Beckley Business
February 2020
Principal's Message
Hey there Beckley families! I hope everyone had a relaxing winter break and are ready to have an amazing rest of the school year! We have a bunch of fun activities coming up in the near future, including NV Reading Week, Career Day, and Pastries with Parents. As you all know we have been working on our WIDA assessments. Please make sure your student are attending school on testing days and that they are arriving on time.
Days of Giving
Career Day
Field Day
Field Day dates are :
April 30: Field Day (K-2)
May 1: Field Day (3-5)
For Field Day, please send your child to school in sneakers. You may also want to send them with sun block on, a hat to wear during filed day, and with a water bottle.
Boys Town
This is a friendly reminder that a Boys Town Representative will be at Beckley Elementary, every Friday morning, from 8:45 AM-10:30 AM. Boys Town helps children and their families be more successful at home, school, and in life by providing free services in the home and in the community.
Call 799-7700 X4091 to schedule an appointment.
Our Common Sense Parenting classes began January 23rd. We will have one more session of classes at the end of the school year. If you are interested in registering for the classes, Call 799-7700 X4091 to register.
SBAC Testing
As testing begins we are anticipating our students to show great academic growth.
Parents can help prepare their children for testing by:
- providing a designated, quiet place to study and complete their homework
- bringing your child to school, and on time
- allowing your child to get enough sleep
- providing healthy meals
- And most importantly, encouraging your child to do their best!
Upcoming Events
Feb 7: Career Day
Feb 11: Breakfast with Books & Second Cup of Coffee
Feb 14: Pastries with Parents
Feb 17: President's Day-No School
Feb 26: Wellness Day
March 2: NV Reading Week
March 9: No School for Students
March 27: Wellness Day
April 6: Spring Break begins
April 14: Classes resume
April 17: Wellness Day
April 24: Battle of the Books
April 30: Field Day (K-2)
May 1: Field Day (3-5)
May 4: Teacher Appreciation Week
May 15: 5th Grade Black & White Dance
About Us
Will Beckley E.S.
Location: 3223 S. Glenhurst, Las Vegas NV 89121
Phone: (702) 799-7700