Tiger News January 12, 2024
Welcome to the 2023-2024 School year!

Welcome to the CMIT North Elementary Newsletter
January 12, 2024
Saturday Academy is in session Saturday, 1/13/24. Scholars should be dropped off by 9:00 a.m. and picked up by 11:00 a.m.
Order your Yearbook Today!
We are now accepting online orders for the 2023-2024 Yearbook!! Yearbooks can only be purchased online and is open to all scholars in grades K-5. Please use the link below to order your scholar's yearbook.
If you have any questions regarding the yearbook, please reach out to Ms. Daniel at ydaniel@cmitelementary.org.
STEM Fair Projoects due January 29th!
Please ensure your scholar is working on their project. The final submission must include a video submission. Third, Fourth, and Fifth grade students must submit a research paper with their STEM Fair projects. A board is not required at this time.
STEM Fair packet.
Sample projects will be shared onclass dojo.
Specials Weekly Rotation!
Weekly Specials Rotations
Rotation 1 follows Monday's schedule
Rotation 2 follows Tuesday's schedule
Rotation 3 follows Wednesday's shedule
Week of January 14th
Thursday-Rotation 1
Friday-Rotation 2
Front Office
Dear CMIT Parents/Guardians,
The 2024-2025 lottery for Charter Schools is now open! If your child has any siblings that are not currently enrolled in Chesapeake Math & IT North, but you wish to enroll them, now is the time to enter for a seat for the upcoming school year. Please be mindful that a sibling is a brother or sister by blood, marriage, or adoption. They must be living in the same household (friends, cousins or two separate families living under the same roof do not qualify as siblings.) If your potential student does not have a student ID number please reach out to your boundary school to obtain one.
To find your boundary school click the link below:
PGCPS School Finder:
To complete the lottery click on the link below:
2024-2025 SY Charter School Lottery Site:
2024-2025 SY Charter School Lottery Application:
Greetings Tiger Family!
Front Office Site of News & Events
We are always striving to improve daily practices. New ways of communicating and keeping everyone updated are coming from the Front Office, so please take a few moments to view our Front Office Site of News & Events (https://sites.google.com/cmitelementary.org/cmit-nes-front-office-news?usp=sharing). The site can also be located on the school's website under CMIT Families.
In this site you will find useful information on the HOME, FORMS, SCHEDULE, and NEWSLETTER pages will help you during the school year. This site is interactive with links to assist you with navigating to important information and forms, so please read it in its entirety. We look forward to working with you and your scholar(s) during the school year!
Front Office Staff
CLICK HERE TO VISIT: https://sites.google.com/cmitelementary.org/cmit-nes-front-office-news?usp=sharing
Have you applied/reapplied for Free and Reduced Priced Meals?
Free or reduced-price meals are available to students based on household size and income. If income falls below the amount listed below for household size, then students living within the household may qualify for free or reduced-price meals. Students are automatically eligible for free meals if the family receives assistance under the Food Supplement Program or Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) benefits.
Changes and/or status changes occur every year. This year there will be a price category change as of October 11, 2023. Please be sure to apply or reapply in the event your price category is affected by this change.
Apply for Free or Reduced-Price Meals:
Application Instructions - English: https://www.pgcps.org/globalassets/offices/food-and-nutrition/docs--food-and-nutrition/application-instructions/myschoolapps-online-instructions--english.pdf
Application Instructions - French: https://www.pgcps.org/globalassets/offices/food-and-nutrition/docs--food-and-nutrition/application-instructions/myschoolapps-online-instructions_french.pdf
Application Instructions - Spanish: https://www.pgcps.org/globalassets/offices/food-and-nutrition/docs--food-and-nutrition/application-instructions/myschoolapps-online-instructions_spanish.pdf
Please note we have implemented a Google form for submission of absences/late arrivals and notes. This form is the only acceptable method of communication and must be utilized for reporting absences/late arrivals and uploading doctor/medical notes ONLY for your student(s). With the exception of COVID reporting in which an email in addition to the absence form must be sent to Nurse Ann, Dr. Fryson and Mrs. Virgil.
Please click here: https://forms.gle/w8PKFbJBj9J9FgPr9 to access the CMIT North Elementary School Absence Form to submit doctor notes, results and any absence notes.
ABSENT NOTE SUBMISSION: Please complete this form within three (3) days once your child returns to instruction. Excused absences cannot be placed into SchoolMax until AFTER the child returns to instruction. Family vacations and trips are not considered excused absences. Refer to the Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook for further clarification regarding excused and unexcused absences.
For quick reference, you may access the handbook at: https://offices.pgcps.org/student_rights_responsibilities.htm
Nurse Updates
Nurse Ann and the School Health Services strongly recommend wearing a mask and keeping one available in your child's backpack.
Please help yourself and others -- keep your scholars home when they are not well.
Immunizations must be up-to-date and received by the school nurse to prevent exclusion from school.
