MCCHS Friday Focus
267th Issue - September 15, 2023
From the Desk of Mike Shukis
Homecoming will forever symbolize at Marian Central a joyful reunion of past and present students, teachers, and alumni, coming together in a spirit of faith, camaraderie, and shared values. It is a time when our school’s rich history and traditions are celebrated, fostering a sense of continuity, and belonging that is rooted in the teachings of the Catholic faith. Through Masses, the sacraments, prayer, and other religious activities, homecoming serves as a reminder of the school’s enduring bonds formed within these hallowed halls and a chance to pass on the legacy of faith and excellence to the next generation, making homecoming a truly meaningful and spiritually enriching experience for the entire Marian Central community.
Let’s enjoy this year’s homecoming as a community, as a family of faith. Go Canes!
Mike Shukis
Religious Exemption From Immunizations
If you are planning on applying for a Religious Exemption for your student’s immunization requirements, the hard deadline to the Diocese is October 1st. Please submit the required documents to Kris Johnson in the office at Marian. I will then submit them same day to the Diocese. If you have any questions, please reach out to me.
Durham Bus Route - Route 41 Changes
Durham Bus has made a few changes to Route #41. Please click the link below to review the changes. Thank you.
Green Club Fundraiser - Tonight!
Please consider supporting this great club!
Fall Team Photos, HOCO Pics, Sports Action & More!
Fall team photos are online now - including senior banner print replica options. You should have received an email from Higher Focus Photography with a link to your athlete's private albums. If you need help accessing this photos, please email them at service@higherfocusphotography.com. Hurry!! There are savings opportunities and a FREE Shipping option available through 9/19.
And...have you seen all the great Fall Hurricanes-in-Action photos too? This includes football, volleyball, soccer, powderpuff, parade and more! All sales support Marian Central Athletes. Check them out at https://higherfocusphotography.gotphoto.com/jobs/game-coverage and come back often for new events and games and lots more...
Harlem Wizards are Coming to Town!
The Marian Central Athletic Booster Club is arranging a one-of-a-kind historical fundraiser that includes all our deanery schools united under one roof! On November 2nd at 6:30pm, Marian Central will host the famous Harlem Wizards basketball performance team! This exciting, super-fun, high-energy, slam-dunking family entertainment event will have us all on our feet to support our own teachers as they face the Wizards, a professional team of athletes and entertainers. Tickets and sponsorships are available now at https://harlemwizards.givesmart.com.
NCAA Eligibility Webinar
NCAA Eligibility Center
Free Webinar for Students and Families
Sunday, September 17, 4-5 P.M. CT
Are you a student-athlete dreaming of playing your sport at the NCAA level? Invest in your future and spend an hour understanding the requirements and how to prepare for NCAA certification. Join NCAA Eligibility Center staff, who will walk you through what you need to do to compete at the NCAA Division I, II or III level. Staff will be answering questions live during the presentation, so come prepared to learn how to take your game to the next level! Click here to register.
Next Week's College Visits in the Guidance Office
Juniors and Seniors may attend these visits. Students must sign up for all visits in SCOIR and obtain permission from their teacher.
Tuesday 9/19: University of Denver-1st period, Penn State-4th Period, Franklin College-10th Period
Wednesday 9/20: Wartburg College-9th Period,
Thursday 9/21: Texas Christian University-1st Period, North Carolina State University-3rd Period, University of Louisville-8th Period, Rockford University-9th Period
Friday 9/22: Creighton University-4th Period
Italy Trip - Spring Break 2024
Would your child like to participate in a ten-day educational tour of Italy focusing on Catholic sites, Italian culture and history? Attend the brief information session on Thursday, September 21 from 7:00-7:30pm in the Auditorium. All interested students and their parents are invited to attend. Questions? Contact Dr. Pinnau at gpinnau@marian.com.
Senior Portraits - NEW FEATURE!
SAVE THE DATE: Senior portraits will be taken at Marian on Tuesday, October 3rd for all seniors. Please see the attire guidelines below for these portraits. A specific schedule will be shared with the students later.
NEW THIS YEAR: The Class of 2024 will be photographed as a class! All seniors that are present on senior picture day (Tuesday, October 3rd) will take part in a posed group photo at the end of the school day. Since there will not be a retake of this photo, we are hoping all of our seniors can be present on picture day so that they are included in this special keepsake. The traditional composite with all of the senior photos will also be available for purchase.
Please watch your email and the Friday Focus for ordering information soon!
ATTIRE GUIDELINES: Seniors will remain in their dress clothes for the entire day.
Senior Ladies
Appropriate attire on this day includes dress pants and a modest blouse or sweater that covers the shoulders. Dresses/skirts are not allowed. No nose rings/studs, facial piercing, and no more than two earrings per ear will be permitted on girls. Hair must conform to Student Handbook guidelines.
Senior Gentlemen
Gentlemen must wear a white shirt and tie, a sport coat or suit coat that is blue, black or grey and dress pants. No nose rings/studs, facial hair, facial piercing, and no earrings will be permitted on boys. Hair must conform to Student Handbook guidelines.
If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. DiSilvio at ldisilvio@marian.com or 815-338-4220, x107