EPE Express
East Pennsboro Elementary School Newsletter
March 2023
Principal's Message
Greetings EPE Families,
Our new EPE Principal was approved by the EPASD Board of Directors on February 16th. Mr. Matthew Stern will assume the position on March 20, 2023. From now until then, Mr. Etter and I will work to show Mr. Stern the systems and processes here at EPE while introducing him to our students, staff, and families. We are excited to welcome Mr. Stern into the EPE community! Below is an introduction provided by Mr. Stern.
The Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) will begin in April. The schedule is below. Our 3rd and 5th grade students take the PSSA English/Language Arts (ELA) and Math assessments. Our 4th grade students take the PSSA ELA, Math, and Science assessments.
Tuesday, April 25, 2023
Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Thursday, April 27, 2023
Tuesday, May 2, 2023
Wednesday, May 3, 2023
Science (4th grade only):
Thursday, May 4, 2023
Friday, May 5, 2023
We have a short make up window (the week of May 8) for any student who is not present during the PSSA assessments. Please avoid any educational trip requests during the PSSA assessments if at all possible.
As always, if there is ever a question or concern, please do not hesitate to reach out to us here at EPE.
With Gratitude,
Rich Tysarczyk
EPE Principal
Dan Etter
EPE Assistant Principal
EPASD Athletic Director
Matt Stern
Incoming EPE Principal
Introduction from new EPE Principal, Mr. Stern
Elementary BINGO Night at EPE!!
2022-2023 EPE Yearbook Order Information
and use the ID Code: 9493923. The Yearbook is $16.
If there are any questions, please contact Mrs. Wadlinger, EPE Secretary and Yearbook Advisor.
Science Explorers Registration Information
Science Explorers is an after school science club open to 1st through 5th grade students. The club meets once per week starting after Thanksgiving and runs through the end of the school year. Each club is 4 sessions and has a fee of $99 per student. We do cap the clubs at 15 students.
The following clubs will be offered this year at EPE:
Topic: (week of 3/20)
Marine Biology Mania (Jr.)
Dates: 3/21, 3/28, 4/4, 4/11
Make-Up: 4/18 (If needed)
Topic: (week of 4/24)
Marvelous Machines
Dates: 4/25, 5/2, 5/9, (5/16 no school) 5/23
Registration information can be found at
Nominate an EPE Staff Member With Our "Panther Spotlight" Form
If you have something amazing to share about an EPE staff member, please consider doing so using the following short form:
We appreciate the feedback and may share it in future newsletters.
Check out this amazing commendation regarding 2nd grade teacher, Mrs. Staub:
Mrs. Staub has worked very hard with my son this year I’m very appreciative of all of the hard work and dedication that she has done for him and how much she has taught him. She’s an amazing teacher and she should be recognized!
EPE Spelling Bee
EPE Core Value Awards
National School Counseling Week
EPE Happenings!
EPE Core Value Spirit Day!
EPASD Elementary PTO Meeting Dates
East Pennsboro Community Information:
Panther Pack
Sports Leagues
Become a Substitute Teacher at East Pennsboro!
Become a Guest Teacher!
Now Hiring: EPASD Bus and Van Drivers
Junior Achievement Lessons
If you are interested in becoming a JA volunteer at EPE, please contact Tammy Meisenhelter at tmeisenehlter@jascpa.org.
Weis4School Program Information
General EPE Information:
Change in Routine Procedures
The classroom teachers follow routine dismissal procedures daily. Changes in those routines
should be for urgent reasons and must be accompanied by a Change of Routine Notice or a
written parental notice requesting such a change. All student verbal requests for such changes will be denied without written notice or a phone call from a parent/guardian. Seesaw messages, text messages, and emails will not be accepted during the school day of a change of routine. Please have these requests into the school ahead of time so we can ensure students are where they need to be for a safe and secure dismissal.
EPASD Attendance Procedures
EPE accepts attendance notifications (excuse cards, absence notes, etc.) via email. Parents can email epesattendance@epasd.org as a means of reporting your child’s absence. Paper notes will still be accepted as well. Reminder that all excuse notifications are required to be submitted within three school days of your child’s absences.
