. It's so impressive and encouraging,"
When asked how and when he learned about the offer, Arnold explained: "My assistant, Laura Brady, made most of the arrangements. Someone from the club contacted her to say they would be at Estel's on August 15. So I made sure I was there.
"When I arrived to pick up boxes, everyone was exceptionally friendly. We are very grateful to the V-Twin Motorcycle Club for helping our students."
Several backpacks are still available, so students needing one should stop by either the middle school or elementary office for assistance.
Shown in the top picture below are seniors Megan Leichty, Josiah Adkinis, Samantha Vance, Blake Smith, Nevaeh Midgett, and Simon Hammon showing off a number of backpacks. In the bottom picture, Mr. Arnold is seen posing with members of the club.
2019 Manufacturing Camp a Smashing Success
Among those attending camp this year was freshman Dylan Winger, who had nothing but praise for the four-day event. "It was a great experience," he quipped with a big smile. "I learned quite a lot and did things that I wouldn't normally be able to do such as driving big equipment."
On-site visits to Nemco Foods in Hicksville, Spangler Candy Company in Bryan, B&B Molded Plastics in Defiance, Miller Brothers Construction in Archbold, and the Four County Career Center Construction Lab in Archbold were among the many highlights of the camp. For seventh grader Logan Hardy, he beamed with excitement when describing the Miller Brothers visit.
"I got to drive a really big water truck," exclaimed Hardy, unable to hide his enthusiasm. "It turned in the center. It was a bit nerve-racking at the beginning, but it got better.
"It was really fun because they had a bunch of different equipment set up that we got to try out. We also answered questions, and I won a pair of safety glasses."
Along with the visits to the area companies, students also participated in various in-house activities, including building with large Tinker Toys, scavenger hunts, and life skills stations.
When asked what he would say to other students about future events, Winger noted, "If you're not doing anything next summer, and you're interested in figuring out what you may want to do in the future, then give this camp a try."
Among the many adults who worked behind the scenes to make this a successful, educational happening was middle school counselor Adam Brickner. However, Brickner was quick to pass along credit to others.
"The positive and productive collaboration between Fairview Middle School and the Defiance County Economic Development office is what made the planning and implementation of the camp so successful," stated Brickner. "A special thank you to Carla Hinkle from the economic development office for being the catalyst behind this successful program in Defiance County."
For information about participation in future camps, parents are encouraged to contact the middle school office and to speak with either Mr. Brickner or Mrs. Geis.
Shown in the top picture below is an instructor from Four County CC demonstrating the importance of accurate measurements. The participants and adults gather for a group photo (bottom picture) at the conclusion of camp.
Excitement Is High For New School Year
From everyone at Central Local Schools, let's make this one of the best years ever.
Fairview Sixth Graders Are Introduced to Lego Mindstorm
Sixth graders in the Fairview Middle School STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and math) class have recently completed the Lego Mindstorm EV3 unit with much success. This hands-on unit, facilitated by Mrs. Sara Schaper, is a week-long project involving a software platform produced by Lego for the development of programmable robots based on Lego building blocks.
Several students found this unit to be both a lot of fun and challenging at the same time. Among them were Alexa VanArsdalen and AyDan Judd, both of whom Schaper noted were strong students in this lesson.
“It was pretty fun,” stated Judd, who noted that there were challenges along the way. “In engineering, if something doesn’t work right the first time, you can bounce back. It took us multiple times to get it right. At first, it was kind of irritating, but once we figured it out, we had a lot fun.”
Fairview MS has placed much emphasis this year on introducing engineering to its students with special emphasis on getting girls interested in this field. It has clearly made an impression on VanArsdalen, who one day wants to make a difference in the veterinary field.
“I would like one day to help build machines that help fix veterinary equipment,” she noted. “In building and coding, it teaches you engineering. It was pretty fun.”
Central Local Schools partners with Northwest Ohio Computer Association (NWOCA) to provide this lesson to all sixth graders. Chris Malanga, Educational Integration Specialist for NWOCA and a certified Lego Mindstorm instructor, has come to Fairview every quarter for a full week to work with each sixth grade STEAM class on this special unit.
“In small groups, Mr. Malanga leads each group through the steps in creating their LEGO robot,” explained Schaper. “He teaches the class how to build the robot, bring it to life, and then command and play. He then creates challenges for them to complete. Those students that are pretty savvy with the programming are then given extra challenges to tackle.”
His efforts are greatly appreciated.
“I would like to thank Mr. Malanga for coming here four different times this year for a full week each time,” continued Schaper. “He really has a knack for working with kids.”
Shown in the picture below are sixth graders Kiana Honemann, Alexa VanArsdalen, and Zach Pettit working as a group to assemble their robot.
High School Counselor Attends Army National Guard Educator Event
Affording college tuition is often a burdensome deterrent for many of today’s aspiring high school graduates. To help stem this issue and to learn additional ways for all Fairview HS students to afford college – and not have large student loan debts to repay – Lori Polter, Fairview High School counselor, recently attended the Army National Guard Educator Event at the military base in North Canton, Ohio. The main objective of this event was to educate school personnel on the benefits of service in the Army National Guard and to outline additional sources of revenue for aspiring college students.
“Those in attendance received information on the Ohio Tuition Program and the GI Bill, which can both be used by enlistees or their dependents to pay for college,” stated Polter. “Recruiters were on hand to interact with us and answer questions that we had about the enlistment process.”
Attendees participated in several information sessions, where they learned about various career opportunities in the Guard, such as military police (MP), transport specialist, pilot, mechanic, and cybersecurity specialist. To provide visual and real-life experiences, attendees were provided with an inspiring tour while discussing different predicaments students and may face one day.
“We were given a tour of the hangar, during which we were allowed to climb into helicopters and other transport vehicles that are utilized at this facility. In addition we learned about opportunities the Army National Guard offers to high schools, such as classroom presentations on decision making, one day "boot camps" for sports teams, and public service displays on such things as the dangers of impaired driving through the use of simulation goggles.
“The highlight of the day was definitely a forty-minute ride in a CH-47F Chinook helicopter,” she exclaimed. “Another great part about the flight that I learned at the completion of it, was that the pilot was female. It is always exciting to share stories with our female students about women in the work force who are breaking down gender barriers.
“It was an amazing experience I won’t soon forget.”
Shown in the picture below are this year’s attendees just before boarding the helicopter.
Four County Students to Begin Employment Following Signing Day Event
To help showcase its many talented students, Four County recently hosted the first "Defiance County Skilled Trades Signing Day" where students from the five Defiance County high schools, who have signed employment agreements with area employers, were honored. As part of this program, students were called one-by-one to the front of the gallery to sign a document and be photographed with family members and school personnel.
Fairview is proud to have had three young men be part of this nice event:
* Eric Culler, who studied Agricultural/Diesel Mechanics. He will go to work for Culler Cattle and Grain, located near Edgerton, while continuing his education at Northwest State Community College.
* Blaine Gier-Grant, who studied Auto Collision Repair. He will go to work for Stevie G's Restoration, located near Antwerp.
* Logan Joice, who studied Welding Fabrication. He will go to work for Allied Moulded Products, located in Bryan.
When asked about his choice to attend Four County, Culler knows he made the best choice for his future.
"We've had a really good time here," stated Culler in reference to both himself and his classmates. "It's been a wonderful experience to come here with all the opportunities we were offered."
Gier-Grant echoed his classmate's sentiments: "It was a great experience."
From everyone at Fairview High School, we congratulate Eric, Blaine, and Logan on this great accomplishment and wish them well as they enter the next chapters of their lives.
Shown in the picture below are our three distinguished students (Culler, Gier-Grant, and Joice) with high school principal, Mr. Tim Breyman, following the event.
Fairview Senior Makes Good on Her Prediction
Four short years ago, several chapter members of the Fairview Future Farmers of America -- better known as FFA -- were sitting at the State FFA Convention watching student after student from other schools cross the stage to be recognized for their excellence in the program. After witnessing this exciting events for several minutes, Fairview's students starting asking one another a simple question: "Why isn’t that us?" According to Miss Jessica Nagel, the first-year FFA instructor at that time, the answer was also simple.
"The short answer was because we didn’t apply for the awards," stated Nagel, who is now in her fourth year working for Central Local Schools. But in that moment, all would change.
"There was a freshman girl who said to me, “'I am going to win one of those awards before I graduate,' and from that day on she has been working on making that goal a reality."
That girl is, Rose Zeedyk, who will graduate with the Class of 2019 on Sunday.
Agriculture Education is made up of three parts: Classroom instruction, FFA, and SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience). When a student enrolls in Agriculture Education, they automatically join the FFA program. FFA is the awards and leadership portion of the program. The SAE portion involves projects or jobs of the students' choosing that help them reach their career goals.
"Once a student chooses a project, whether it's raising a crop or an animal, or getting a job or working in a landscaping business, they have to do the work and keep records of all of their hours and tasks that they have completed," explained Nagel. "Once they have accumulated a couple of years’ worth of records, they have the ability to begin to apply for awards. These awards compare students across the area, state, and nation to other students that have similar projects, and the best projects receive proficiency awards."
