TCA High School Announcements
March 19, 2025
Library News
Did you keep library books safe from the flood waters? THANK YOU! Are you wondering when to return them? It's almost time! When we return from Spring Break, there will be a library cart between the secondary security kiosk and the high school entrance doors: please return your books there.
Senior Lock In SIGN UP: Click HERE for waiver
Once you fill out the waiver, you will be taken to to purchase the ticket.
Date: Friday, March 21, 2025
Time: 7:00pm - 1:00am (Check in begins: 7:00pm, MUST check in by 7:30pm)
Location: North Campus
Cost: $20 (MUST be paid by 11pm on Sunday, March 16th, 2025)
Includes Dinner & Snack
Inflatable Human Velcro Wall* Inflatable Hamster Ball * Inflatable Laser Tag Rooms * Event Rooms * Karaoke
2025 D20 Art Show
D20 Art Show is currently up at the D20 Education and Administration Center at 1110 Chapel Hills Drive. It runs March 17 through April 16, 2025. Participants in the art show include seniors Anna Reed and Sofia Voicu, juniors Miranda Campos and Mihret Ermias, sophomores Naomi Flowers, Thomas Kniffin, Alexa Prausa, and Gabriella Thompson along with freshmen Chloe Connelly, Emily Dreher, Chloe Valek, and Jacob Zitzmann.
State Assessment Information
Clicking HERE links you to the main "State Assessments - Secondary" page found under the Family tab on our website. You can find information by scrolling down this page. You will find further important information to include the test day (bell) schedules, practice resources, etc. by clicking "High School Testing Information" to the right.
Assessment Exemption Request deadline March 14: In accordance with the IKA-R-TCA policy, the parent/guardian of a student enrolled at TCA may request that his or her child be exempt from participating in one or more state assessments. To meet state registration deadlines and to successfully schedule testing rooms and proctors, we ask that families who wish to opt out to please complete the online exemption request by Friday, March 14, 2025 - High School Exemption Request.
College Board Accounts – all HS tested grades: It is recommended that all students in 9th-11th create a College Board account. This allows students to be linked to practice resources as well as have access to additional information about the test. Click HERE for instructions on how to create a college board account.
Textbook evaluations for reviewing new curriculum
Over the last 6 months our secondary Fine Arts, PE, and Professional/Technical teachers have been working hard reviewing new curriculum options for their courses. The review committees are recommending new textbooks for Art II and Art III at College Pathways, Introduction to Business at Traditional Secondary, and Health and Wellness at both College Pathways and Traditional Secondary. The recommended books that are up for consideration will be available for you to look at and evaluate from March 11th – April 4th in the College Pathways office and the North High School office. The same evaluation form that teachers use will be available for your use as well. We look forward to your input.
Royal Ball – TCA PROM 2025
Date: Friday, April 11, 2025
Time: 8pm – 11pm
Location: The Pinery at the Hill - 775 W. Bijou Street
Advance Ticket: $55 (available thru April 9)
Advance Guest Ticket: $55 (available thru April 9)
At the door Ticket: $65
- The Early Bird discount code (TCAPROM25) is valid through Friday, April 4th and is valid for one $5 discount per TCA Traditional Student transaction. It cannot be applied to guests.
- Advance tickets are on sale through Wednesday, April 9th, 2025, 12pm
- Prom is limited to TCA North Juniors and Seniors only, everyone else is considered a guest. NOTE: Underclassman (9th and 10th graders) are considered guests and are required to fill out a Guest form. Guest forms are due in the High School Office by Wednesday, April 9th, 2025.
- Tickets are non-refundable and non-transferable.
- Guest Form is found on ticket page.
Purchase tickets here:
NHS Tutoring
NHS students will be offering tutoring during Flex weekly in the Colorado Room:
- Tuesdays-with an emphasis on Math
- Fridays-with an emphasis on English and Science
Just ask your flex teacher for a flex pass to attend!
Wednesday, March 19
Girls Golf vs Cheyenne Mountain @ Country Club of Colorado
Baseball @ Manitou High School-----CANCELLED
330m Varsity
Thursday, March 20
Girls Golf vs Colorado Academy @ Foothills Golf Course
Friday, March 21
Baseball @ Woodland Park
300pm JV
Track & Field vs TBA @ TCA
400pm JV Meet
Saturday, March 22
Track& Field @ Broomfield High School
800am Varsity and JV
Improv Auditions
April 3 at 3:15pm in the Black Box. Auditions will consist of playing Improv exercises and games. Come out and join in the fun! You can sign up in the Black Box starting March 17th.
CCHS/CR Volunteerism/Community Service Scholarship Sixteen $1,500 scholarships will be awarded to students who are passionate about volunteerism and community service. Apply by March 22.
Seniors Your 40 hours of community service and 4 (four) 350-word reflective papers need to be entered into x2VOL by March 21. To log in, use the Community Service (x2VOL) link found on the TCA Intranet page or under the Family tab on the TCA website if logging in from home. If you need help, refer to these Helpful Hints or stop by Connections.
Upcoming Events in Connections
Monday, March 17, 12:20: UCCS
Wednesday, March 19, 12:20: Western Colorado University
Wednesday, March 19, 1:15: Colorado Mesa University
Thursday, March 20, 9:35: Career Talk – Joseph Miller, Physical Therapy
Tuesday, April 1, 10:30: Gap Year Fair
Wednesday, April 2, 9:35-10:25: Overview of Engineering Fields
Wednesday, April 2, 10:30-10:55: Mandatory Soph Flex – Choosing a College Panel
Wednesday, April 2, 5:30-8:00: Rising Senior Family Night/Engineering Panel
Tuesday, April 15, 9:00-10:45: Junior College Application Session
Wednesday, April 30, 8:30-10:30: Fire Station/Careers Field Trip