February 16, 2024

A Message from the Principal
Hello Families,
Our students had such a great week completing so many Kindness Week activities. It is so uplifting to see students encouraging others, giving affirmations and going out of their way to do something kind.
Fifth grade students were visited by the WBMS counselor, Mr. Levitan and Assistant Principal, Jermaine Evans. If you have any questions regarding WBMS course selections, please reach out to jermaine.evans@wbsd.org or call (248) 865-4480
An informational email regarding advanced math or accelerated math has been sent out. The first step to placement in Advanced Math is a parent nomination form. This form is linked here and should be completed by March 1st. If you have questions, contact amy.quinn@wbsd.org.
Lastly, Monday, February 19th and Tuesday, February 20th there is no school. I hope you all enjoy the extended weekend and get to spend time with loved ones. We look forward to seeing you back on Wednesday, February 21st.
James Scrivo
Important Scotch Dates
No School
No School
Late Start - School begins at 10:10 a.m.
Spring Picture Day
Third grade students are sharing their hear affirmations! Each student had an opportunity to write on a classmate's heart and leave kind affirmations and messages. This tied in our kindness week, Capturing Kids' Hearts and Valentine's Day.
15th Annual Outstanding Person in Education Award
PTO Spirit Wear - 50% off! Order Today!
WBSD Bridges Math
Below are informative parent handouts for our Bridges Math Units for the month of February.
iCenter - Book of the Week
In a Jar By: Deborah Marcero
Here's a marvelous picture book, charmingly written and beautifully illustrated, about the power of memory and the magic of friendship.
Spring Picture Day - March 1st
Picture Day is coming on Friday, March 1st!
School Name: Scotch Elementary School
Picture Day Date: Friday, March 1
Picture Day ID: EVT4DRGSD
WBSD Community
5th Graders! Join us on Friday, February 23rd!
Friday, February 23rd is your opportunity to see the #1 Girls Basketball Team in the State for free!!
Free t-shirt, admission to the game, pizza and autographs from the players as well!
Arrive at 5:30 p.m. for an evening of fun!
WBSD Transition Activities
Elementary student and family transition activities WBSD has been hard at work planning activities that will make our transition to four K-5 elementary schools more successful for students, families and staff next fall.
Click here to view the schedule.
We welcome your ideas for additional transition activities. While we cannot guarantee we will be able to implement them all, we will do our best to ensure students, staff and families feel supported through this change.
The renewal of our operating millage is on the ballot Tuesday, February 27th. Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Please remember to exercise your right to vote, and be aware that four of our schools are polling locations:
West Bloomfield Middle School
Doherty Elementary School
Gretchko Elementary School
Scotch Elementary School
We have a separate entrance and exit for those voting in our schools. School will be open and in session.
What is the difference between a bond and an operating millage?
A bond proposal is how a public school district asks its community for authorization to borrow money to pay for capital improvements. Voter-approved bond funds may be spent on projects described in the proposal. Funds raised through the sale of bonds cannot be used on operational expenses such as employee salaries and benefits, school supplies, and textbooks. Bond funds must be kept separate from operating funds and must be audited by an independent auditing firm.
An operating millage is just that - funds for day to day operations. The WBSD operating millage pays for:
Social Workers
Bus drivers
Mental health programs
School safety
Educational programs
Here is a graphic (click to enlarge) that summarizes the key points of this ballot proposal:
This is not a tax increase. This is a renewal of an existing millage.
This makes up approximately 17% of our annual operating budget.
The non-homestead millage proposal is only for non-homestead properties, like commercial, business, rental properties, vacant land, and second-home property owners. This portion does not impact primary residences.
There is an Operating Millage Renewal FAQ on the district website that contains facts about the ballot proposal.
Paid for by: West Bloomfield School District, 5810 Commerce Road, West Bloomfield, MI 48324
WBMS Equestrian Team
Spots are limited; to sign-up for the Evaluation or for questions, please contact Kelly Robrahn at: robrahnfam@gmail.com
Nominate Today and Save the Date
West Bloomfield Youth Assistance Annual Youth Recognition Awards
WBYA recognizes young people from our community for volunteer service, personal growth, and personal leadership. Nominations must be submitted through this Google form:
-or- by sending an electronic copy to connie@wbyouthassistance.org.
The deadline to submit a nomination is Thursday, March 14, 2024.
WBSD Community Education
Families, please fill out this form for summer camp planning
Scotch Contact Information
Main Office Phone: (248) 865-3280
SAFELINE to report an Absence: (248) 865-3282
Website: Scotch Elementary School Website