Bonny Slope Elementary
September 24, 2020
Dates To Remember
9/28-10/2 7:30 am-4:00pm Bobby the Bobcat Lifesize stand-up Cutout is available for student pictures at the front of school
9/30 6pm Principal Chat via Zoom
9/30 7pm Fall BSCO Community Meeting via Zoom
10/7 International Walk + Bike to School Day
10/9 NO SCHOOL- Staff Development Day
10/27 Oct Birthday Lunch Celebration K/1/2
10/29 Oct Birthday Lunch Celebration 3/4/5
10/30 Principal Chat 11am
Dear Bonny Slope Community,
It has been quite the two weeks! For those of you that have been able to support your child during the past two weeks while struggling with smoke, cabin fever, technical difficulties, spotty WIFI, and learning to use Canvas or SeeSaw, we salute you! Even with all the turmoil, many of you have reached out to me to let me know how amazing our teachers have been in bringing their classes on board with Comprehensive Distance Learning. The goal of the past two weeks has been to iron out some of the technical difficulties as well as build a cohesive learning environment and start building relationships among classmates. Our teachers know that this year is a partnership and recognize the sacrifices all of you are making to support your children as they learn during these unprecedented times. We want you to know that we appreciate your heroic efforts in making sure our students are engaged and present. Thank you!
This week, Jim and I enjoyed having lunch with our students that have August and September birthdays. We met with kindergarten, first and second-grade students. It was clear that many of them have mastered the mute and unmute buttons as well as their ability to share with others their toys, hobbies, pets, and siblings using their iPads. In two of the sessions, they answered questions in a poll about their birthday month and the name of their teacher. We were very impressed with our youngest Bonny Slope students! We are looking forward to Friday when we will meet with our students that have August and September birthdays in third, fourth, and fifth grades.
Next week Jim Hiller and I will be hosting a Principal Chat for our parents. This is a time when parents can ask questions, learn about what is going on in our community and a time to get acquainted with your neighbors. The Principal Chat begins at 6:00 (one hour before the Community Meeting on Wednesday, September 30th.) The link to this meeting can be found here.
Please take the time to read the rest of this Paw Prints as it has some important information about getting library books, iPad stands, staying healthy and International Walk and Roll to Anywhere Day.
Wishing you a great rest of the month!
Janet Maza and Jim Hiller
Greetings and Welcome Back - Staying Healthy during CDL
Hello to all students, staff and families of Bonny Slope,
To say it has been an interesting last few months is an understatement. I hope this message finds you adjusting and thriving while learning and working from home. We have all had to face and overcome challenges in a way we likely would never have expected. Some more difficult than others and, unfortunately, we still have challenges to come. In spite of all of this, we have grown, both as individuals and as a community. Never before has the saying, “It takes a village to raise a child” more accurate.
As your nurse, I just want to assure you we all have the same goals. We all want our children to be safe and happy and to have the opportunity to expand their knowledge in whichever way it is delivered. I am privileged to be a part of the team serving the students in our amazing school.
Last, a few reminders to help keep our minds and bodies well:
- Set a regular schedule for wake and sleep (just like during in person school)
- Eat regular, healthy meals and healthy snacks. Avoid excessive snacking and sweet drinks.
- Stay hydrated; drink plenty of water each day to help keep your body and brain ready to learn.
- Get some exercise each day! Whether it is dancing in the house or a walk outside, MOVE IT
- Avoid watching too much news. Take a Brain Break at home, too.
- If you are too stressed or too worried, please reach out to someone, talking can help. We are here for you.
Let’s all take good care of ourselves and “We Got This”
Wendy Costanzo, RN
Free Meals for Kids
Library to Go
- Click on
and select "Find Books" to virtually browse and place holds on available books in our library.
- Or click on Borrow Ebooks to instantly check out our electronic book selections.
- Use BSD ChromeBook or iPad for instant login. Students can also access the catalog on any device with their student ID number and password. For more information on how to place holds, check out this video .
Keep books in the hands of our students during remote learning. Twice a week we’ll host curbside pickup + book returns. Students can either request a book they’ve placed a hold on or receive a book bundle. A book bundle is a prearranged selection of books that students can grab, check out, and go.
Please note: books that are not picked up during the same week a hold was placed will go back into circulation. Students are limited to ONE hold per account.
STUDENT ID numbers are required at pickup!
- Thursdays: 2:30-4:00 pm
- Fridays: 2:30-4:00pm
BSE will have a book return bin waiting for your books outside the main office doors,
Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 3:30 pm.
The Bonny Slope book bus will be en route beginning the week of October 12th. Route details coming soon!
Need School Supplies?
Beaverton School District has put together Student Success Kits for families who might need help with school supplies this year. If you would like a Student Success Kit for your child(ren), please contact Tiffany Rodgers at tiffany_rodgers@beaverton.k12.or.us
PreK, Kinder, 1st and 2nd grade families
Our parent group, BSCO (Bonny Slope Community Organization) has provided some simple, metal stands for use with the BSE iPads for families of students in the younger grades.