To begin her quest, Rose began cash renting ground to raise crops, while working for her dad to learn how to manage her own farming operation. Now as a senior she has made good on that commitment, as she was awarded 1st place in Diversified Crop Production, 2nd place in Fiber and Oil Crop Production, and 2nd place in Grain Production, all for the crops she raises on the ground she rents.
Through the three years of this project, Rose has planted and harvested 125 acres of soybeans and 99 acres of corn. She decided to cash rent land from her dad to grow these crops. Through these projects she has used different methods to make a profit.
She became interested in this project by growing up on a grain farm and constantly being involved in the responsibilities of grain farming. As a freshman, she set the goal of purchasing her own farm ground before she graduated from high school. She has accomplished that goal by purchasing 79 acres for the upcoming planting year that she will be farming in addition to the ground she cash rents.
“Through my years of renting ground and purchasing my own ground, I have solidified my spot in the family farm operation that will continue with me as I get older," stated Zeedyk. “Through my time in SAE, I have transitioned from a girl doing what her dad said, to a business women making management decisions for her farm and herself.
"During my first year, my dad told me what I was going to do and how I was to do it. He used activities and learning tools to teach me different germination rates and chemical application practices. My second year, I was allowed to make decisions and did all machine operation on my own. I made decisions while having conversations with my dad to best utilize his ground. This year, I made management decisions on my own and profited from my crops.”
As a result of her dedication and hard work, she will be representing Fairview and the Ohio FFA Association as she submits her application for the National FFA Diversified Crop Production Proficiency award later this summer. We wish her all the best of luck.
Pictured below are Rose (third from left) with fellow FFA members Garrett Bennett, Cassie Mavis, Kaitlyn Zeedyk, Clair Shininger, and Tristan McGuire.
Central Local History on Display in MS/HS Library
The Fairview Pride Club, in conjunction with the superintendent's office, has kicked off a new initiative. With the goal of continuing to recognize the proud history of our great school district, the Pride Club is actively seeking memorabilia from the four original school districts that came together in 1958 to form Central Local Schools: Farmer Local School, Mark Center Local School, Ney Local School, and Sherwood Local School.
“One of the first groups to visit me when I arrived this past summer was the Fairview Pride Club,” said Mr. Steve Arnold, superintendent. “I met with Dan Hasch, Susan Zeedyk, and Chery Wonderly. We had a great meeting and agreed that we would pursue this initiative. It went over very well during my time as the superintendent at Wayne Trace, so I thought we would introduce the idea here as well.”
After advertising the idea in the first two district newsletters, Tom Shininger (and his wife Gloria) brought Mr. Arnold two unique items: a 1938 Ney Hawks senior autograph book and a 1948 Mark Center Eagles letterman’s sweater. Not long after that, Mrs. Zeedyk brought several items from the early years of Central Local Schools as well as a book about the history of Defiance County basketball. Because the book goes back to the middle part of the 20th Century, it contains articles and other information about the original four school districts.
Once a few items had been loaned, the discussion turned to where the items would be housed. “We’ve looked at several different options, but concluded that the MS/HS library is our best choice for now,” stated Arnold. “We currently have about six items on display and hope to see that number grow as the word gets out to the community.”
Arnold encourages anyone who has items that they are willing to loan to the school as part of this initiative to contact him in the central office. As part of the process, he will craft a small placard indicating the origin and owner of the items, which will be included in the display. In addition, all items would be on loan and returned to the owner(s) upon request.
"We think this is a creative way to honor our history while making use of some items that otherwise may be folded up in a box in someone's closet or attic," concluded Arnold.
Shown in the picture below is the current display. The blue sweater in the forefront is the above-referenced sweater from Mark Center.
Fairview Elementary School Honors Volunteers
As the saying goes, “It takes a village to raise a child.” At Fairview Elementary School, this theme is alive and well. Along with the dedicated teachers and staff members providing a solid educational foundation, a large number of community members volunteer many hours of their time to enhance the overall educational process. In place for several years now, this program and the volunteers receive glowing praise from building principal, Mrs. Sherrie Brown.
“By having mentors and volunteers at Fairview Elementary, it allows the children to receive one-on-one attention in order to strengthen their academics, verbal skills, and confidence while building a special bond with the person that provides them the help and support that they need,” said Brown about the great people involved. “Our mentors and volunteers hold a special place in our heart since they provide us with so much time and energy that helps not only our teachers but our students as well.”
Ranging in age from high school students to retired senior citizens, the volunteers provide an array of services, including copying, laminating, and working directly with students on school work and social skills. Among the high school students involved is senior Baylee Grine, who has been volunteering at the elementary school for two years. When asked about her motivation for signing up for this program, she simply stated, “Just helping the kids. I think it’s a good program, and I like it a lot.”
Knowing how much help to provide is something Grine has learned over time. “I give them as much help as they need without providing the answer.”
To help show its gratitude to this dedicated group of people, school administrators, cafeteria staff, and teaching staff teamed up to provide lunch and pass out a few tokens of appreciation at a recent event held in the elementary library on April 25. Nearly thirty people attended this event.
Prior to the meal, Brown addressed the crowd and glowingly announced: “Thank you to all of our mentors and volunteers for providing us with your time. We are forever grateful.”
Shown in the picture below is a number of this year's attendees at the luncheon.
Wobble Chairs Help Young Students Develop Core Muscles
When students in Ms. Kim Beek's Young 5's classroom enter her room each day, they are doing much more than just learning academic and social skills. With the help of seats known as Wobble Chairs, they are also developing necessary core muscles that will help them in their everyday lives.
Core muscle development has been proven to improve balance and stability while making most physical activities easier to accomplish. It also leads to better overall health of both children and adults alike, leading to more focus and better attendance.
Ms. Beek loves what she’s seeing so far with her students: “These options are working out very well for the Young 5's students this year. These options are giving them the opportunities to move as they work, build their core muscles, and provide options for those students who learn better in their own developmental way.”
To help meet the classroom’s needs, Ms. Beek used an available source of revenue for schools known as DonorsChoose.org. Through the generosity of many people both in and out of the district, having a full set of chairs became a reality fairly quickly.
“We received fifteen seat cushions and six gray Wobble Chairs from sixteen donors on the website www.donorschoose.org,” she stated with a big smile on her face. “We are very grateful for this website and the opportunity to get these items for our classroom! We plan to create another project to get a light table for our classroom.”
Shown below are three of the Wobble Chairs used by students each day in the Young 5's classroom.
High School Engineering Students Attempt to Build Earthquake-Resistant Buildings
What would happen if an earthquake hit an area near you? How much unusual force could the buildings endure? Would the structures still be standing the next day? Students in Ray Breininger's Engineer Your World course attempted to answer these questions and more through a recent, hands-on unit.
"Students studied earthquake science and current earthquake-resistant buildings," stated Breininger. "Students were challenged to build and design a safer building to withstand an earthquake frequency between .5 to 2 Hz while staying within a budgeted amount."
The term Hz is an abbreviation for hertz, a unit of measurement named after German physicist Heinrich Hertz that measures the rise and fall of a wave per second.
Equipped with balsa wood and hot glue, the students formed teams and began construction. The formation of teams added another interesting dynamic to the overall goal of building a strong structure.
"At the beginning of the year, we took a test to see what kind of workers we are," said sophomore Tyler Martin. "I was partnered with Macy Driskell. We were both labeled as head workers."
When asked about working with another head worker, Martin noted, "It was kind of difficult because we both had strong ideas. We had to work together to make a final tower. In the end, we found out that both of our ideas were better than one separate idea."
While constructing the models, students used shaker tables and Excel to collect data on their designs. After testing their designs, they built a final tower utilizing their data and retested them. In fact, some groups tested their designs multiple times before they eventually passed.
"The goal was to stay under a certain G Hz," added senior Eric Guzman. "We achieved the goal by testing different kinds of models. We did four tests of different models before one passed."
Here's hoping for no earthquakes in the area, but one set of Fairview seniors has taken the first steps to learn the necessary requirements to construct the strongest buildings possible.
Shown in the photo below is an example of a team's designs.
Students Combine Math Skills with Fundraising for Children's Medical Research
For over twenty-five years, students at Fairview Middle School (FMS) have teamed up with the caring Central Local community to support St.Jude's Children's Research Hospital through the annual St. Jude's Math-A-Thon. This year was no exception, as students raised more than $2,000 during the week-long, academic-based event that concluded earlier this month.
St. Jude's, founded in 1962 by comedian/entertainer Danny Thomas, specializes in providing untiring research and medical care for children. With the motto of "no child should die in the dawn of life," St. Jude's has raised millions and millions of dollars through charitable donations to help save children's lives. Annual events such as the FMS Math-A-Thon are proof that anyone can make a difference in a child's life.
The event itself requires students to complete a variety of math problems. Pledges are made for each number of problems completed correctly, so the more correct answers students have, the higher the donations will be.
"I've been involved with this event since 1994," said Beth Bechtol, event coordinator and seventh grade math teacher. "Over the years, I know we've raised over $50,000."
Prior to this event coming to FMS, two teachers from Farmer Elementary School started it there. "Mrs VonDeylan and Mrs. Rhodes brought the idea to the middle school when the sixth graders were moved here (the current middle school)," stated Bechtol. "We've kept it going ever since."
