Morton Ranch Junior High eNews
August 26, 2020
Daily Attendance Requirement for Virtual Learning
ALL students must login to ALL of their courses daily between 8:55 and 4:05 in order to be marked present in their classes. Students will be required to complete the attendance form for each of their classes every day. Take a moment to review the bell schedule to help your student structure their day. Students are off to a great start! Let's keep the momentum going.
Clinic News
Attention 7th grade parents: All enrolled students regardless of attending virtual or in-person instruction must have updated vaccine records with the school clinic, specifically proof of Tdap and Meningitis. You may send vaccine records via fax to 281-644-1671 or email them to gracemejia@katyisd.org.
Atención padres de grado 7: Todos los estudiantes inscritos, independientemente de asistir a la instrucción virtual o en persona, deben tener registros de vacunas actualizados con la clínica de la escuela, específicamente una prueba de Tdap y Meningitis. Puede enviar registros de vacunas por fax al 281-644-1671 o enviarlos por correo electrónico a gracemejia@katyisd.org.
Updates in Special Education/Actualizaciones en Educación Especial
Counseling Support
This form is being sent at the request of KISD Counseling and Psychological Services; however, the information received will only be used by our MRJH counseling team to assist your child and/or family as requested. Please complete the following questions to help us know about your needs and better understand how we can offer support to your student. We understand that these are unusual times and we care very much about our students and families during this pandemic. Please know that completion is voluntary and any information shared will remain confidential among those who need to know in order to support your child. Our campus support staff may contact you to discuss additional needs and available supports.
Spanish Form
School Lunches: Curbside “Grab and Go” Meals from August 19- September 4
Curbside "Grab and Go" meals will be available to all Katy ISD students August 19 to September 4, at 23 distribution sites, from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Meals can be picked up at the site that is most convenient. Students will be offered breakfast and lunch daily. They can opt for both meals or only one, but will not be allowed to duplicate meal requests at different distribution sites. Meals will be charged depending on the student's eligibility (free, reduced or full price).
- Breakfast: $1.25 ($.30 reduced price)
- Elementary Lunch: $2.25 ($.40 reduced price)
- Secondary Lunch: $2.75 ($.40 reduced price)
The Free and Reduced Lunch application is available at SchoolCafe. Payment for meals is encouraged to be cashless through the Katy ISD Pay N' Go app. Cash and checks for meal payment will be accepted curbside, and change will be deposited into the student's account. Students, or parents picking up meals, must have a student ID or proof of enrollment (with a student ID number on it) to receive a meal. Additional information, including cafeteria menus, can be found on the Katy ISD Grab and Go Meal Program webpage.
2019-2020 Yearbooks
MRJH Athletics Details
Attention All Athletes (Boys and Girls)
August 19 - First day of JH SSI & SAC
Sign up using this link. https://forms.gle/kLztqVGo4kR9pPc19
Girls' Athletics Information
Stay up to date on all the latest news with girls athletics by downloading the SportsYou app and using the following code: FSFCNB77
Newsletter: https://www.smore.com/q3n5d
Coach Taqueta Braxton
Boys' Athletics Practice Updates
Smart ReStart
What do I do if my child needs a device?
If you still need a device for 2020-2021, you will need to complete the Student Device Request Form. You will be contacted via email and given a date and time to pick up a device.
Parent Resources
Technology & Digital Support Information
Virtual Parent Help Meetings for Technology, Digital Resources & Device Support
The District is offering virtual technology help meetings for parents August 10-20. The meetings are one hour long, held virtually via Zoom and cover how parents and students can access and utilize technology and digital resources through Katy ISD. A schedule of meeting dates and times, as well as recorded session, can be found here.
*NEW* Technology Help Desk Contacts for Parents/Students Support Inquiries
- Online: Katy ISD Tech Help
- Or, click “Help” in Canvas
- Or, call: 281.396.7400 (6:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.)
- Or, e-mail: parenttechsupport@katyisd.org
*NEW* “How to Guide” for Parents on the Home Access Center (HAC)
Need to know how to view a report card, student grades, or other information?
Check out our “how to guides” on the Home Access Center, or click below.
Miscellaneous Information
- Katy ISD 2020-2021 Instructional Calendar here.
- School Holiday: Monday, September 7
- Other important information can be found on our school website throughout the year.
Connect with Us Via Social Media
@MRJHMAVS via Twitter, Instagram, & Facebook
Email: mrjhcommunications@katyisd.org
Website: http://www.katyisd.org/campus/MRJH/
Location: 2498 North Mason Road, Katy, TX 77449
Phone: 281-237-7400
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mrjhmavs/
Twitter: @MRJHmavs