Beck Weekly Update
Parent Info for Friday, October 13, 2023
Beck Centennial Elementary
Beck Attendance Line: 586-797-3999
Location: 54600 Hayes Road, Macomb, MI, USA
Phone: 586-797-3900
Twitter: @beckelementary
UCS Safety and Security Protocols
Safety remains a priority for our school. Beck Centennial is once again providing training to our students on our safety protocols. The protocols identify actions that students may be asked to take in the event of a potential incident: hold, secure, lockdown, evacuate and shelter.
The training is provided through a short, animated video. In the video, the teacher – Mrs. Appleton – and her students walk through the different responses in a very relaxed and engaging way for younger children. The script was written by our staff.
The protocols will continue to be part of the training while practicing our regular school safety drills, such as fire drills, security drills, tornado drills, evacuation procedures, etc.)
The video is available for you to review at this link: UCS School Safety: Standard Response Protocol - Elementary - YouTube If you have any questions, please contact our office.
Important Things to Pay Attention to in October!
- Deadline to Register for Trunk or Treat Event - Oct. 16
- NO SCHOOL - October 18 - Districtwide Teacher Professional Development
- Beck Fun Run - October 19
- Trunk of Treat at Beck! - Oct. 26
- Oct 27 - Kindergarten & Young 5 Halloween Parade (10:30)
- Half Day - Students dismissed at 11:29 a.m.
- Oct 31 - Grades 1 - 6 Halloween Parade (10:30 - Outside viewing!)
- Half Day - Students dismissed at 11:29 a.m.
BFV Fundraiser - APEX Fun Run
Mrs. Farr's Young 5's Had A Big Week!
They Went To Their First Assembly!
Rhyme Day Success!
Celebrating Rhyme Day!
Mrs. Nader's Class Had a Big Week!
Mrs. VanDeWinkle's Class Enjoys Summer-Like Recess!
Mrs. Boes' Media Center Classes Were Coding!
2nd grade- With Mrs. Nader's Class:
First week learning basic computer science skills at We practiced in real life by giving commands to move from one point to another on the Twister board. Then students applied those skills online to create sequencing programs.
6th Grade- With Mrs. Nawrocki and Mr. Knobbe's Classes:
Students programmed the Micro:bit processor to act as a teleporting device. Students learned how the Micro:bit can transmit image and sound data via radio channels. They conducted tests to see if the signal could transmit through walls, glass and across the media center. We teleported ducks, hamsters and simple messages.
Mr. Chapp Kept Our Students Busy in PE!
Halloween Observances and Class Parties:
- DO NOT send in bags of candy for classmates.
Parties that are planned in classrooms also follow school rules for food in classroom -
- fresh fruits and vegetables only
- Skinny Pop brand popcorn.
Thank you for your cooperation in helping keep all students safe during our fall celebrations!
Halloween is Coming!
Young 5's and Kindergarteners:
This year, as in the past, our youngest students will participate in their own Halloween parade. Our Young 5's and our kindergarten student will be holding their parade on Friday, Oct. 27. The parade will be outside, so parents can secure a great viewing location around our school courtyard (off the playground in back of the school). The parade will be held at 10:30 a.m. This is a half-day of school for all students, so parents may sign their students out with their child's teacher immediately upon the conclusion of the parade.Grades 1 - 6:
Our students in grades 1-6 will participate in the schoolwide Halloween parade on Tuesday, October 31. The parade will be outside, so parents can secure a great viewing location around our school courtyard (off the playground in back of the school). The parade will be held at 10:30 a.m. This is also a half-day of school for all students, so parents may sign their students out with their child's teacher immediately upon the conclusion of the parade.
Annual Trunk or Treat Event - Oct 26! Deadline to Register - Monday, Oct. 16
Looking to Access PowerSchool?
Want A Great Way to Celebrate Your Child's Birthday?
BFV Offers Parents Online Sign-Up: MembershipToolkit
Membership Toolkit - Can be Used for All Beck BFV Purchases!
Dates to note on your calendar:
NO SCHOOL - Teacher PD Day - Wednesday, October 18
BFV - Apex Fun RUN! - October 19
Trunk of Treat Event - 5:30 - 7:30 - Thursday, October 26
(Deadline to register your trunk - Fri, Oct. 16)
Young 5s and Kindergarten Halloween Parade, Oct. 27 10:30 a.m.
Half Day School, Friday, Oct. 27 8:25 - 11:29 a.m.
Halloween Parade - Grades 1 - 6 Outdoors! Tuesday, Oct. 31, 10:30 a.m.
Half Day of School, Tuesday, Oct. 31 8:25 - 11:29 a.m.