Among the several students who stepped up to the plate was sixth grader Elizabeth Bok. When asked about what motivated her, she stated very humbly, "Most of my donations came from my business called B4Caring. I used my own money because I really wanted to help other kids."
It doesn't get much better than that.
From everyone at Fairview Middle School we say thank you to the Central Local community for supporting the students' efforts to support St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital.
Shown below are several middle school students who participated in this year's event.
Local Candy Company Provides a "Sensory" Lesson for Sixth Graders
Representatives from Spangler Candy Company in Bryan recently visited the Fairview Middle School STEAM class to present an interactive, hands-on lesson on how a person's five senses all play a key role in the enjoyment of various foods.
Facilitated by Spangler employees DaWanda VanBuskirk and Chery Thomas, students were introduced to each individual sense and its effects on the pleasure of eating. Although taste and smell are pretty obvious when it comes to the enjoyment of food, sight, touch, and hearing are also highly important. How the food feels on your tongue and mouth, the crunching noises you hear when you eat, and certainly how a food looks are all enormously important.
VanBuskirk stressed that consumers will continue to purchase products that fulfill their sensory expectations. If not, they will rarely purchase a product again if it doesn’t.
Students also learned that much effort and testing goes into the planning of various flavors in hopes that customers will continue purchasing their favorites.
“They (VanBuskirk and Thomas) explained the details of their jobs in the lab including such tasks as developing the flavor profiles for existing and new flavor projects,” stated gifted education teacher Sara Schaper. “They work with several flavor companies throughout the United States to create just the right flavor for their products.”
Color also plays a huge role in the tasting experience of food. To help illustrate this point, students were given several colorless pieces of candy to sample with the goal of identifying the flavor. Said Schaper: “Students were given five suckers without color and a list of the top flavors. Their task was to taste each one and try to guess the flavor. The students really enjoyed this activity.”
One student, Nevaeh Grond-Chapman, was the only student able to name each flavor. She explained how she was able to name a few of them.
“I’m not allowed to have candy much, but I was able to taste the blue berry,” she said with a smile on her face. “I recognized the cotton candy from a carnival I went to, and I recognized the fruity pebble from the cereal. I had that for breakfast this morning,” she exclaimed.
Many thanks go out to Spangler and its staff for providing this educational activity.
Shown in the picture below is VanBuskirk facilitating the “flavor-guessing” activity.
Fairview High School Science Students Participate in Annual Science Museum
Science education remains alive and well in the halls of Fairview High School as evidenced by the fourth annual Fairview HS Science Museum, held February 28 and March 1 in the MS gymnasium.
Under the guidance of teachers Amy Woodring, Jacob Panico, and Ginny Pettenger, students in the upper-level science courses, which include Anatomy & Physiology I, Anatomy & Physiology II, Honors Chemistry II, and Physics, presented interactive displays for small groups of elementary students on both days. Seventeen different high school groups used a hands-on approach to introduce a multitude of different scientific topics. New this year was a two-day approach, allowing more time for more elementary students to be involved. Thursday's presentations included students in grade 3-5, while students in grades K-2 had their turn on Friday.
"The two-day format was new this year but was very well received by the elementary teachers and students," stated Woodring when asked about the new setup. "We were able to take more time and include more students this way."
Concerning topics and groups sizes, students were given a fair amount of latitude. However, they also needed to stay within the bounds of certain expectations.
"The high school students were allowed to pick their own topics, but the topics were required to be within each classes' discipline," explained Woodring. "For example, the Anatomy & Physiology presentations needed to be about something related to the human body."
The group sizes ranged from three-five students, depending on the class size. In addition, many students (all juniors and seniors) are currently taking more than one science course, and students were required to research and present a project for each class for which they are enrolled. This year, senior Kamryn Bolland is enrolled in three science courses, so she had three projects to complete. In order to avoid conflicts, one of her groups presented on Thursday and the other two groups presented on Friday. Students who were in more than one group divided their time between the groups on their presentation day.
"This experience was challenging in a productive way as far as learning about time management and working with different groups of people," explained Bolland about her daunting task of completing three projects. "I also needed to be creative with three different subject matters."
When asked about taking multiple science classes this year, Bolland said, "I took three science classes to challenge myself as a senior even though I'm not planning to go into a science-related field." Bolland's plans right now are to major in early elementary education.
Preparation for this year's event was lengthy and intense, as each class began the research and preparation the week before Christmas break, working on the projects periodically through the last week of February. Adding to the pressure was the fact that this unit is a large part of the students' 3rd quarter grade in each of their respective classes.
When discussing what all she observed from this year's event, Woodring noted, "It is always very interesting to see how the high school students respond to the elementary students and vice versa. The high school students are able to experience what teachers go through in regards to trying to keep their students' attention and what it is like to teach the same thing multiple times. I think this gives some of them a new appreciation for their teachers."
Shown in the top picture below is Alexis Rucker providing a hands-on demonstration of her research of Boo Bubbles. In the bottom picture, Luke Skinner and Jakob Backhaus take turns explaining the effects of Instant Ice.
Middle School Girls Experience Engineering Day at University of Toledo
For many years, girls have either shied away from or been discouraged from pursuing career paths in the world of engineering. After all, this has for too long been known as a profession for men. Well, the University of Toledo along with several schools in Northwest Ohio, including Central Local Schools, are taking notice. Add to the fact that thousands of jobs just in the state of Ohio remain unfilled due to a lack of qualified workers, prompting schools to begin a serious effort to attract girls into the world of engineering.
To help with this effort, twenty-seven girls and three chaperones from Fairview Middle School ventured to the "Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day" at UT on February 21.
Facilitated by a panel of practicing female engineers, the professionals spoke to the girls about the need for more girls to pursue the field of engineering as a career and the fact that there are many available jobs for applicants with the right training and skill set.
"This experience was an introduction to the different disciplines within the engineering fields," stated Anne Frank, sixth grade science teacher and one of the three chaperones to attend the event. "A panel of women answered questions about engineering and how this field might interest girls. The professionals also engaged the students in several hands-on activities to show them what they may do on a daily basis in various engineering professions."
Among other planned events, the girls built and tested stick bridges, created Jelly marbles, and explored energy with solar panels. As part of the solar energy project, one large light represented the sun. This light shone on a panel, which was connected to several different wires. The energy from the large light produced enough power to turn a fan blade, make smaller lights shine, and make a speaker create a buzzing noise. Needless to say, the students had a great time.
"It was really fun because we could ask questions to the actual women working as engineers," stated sixth grader Cheyenne Zeedyk, one of the twenty-seven girls who attended. Among other things, "we learned how to make bubbles from bubble tea. It was really cool."
Shown in the top picture below are several Fairview students experimenting with the solar panels. In the bottom picture below, the girls pose for a group picture.
Fairview Middle Schoolers Perform Well at Math Counts Event
Several Fairview middle school students will need to make room on their trophy cases after successfully participating in a regional Math Counts competition held recently at the Northwest Ohio ESC in Archbold.
The Competition Series, which is open for students in grades 6-8, showcases four levels of live, in-person math competitions: school, chapter, state, and national. Each level of competition is comprised of four rounds: Sprint, Target, Team, and Countdown Round. Altogether, the rounds are designed to take about three hours to complete and require an intense amount of preparation, concentration, and dedication in order to be successful.
"Thirteen of our students have been working with me during Club/Activity time on Tuesdays and Thursdays to prepare," stated eighth grade math teacher Beverly Singer. "Recently, I've only had the ten students that I took to the competition, so we really geared up our preparation in hopes of having success."
And successful, many students were. Six students participated as individuals with eighth grader Michael Mansel-Pleydell placing third overall, and eighth grader Quinton Smith finishing sixth overall in their grade-level competitions. In the team competition, the quartet of Clayton VanArsdalen, Lester Smith, Mansel-Pleydell, and Quinton Smith placed second overall.
As an added bonus, any individual finishing in the top six overall was invited to enter the Countdown round, where Mansel-Pleydell finished a highly-respectable fourth place.
"Twelve schools competed, so there was a great deal of good competition," said Singer. "I'm very proud of these young people. They did most of the work and are very smart."
Mansel-Pleydell had all positives to report. "It was a new experience for me. It challenged me, and I really enjoyed it." When asked about students participating in this event in future years, he was quick to note: "Come prepared."
Quinton Smith echoed much of what his teammate stated. "It was fun competing. We also worked real hard to prepare for this event. I'm glad I was able to go."
By placing in the top two, the above-mentioned team has qualified for the state competition, scheduled for March 9 in Columbus, OH.
Great job, math students!
Shown in the top picture below is our group of participants, along with Mrs. Singer (center back). In the bottom picture below, the second-place team of Lester Smith, Clayton VanArsdalen, Michael Mansel-Pleydell, and Quinton Smith poses with Mrs. Singer and some of the hardware they collected.
Central Shares Teams Up With Fairview Staff and Students To Provide Help For Area Families
Unfortunately, tragedy can strike at any time to anyone. Fortunately, many giving people and organizations in our great school district have stepped up over the years to help families dealing with such hardships. Among them is Central Shares.
What is Central Shares?