If you are in need of a stand they will be available at the school during school hours. Look for the bin labeled near the school doors. Feel free to send a neighbor/friend to pick one up for you if you are unable to during school hours.
Contact Taylor Kash at president@bonnyslopebsco.org if you have any questions or are not able to grab a stand during school hours.
International Walk + Roll to Anywhere Day – October 7th, 2020
Join students and families from around the world as you walk or roll in your neighborhood on October 7th. (Please remember to stay 6 feet from those not in your household and wear a mask.) All community members are welcome to participate. Use the link to fill out the google form for each person that joined you on your trip. (BSD students may include name and student ID number for a prize entry). This year students can earn things like flashing safety lights, reflective shoelaces and new bike helmets. Schools with the most participation will also earn a Safe Routes to School book bundle for their school library. Finally, celebrate International Walk + Roll Day with our Beaverton community by visiting our Facebook page @BeavertonSafeRoutes to share a photo of you with a sign telling us why you love to walk, bike, scooter or skate! (Use the hashtag #BSDtogether)
Google Form Link: https://forms.gle/9rBZws7qDdqAj6Ab6
Safe Routes To School
A walk or wheel around your neighborhood is a great way to stay physically active, improve your focus, mood and mental health. Research shows that active kids learn better! Remember to maintain 6 feet of physical distance from those not in your household and wear a face covering if you can not maintain 6 feet of spacing.
Throughout the pandemic the word “essential” has become a buzzword. To support our school community, we are sharing Beaverton Safe Routes to School activities to help meet kids’ essential needs: meaningful connection with parents/caregivers; movement and physical activity, and socialization with peers through play. Check out the SRTS Remote Resources Guide for activities, safety tips and route ideas while walking and rolling in your neighborhood.
Social Studies Curriculum Adoption Project Team
Beaverton School District seeks applicants for Social Studies Curriculum Adoption Project Team
Parents, guardians, community members, teachers, students and administrators are encouraged to apply to serve on the Beaverton School District Social Studies Project Team. The Social Studies Project Team will review existing Social Studies curriculum and practices to make curriculum adoption recommendations to the School Board. The Project Team is an important part of the BSD Quality Curriculum Cycle (QCC), which provides a systematic means for making decisions about the BSD curriculum review, revision, development, and adoption of practices and instructional resources.
The Project Team’s work will begin on October 20 and will conclude by June 2021. The team will meet on the following weekday evenings from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. via Zoom (unless otherwise communicated): October 20, November 17, January 5, February 16, March 30, April 27 and May 25.
The Project Team and supporting BSD Teacher Cadre will be charged with the following goals:
● Researching best practices and instructional materials to be considered for possible adoption in Social Studies
● Articulating and supporting long-term academic learning targets and assessments in Social Studies
● Recommending professional development and structures for ongoing professional learning
● Participating in learning opportunities in the form of readings, discussion and trainings related to culturally relevant teaching practices
These goals are aligned with Oregon Social Sciences Standards as well as Multicultural Studies and Ethnic Studies Standards (draft)
The District reviews and updates its curriculum, instructional practices and classroom materials according to Board policy and Oregon State Statute and Administrative Regulations.
Membership for the Social Studies Project Team will include:
● Elementary classroom teachers (4)
● Middle school classroom teachers (2)
● High school classroom teachers (2)
● Students (4)
● Parent/Community members (4)
● School administrators (2 elementary, 1 middle school, 1 high school) (4)
● Social Studies specialists (1 elementary, 1 secondary) (2)
● Teaching Specialists, including but not limited to special education, multilingual, dual-language, advanced program and additional content area specialists (6)
● School Board representative (1)
Please note that membership roles/numbers are subject to change based on applications received.
Google Form and/or email submissions are due on Monday, October 5 by 4 p.m.
Applications should include the following information:
Students: Name, address, school and grade level, plus any special training or experience in Social Studies.
Parents/Community members: Name, address, ages of children and schools where enrolled (if applicable), plus any special training or experience in Social Studies.
Teachers & Administrators: Name, address, teaching experience and current assignment.
All: Respond to the following questions/prompts: (please limit your response to no more than one typed page)
Why do you want to serve on the Social Studies Project Team and what contributions will you make towards its goals?
Please describe your personal/professional experiences with educational equity work, and your commitment to educational equity in the realm of Social Studies education. (Educational Equity Policy, BSD Equity Lens)
What unique skills, perspective and voice will you contribute to ensure an inclusive and socially just Social Studies education for all of our students?
Please complete the appropriate online application form here:
Or mail your application including all information listed above to:
Beaverton School District
Teaching and Learning
Attn: Susan Ouellette
16550 SW Merlo Rd.
Beaverton, OR 97003
For questions or additional information, please contact susan_ouellette@beaverton.k12.or.us
Bonny Slope Elementary
Principal: Janet Maza
Assistant Principal: Jim HIller
11775 NW McDaniel Rd.
Portland, OR 97229
Phone: 503.356.2040
Attendance: 503.356.2041
Attendance email: