March 2022
We will work on our reading skills as we are reading decodable books. Decodable books help students learn to read by sounding out words and blending the sounds together. It is important that students understand why we practice blending sounds together to make words. We also study our high frequency words. These are words we see often in our reading and we want to be able to recognize them right away.
In math, we continue to work on addition and subtraction. We will also begin working on our teen numbers as well as skip counting and counting to 100.
A big thank you to our wonderful parents! All of your support makes a huge difference!
First Grade
March will be a busy month, here is a look ahead.
Math- We are continuing to work on our Module 4. We have been working on different strategies for adding tens and ones.
ELA- We have finished our Unit 4, and will begin Unit 5. During Unit 5 we will continue to read Narrative and Informational texts. Students will understand that facts and details in informational texts enable them to find answers to questions. Students will learn that observation and prediction helps us to discover information about the world. Students will continue to sequence their narrative writing as well as use facts to support their questions about the Natural world around them.
As always be looking out for high frequency words and work with your student.
March will go by quickly! Please continue to read to your students and have them read to you!!!
Second Grade
Students will work on Module 6. This Module lays the conceptual foundation for multiplication and division in grade 3 and for the idea that numbers other than 1, 10, and 100 can serve as units.
Topics to Cover: Formation of Equal groups, Arrays and Equal Groups, Rectangle Arrays as a foundation for multiplication and division, and the meaning of Even and Odd Numbers.
In reading students are working on Unit 5 Module which is having an understanding that texts on the same topic have similarities and difference.
Writing: In writing students will have an understanding that opinions need strong reasons to support their opinion.
Reading Ideas:
· Have students retell fiction stories. Have students talk about the setting, characters, problem, events, and solution.
Math Ideas:
· Have your child explain the math skills he or she is working on in school.
· Use dice or playing cards to make a game out of to practice math facts.
Third Grade
In 3rd Grade we have been busy learning fractions and writing them on a number line. The students have really been practicing and understanding more about fractions. They have learned to compare fractions and learning vocabulary words like numerator, denominator, unit fractions, and equal parts. After Spring Break, the students will be learning about graphs and charts. They will be collecting and displaying data.
In reading, we have been reading about weather and a book called Living thru a Natural Weather Disaster. The students have enjoyed learning true stories about people that have gone through during a flood and a cyclone. When I ask questions, they have to use their book to give me their answer using text evidence.
In writing, we will start writing about an event from the book Living thru a Natural Disaster to create an engaging news report that explains how weather affects people.
In Social Studies, we are still working on the history of Dodge City. A few days ago, we borrowed a trunk from Boot Hill Museum and students were able to see artifacts used during the cattle drive and what people used to wear. Some students were able to dress up. Students had many questions and were excited to learn about the past.
At home, please continue to practice multiplication facts and read with your child. You can ask your child about what they are reading. We have talked in class about why reading is important and have given them time to read in class.
For social emotional learning, we have talked about being a bucket filler. A bucket filler is someone who says or does nice things for other people. By doing this, they are filling other people's buckets and filling their own bucket at the same time. On the other hand, a bucket dipper says or does things to cause other people to feel bad. Encourage your child to keep filling buckets.
Have an awesome Spring Break and enjoy the beautiful weather!
Fourth Grade
Math: -We will be completing the following topics for Module 5. Topic F: Addition and Subtraction of Fractions by Decomposition, Topic G: Repeated Addition of Fractions as Multiplication, and Topic H: Exploring a Fraction Pattern. We will then start Module 6 on Decimal Fractions.
Reading: Reading: We have started Unit 3 Module B. In module B, readers will understand that specific strategies can be used to help them understand what they read. Writers will understand that research of both literary and informational texts can be used to convey ideas and information. Learners will understand the effects of changes in nature on both the environment and the people.
For our performance based assessment, students will choose a natural event to research (for example: a hurricane, tornado, flood, volcano, etc.) They will write a news report that explains the effects of the natural event on both living things and Earth.
Social Studies: In our unit this month, students will recognize and evaluate the significant people and events that shaped Kansas and the other regions. They will analyze how these people and events contributed to the way Kansas and other regions are perceived and function today. Students will understand the motivation and accomplishments of notable Kansans and notable people in other regions, particularly early explorers, entrepreneurs, and civic and cultural leaders. They will analyze the impact of the Oregon-California Trail, Santa Fe Trail, and Pony Express Route on continuity and change in the United States and compare these routes with transportation routes in other regions of the country.
Science: We will continue working on our unit where students investigate the science of sound. Students will construct physical devices to feel the vibrations that allow us to communicate across distances. Students will also use digital devices to visualize the characteristics of different sound waves that cause us to hear different things.
Thank you for your continued support at home!
Fifth Grade
This semester always seems to go so fast. Spring Break for the students will be March 10-18. We are getting down to the last few months of the year, preparing for state assessments, our field trip, and visits to DCMS.
In the month of March, we will finish up our unit on volume and area, then move on to problem solving with the coordinate plane. We cannot stress enough the importance of each child knowing their multiplication and division facts. Please continue working on these skills with your children at home.
For ELA we will begin a unit called “Exploring New Worlds.” We will begin this unit by reading a book called “Explorers: Triumphs and Troubles.” We will also talk about the positive and negative aspects of exploration and write an opinion essay on whether we believe the positive or negative aspects of exploration had a greater effect on society.
In Social Studies we have been learning about the events that led up to the revolution. This month we will be discussing the event that occurred during the revolution. In Science we will continue learning about the wonders of space.
We hope everyone has a great Spring Break!!
· In kindergarten they learned how to identify the difference between loud and soft. We started a dance unit in which they have learned folk dances. They learned a song to sing in honor of Black History Month in February.
· In first grade we continue practicing rhythms and identifying notes and rests. Like kindergarten, they also started a dance unit in which they have learned folk dances. They learned the same song as kindergarten to sing in honor of Black History Month in February.
-In second grade we continue practicing rhythms and identifying notes and rests. Like kindergarten & first grade, they also started a dance unit in which they have learned folk dances. Second grade learned a song to sing in honor of Black History Month in February.
· In fifth grade they have been learning and performing folk dances. They also learned a song to sing in honor of Black History Month that was different from the younger grades and they learned how African American Spirituals originated.
It is Read Across America week!
This week in the library we have dressed up, read some fun books and used our imagination! Kids were challenged to build Dr. Seuss’s hat as tall as they could without it toppling over!
Be on the lookout for a reading bingo card! Kids can read books and cross off squares for a prize! Don’t forget to write the title of the book in the square! We look forward to continuing the fun!
March Calendar
8-PTO, Papa John's Night
10- No School Professional Development for Teachers
11-No School Teacher Work Day
14-18 No School Spring Break
22- STEM night
30- Late Start