BES Wildcats ROAR
Week of Monday, August 14 through Friday, August 18
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Morning Information: All doors are opening at 7:00 a.m. this year and students report to the cafeteria. This gives all students a chance to get breakfast to fuel their bodies and brains. At 7:30 students are dismissed to classes, and they use the "before the bell" time for extension activities and work in their Personalized Learning Pathway (PLP). The tardy bell rings at 8:05 a.m. and all students need to be in class by this time ready for new learning! Our days are packed, so please make every effort to schedule appointments after school. We need each and every minute to learn together! If your student does have to be out for an appointment or illness, please send a note in upon their return to school.
School Focus: Our theme for the year is "GROW Together: One STEAM at a Time". STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and AVID, and Math. AVID is our school focus. We are integrating instructional strategies that support Reading and Writing across all areas. We are focused on student Organization through AVID binders. The binders will be implemented soon. These are a tool to keep up with notes and study materials, as well as an area to house the Parent Communication folder. Students will also be responsible for writing down information in their agendas to keep up with important dates. Please make sure you look for these items and discuss the importance of organization with your students. Please also make sure that the laptops are fully charged before school each day. Students will build Inquiry and Collaboration skills through Science and Engineering labs and activities. Students will receive classes in Art, Music, Guidance, and Library weekly.
Tracking Student Success: Students will be assessed through iReady in reading and math, and Next Step Guided Reading to get baseline data on each student's needs. These diagnostics will be given in the Fall, Winter, and Spring. We are setting goals with students and tracking goals. Students will work on their pathway in iReady weekly, and the goal for every student is to pass at least two lessons with an 80% or better in both reading and math. Students will track their data and conference with their teachers about their progress. Diagnostic information will also be sent home to families.
We are all so excited for this year! Ready, Set, Grow!
3rd grade is learning....
Place Value (Review) & Multiplication 2's
Mathematicians will review Place Value learned in grades K-2. Students will begin learning their multiplication tables, starting with the 2's. Students will be expected to know their multiplication tables through the 10's by the end of third grade.
What is Science?
Map Skills
Here are some free websites that you can access at home for read aloud support!
3rd Grade Schedule Overview
8:05 Tardy Bell Rings
Morning: Whole Group Instruction, Small Groups, Interventions and Resource Supports
Lunches (Recess is before lunch for all classes)
10:45 Miss Cantrell
10:50 Mrs. Whelchel
10:55 Mrs. Will
11:00 Mrs. Phenicie
11:10 Mrs. Blackwell
Special Areas: Art, Music, Library, PE, Guidance, iReady Lab
Afternoon: Whole Group Instruction, Small Groups, Interventions and Resource Supports
Dismissal @ 2:25
4th Grade is Learning...
Pre-Skills Assessment and Fact Review
How to be a Scientist
Identifying Oceans and Continents
ELA: Introduction of Story Structure
4th Grade Schedule Overview
8:05 Tardy Bell Rings
Morning: Whole Group Instruction, Small Groups, Interventions and Resource Supports
Lunches (Recess is before lunch for all classes)
12:15 Mrs. Hamright
12:10 Mrs. Ham
12:05 Mrs. Comer
11:45 Mrs. Norman
11:50 Ms. Seay
12:00 Mrs. Harr
Special Areas: Art, Music, Library, PE, Guidance, iReady Lab
Afternoon: Whole Group Instruction, Small Groups, Interventions and Resource Supports
Dismissal @ 2:25
5th Grade is Learning...
Understanding Place Value
How do Scientists and Engineers work together as a team?
Western Expansion
ELA: Reading Strategies and Root Words
5th Grade Schedule Overview
8:05 Tardy Bell Rings
Morning: Whole Group Instruction, Small Groups, Interventions and Resource Supports
Lunches (Recess is before lunch for all classes)
11:15 Mrs. Yeargin
11:20 Mrs. Brown
11:25 Mrs. McRobie
11:35 Mrs. Phillips
11:40 Mrs. Porter
Special Areas: Art, Music, Library, PE, Guidance, iReady Lab
Afternoon: Whole Group Instruction, Small Groups, Interventions and Resource Supports
Dismissal @ 2:25
Weekly Reminders :)
- Please turn in your Yellow Nurse form if you have not already submitted it.
- Please send a note if there is a change in transportation. This note should include the students name, the change requested, length of the change, and a parent/guardian signature.
- Pick-up for the Kids Club is in the back loop.
Blacksburg Elementary School
Email: shelton.clinton@cherokee1.org
Website: https://bes.cherokee1.org/o/be
Location: 402 Hardin Street, Blacksburg, SC, USA
Phone: 864-206-6518
Facebook: facebook.com/BESWildcatsROAR