Windsor School Weekly Newsletter
Friday, September 18, 2020
Notes from Mrs. Wilson
Routines are being created and practiced, both for in-person and remote learners, as we all get used to our new normal. Windsor students have been rockstars in these first weeks of school! Teachers are beginning to dive into new content, and our learners are eager to move forward. Remember that on Fridays remote learners can pick up/drop off materials in the gym from 2:30-4pm.
Ms. Lopyreva, Foreign Language Teacher
Ms. Lopyreva is our new district foreign language teacher. She will be teaching German to our 3-5 students to begin. Welcome!
Practicing letter formation with shaving cream
Students at this age learn well with tactile experiences.
Friends social distancing
Friends finding fun ways to play at recess!
News From Middle School ELA- Ms. Simpson
In 7th & 8th grade ELA this year, we've been getting comfortable navigating the library's digital card catalogue system and familiarizing ourselves with the processes connected to checking out books. In addition to that, we've all been warming up our writing skills in our critical thinking journals by experimenting with a variety of topics and formats. We've also started establishing classroom climate and culture by participating in verbal word games, book talks, read alouds, and in-class discussions. It feels great to be back in the classroom and part of the learning community with my kids again.
News from middle school ELA- Ms. Mathews
Learners have been working hard in 6th and 7th grade English Language Arts. In Reading, we have been using the tools around us to locate reading books and get those books into our hands. We have spent time exploring fiction, non-fiction, and a little poetry. In writing, students are working to gain independence by forming their own ideas and writing long about those ideas. We are using all the texts around us to mentor our writing. Of course, we are reading and writing outside as much as possible! I am thrilled to work with students and families, both remotely and in person.
News from kindergarten
We have had a wonderful start to Kindergarten. The students are doing a great job wearing the masks. We are slowly getting back into the routines of school and are completing individual assessments of each student. We wanted to let families know that the USDA has approved FREE meals for all students through December 31, 2020. So all students are now eligible to receive FREE breakfast and FREE lunch every day at school. Please remember to pack your child a snack each day. We eat lunch early so we have a snack in the afternoon. All students will also be bringing a Home/School folder home with them each day. Please check this folder each day for important papers that might need to be completed and returned to school or for others papers that your child has completed and these can be kept at home. For our remote learners you will be able to pick up your child's learning packet each Friday from 2:30pm-4:00pm in the gym.
Fourth Grade News
Fourth grade students are excited to be back at school and are getting used to the new routines. We have been busy working on a class book study of Sarah Plain and Tall, starting an opinion writing unit, and even learning about volcanoes. An exciting addition to our schedule will be a weekly German lesson. Both Mrs. Blomerth and Mrs. Coitrone are happy to be back with students providing them with engaging learning experiences. This is going to be an awesome year!
2019-2020 yearbooks have arrived and have been passed out if you pre-ordered. If you would like to purchase a yearbook, please contact Mrs. Alcott at calcott@svrsu.org.
Bus 22 Different Run on Monday, September 21
On Monday, September 21, bus 22 does not have a substitute available, so we will be doing an alternative run. Mr. Blake will be going out to pick up bus 22 students after he completes his run, so parents should expect their students to be picked up 50 minutes to 1 hour late. In the afternoon those students will be home between 50 minutes and 1 hour early. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
Planning Ahead Dates
School Picture Day is on October 7. Remote learners are welcome to have their photos taken. Schedules will come soon. The next PAWS meeting will be via zoom on October 21 at 6:00pm. We will post the link on our Facebook page. Also, please note that November 3, Election Day, will be a remote learning day for all students.