Excused Absences:
When a child is enrolled in the district’s educational program, the student is subject to the
Pennsylvania State Attendance Laws. The Board considers the following conditions to constitute an excused absence from school:
1. Illness
2. Quarantine
3. Student required court attendance
4. Prearranged doctor and dentist appointment for time of appointment and appropriate travel time only
5. Authorized school activities
6. Pre-approved educational tours and trips, not school sponsored
7. Other urgent reasons, including funerals, that apply to the child and approved by the building administrator
Parents/guardians are expected to telephone the school when students are absent for any reason. In addition, a written excuse from a parent/guardian is required for each absence.
Unexcused Absences:
An unexcused absence shall be defined as:
• Absence from school with parent/guardian consent for reasons other than those considered
• Leaving school during school hours without permission from the administrator.
• Absence from school without knowledge/permission of parent/guardian (truancy).
• Absence from school without knowledge/permission of school authorities.
• Absences from school without written parental excuse submitted within 3 school days of the absence.
Please refer to the Elementary Student Handbook to review more specific information about our attendance policies. Contact our school office if you have any questions about our attendance policies or procedures.
Automated Absence Alert:
The Automated Absence Alert system was implemented to inform parents when their students are absent from school. If/when your student is absent or does not report to their classroom they are recorded as absent. When the daily attendance is submitted electronically, an automated message will be sent to a phone identified by the parent/guardian. This call will normally occur by approximately 10:00 am. Should you have questions or concerns you may contact the attendance secretary by calling: East Pennsboro Elementary School (EPE), (717) 732-0441.
Car Rider Procedures
School Buses:
School buses will queue at the rear of the school building, behind the new addition for arrival and departure.
Car Riders:
Cars for parent drop off and pick up will queue in front of the school. Please pull up to the stop sign rather than stopping midway through the loop to unload. In the afternoon, parents must have their name hanger tags visible for student pickup. Students may only be dropped off or picked up within the “loading zone” that will be marked in the front of the school - approximately the first ten cars at a time. Parents may not park in the parking lot and walk up to the loop attendant. Please stay in your car at all times. Please review the map below of the car rider loop.
For any family that chooses to utilize the EPE Drop-Off and Pick-Up loop, please follow the specific instructions below. In order for this process to run smoothly, it takes each family to do their part by doing the following:
A) Have your name hanger visible on the rearview mirror
B) Stay all the way to the right on the hill coming up from Panther Parkway (This allows school vans, staff vehicles, and buses to move freely as needed)
C) Stay to the left of the cones in the loop area
D) Pull all the way to the Stop sign where the "Parent drop off/pick up" sign is located
E) Stay in your car at all times
F) Be Patient - We get quicker as we get to know the students and families
G) Morning Drop off runs from 8:25 - 8:50 AM
H) Parent Pick up runs from 3:20 - 3:40 PM
I) Do not bypass the drop off/pick up loop by parking in the parking lot and letting your child in or out from the parking lot.
J) Do not pass other cars waiting in the car rider line.
School Vans:
School vans will utilize the small loop near the baseball fields for arrival and dismissal. No cars should be in this loop.
Parent drop-off begins at 8:25 AM. Students must be in the building by 8:50 AM.
Bus Dismissal and Parent pick up times run from 3:20-3:40 PM.
We certainly appreciate your understanding and flexibility as we ensure a safe and orderly process for each student. We continue to recommend that you send your EPE students to and from school on our school buses.
Create a Sapphire Parent Portal!
Please create a Sapphire Parent Portal account. There are several benefits to creating a parent portal account:
- You can access your child's report cards when they are published
- You can keep track of your child's attendance
- You will be able to receive important notifications about your child
To create a parent portal account:
- Go to our website www.epasd.org
- Hover over the "Students" tab
- Click "Sapphire Community Web Portal"
- Click "Create a Web Portal Account"
- Follow the remaining on screen instructions to enter your information.
If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Wadlinger at pwadlinger@epasd.org. She would be happy to help!
2022-2023 School Year Calendar
Click the link below for the 2022-2023 School Year Calendar:
Important Dates
March 2023:
2 - Read Across America Day
2 - Bus Evacuation Drills
13 - No School For Students
14 - PTO Meeting 7:00 PM @ EPE
16 - School Board Meeting 7:00 PM @ EPE
23 - End of Marking Period 3
23 - EPE Spring Picture Day
30 - Report Cards Issued
30 - School Board Meeting 7:00 PM @ EPE
Please see our previous newsletters:
About us
Email: rtysarczyk@epasd.org
Website: https://www.epasd.org/
Location: 840 Panther Parkway, East Pennsboro Township, PA, USA
Phone: 717-732-0441
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EastPennsboroElem/