Rota Area Spanish Schools Info.
NAVSTA Rota - https://www.smore.com/szfpt
Welcome to Rota!
Installation Welcome Information
Rota Welcome Information
NAVSTA Rota plays a crucial role in supporting our nation’s objectives and defense, providing unmatched logistical support and strategic presence to all of our military services and allies. NAVSTA Rota supports Naval Forces Europe Africa Central (EURAFCENT), 6th Fleet and COCOM strategic priorities by providing airfield and port facilities, security, force protection, logistical support, administrative support and emergency services to all U.S. and NATO forces.
Welcome Information:
https://www.cnic.navy.mil/regions/cnreurafcent/installations/ns_rota.htmlSchool Liaison Contact Information
School Liaison Information
Get all of your school-based questions answered. The School Liaison (SL) helps military families transition into NAVSTA Rota and is the primary contact between the military installation and the local schools and homeschool community. Navy SL personnel understand the difficulty that families face through frequent transitions and extended deployments. Navy SL education professionals work closely with school administrators to foster a positive and mutually beneficial relationship between schools and the military community, all for the sake of the military child.
Parents and community members with questions on school-age military child education are encouraged to contact their local School Liaison. Education professionals with the Navy SLO program are located on all major installations and serve as the link between Navy families and schools. Please contact your SLO at SLPRota@us.navy.mil or +34-956-82-2425 or DSN 314-727-2425 or website: https://www.navymwrrota.com/programs/a8fe4fcd-189f-4539-995d-596b3922fbb8.
Education Disclaimer
"Naval Station Rota Child and Youth Programs (CYP), Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR),
the Department of the Navy, and Department of Defense do not endorse any of the non-Navy
sanctioned programs listed below. The aforementioned schools are provided solely for informational purposes, and is not meant as an endorsement of any non-federal entity or private party. Navy CYP is not responsible for the actions of or information provided by third parties. If necessary, personnel are encouraged to seek individualized legal advice concerning host nation law from the local region Legal Service Office. It is recommended that parents personally vet any child care providers prior to leaving their child/youth in care. Responsibility of selecting a child care provider rests with each child/youth's parent(s)."
Spanish School Workshop
Off Base Spanish School Information
Spanish School Option
Important: Naval Station Rota does not endorse, inspect, or accredit schools outside of the installation.
Before enrolling your child off base, please research the school by speaking to administrators, discussing your child’s needs and educational history, and speaking to other Americans who have children enrolled in the school.
You may wish to have a translator and escort assist you with school visits; this is not a service of Child Youth Programs, MWR or Fleet & Family Service Center.
As required by the Installation’s Supervision Policy, all children K-12th grade not enrolled in DoDEA schools must register with the School Liaison Officer within 30 days of arrival at Naval Station Rota. This instruction applies to all families stationed on the installation: Navy, Army, Air Force, Marine, Civilian and Contractors. Compliance in mandatory.
Spanish Public Education System
Schooling for children is mandatory from the age of 6 through 16 and consists of two different stages: elementary and secondary. Children must be registered in school whether they have or haven’t completed any previous stages of kindergarten. Children ages 3-5 can be enrolled in early childhood centers, public care centers, subsidized private schools, but it is not mandatory. There is a cost for care, and some schools offer before care (7:30-9:00 a.m.); times and costs vary.
Elementary education is mandatory and has no cost and consists of six academic years from 6-12 years. The six academic years are divided into three stages of two years each.
- First & Second Grades (6 to 8 years old)
- Third & Forth Grades (8 to 10 years old)
- Fifth & Sixth Grades (10 to 12 years old)
Secondary or Eso education is free, and it is mandatory education stage to complete basic education. Consists of four academic courses held between ages 12-16 and divided into two grades.
- Eso years 1 and 2 (ages 12 to 14 years old)
- Eso years 3 and 4 (ages 14 to 16 years old)
There are no honors level, AP level, or extra work for quick learners, and P.E. classes are required for a certain number of years. Extracurricular subjects like music, theater, sports, art, and other activities do not exist within Spanish schools, not in the way they do in American high school at least.
Spanish School Day
The typical School Hours are from 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. (5 hour school day), and the school year usually begins the second week in September. Some schools offer after school programs at a cost (2:00-4:00 p.m. but times vary from school to school).
School Year Ends Around the third full week in June, and student spend about 181 Elementary / 178 Secondary in school each academic year. On base child care (SAC) is Not Available on Spanish out of school holidays.
No lunch provided 9:00-2:00 p.m. Lunch is part of the after school program, but parents can pack snacks during 9:00-2:00 p.m. school day. There is no nap time during before, during and after school (even for 3-5 year olds).
Governance of Schools
The ministry of Education regulates and approves education in Spain for private and public schools.
If you live in base housing, you are slated to go to Rota Schools. The city or town you reside in is where you will register for public schools. Private schools registration is slightly different since they generally have different requirements.
Base housing residents need to contact the housing office for a letter stating proof of residency. This will serve as the “Certificado de Empadronamiento”, and you will not need to visit the city hall.
Below is information on the steps to register in public schools and the city halls in the local communities.
What are the Steps to Register for Public Schools?
The application process is standard, regardless of what city you live in. The application for all schools (preschool-secondary education, public, private or semi-private) is available using the the attachments below.
Registration or “Admission” occurs annually during the month of March, if you are applying during “general admission” for the up-coming school-year, you will click on “Anexo III”. If you are applying outside of the general enrollment period, after March 31, you will use the “Anexo IX”.
The Base Housing Office can help with the process by preparing a letter with all the information contained in the Certificado de Empadronamiento” (see below). Ms. Rocio Caballero from Off Base Housing can assist with the letter, and she can be contacted via email at mariarocio.caballerosalas.ln@us.navy.mil.
You must reside in the town where the school is located. If you are just arriving on the Installation, you must have a lease agreement before you begin the application process. Obtain Proof of Residency from City Hall in the city or town where you reside. The Certificate is called “Certificado de Empadronamiento” for education/escula. Take a COPIES of all your Family Passports and your lease Agreement to Show Proof of Residency. (You will make two trips to City Hall-Apply and Pick-Up)
The process takes about 10 days to get your “Certificado de Empadronamiento” from city hall. You must pick up “Certificado de Empadronamiento” from city hall, and the cost is approximately 4€, and can pay around 8€ to have it expedited (ask when you drop off). Ask city hall when the “Certificado de Empadronamiento” expires. Some American families had problems with their certificate being older than one to two months old when they submitted their registration at the schools, so please don’t allow your “Certificado de Empadronamiento” be older than one or two months old. Be sure to verify with city hall that you are getting the certificate for education/escula.
Once you have your “Certificado de Empadronamiento”, deliver it and your application to your first choice school. They will begin processing your application and answer any questions you may have. You may want to ask for additional information on lunch programs, before care, transportation options and extracurricular activities offered by the school. THESE PROGRAMS VARY GREATLY TO WHAT PUBLIC SCHOOLS IN THE STATES OFFER, SO PLEASE BE INFORMED, they are not guaranteed.
Local City Halls:
City Hall Rota: Ayuntamiento de Rota, https://www.aytorota.es/oac (On-line reservation)
City Hall Puerto: Ayuntamiento de El Puerto de Santa Maria, Plaza Isaac Peral 4
City Hall Chipiona: Ayuntamiento de Chipiona Plaza Andalucía, S/N,
City Hall Sanlucar: Ayuntamiento de Sanlúcar de Barrameda Cuesta de Belén, 1,
Annual Registration Timeline
- March 1-31 Applications Submitted to First Choice School for the next school year.
- May 14 Public Notification – Visit your first choice school to see if your child made the list.
- May 19 Public Notification – Visit your second choice school if your child wasn’t listed at first choice school.
- May 27 - June 26 Appeals Process – Check with first choice school on how to appeal if your child didn’t get into the first or second choice school.
- June 1-June 8 Submit application for children’s second cycle – primary and special needs schools.
- July 1-July 10 Submit applications for mandatory secondary education and high schools.
- Students attending other schools can apply for transfer if vacancies exist in the school.
NOTE: Schools will NOT call or send a letter notifying you of your school choice. You must go to the school.
Criteria that is Reviewed
Enrollment in your first choice school is not guaranteed, and there are a number of factors that are reviewed in order to award points. Note: most American families will usually "only" be awarded points for their residence.
- Siblings already attend the 1st choice school
- Parent or guardian is employed by the 1st choice school
- Students with a disability of 33% or greater
- Students with a developmental disorder
- Student has special education needs with disability or serious behavioral disorder
- Family size (large family) or a single parent household
- Students are part of a high level sports program
- Student with high intellectual abilities
- Residing near your first choice school
Registration with the School Liaison
Once you enroll your child in a Spanish school, please register with the installation School Liaison.
Per COMNAVACTSPAININST 1754.3D, All not otherwise exempted children between the ages of 6 and 18 years are subject to compulsory full time education. It is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to ensure that their child participates for the length of the school day. Home-schooling will typically be conducted during similar hours as DoDDS or local schools and comply with reference (d). All students who are not enrolled full-time with DoDEA must register with the School Liaison Officer. The registration form is below.
Applications (Anexo III and Anexo IX)
Spanish School Lists by Municipality
Spanish School Calendars
Dis-enrolling from Spanish Schools
If you prepare to move to another duty station, or choose schooling on base or homeschooling, you MUST dis-enroll from you Spanish school. If you do not dis-enroll from the Spanish system, you might find Spanish authorities searching for your missing child. Spanish authorities at your child’s school may request proof of enrollment at on base schools or copies of orders in the event your family is moving from NAVSTA Rota.
If you choose to homeschool your child after enrollment in a Spanish school, please be aware that Spanish authorities do not recognize homeschooling as an enrollment option. Homeschooling is technical illegal in Spain and in most of Europe.
Before you leave your child’s school, make sure to get a copy of your child’s Spanish school records to take to your next school. You will more than likely need to have them translated into English from Spanish. MilitaryOneSource can offer this service for free, and the Legal Office on the installation has also translated education records as well.
Spanish Public School Office
The Public School Office is located in Cadiz; essentially it is the School Board for our region. If you have any questions about availability, educational concerns or need assistance navigating the Spanish educational system, you can contact their main office:
Delegation Provincial de Cadiz
Plaza Mina, 18
11004 Cadiz
Note: The Rota Welcome Center will assist U.S. families residing in Rota by answering questions and helping to fill out the forms.
Private Spanish School Option (No Navy Endorsement Implied)
CDP Grazalema (Girls) CDP Guadalete (Boys)
LAUDE El Altillo School (El Altillo International School)
SAGE College - The British International School in Jerez
The English Centre (El Centro Ingles)
Bahía Montessori International School
Jose Ojeda
Address: C. de la Verónica, 23, 11500 El Puerto de Sta María, Cádiz, SpainTel: +34 677 12 65 44
Child & Youth Programs
Child & Youth Programs (CYP)
Child and Youth Programs (CYP) offers programs for children of all ages, whether it be full day care, hourly, before and after school care, sports programs or youth programs. CYP is staffed with early childhood and youth development professionals who are committed to providing quality programs while maintaining the highest standards. All CYP programs are certified by the Department of Defense. The Child Development Center is accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). The School Age Center is accredited by the Council on Accreditation.
Contact information is below for our centers..
Rota Child Development Center (CDC)
To get started for programs in the Child Development Centers, Before and After School programs please visit www.MiltaryChildCare.com to be placed on the waiting list. When space
is available, you will be contacted. Child Development Centers offer services for children ages 6 weeks to 5 years.Hours: 6:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Building 1963
DSN: 314-727-1100
CIV: +34-956-82-1100
Website: https://www.navymwrrota.com/
Rota School Age Care (SAC)
School Age Centers offer services before and after school. On school out days, the centers are open all day. During the summer, camp weeks are provided. To sign up for these programs, visit www.MilitaryChildCare.com to be placed on the waiting list. The SAC serves children in Kindergarten through grade 5. SAC offers Anchored4Life youth sponsorship, and it maintains a partnership with Boys & Girls Club or America and 4-H Youth Development programs.
Hours: 6:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Building 41
DSN: 314-727-2839
CIV: +34-956-82-2839
Website: https://www.navymwrrota.com/
Pre-Teen and Teen Programs (YP)
Youth/Teen Center (known locally as Jams & Gravity) are free CYP designated programs geared to accommodate youth who 12 to 18 years old and still in school. Jams & Gravity programs utilize partnerships with 4-H Clubs and Boys and Girls Clubs of America.
Hours: 3:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. (On School Days)
12:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. (Non-School Days)
Building 3053 (Next to DGF MHS)
DSN: 314-727-4625
CIV: +34-956-82-4625
Website: https://www.navymwrrota.com/
Youth Sports Programs
Building 41
DSN: 314-727-4721
CIV: 956-82-4721
Website: https://www.navymwrrota.com/
Youth Sponsorship
The CYP Youth Sponsorship Program is designed to provide transition support to military children via introduction, program insight, club involvement and community awareness. Inbound students are able to connect and become familiar with the base’s youth program offerings, make connections with local student Youth Sponsorship Representatives, and to gain insight into the programs they will be involved in once they arrive to the base.
DGF Middle High School also has Student 2 Student Youth Sponsorship. Below you can download the youth sponsorship request form. Completed forms can be emailed back to SLPRota@us.navy.mil.
Child & Youth Focused Clubs and Organizations
Rota Girl Scouts: rotagirlscouts@usagso.org
Rota Boy Scouts (grades 6-12): MTWASSE@hotmail.com
Cub Scouts (grades K-5): Secretarypack280@gmail.com
The Point (Chapel Youth Group): +34-956-82-2161
Red Cross Youth Club: +34-956-82-2333
Rota Swim Club: rotaswimclub@gmail.com
F.E.E.T. (Friends Exploring España Together) Youth Sponsorship: +34-956-82-2425 or SLPRota@us.navy.mil.
Installation Early Childhood Support
Rota Educational and Developmental Intervention Services (EDIS)
What we offer:
** Free developmental screening and evaluation for children under age 3
** Comprehensive developmental screening at well-child visits with Pediatrics at the Hospital
** Therapeutic intervention for children under 3 who have delays in gross motor, fine motor, self-help, social-emotional, cognition, and/or communication skills
** Services delivered at the EDIS clinic, family home, or at the child’s daycare
** Resources for parents and children
** Rotating theme-based community playgroups
For More Information, contact EDIS: DSN 727-4029 or CIV +34-956-82-4029.
Tutoring & Counseling Resources
School Liaison Office
Email: SLPRota@us.navy.mil
Website: https://www.navymwrrota.com/programs/a8fe4fcd-189f-4539-995d-596b3922fbb8
Location: NAVSTA Rota, Building 41
Phone: +34-956-82-2425
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RotaMWR/