La Primaria Elementary
Student Attendance Program
Parents - PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE YOUR CHILDREN UNATTENDED outside the school gate. Please do not have your child here earlier than 7:30 a.m. this is for the safety of your child. We do not have any supervision earlier than 7:30 a.m.
At La Primaria Elementary School, the school gates open at 7:30 am. Classes begin at 8:00 am. Any child arriving after 8:00 am is considered late and will be marked tardy. If your child needs to leave school early, please pick him/her up at the Main Office. If your child is tardy, absent or leaving early, you must provide a valid excuse. Uncleared early leaves and absences and absences for which a valid excuse was not provided will be counted as a truancy. District policy requires that any tardy, absence, and early leave be cleared within ten school days.
To report an absence please call Maria Rivera at 626-652-4155 or 626-652-4150.
I also wanted to clarify the change of starting time for our students this year. As of August 18th, La Primaria school changed its starting and ending time to be able to accommodate parents who have students at La Primaria and Twin Lakes school. Therefore, our new starting time at La Primaria changed to first bell ringing at 7:55 a.m. Students need to be seated in their classroom by 8:00 a.m. otherwise, anyone coming to school at 8:00 a.m. and not in class will be marked tardy. Teachers take roll at 8:00 a.m. If there any questions or concerns you are welcome to call the school office.
We want to remind you that tardies accumulate to one days absence. Once, students have enough tardies to add to one day we will need to have an attendance contract in place. If it continues, our District Attorney will be meeting with parents this year. We know that there are some times when there is a valid excuse for your child to be tardy however, we are requesting that you please have your child at school on a daily basis and on time.
7:30 a.m. - Gates open for students to enter Cafeteria for breakfast.
7:55 a.m. - Bell rings and students enter classroom
8:00 a.m. - Teachers take roll
2:35 p.m. - Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
1:55 p.m. - Every Thursday and Friday
We will be implementing a "Good Attendance Incentive Program" for students. Students will be awarded each month and will qualify as follows: The class that has the highest good attendance in their grade level which will include good attendance and no tardies. The classes will be announced during the Friday round up at the end of each month. Every student with good attendance will be able to participate in a variety of activities.
- Popsicle Party
- Special Luncheon
- Perfect Attendance Pencils
- Perfect Attendance Medal
- Chalk Party
- 7/11 Slurpies
Our Good attendance program will begin on October 1st. All students who have good attendance by the end of each month will be able to participate in the events listed above.