District 123 student registration for the 2022-23 school year is now open! Oak Lawn-Hometown School District 123 invites families to register their student(s) for the 2022-23 school year using Skyward Family Access! Beginning on Apr 12, 2022 District 123 Families will see "Returning Student Registration" on the left menu in Skyward Family Access.
The continuing efforts of Oak Lawn-Hometown School District 123 to remain transparent and openly communicate yearly budget information has been recognized once again by The Association of School Business Officials International (ASBO). ASBO has awarded District 123 with its Meritorious Budget Award (MBA) for excellence in a budget presentation for the 2021-2022 budget year.
Kolmar 5th graders are participating in a really awesome project based learning experience this Spring. As part of their restoring ecosystems unit in Science they have each planted an acorn in hopes of growing their own oak tree! The 5th grade classrooms have turned into their very own greenhouses.
The CASE students and staff are back and ready to provide smiles and treats for the faculty at OLHMS! Prior to COVID, the CASE students had a donut and coffee cart available for staff to purchase every Friday.
This month our PBIS focus is kindness. Each classroom has been challenged to show kindness everyday. Ms. Mulchrone's Grade 5 class decided to tie what they are learning in literacy into this challenge. Grade 5 students are reading "Out of my Mind '' by Sharon M. Draper and learning about how words have power.
As much as we love celebrating the accomplishments of our students, we also love celebrating the accomplishments of our Hannum teachers and staff. Ms. Yuu Suehiro, a math support teacher, was celebrated this past Thursday for officially becoming a United States citizen.
Hometown Elementary School is home to the CASE program (Communication, Academic, and Social Education). The CASE program services students who have significant communication and social needs that interfere with their academic achievement. The goal of the CASE classroom is to ensure that each student is provided the skills to become effective communicators, while acquiring the knowledge and social skills necessary to become active participants within their community.
This March the 4th graders at Kolmar couldn't stop reading! They participated in March Book Madness and really enjoyed it! The winning book this year was Norman Didn't Do It by Ryan T. Higgins. "I liked it because it was really funny and gave a lot of details, '' one 4th grader explained.
District 123 emphasizes and values health and wellness for all members of the district, including the incredible staff members! On Tuesday, April 5th, the entire district staff participated in a Wellness Day Institute!
Every morning, students arrive at Hannum Elementary with smiles on their faces ready to learn. However, on days 1,2, and 5, there is always a bit more excitement in the hallways because these are the days we are joined by our encore teachers. Students look forward to these encore classes.
Mahalo (thank you) to our Covington PTO for putting together the Luau Party to kick off spring break. Every corner of our gym was decorated and students and families were transported to the warm and tropical state of Hawaii. At our Luau, families were able to enjoy pizza and soda along with listening to today's hits.