Lisbon Elementary Newsletter
Final Edition of 2020-2021 School Year
Mr. Brown's May Musings
That is a wrap on the 2020-2021 school year! My first year as Elementary Principal went exactly how I imagined it would! I think we all know that isn’t true! However, after reflecting on the year these past few days, it is partially true. I spent the past year with the best students, staff members, families, and community members - That was always a part of my plan. The sense of belonging and care that I have felt with the students, families, and staff this school year has been the highlight of my career. I look forward to many more years at Lisbon Elementary with all of these amazing kids and adults. Thank you to all families for trusting us with your kids at our school this year - I know it was a year filled with uncertainty and anxiousness. Without your partnership, we couldn’t have had such a successful year! Have an amazing summer and we will see you next year!
Mr. Brown