However, their generosity doesn't stop there. Recently, two local families lost their homes and many of their belongings to devastating fires on the same weekend. But through the great generosity of numerous people and the coordination of Central Shares, financial assistance was available.
"In a time of need like this, it just shows how willing people in our community are to help," said high school counselor Lori Polter, who played a key role in the collection process. "As soon as it was announced, donations of all sizes started rolling in."
The mission for Central Shares continues to evolve, but this organization will continue its great work with one main objective in mind: "The mission of Central Shares is to help families in the Central Local School District meet basic needs. We especially strive to make life better for the children in these families," concluded Penner.
In the picture below, Mrs. Penner (center) poses with school representatives Mrs. Amanda Troyer (left) and Mrs. Polter.
Giving Back to the Community: Fairview FCA Does That And Much More
From raising money for families in need, to visiting residents in an assisted living facility, to developing tomorrow's leaders, the Fairview Fellowship of Christian Athletes is a group with a vision. More commonly known as FCA, as many as 100 students are involved in a variety of activities, all of which are designed to provide services for the Fairview community.
FCA meets before and after school to plan events and to carry out its mission. Meetings, normally scheduled for the first and third Fridays of each month, are an opportunity for students to organize the next events, as well lead a lesson or listen to a guest speaker.
"The Fairview FCA does lots of work behind the scenes to make Fairview a great place to go to school," stated Jacob Panico, who is in his tenth year of voluntarily leading this group. "The work involves outreach activities to get lots of students involved, meetings to raise up leaders within the group, fundraising to help out community members , working with elementary students as positive role models, and learning and teaching the Gospel message."
As stated above, raising money for those in need has been a key objective of the Fairview FCA. In fact, this group of ambitious young people has raised over $1500 in the past two years, which has gone directly to families with immediate needs in our district. Current and future fund-raising efforts will continue. In fact, a large effort just came to completion with a sizable donation being made to two families in the district who suffered devastating loses.
"We raised money for families in our district whose homes were recently destroyed by fire," stated junior Adrianna Roth. "We collected money during lunch from students willing to donate and from parents at the Little Hoopsters events in January. Many people stepped forward and contributed. We are very grateful to these people who donated money to help those in need."
Large-group activities have become very popular. On Tuesday evening before Thanksgiving break, the students organized the 6th annual "Class Warfare", which pitted the four high school classes against one another in friendly games of competition. Eventually won by the seniors, games included dodge ball, Bible trivia, and scooter races. Over eighty students participated.
"We spent numerous hours planning this glorifying event," said sophomore Ryan Richards. "Students came and enjoyed themselves while bonding with one another and growing their leadership skills. This was a successful event."
In the month of January, over thirty high school FCA members volunteered each Saturday morning to help teach Fairview 2nd and 3rd graders the skills of basketball. Along with leading drills and coaching games, FCA students shared a positive message about being STRONG. The message behind STRONG is "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful."
"I think all the kids really enjoyed playing basketball and spending time with their friends," stated sophomore Brook Mavis. "The high school students really enjoyed helping them out as well. We also used this time to teach the kids about being strong mentally and physically even at times where they're dealing with struggles."
Finally, a number of students recently visited Genesis Health Care in Bryan on a Sunday afternoon, interacting with residents and delivering Valentines.
"We were doing things in school that involved students, but we wanted to try to find a way to give back to the community," said senior Riley Collins. "We thought this would be a great way to get students involved in a very relaxed environment while bringing some happiness to some people who may not have many visitors."
In the top picture below, students listen to testimonies from Brook and Cassie Mavis during a large-group event. In the bottom picture below, several students pose with a resident of Genesis Health Care after she received her Valentine note.
Eighth Graders Dive Into A Potential Career As Part of English/Language Arts Project
Through the experienced tutelage of English/language arts teacher Tracy Robinson and intervention specialists Brittany Yaichner and Stacy Nadler, the Fairview eighth graders recently took a deep dive into a chosen career as part of a Career Fair project.
Done annually, this unit drives home several of the required state content standards. Said Robinson, "This unit hits many standards, including research, writing informative text, conveying information, and determining relevance of content."
With much anticipation, this unit began back in December with a career survey and a career day. The bulk of the lesson then centered on a well-expressed explanation, subsequent in-depth research, and the publishing of a research paper, all which focused on a chosen career topic. The unit culminated with a full-day-visit to Four County Career Center, Northwest State Community College, and the APT Manufacturing Company in Hicksville.
"The field trip was amazing," said Robinson. "The students got to see a number of concrete, real-life manufacturing and engineering jobs. It opened our students' eyes to other opportunities available in today's workforce."
To bring completion to this endeavor, the students presented a Career Fair project on February 7, 2019, as the final portion of their career unit. The Career Fair project consisted of the students making a tri-fold presentation board that contained information they learned while researching their chosen career topic. After the tri-fold board was constructed, the students formally presented information about their careers to the sixth and seventh-grade students who visited their stations, all done in a structured environment and set up in the high school and middle school gyms. The sixth and seventh-grade students were then given questions to complete, and the answers were derived from both the information placed upon the eighth graders’ tri-folds and the information received from the eighth graders’ presentations.
"I felt the students were well prepared with their presentations, and I got many compliments from other teachers and other students on how seriously our students had taken this project," summarized Robinson.
This Career Unit allowed the eighth-grade students a chance to research their chosen career and makes it a more realistic experience. Reactions to their choices were mixed.
Stated Robinson: "By the end of this career unit, some students were more excited than ever about their chosen careers, while others were not certain they wanted to pursue that career, or in some cases were absolutely certain they did not want to enter that career.
"Whatever decision the students make about their chosen career, they have been given an opportunity to reflect on what pathway they may want to pursue and hopefully clarify their options for their futures."
Displaying their presentations in the pictures below include Rose Wanjema (top picture) and Dylan Winger (bottom picture).
Agriculture Programs Offer Students Hands-On Experiences
For many Fairview High School students, working with farm animals is all they know, having grown up on farms or working near farms on a daily basis. However, several other students don't have that first-hand experience outside of the school day. Fortunately, the Animal Sciences classes, which are offered as part of the regular agriculture curriculum, make a big impact for students wishing to learn these skills but without the opportunities at home.
"We want all of the kids to have the ability to meet content standards by having hands-on activities even if they don't have animals at home," stated Miss Jessica Nagel, vocational agriculture teacher. "To make this happen, we raised twenty meat chickens in the shop. That project focuses on different feeds and how they affect the production of meat on the birds."
Along with chickens, students also raise rabbits from near-birth. The state content standards for rabbits are very similar to those with chickens, just with a different set of variables.
"There are also two rabbits in the classrooms that allow the freshmen to have animals that they care for daily," added Nagel. "We have the ability to breed them to learn about livestock reproduction. The offspring can then be used as SAE (supervised agricultural experiences) projects."
SAE projects are done outside of class time and offer students experiences of their own interest. "These are projects where students get to choose what they want to learn," continued Nagel. Senior Anna Lechleidner, for example, was able to land a job placement at Family Farm and Home in Defiance as part of the SAE program.
Along with learning a great deal about farms, "This job has taught me a lot about budgeting and time management," stated Lechleidner. "I also get to make money doing something I enjoy," she said with a smile.
Another part of the experience with chickens involves "rate of gain" which measures how many pounds of feed are needed to get a chicken up to the desired eight pounds.
"We use different amounts of feed and test the weight of the chickens based on these amounts," said Nagel. "This is a good project for students to see how much food it takes to raise an animal."
Below, monitoring said weight of gain is sophomore Macy Driskill.
Fairview Seventh Grader Takes Cross-Curricular Lesson To A New Level
One might say that Andy Mosier knows a thing or two about coding, as evidenced by a recent cross-curricular project done at Fairview Middle School.
Mosier, a seventh grader, combined lessons from English/language arts, computer literacy, and the middle school coding club to design and code The Mirror of Erised from Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone.
"The mirror tells you what your greatest desire is," said Mosier. "Students push a button on a remote, and text will appear."
In addition to this unique design, Andy has created many other objects from this popular story, each coded electronically to perform something different. For example, he has designed a Golden Snitch with flapping wings, a wand that lights up, the Marauder's map which displays footprints that light up, and the Hogwart's castle which lights up to the music of the Harry Potter theme song.
"Coding is mostly something I enjoy. I first started learning about it at the MakerFacturing STEM Camp at Northwest State (Community College in Archbold), and now I'm more advanced at making projects."
His teachers are certainly impressed too. "I was overwhelmed," exclaimed his ELA teacher, Miss Addie Batt, when describing Mosier's work. "Andy goes above and beyond. Every time we go to the library, Andy checks out a new book about coding. I always ask him 'What can you teach me?'"
"Andy is a self-teacher," stated computer literacy teacher, Mr. Ray Breininger. "This is his passion, and he has done a lot of self-learning."
Mosier is also eager to help his classmates learn. "He and another student have created games for other students to play," continued Breininger. "In the coding club, he is a reference for the other students to build what we are building in class."
From everyone at Fairview Middle School, great work Andy... and we look forward to many more projects on down the line.
Pictured below is Mosier proudly displaying The Mirror of Erised.
Fourth Grade Students Combine Art, Math, and the Holiday Season
Christmas trees in all shapes, colors, and sizes: That's what the fourth grade students at Fairview Elementary School recently completed through two different projects that combined art and math.
