“By perseverance the snail reached the ark.”― Charles Spurgeon
It has felt like one of those years where the sermon we have preached to ourselves is one of perseverance - not in ourselves but in the hope of better things to come. We have remembered again and again that the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases. Amen to that. But it is only because of another doctrine - union with Christ. Why does the steadfast love never fade or disappear? Because for those whom God has foreknown and has predestined, he has bound them up in Christ! And that is why we say Amen! We celebrate as a youth ministry that though we may have moments in the year where we have no clue what the Lord is doing or guiding us, we can rest assured and remember his promises to his Son.
This year we have persevered like the snail. This year we have celebrated the steadfast love of the Lord. This year we have seen God continue to keep his covenant promises to our students and their families.
Leadership for 2022-2023
Seventh Graders
Leadership for 2022-2023
By the Numbers: 2023-2023 school year
-Graduating 4 seniors
- Attendance Since Jan - Average ~40
-Baptisms - 5 this school year (so far)
-New ministry partnership connections: 23
-Amt that the youth have given out from their mission budget: $17,000.00
-Project Serve: 6 Houses of CBC members completed (and neighbors)
Winter Retreat 2022
- A retreat is a part of our whole discipleship process. And if I can explain discipleship again: discipleship is something that all Christians take part in as they have given their allegiance to their Lord Jesus Christ. Their discipleship is a life-long process that is both the intentional steps of becoming like Christ and the intentional steps of rejecting things that take away from that relationship and growth. The endgame of discipleship is that a person becomes "mature" in Christ (Colossians 1:28). So...retreat is one of the many ways we program as a part of this overall discipleship process.
- A retreat is the midpoint event of the school year. Seems obvious. It serves as a culmination of the Fall semester and a recap of things we've tried to accomplish. It also serves as a launch point for the Spring as well. Makes sense right? In light of those things, we don't want to treat the retreat as a camp or a conference. We actually want to spend time "retreating." To retreat from the daily anxiety of school, clubs, social media, and other stuff that saps our life. We want to spend time processing and evaluating and getting our minds and hearts on a healthy trajectory. We want to spend time reinforcing and building our internal community here at CBC between youth and youth and youth and leaders and leaders and leaders.
Discovery Camp Impact 2023
Impact is a five day camp experience open to all incoming 10th, 11th, 12th and graduated seniors where we spend the week learning about Jesus, making new friends, and having a great time.
Why should CBC Youth go to camp???
- It is another opportunity to develop and mature in your faith as a Christian
- It is a chance and place to stretch yourself as you grow outside the normal CBC environment
- You get to interact with the broader church - like the other Chinese churches from Houston
- If you're not a Christian or someone just interested, you get to see why Christians are the way they are and you get a sneak peak into why they love this Jesus guy so much.
- It is a chance to get away from the normal routine of summer.
Chinese Baptist Church Youth Ministry
Our youth ministry serves students 6th grade to 12th grade as well as to their families. Chinese Baptist Church is primarily a commuter church, which means that families and members of the church drive away from their place of residence in order to worship and serve at CBC. This creates great challenges but also great rewards for our ministry. For one, our students are represented from every major school district within the greater Houston area. We generally reach out and minister to second generation Asian-Americans, our ministry welcomes every and all people from different backgrounds, lifestyles, communities, and baggage.
Email: cbcyouthofhouston@gmail.com
Website: http://cbchouston.org/youth.html
Location: 900 Brogden Road, Houston, TX, USA
Phone: 713-461-0963
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cbcyouthofhouston/
Twitter: @cbcyouthhouston