Medication forms are attached. Please hand carry newly prescribed medication in the pharmacy packaging. Any adult may deliver the medication to the nurse. (appointments must be made)
Grub for Grandparents will be held on Friday, January 26th, 2024. This event is held in person to celebrate grandparents and the important role you play in your scholars’ success. During this time you (the grandparents) will be able to experience your scholars classroom and enjoy breakfast with them. The purpose of this is to allow grandparents to observe the classroom setting as well as share a little about yourself with your scholar, classmates, and teacher. This is a very popular event and we need your help to make it a success! Please RSVP by completing the registration form by Friday, January 19th.
Our next PTO meeting will be virtual only on Wednesday, January 24th at 6pm. The link for the meeting along with the agenda will be posted day of, on Dojo. Your scholar(s) will receive 10 dojo points as a thank you for joining us!
Volunteers Needed!
We are looking for volunteers to help host Grub for Grandparents. If you are cleared with PGCPS and CMIT NES please click the link below to sign up. Thanks so much in advance!
Kind Kindergarten News!
Hello Kindergarten Families:
Happy New Year; Winter is finally here; please make sure that your scholar is dressed appropriately for the weather for outdoor recess.
ELA: We will be working on antonyms and pronouns; and develop our vocabulary with writing sentences using our sight words.
Social Studies: We will work on the geography of a neighborhood; “Where we live”.
Math: We will be working on finding the missing parts to make 10.
Science: We will work on the needs of a plant.
Upcoming Event
January 17, 2024 begin Dibels testing
January 22, 2024 ½ day Asynchronous (work on stem fair projects)
January 23, 2024 begin MAP testing
January 26, 2024 Grubs with Grandparents
January 29, 2024 Stem fair project is due
*Friendly reminder: If your scholar is sick,or not feeling well,please keep them home. They should not be in school with a fever, a cough that disrupts their ability to focus and concentrate on their lessons.
Kindergarten Team
First Grade
Fascinating First Grade News!
Hello First Grade Families:
What a wonderful week in first grade! Our scholars had a great time exploring and learning through hands-on activities at Port Discovery.
This week students should continue to work on their STEM fair projects, as they are due on
Our lessons this week include:
RELA: Folk Tales,
Grammar: contractions
Math: Continue with tens and ones
Social Studies: National Holidays
Science: Weather and Seasons, Types of Weather continued
Upcoming dates:
Schools Closed 1/15
Winter Dibels testing: 1/17
Asynchronous ½ Day: 1/22
MAP testing: 1/23
Grub with Grandparents: 1/26
STEM Fair Projects Due: 1/29
Thank you!
First Grade Team
Second Grade
Spectacular Second Grade News!
Next week, we will continue Unit 3, theme Our Traditions. Our question of the week is, what stories do people tell to understand the world around them? In Math, we will begin topic 8 which focuses on identifying and counting coins and bills, solving word problems about money, and telling time. In Science, we will finish topic 3, Earth's Water, Land, and Maps. In Social Studies, we will continue topic 3, Government.
We kindly request your support in reinforcing the importance of following our School Motto with your scholars. I will Respect Myself and Others, I will Opt to Be Scholarly, I will Act Responsibly, and I will React with Kindness.
Important reminders:
STEM Fair Project- Due January 29th Please upload project in your scholar's Google classroom.
STEM Fair Packet-https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TxvL3fiNgd1x2c-nHfHLGhrPC6NmLX2jpSjbubpUlOU/edit
End of Second Quarter-January 19th
Asynchronous Day-January 22nd
Grandparents Day- January 26th
We will begin Testing beginning next week:
MAP- January 24-25th
Diebels-J anuary 18
Upcoming Field Trips:
John F. Kennedy Center- February 7, 2024-all permission slips should have been returned. If you have requested to chaperone, please email Mrs. Brooks-Curry.
Baltimore Museum of Industry-March 18th-stay tuned for more information
Second Grade Team
Third Grade
Terrific Third Grade News!
In Social Studies, students will begin Chapter 4 Government, Landmarks, and Symbols.
In Math, this week we are starting Topic 9. Students are learning to add and subtract 3-digit numbers. It is sometimes necessary to regroup numbers, such as 10 ones as 1 ten, or regroup 10 tens as 1 hundred. For example, when adding 124 + 189, you must regroup twice. Drawing place-value blocks to show numbers may be a helpful way of representing this.
In Science, students this week are learning about different climates around the world and ways that the climate has changed over time.
Fourth Grade
Weekly News!
If you are interested in chaperoning the field trip to the Kennedy Center on Thursday, Feb. 8th, please contact Mrs. Brooks-Curry at qcurry@cmitelementary.org.
Just a friendly reminder that STEM Fair Projects & Research Papers are due on January 29, 2023. Here is the link to the STEM Fair Packet.