Led by Mrs. Brooke Snyder and Mrs. Amy Eitniear, and through the generous help from many parents and community members, students created "hanger Christmas Trees" using coat hangers, several varieties of tinsel, and various adhesives to hold the trees together.
"Fabulous Fun by all!" exclaimed Mrs. Eitniear. "Thank you to all the parents who supplied materials for their student & sent extra "stuff" to share. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!"
The second activity, done in conjunction with Mrs. Kathy Holtsberry from the Sherwood Library, involved working with shapes and the concept of tessellation. This word is defined as "to cover (a plane surface) by repeated use of a single shape, without gaps or overlapping." The students were challenged with measuring their shapes so that each of them was identical as to avoid said gaps or overlapping.
Mrs. Holtsberry read the story Christmas Tree Tangle by Margaret Mahy, then each student decorated identical Christmas tree cutouts.
Said Mrs. Eitniear: "Students put all of their individual trees together to make a larger tree. and we talked about tessellation using the example of the tree."
Shown in the top picture below are fourth grade students with their hanger trees, while the bottom picture portrays the art of creating a Christmas tree through the use of tessellation.
Congratulations to everyone involved in this creative, cross-curricular lesson.
Seventh Grade Students Experience Cross-Curricular Lesson
In an effort to bring symmetry to a the classroom, the Fairview seventh grade teachers outlined and introduced a cross-curricular lesson to the Fairview seventh grade students on the topic of ancient Greece, which is one of the learning standards for seventh grade social studies. For those not familiar with the term "cross-curricular lesson," this is a learning strategy used where multiple content areas center around one theme with the goal of presenting more meaningful and "real" lessons to the students.
in social studies class, students were introduced the topic of ancient Greece and participated in discussions with other students about how this culture has influenced many parts of the world for generations. To make this topic more meaningful and easier to understand, students in English/language arts class read myths and legends, including the novel Percy Jackson.
To bring math into the equation (no pun intended), students learned and applied their knowledge of fractions, ratios, and proportions by appropriately changing ingredients for a recipe of a popular Greek dish. Since Athens is well known for hosting the original modern Olympic Games, students in science class coded ping-pong-balled-sized apparatuses called Ozobots to compete in one of the following events: figure skating, slalom skiing, or curling. They then created games of their own with rules and coded the Ozobot to complete the game successfully.
In an attempt to bring imagery to the unit, students traveled to the Toledo Museum of Art to support their studies in art class. And to bring physical education components into the lesson, students competed in a scaled-down version of the Olympic Games.
The culminating activities included a dress-up day with a fashion show and a lunch buffet, which included a variety of unique Greek recipes.
"I would like to thank the seventh grade team for bringing content to life and providing experiences that students will never forget," said Mrs. Suzanne Geis, MS principal.
Shown in the top picture below is our seventh grade team of teachers responsible for crafting this creative unit: (left to right) Sarah Friess, Trisha Schlachter, Beth Bechtol, Nikki Grine, Brittany Yaichner, and Addie Batt. In the middle picture below, Cody Huffman is seen portraying a Greek god as part of the dress-up fashion show, while in the bottom picture below, students take the starting line to participate in one of the many Olympic events.
Foreign Language Department Gears Up For Overseas Trip
An overseas trip, hurricane relief, a reading challenge, and more highlight the third part of the three-part series showcasing the continued activities of the Fairview Foreign Language Department.
Hurricane Relief
Following the devastating hurricane in Puerto Rico, several students stepped up and led in-class lessons centering on problem-solving and activism. Through their efforts, students were able to raise over $1,000 in aid, which was sent during the 2017-2018 school year. This money was used in a variety of ways including to help build a new preschool.
Ambassador Leadership Summits
To help promote achievement and leadership, the department has recognized twenty-five high-achieving foreign language students this school year with nominations for the Leadership Summit for Ambassador Leadership Summits, held at Yale University, Johns Hopkins University, UCLA, and Harvard Law School.
Says Mrs. Jacqueline Davis, Spanish teacher and department advisor: "The goal of this program is to unlock leadership potential and build confidence, expand global awareness and learn how they (nominated students) can make a difference in their community, and gain a competitive edge for college admissions."
Reading Challenge
To build skills in reading and word recognition, four students recently finished at least eight books each (written in Spanish). Following the completion of the books, the group got together over snacks and Scrabble to discuss various themes.
Library Collaboration
With the help of Mrs. Sally Miller, Fairview MS/HS librarian, and Mrs. Kathy Holtsberry, Sherwood Public Librarian, our local libraries have made a conscientious effort to expand their offerings to students by providing additional books and materials written in foreign languages.
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)
With the overall goal of matching individual students with their foreign language needs and goals, students recently took part in a student survey from ACTFL. As part of the process, students received College Scholarship Match Reports.
Paris 2020
Finally, the biggest news of all may be a trip to Paris scheduled for 2020, with plans and fundraising activities currently in motion to help supplement the costs of the trip. A Yankee Candle Sale is set to open in January 2019 (with the school receiving 40% of the sales), while a Royal Tea fundraising event was held in October with several people in attendance. The Royal Tea featured an array of flavors for sampling, a guest speaker who spoke of a recent trip to England, and Miss Kari Rosani on the bagpipes.
"Thank you to the village of Sherwood and Sherri Ramey for allowing us to use the Crystal Fountain Auditorium for our fundraiser," stated Mrs. Davis.
For enrollment information about this exciting opportunity, visit www.eftours.com/2096726ex.
For anyone wishing for more detailed information about the trip to Paris or for answers to any general questions about the Fairivew Foreign Language Deparrtment, interested persons should contact Mrs. Davis at the school. And remember to follow the department on Twitter @FairviewFLDept to stay current on in-class activities, extensions, college foreign language programs, study abroad programs, international current events, and opportunities for future foreign language careers and activism.
Shown below is senior Trevor McMahon offering information about all the Foreign Language Department has to offer students at Fairview High School.
Fairview Teachers Team Up With Central Shares
Central Shares, a charitable organization in the Central Local School District, seeks to provide needed essentials to members of the community. To help with this effort, the Teachers Association of Central Local Schools (TACLS) has teamed up with Central Shares by coordinating a food drive.
"This was a great example of how our teachers can come together and be unified in helping our community," says Jill Speiser, family & consumer science teacher.
The food drive will continue through the holidays, so community members interested in contributing to this cause may do so by dropping off items in the elementary school atrium.
Shown in the picture below are several teachers who were present at the football game on October 26.
Sixth Graders Introduced to the STEAM Experience
STEAM is coming from all directions in the Maker Space room at Fairview Middle School as Mrs. Sarah Schaper introduces several new concepts to this year's sixth grade students. STEAM, an acronym for science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics, is in full swing this year.
"In my first year teaching STEAM, I have tried to involve outside help from the community in teaching the students new things, especially involving technology," says Schaper. "I contacted Chris Malanga from NWOCA, and he came for four days to present to the kids about LEGO Mindstorm."
Evidence strongly suggests that hands-on lessons are most effective, especially in the world of science, and LEGO is a great tool to motivate students.
"They enjoyed building the LEGO robot and creating the programs to make their robot move," continues Schaper. "I am hoping to encourage the students to investigate their interests in various projects that involve engineering and computer programming."
Getting both boys and girls excited about STEAM is critical, as these areas of study have been dominated for years by men. But clearly, both boys and girls alike were equally excited to participate in the LEGO project.
"Many were very excited about tackling this project!" exclaimed Schaper with excitement.
Shown in the picture below facilitating a class of sixth graders hard at work is Mr. Malanga from Northwest Ohio Computer Association (NWOCA).
Fairview Foreign Language Department Continues Making Program Advancements
From designing a website, to offering advanced curricular options, to welcoming a student teacher to the building, the Fairview High School Foreign Language Department continues making tremendous advancements in just a short time period of time.
“We are so thankful for administrative and community support as we have been working hard to revive and build our foreign language department," indicates Spanish teacher Mrs. Jacqueline Davis. "By making long-term improvements, we show our students how important their foreign language education can be. That directly effects their immediate futures, college experiences, and career options.”
The new FL Dept. website features a variety of Spanish class resources, foreign language resources, extension activities, community shout out's, and event photos. Visitors to the website (which can be accessed on the Central Local web-site or found on Twitter @FairviewFLDept), will find a list of reasons for studying a second language, a list of positive effects of a full foreign language education, and other statistics and advantages of being able to speak more than one language.
"If we want long-term foreign language education success, we need information to be accessible to students and families," continues Mrs. Davis. "Our website is a way to help connect students to their current language interests, and long-term language goals. We want to thank our tech director, Mr. Adam Singer, for his continual help updating our site and announcements."
Having the necessary curricular tools is a vital part of learning a new language. Fortunately, students have been introduced to new textbooks that align with AP Prep, and a recent Central Local Mini-Grant has paved the way for a new set of authentic text novels. Just this October, Davis applied for an additional grant through the Ohio Foreign Language Association to continue building classroom resources, while students are applying the school-wide E+R=O initiative in Spanish.
