*MaST III - 10/24 Schedule*
10/24 - Change to Half Day
Dear MaST III Families,
Due to the procession for the fallen police officer funeral services, MaST III will be moving to a half day schedule on Tuesday, 10/24.
Byberry Road will be a primary route for the procession for the fallen officer during our usual dismissal. They are expecting 400-600 cars in the area and roads shut down.
Therefore, we have no choice but to move to a half day to ensure everyone is out as soon as possible on Tuesday. There will be no After Care available, and all clubs and ECs will be cancelled. Athletic tryouts will also be cancelled. Please see dismissal times below.
Out of county buses will run in the morning but WILL NOT run for dismissal.
There will be no After Care.
Half Day Dismissal:
Kindergarten Parent Pick Up: 11:00
High School Parent Pick Up/SEPTA: 11:20
Grades 7-8 Septa: 11:40
Grades 1-8 Parent Pick Up: 12:30
Yellow Buses - Grades 1-6: 12:30
Thank you for your understanding,
John F. Swoyer III
Chief Executive Officer
MaST Schools Network