Please check SchoolMax weekly to stay abreast of your scholar's progress in their classes. Grades are updated weekly and this is a great conversation starter with your scholar on what is going well and what needs to be improved to continue to have a successful year.
Upcoming Dates
1/15 No School- MLK Day
1/19 End of Quarter 2
1/22 Asynchronous Day
1/29 STEM Fair Project & Research Paper due
Fourth Grade Team
Fifth Grade
Fabulous Fifth Grade News!
Ms. T. McCants, Ms. D. McCants, Ms. Tellis, Mrs. Linton-Philp
Tigers! Tigers! Thank you for an outstanding week! We have completed our Math, Science, Social Studies, and RELA assignments, and will now migrate into new units and new topics next week. Remember, Monday, January, 15, 2024 is a national holiday in which we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday and there will be no school in operation. Please govern yourselves accordingly. Report cards will be graded on January 19th which will close Quarter 2 of the school year. Please make sure you discuss with your teacher any missing assignments that may impact your overall grade.
Brenden Livingston will participate in the regional spelling bee in February! Let's make sure we encourage and motivate his progress as he competes with regional spellers! Way to go Brenden! If he comes up and asks you to partner with him in spelling his words on his word list, please be a spelling supporter. Thanks a bunch, Tigers! We all win together!
Kennedy Center Chaperones:
If you are interested in chaperoning the field trip to the Kennedy Center on Thursday, Feb. 8th, please contact Mrs. Brooks-Curry at qcurry@cmitelementary.org.
STEM Projects:
Projects are due January 29, 2024.Please ensure you are completing your assignments on time. Team 5th grade is looking forward to your fabulous work! Way to go scholars!
Subject Content:
Students will be participating in Science benchmark testing next week, Wednesday and Thursday.
Social Studies:
Students will be reading and discussing Lessons 2-3; 'The Road to War' and 'Declaring Independence'
This week in math, we will explore multiplication and division of fractions.
This week students will begin Unit 3 Week 1. Students will continue to explore opinion writing texts, develop an argument, synthesize their opinion and compare it to other opinions in the text.
Have a great week scholars!!
Team 5th Grade
Creative Arts
Superior Specials News!
Tigers have studio time this week. Classes will primarily consist of independent work to plan and work on their projects before the holidays. Projects include portraits, still life, architecture, and other activities that develop their understanding of shapes and value in 3D images. We will continue to stress planning and craftsmanship.
Thank you,
Mr. Dorsey
Hi! This week 1st-2nd grade are doing different activities to help refresh on how to create their own rhythms.
3rd-5th grade are learning the proper structure of a song so that they are properly guided in how to create one in BandLab.
K-2 students practiced:Introduction to Online Safety: Protecting Your Privacy
This engaging video-based learning object provides the learner with foundational knowledge about the importance of protecting their personal information. The learner will understand that they shouldn't share any personal information online or agree to meet anyone they don’t know and trust; and they should always log off or lock their device to protect their personal information.
3-5 students practiced: Commenting in the Virtual Classroom:
In this animated video, Trey introduces the learner to an online classroom, his class message board, the right ways to leave comments online, and what to do if you see someone cyberbullying.
Hello, this week in PE we are just reviewing things we’ve covered this year so far. I just want to make sure we remember the safety rules in order to maintain a safe and fun environment.
Greetings !!! K-2 is working on a snack stand build, and 3-5 are working on a school creation build.
In STEM II K will finish building their dog houses. 1st will be creating their trip activity pamphlets based on the season that their group is assigned. 2nd is completing building their bridges. 3rd will be continuing to build their pinball machines.Fourth grade students will continue coding. Fifth grade students will begin coding.
Creative Arts Team
Follow Chesapeake Lighthouse Foundation Social Media
Our Vision
Inspire students to become STEM innovators and responsible global citizens
Our Mission
In partnership with families and the educational community, CLF provides an innovative, diverse, and safe learning environment that fosters the growth of academic, social, and emotional skills. The rigorous STEM curriculum prepares students to become college and career ready in an ever-changing global society.
How We Do It
With students at the center of everything we do, we strive to make our schools the best, we forge partnerships with parents and the community to provide our students with enrichment and additional STEM opportunities, and we hire the best people to support our schools!
Follow us on Social Media
Get connected! Follow CMIT North Elementary on social media. Follow us on Twitter @CMIT_Elementary Follow us on Facebook @CMITNorthElementary Follow us on Instagram cmit_north_elementary
In partnership with students, parents and the community, CMIT Elementary School will attain educational excellence by providing a rigorous and technology-integrated education for elementary school students with an emphasis on mathematics, science, and information technologies.
The vision of CMIT Elementary School is to provide multiple opportunities for Prince George’s County elementary school students by developing an early interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). CMIT Elementary School will create expansive learning opportunities, hands-on activities, and course designs focused on STEM curricula that will connect real world experiences to Prince George’s County students.