"Community collaboration has been vital as we continue updating our curricular materials to national standards, while still incorporating our community’s values. We thank our Board of Education for the purchase of our new text books; The Fairview Mini-Grant Committee for our new Spanish II authentic novels; and the Fairview High School Library and Sherwood Community Library for their collaboration and new multi-cultural young adult literature. These advancements are designed to fuel literacy, multiculturalism, bilingualism, and most importantly, student engagement. The more we build an environment that embraces foreign language, the more likely our students are to become bilingual in their lives and careers."
As a final piece of excitement, Mrs. Davis is pleased to note that she will have the opportunity to mentor a student teacher for the first time this year.
“We are so excited to have Mr. Andrew Dennis with us this year from Bowling Green State University. He responds very well to the kids and has a heart for linguistics. We are really looking forward to his student teaching in the spring.”
Congratulations to Mrs. Davis and the foreign language department for its continued advancements.
Shown in the picture below are Spanish I students enjoying authentic foods they prepared and presented for Mexican celebration Day of the Dead.
FCCLA Continues to Give Back to the Community
The Fairview FCCLA (Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America), under the direction of Mrs. Jill Speiser, continues to make a positive difference in many facets of the community by providing an array of services.
"We are a group that loves to get together and do things!" exclaims Speiser with a big smile on her face. "It could be for a community service project, for leadership in the chapter, or for a competitive project."
From cleaning up the roads to bringing joy to the elderly, students are willing to step up to make a difference.
"We started off the year with several different activities such as participating in different county fair activities and picking up trash for the Adopt a Roadway program. We've also decorated pumpkins and delivered them to the nursing home."
The FCCLA students are constantly seeking additional training and learning new ways to help others.
Says Speiser, "We went to Pioneer Career Center (Shelby, OH) for a Chapter Officer Training. From there we went to Camp Palmer for our Fall District Rally." Speiser notes that these events are designed for students to work with other students to develop leadership and service skills, all while making friends from other school districts.
Several future events are also in the planning stages, according to Speiser.
"This year, Fairview has three District Officers that get to plan and run the District Rallies. In the near future we plan to visit the Fort Defiance Humane Society, go caroling at nursing homes, have a Thanksgiving Potluck, and start working on our competitive projects that get judged in early March."
For more information about this motivated group of young people, contact Mrs. Speiser at Fairview HS.
Shown in the picture below are several members of this year's club taking a short break from picking up trash along Coy Road.
Fairview Foreign Language Department -- Organized, Energized, and Active
Note: This is part one of a three-part series highlighting the Foreign Language Department.
The Fairview Foreign Language Club, under the direction of Mrs. Jacqueline Davis, is setting a very high bar for activity. Designed to bring a greater understanding of cultures from other parts of the world, the department aims to immerse its members in a variety of activities.
“Our activities are an opportunity for students to explore various aspects of cultures they may not see or experience in Northwest Ohio," states Davis. "While the activities are entertaining, the goal is to educate and empower students to be global-minded. We want to be well-informed, to appreciate diversity, and to make the world a better place.”
Organized with officers, members elected the following students for the 2018-2019 school year: Alena Gallindo, president; Adrianna Roth, vice president; Natalie Marshall, secretary, Alayna Willitzer, treasurer, and Jalee Elson, Trevor McMahon, & Josiah Adkins, student ambassadors. Davis believes these young people are an integral part of the club and states, "Our officers for 2018-2019 have shown tremendous leadership in the last year. Because this is only our second year in operation, their vision for student-led activities has defined our diverse expectation for learning. Each of them represents and demonstrates the global-minded values we hope to instill throughout the year."
Monthly meetings are held at least one time per month. Each meeting is designed to highlight one particular country’s language, customs, and food. Recently, the club heard from current students Kaleigh and Alexis Hart about their travels to Europe.
Continues Davis, "In the last month, students have been excited to hear Kaleigh and Alexis share about their recent trip to ten European countries."
In addition, "We learned the Japanese alphabet and completed our first fundraiser. Next month, we are looking forward to learning about the country of Greece, visiting a Greek restaurant, and talking to a nurse who recently returned from working there."
The club got off to a roaring start a year ago with several educational excursions, including trips to Bowling Green for Middle Eastern and Irish food; to Bowling Green State University for a Caribbean concert; to The Valentine Theater in Toledo for the Italian Opera “Rigoletto”; and to Valparaiso University to explore their multicultural and foreign language programs and authentic Spanish food. Additionally, several former and current students have come to meetings to speak to the students, including Austin Rucker, who spoke about his life and experiences Germany; Chris Yagel, who spoke about his life in Japan, and the Hart sisters (noted above), who discussed their summer trip to Europe.
Also, in a collaborative effort between student ambassador Jalee Elson and cafeteria director Chris Bok, students were afforded the opportunity to try different foods from around the world during Foreign Language Learning Week held in March of 2018. "This school-wide event was the first of its kind, and also offered a trivia competition, school-wide décor, themed dress-up days, and a fundraiser," says Davis.
Not to be outdone, this year's planned events include visits to Carmen the Opera, the International Festival at Valparaiso University, Oktoberfest with BGSU’s German club, a sushi party, international Christmas caroling, and an International Dinner hosted by the Sherwood Pizza & Subs.
"So many of our activities are student-led and involve community collaboration; the kids tell me what they are interested in exploring, and we make that happen. We try to find as many local events and activities where culture, diversity, and language are highlighted. I love watching students follow their curiosity to try new experiences for the first time; that’s a life skill."
Finally, another group of twenty students interested in Japanese language, food, culture and travel, affectionately known as the Japanese Crew, have been meeting monthly as a Foreign Language Club extension.
"We were surprised by how many students have been interested in learning about Japanese language, food, and experiences. We have been so blessed to have new student Chris Yagel here to spark our interest, teach us the alphabet, and share his culture with us. In addition, Mrs. Miller in the library has introduced us to a vast wealth of Japanese resources on Japanese cooking, history, culture, and customs. We are hoping to have our first sushi-making party before Christmas."
You can follow the Foreign Language Club and the Foreign Language Department on Twitter @FairviewFLDept.
In the picture below, Mrs. Davis (second row, center) is flanked by this year's members of the Fairview HS Foreign Language Club.
Motion Created Through Many Forms of Energy
What makes an object move? Why does it move as far as it does? What causes it to slow down and/or change directions? These questions and more are being answered in Mrs. Tonya Kelly's classroom as her students are learning all about motion and the forces needed to make objects move.
As part of this lesson, students created balloon-powered "race cars" with the goal of making them travel distances as a result of air being extracted from a balloon.
"They (the students) researched Newton's Third Law of Motion," said Kelly. "They adjusted the mass and weight and came up with just the right amount of force."
Most people have probably learned Newton's Laws at some point in their lives, but as a quick refresher, Newton's Third Law is best known in the terms of "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." When air leaves the balloon, this force causes the car to move.
Like many experiments, the results varied. However, students were excited to see that their continued trials and tribulations led the cars to move the desired distance.
In fact, "In one trial run, the car traveled ten feet," stated Kelly.
Shown in the top picture are Allison Rhodes, Nolan Polito, Lester Smith, and Michael Mansel-Pleydell showing off their model and providing details to the class. In the bottom picture, Rhodes is prepared to release the air to see Newton's Third Law in action.
Fairview Middle School Earns Momentum Award for Second Consecutive Year
This award is the result of many factors, most notably the buy-in of the staff members to find creative means to reach a variety of learning styles.
"The teachers are continuously working to find ways to meet individual student needs so all students are successful," says Mrs. Suzanne Geis, building principal. "They are relentless. These teachers are taking ownership of student success."
Geis believes her staff has adapted to the changes coming in the world of education.
"Our teachers have students' complete learning style surveys and interest surveys so lessons can be designed to align with those interests and needs, which leads to deeper engagements and learning."
On behalf of Central Local Board of Education, we send many congratulations to all Fairview staff members, students, and parents who made this award possible.
Shown accepting the award at the recent Northwest Ohio School Boards Association fall banquet are (second from left) Mrs. Beth Bechtol, Mrs. Suzanne Geis, Ms. Addie Batt, and Mrs. Beverly Singer. They are flanked by OSBA president Randy Smith (far left) and NWOSBA president Penny Kill (far right).
Miss Friess Uses Art to Open Doors with Students
Attention all artists: The east wing hallway of Fairview Middle School is currently an art lover's paradise as Miss Sarah Friess' sixth grade art class students have adorned the walls with non other than self portraits in the form of Lego characters.
"The premise of this particular project is to get to know my new 6th grade students through their self portraits as Lego characters," says Friess. "They are asked to add at least five things about themselves in their drawing. Those five things should help their friends and classmates recognize them."
Drawing oneself is never easy, especially for young people, but this lesson helps to alleviate some of the hurdles that students face when asked to draw a picture of themselves.
Says Friess, "If you ask most students to draw themselves, they have a tendency to shut down because 'That’s too hard!' or 'I don’t know how to draw a face!' When you ask kids to draw something like a Lego person to look like them, they can process that differently and are far less intimidated by the idea.
"I start each quarter with a new batch of 6th graders and love doing this project!"
To help illustrate the idea, Friess created a Lego character of herself (second picture below) and states "the kids really look forward to making their own."
