Banksmeadow Public School
e-news 2016
In This Issue
- PBL Expected Behaviours
- End of Year Library News
- Ice Block Day
- Cards & Calendars - REPEAT
- 2017 Enrolments - REPEAT
- Selective High School Applications for Year 7, 2018 - REPEAT
- P&C News
- Dates For Your Calendar
- Advertisements
As we enter the second half of Term 4 this week, we have many important events scheduled for the last five weeks of term. Many of our groups are rehearsing for our end of year concert, and planning is in place for our Environmental Education Day for the Banksia Scrub and our End of Year Activity Day.
Last Thursday saw some of our Year 5 students present their leadership speeches to the school. The calibre of the speeches was high, and many of the students had some very strong ideas about what it means to be a leader. Congratulations to all of the students who nominated themselves for the 2017 leadership team. Voting took place on the same day, and the six students who were elected as the student leaders are: Madison Simitzis, Chanelle Stokes, Larna Bartholomeo, Monte Hughes, Jye Sait and Rory Maxwell. These students will be presented with their leadership badges at the presentation assembly at the end of the term. Over the coming weeks, Year 5 students will have the opportunity to run for House Captain in 2017.
On Friday, Mr Johnstone and some of our Year 6 students presented a short ceremony for Remembrance Day. The Preschool children came to participate, and one minute of silence was held as a sign of respect and a time for reflection.
Our last 'Kids Into Kindy' transition day will be held this week. Mrs Bragg, Mrs Twitchings and the buddies have provided our new kindy students for 2017 a fantastic introduction to Banksmeadow Public School and I know many of them are excited to begin 'big school' next year.
Ms Hoskins
Acting Principal
Don't forget the important events this week:
* Ice Block Day on Thursday - $1
* 'Cards & Calendars' orders DUE BY THIS FRIDAY - collect spare order forms from the office
* OC applications for Year 7, 2018 - APPLICATIONS CLOSE TODAY
* PSSA training and games on Friday
PBL Expected Behaviours
This fortnight's focus behaviours are:
- Talk to a teacher when there is a problem
- Look after my school and keep it clean
End of Year Library News
The year is coming to a close and it is time for me to close off borrowing so that I can make sure all borrowed books have ben returned. I am asking for your assistance with this by helping your child to remember to return their library book this week.
Carol Macdonald
Ice Block Day
We will be holding another Ice Block Day this Thursday at lunchtime. Ice Blocks will be $1 and will be for sale under the Basement COLA at lunchtime.
Environmental Education Day - Banksia Scrub
Along the Brighton St and Stephen Rd corner of the school, we have an area of land that is home to the protected Eastern Suburbs Banksia Scrub. Today, less than 3% of the original distribution of this community remains in a number of isolated remnants. Each month we have a company who specialises in bush regeneration, who visit the site to perform maintenance and remediation works.
This area of land is a special one, and we would like to educate our students and our community about why it is so special, and what we can do to continue to protect it.
We will be holding an environmental education day on Tuesday 29th October. On this day, there will be activities for all students to participate in, including taking part in some bush regeneration work, as well as learning about the history of the Banksia Scrub and the land. We will also have some visitors from the Botany Bay Education Centre and Featherdale Wildlife Park. Parents and members of our community are also invited to attend and participate in the day. Please pass the below invitation on to anyone in the community whom you feel may like to attend.
Cards & Calendars - REPEAT
The annual 'Cards & Calendars' fundraiser is being held again this year. Each child in the school has created an artwork that can be turned into calendars, cards, diaries, mouse pads or sketch pads - $15 each. These make the perfect Christmas present for friends and family. Please return your order form and money to the school office by 18th November. If paying by cheque, please make cheques payable to Banksmeadow PS P&C. Spare order forms can be collected from the office.
2017 Enrolments - REPEAT
We are beginning to plan for 2017 classes. If your child will not be returning to Banksmeadow next year, or if you are aware of any families who will be moving into the area and hoping to enrol, could you please let Ms Hoskins know as soon as possible so as to assist with planning.
Selective High School Applications for Year 7, 2018 - REPEAT
Applications for selective high schools in 2018 are now open. Applications are to be made online at until Monday 14th November. Please note that no late applications will not be accepted. Information regarding selective high schools can be collected from Ms Hoskins.
P&C Email
Please send us your email address if you would like to be on the P&C circulation list.
Next P&C Meeting
The next P&C meeting will be held on Monday 12th November at 7pm in the 6M demountable classroom. Everyone welcome!
Dates For Your Calendar - TERM 4
Monday 14th November
Tuesday 15th November
Wednesday 16th November
Kids Into Kindy
Thursday 17th November
Friday 18th November
PSSA games and training
Monday 21st November
Tuesday 22nd November
Wednesday 23rd November
Thursday 24th November
Friday 25th November
Other dates for your calendar...
Thursday 25th November - Mini Fete
Tuesday 29th November - Banksia Scrub Education Day
Wednesday 30th November - Band to perform at Assembly
Thursday 1st December - Stage 3 to Souths Cares excursion
Tuesday 6th December - Year 7 Orientation Day
Wednesday 7th December - Year 6 Day Out & Farewell
Friday 9th December - Speech Day and morning tea
Monday 12th December - P&C Meeting @ 7pm
Tuesday 13th December - End of Year Concert @ 1pm
Thursday 15th December - End of Year Activity Day
Friday 16th December - Talent Quest; Last day of 2016
At times we are approached by local groups asking to advertise their services or events to our local community. Please note that while we may include these for your consideration, Banksmeadow Public School do not endorse these companies or individuals, or their services and products.
Banksmeadow Public School
Location: Corner Trevelyan and Wiggins Streets, Banksmeadow
Phone: 9316 9608
Twitter: @banksmeadowps