Chesterbrook Academy
September News
Welcome to a New School Year!
I want to welcome everyone to the start of the new school year! The teachers have all been working very hard to get their classroom ready for the start of the new year. I would like to like to welcome back our families that have been here with us as well as all of the new friends that are joining us for the first time. I want all of the families to know that we are here for you. If there is anything that we can do to help make the transition to the new school year easier just let us know. We want everyone to feel relaxed and comfortable in their new rooms. During the next week or two Miss Meagan will be updated all of our children's files to keep us up to date on our licensing requirements.You should expect to be seeing her a lot the next few weeks.
I would also like to remind all parents that if there are ever any questions or concerns, no matter how small, my door is always open! Open communication is the key to having everything run smoothly.
I am looking forward to a fun and exciting school year!
Miss Karen
Important Dates
6th - Lil Sports Demo
10th - Music Class Demo11th - Soccer Shots Starts
Back to School Night - 6:15 - Adults Only
12th - Picture Day
13th - Lil Sports starts
24th - Music Starts
26th - Bookmobile
Picture Day
Please drop your child off as usual. The Teachers will be escorting the children for their pictures. The Backgrounds are posted and there will be individual forms sent home with each child. If you have any background, color choices or special directions please fill out the picture form and return it to your child's teacher on picture day.
All children photographed will receive a packet of pictures to preview about 2 to 3 weeks after picture day. Simply keep and pay for what you want and return the rest.
Lil Sports
Sign up form are on the front counter. Lil Sports will run in multiple sessions throughout the school year. There will be a demo on Thursday the 6th where all children can participate to try it out. Mr. Justin will be here on Thursday afternoon to answer any parent questions about the program
Soccer Shots
Music with Mr. Mike
Chesterbrook Academy
Email: Karen.Stewart@nlcinc.com
Website: http://Collegeville.ChesterbrookAcademy.com
Location: 3822 Germantown Pike, Collegeville, PA, USA
Phone: 610-454-9597