Over the years, Friess has attempted to create a culture where kids look forward to going to art class.
"It’s a wonderful feeling as a teacher… knowing the kids are excited to get to your class and start making art. The best part to my job is creating an environment of trust and respect where kids feel free to do their best without judgment or ridicule."
Among the many fine pieces of artwork currently displayed is the Lego self portrait created by Natalie Timbrook (seen in the picture below). Great job to Natalie and the sixth grade art class students.
Mrs. Woodring Introduces Ecosystems
When you walk through Mrs. Amy Woodring's classroom door, one of the first sights you are sure to notice are the beautiful colors on the other side of the room. Lots of green, orange, white, and pink to name a few. No, her students aren't studying the colors of the rainbow, but rather they are being introduced to the world of ecosystems.
As part of this hands-on lesson, students designed their own ecosystems with use of a variety of products, most notably two-liter bottles, stones, dirt, plants, water, and live creatures such as snails and fish.
Students were put in groups with each student having an equal part in the projects. Using the bottle as the living environment, most groups chose to cut out part of the top and begin adding contents. As seen in the pictures below, many went with water (aquatic), while others chose dirt (terrestrial).
"They (the students) had to make a list of materials they needed and a procedure to follow to construct the ecosystem. Students brought in most of the items used during construction."
The overall goal of this lesson was to teach students that for life to survive, the right environment must exist, including adequate oxygen and food. In the absence of one or the other, the organisms were not going to make it long.
"Some of the fish didn't make it through the weekend, but the snails all appear to be doing fine," noted Woodring earlier this week. "The water has to be just right for the fish to survive, and the students are learning how to make that happen."
Shown in the pictures are several examples of the finished products.
Central Local Celebrates Years of Service to the District
Staff members with 30-plus years include (left to right) Mary Ann Steffel, Susan Kozumplik, Diane Stover, Dave Miller, Lisa Vance, and Tara Czartoski.
The "Middle School Mission" At Work
"Life happens," says Principal Geis. "A variety of events will take place throughout our day. We cannot control the events, but we can control how we respond to each event in an effort to creating a positive outcome."
The outcome Geis refers to is the R Factor. "Learning how to manage our R can be the difference between a successful outcome and a frustrating, angry or negative consequence."
Fairview Middle School also stresses the "above the line" responses and behaviors. Students are learning how to make choices with intention, while learning that actions and words are choices that lead to outcomes.
To enhance this growing program, students leaders have been chosen and/or have volunteered to lead monthly focus groups with the guidance of a teachers.
"Each group of student leaders plans activities for the student body promoting and modeling the particular focused R Factor discipliine," continued Geis. "The goal is to provide opportunities for students to put the disciplines into practice."
All students have also been divided into different teams with mixed grade levels to participate in activities promoting cooperation and recognition of each other's strengths. The main goal of the program is to provide opportunities for students to make positive connections with students in other grade levels and with the adults in the building in an effort to create a more inclusive and supportive school environment where all students can flourish.
In addition to R Factor push, MS teachers are offering special club-type activities every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon for students in each grade level. Examples of the clubs, which will change each quarter, include the following: drama, photography, current events, walking, chess, arts & crafts, coloring, math, science, Cricut crafts, helping others, and book club.
"The R Factor disciplines and student activities all support our middle school mission which is to develop and foster social awareness in an effort to continuously promote a positive learning culture conducive to maximizing each student's individual potential in becoming the best version of themselves.," summarizes Geis.
For more information about this ground-breaking program, interested individuals should contact the middle school office.
Seen in the top picture below is Miss Addie Batt supervising the chess club. Underneath, Mr. Nick Karayianopoulos demonstrates a scene for the drama club.
Computer Literacy Class -- How Pixels Affect Our Lives
"Coding is another term for computer programming," says Breininger. "The eighth grade computer literacy students are participating in a project-based, stem coding class with a circuitry prototyping component."
Students recently completed a nine pixel animation machine. Despite students' love for technology, many did not know until this lesson how pixels (short for picture elements) affected their everyday lives.
"This lesson focused on the fact that students use monitors everyday on their phones, computers, tablets, and TV's," continued Breininger. "Students learned that the displays on most present-day monitors are composed of millions of pixels, which are tiny points that the computer can light up in different colors."
Although most people take for granted just how incredible today's technology is, students are always eager to understand why their devices are capable of doing what they do.
Students learned that "all these pixels together make up the text, images , and videos" they read and see on their screens everyday.
After building a simple monitor using LED's, students learned how to use custom functions using the Arduino platform to code a simple message like "help."
A variety of supplies, both simple and complex, are needed to complete the monitors. Students used practical, everyday materials like hot glue and cardboard to build their enclosure constructions: yet for the electronic part of their projects, they used more advanced products found in a Sparkfun Inventor kit. The main component of the Sparkfun Inventor kit is the Arduino Red board micro-controller.
Learning these skills in the middle school are prerequisites for being successful in certain high school classes. Says Breininger: "The use of the Arduino micro-controller prepares students for the necessary coding background required by the high school engineering course."
We wish our students ongoing success as our teachers continue challenging them with relevant, modern lessons each day.
Seen in the top picture below is Tatum Sheets demonstrating his working nine pixel animation machine. In the bottom picture, Carrie Zeedyk uses a template to cut out her enclosure construction for the nine pixel animation machine.
Emotional Support Dog Helps In Many Ways
Says Mrs. Moore: "The children love Ralph, and Ralph loves the children. Fridays are testing and progress days, and Ralph is able to provide a calming environment for students during these assessments. In addition, Ralph gives us all comfort and support."
Ralph (with some assistance from Mrs. Moore) reads to classrooms full of children at special times during the year. At each of these events, he shares ten messages and asks the students to make a promise to work on these messages: BE...
R - responsible and respectful
A - attentive and amicable
L - likable and a good listener
P - patient and proud
H - honest and helpful
Here are a few statements from teachers at Fairview Elementary School:
"Ralph is patient, loving, huggable, well-behaved, and has the best ears ever!"
"You put a smile on our faces and make us look forward to Fridays."
"You brighten my day, and you're so good with the kids at FVE."
"You bring happiness to all who see you."
Many thanks go out to Mrs. Moore and Ralph for making a positive difference for the students at Fairview Elementary School.
Shown in the photo below is Ralph welcoming a new student to the our district.
Fairview Freshman Authors Novel
"Writing is just really revolutionary, and the variety of words can change the hardest of hearts," says Andrea. "The beauty of words can paint a whole new picture of something so simple."
Moonglade is an adventure featuring characters Bella and Jack who just want a normal get-away vacation with the goal of putting their stress behind them. Trouble, however, soon begins when their plane experiences mechanical issues and falls from the sky. As they plummet to Earth, they wish only to survive.
Meanwhile, back in Jack and Bella's home state, an unloved little boy named Jeremiah seeks some worth in this world. Under the power of his foster parents, who hate anything and everything, including Jeremiah, they throw him outside to live among pigs and force him to adapt to an unhealthy sleeping schedule. One day after the news exploded of the plane crash, Jeremiah has the brilliant idea to join the search party. And thus the story begins.
"The movie Castaway really inspired me to create this story based on the many ways an author can make a story come to life. There are many troubles that the characters go through, and I feel that them pushing through them is very encouraging to many people."
The school library currently has two signed copies of Andrea's book, so to learn how this exciting plot twists and turns, be sure to borrow a copy soon.
From everyone at Fairview High School, we offer Andrea Macsay (shown below holding her book) many congratulations and wish her much success as she continues her writing in the future.
Real-Life Science Experiment with Mrs. Schlachter
As a veteran science teacher, Mrs. Trisha Schlachter knows a thing or two about science experiments. But she experienced a "first" on opening day this school year.
While presenting new information to her ambitious students, a cracked tooth suddenly fell out of her mouth. Seizing the opportunity to make the event a teachable moment, she showed the students how to quickly and correctly bag up the tooth so that it would remain in good order for the balance of day. With the safety of her tooth in check and her students having learned a valuable lesson, she went about the rest of the day finishing her classes.
The next day she arrived with a new tooth, but this group of seventh graders may always remember their first day of school.
Thanks, Mrs. Schlachter, for presenting a real-life experiment on opening day.
Seen in the picture below with Mrs. Schlachter are students Aubryn Viers and Nevada Vogelsong examining the damaged tooth.
Welcome Back Students
In the picture below, Mrs. Brown receives a hug from one of her students, while Ms. Myers, our new school counselor, helps to welcome a group of young people back from summer vacation.
Excitement runs high at all three Fairview buildings as we anticipate another great school year.
Orientation for New Students at Fairview High School
The morning hours were spent with students spending time in each class on their schedule in order to learn their way around the building and to be introduced to each teacher. Following the morning session, several teachers prepared and served lunch to all students, which included the Yummy Yunker French Fries. Following lunch, students gathered in groups to spend the afternoon participating in team building competitions.
"It was great to welcome new faces to the high school. Teachers worked very hard to introduce the students to the high school and make them feel comfortable," said Mr. Breyman, HS principal.
"Special thanks to our staff that worked tirelessly in planning over the summer. The day was fun for all."
Shown in the top picture below are Mr. Yunker, Mr. Rakes, and Mr. Kauffman preparing the fries. Shown in bottom picture is Mr. Breyman interacting with a group of students during lunch.
From everyone at Fairview HS, we'd like to send out a big Apache welcome to our freshman and all new students.
One of area's nicest baseball facilities a result of years of fund-raising
Area baseball players, coaches, and fans know these facts to be true about Fairview High School baseball: rich tradition, multiple championships, and outstanding facilities. Many great players, coaches, and families have aided in these accolades, but among the most dedicated of them all is current head baseball coach Andy Singer, who has been instrumental in making the baseball field among the nicest in this part of Ohio.
"The facility upgrades are done so that our players can have a facility that they can be proud of and that they feel like they are appreciated for their efforts," said Singer. "The coaching staff, parents, players, and community members have all been part of all the facility upgrades over the past sixteen years."
In the past decade and a half , the facility has undergone extensive improvements, all done through the efforts of an on-going, private fund-raising campaign spearheaded by Singer, along with many tireless volunteers. He is quick to give credit to everyone who has helped.
"The best thing about this is that it can't be one person that makes this happen. Our district is blessed to have dedicated coaches, dedicated parents, dedicated players, and a wonderful community that will step up when we can provide our players with something they can be proud of."
The largest overhaul occured in 2007 with the addition of new dugouts, a concession stand, a press box, a brick backstop, backstop netting, a concrete seating area, a re-crowned and re-seeded infield, an irrigation system, and wooden benches in both dugouts. Since then, the backstop netting was replaced (2010), a state-of-the-art scoreboard was erected (2012), for-ever-green ivy was installed on the outfield fence (2013), infield turf was laid (2017), and a much-needed storage building was constructed (2018)... all done with money raised privately.
Says Singer, "Those funds come from many man hours of work running the 4th, 5th and 6th grade girls basketball tournament; an Acme round robin tournament; a Jr. Acme round robin tournament; the Jr. Acme regional tournament; 127 garage sale concessions; concessions at all games played on the field; the fall tailgate supper and sausage sale; and then with the help of the Ney Area JC's and our annual Designer Purse Reverse.
"Our most recent addition was the storage building that replaced the two resin buildings that were previously in the same spot. Those buildings were 12 x 12 and due to weathering were falling apart and not adequately keeping our equipment/supplies dry and clean. This new storage building will allow for plenty of storage for our future needs both equipment/supplies/concessions."
According to Singer, several area teams reach out to Fairview to play games here.
"With all of the renovations that have taken place, we find that many coaches from other schools enjoy coming to Fairview to allow their athletes the chance to play at a facility like ours."
Singer and his staff focus on fund-raisers that unite the community and teach his players valuable life lessons: "All of our fundraisers are events that bring the community together to support our student-athletes and enjoy fellowship time together. When our players work at these events, they are also learning the valuable lesson of working hard and serving the public in a polite and respectful manner."
Working this year's concession stand at the annual 127 Yard Sales include (below, left to right) Terri Cooper, Andy Singer, Anthony Singer, Dave Cooper, Tony Singer, and Beverly Singer.
Kristi Schooley set to begin new career as a teacher; Laura Brady joins central office staff
After four years of serving in this capacity, Ms. Kristi Schooley is set to trade in her daily clerical duties and begin a new chapter of her life as she becomes the Fairview High School business teacher in August.
"I've always wanted to be a teacher, but coming out of high school I was undecided about a career path," stated Schooley. "I had taken accounting and other business classes in high school and ended up deciding to pursue an accounting career. After getting an accounting degree, I ended up being a stay-at-home mom for several years.
"When I decided to re-enter the workforce, I first worked as a substitute teacher, which led to working in the school system. Eventually, the position I'm leaving became available, and I was selected for this job.
"I have really enjoyed this job, but I've missed the interaction with students. Then when the opportunity came to apply for the business teaching position, I believed the timing was right for me. I applied for the teaching job and was blessed to be chosen."
Schooley, a mother of three Fairview students, admits there will be facets of her old job that she will miss. "I will miss the daily contact with my fellow office workers and the frequent interaction I have with the community."
Yet the excitement of working with students is something she is very much looking forward to as the new school year approaches. "I have been preparing for opening day with the students for several weeks now and can't wait to introduce my first lesson to my students."
Although new superintendent, Mr. Steve Arnold, has worked with Schooley for just a short while, she has made a great impression. "Kristi has taught me so much about the Central Local School District since I arrived in early June. Her knowledge and experience will be missed, although I wish her much success as she ventures into a new chapter of her life," stated Arnold.
Replacing Ms. Schooley in the central office will be Mrs. Laura Brady. A Fairview alumnae and mother of four former/current Fairview students, Brady comes to Central Local Schools having most recently worked for Williams County Job and Family Services in a similar role.
"In my previous job with Williams County, I served as the HR Officer for JFS. Among my many duties, I was actively involved in the hiring process, the orientation of new employees, payroll and benefits, and the behind-the-scenes business operations," said Brady.
Brady is currently spending a few days working side-by-side with Schooley learning as much as she can before taking over on her own.
"I definitely have an appreciation for everything that Kristi does in this office. In just a few days, we have covered a lot of different duties and responsibilities, and hopefully everyone will be patient as I try to learn this job."
Brady is not hiding her excitement as the days crawl closer to the start of this coming school year.
"I'm looking forward to learning the business end of a school system and getting to know the employees and students at Fairview. I'm just so excited to get started."
Says Arnold: "Laura brings a great deal of experience with her. I look for the transition to be very smooth."
We wish both Ms. Schooley (left in picture below)) and Mrs. Brady well in their new positions.
"Who's Telling Your Story?" makes its debut with a feature on the Central Local Maintenance Crew
As we start to role through the month of July, our maintenance staff is busily preparing the buildings for the 2018-2019 school year. Along with cleaning, painting, and waxing, the crew will spend countless hours during the upcoming summer weeks covering all bases to assure that Fairview MS/HS and Fairview Elementary School both shine with pride on opening day.
Says Phil Hetrick, head of maintenance and transportation, "The facilities are coming together nicely, The fresh look of new paint at both buildings along with a several revamped floors will be sure to give off a great first impression of the buildings. Our courteous, professional crew does a great job all year long.
"We're also very excited for the community to see the great new shine on the gym floors this upcoming fall. Hope to see you all at this year's extra-curricular events."
Our maintenance staff plays an ultra-important role in the daily success of our great district, and we'd like thank them for all they do.
Appearing on the recently refurbished high school gym floor are several members of the maintenance staff: (left to right) Joe Meyer, Steve Rohrs, Nick Rennollet, Phil Hetrick, and Jason Wermer. Missing from the photo are crew members Scott Heighland, Myra Wolfrum, and Tab Smith.
"Who's Telling Your Story?" features the Central Local Technology Department
Students love using computers, and we love having our students use them. But before these wonderful educational tools can go into the hands of our students, a tremendous amount of work happens in the summer months to assure our staff, students, and parents that our students will be able to use them well and for appropriate purposes.
"It's been a busy summer here at Fairview when it comes to technology projects," says Adam Singer, director of technology. "We are managing a few extra projects this summer to ramp up our district's security that include deploying a new network-based PA system district-wide and deploying new network based classroom phones district-wide. These systems are integrated together to provide push button emergency lock down capabilities from any of the district's phones to help keep our students safe."
Other recent projects include migrating our eighteen virtualized servers to new hardware and the latest server operating systems; improving our disaster recovery system; deploying a new district wide network-based security camera system; deploying new, more efficient multi-function printers district-wide with PaperCut management which helps us cut printing costs and increases usability; rolling out BitLocker Encryption for all staff devices to keep our data safe; upgrading our elementary wireless network this summer to match the capacity of our high school and middle school wireless which support our Chromebook 1:1 program; doubling the amount of Chromebook carts at the elementary this summer to give our elementary students more access to technology; and lots and lots of new cabling to support all of our new network-based projects. The technology staff has found that just about any new project is possible, even in an older building, when you know how to find the right companies. Even with odd projects like putting in a new PA system, we still were able to find four companies that perform turn-key solutions to compete to get the best solution that fits our needs for the best price.
In addition, we would like to welcome our newest member of the technology team, John Echelbarger, to Central Local Schools. Mr. Echelbarger replaces Austin Bard, who recently accepted a position of director of technology for the Millcreek-West Unity Schools. Together, Mr. Singer and Mr. Echelbarger will help to continue the 21st Century education needed to succeed in today's ever-changing world.
"We are very fortunate to have such an excellent team," continued Singer, "from our maintenance crew who are working with us day-by-day to make this district an even better place for our students, to our quick and organized Superintendent and Treasury department who can let us know what is possible and who have the expertise to answer any tough questions that we have along the way. This summer while I, Mr. Singer, am busy managing summer projects and working on streamlining the management of our now 1300+ Chromebook, laptop, and desktop inventory, Mr. Echelbarger is busy repairing Chromebooks, developing on-demand technology training, installing Smartboards, prepping new Chromebook carts, and getting our PCs imaged and ready for the upcoming school year. We are looking forward to having the students back in the buildings to utilize the new technology so they can build the required skills to be successful in their future endeavors."
Shown are Mr. Echelbarger (left) and Mr. Singer.