Equitable Practices
A Quarterly Publication
Spring 2023
Spring is Here!
Spring has sprung around the district! Spring sports have started, students are busy preparing for graduation and move-up celebrations, and our students are preparing for annual state assessments.
While buildings are buzzing with activity, our equity action plan is also in full swing. Affinity groups are meeting regularly across our buildings to share their thoughts, plan activities, and provide education to students and staff alike. Our efforts to root equitable practices in everything that we do took flight this year through the Middle School's spring production, The Wizard of Oz with a sensory friendly show opportunity offered on Thursday night. And our Family Wellness Fair offered all families and community members with an opportunity to meet a variety of community organizations, from mental health agencies to dance and karate studies, to private tutoring businesses.
In This Edition.....
- Holiday Education and Recognition
- Springfield Equity Statement
- Equity Action Plan Goals
- Student and Staff Surveys
- Ramadan Information
- Upcoming Initiatives
- Educational Equity Policy
- District Equity Initiative
- DVCEE District Membership
- Education Materials
- Diverse Reading Options for Students
Holiday Education and Recognition
As part of the district's committment to equitable practices and belonging, our students are learning about various holidays and important events from around the globe. From Lunar New Year, Passover, and Ramadan, our teachers and students are providing all members of the Springfield Township with opportunities to learn more about our student's unique backgrounds.
During the Spring of 2023, our students will have opportunities to learn about the Passover Seder, receive accommodations to respect the Ramadan holiday, and receive education on Norwuz.
For more information about the many holidays celebrated in our community, check out these resources:
Springfield Equity Statement
Recognizing the diversity of our community, The School District of Springfield Township is committed to and accountable for advancing equity and excellence for all of our students. We, in the School District of Springfield Township, endeavor to provide equitable opportunities for high level, meaningful, and engaging learning experiences for each and every student, regardless of racial/ethnic background, economic condition or other dimension of identity or difference.
We recognize that in order to achieve Educational Equity we must apply principles of fairness and justice in the allocation of resources and work toward the elimination of institutional barriers to access and opportunity. We aim to ensure that funding, policies, practices, and initiatives will enable every student to receive what they need to maximize their success. In order to foster growth toward equity, we must engage in continuous reflection and ongoing measurement of our efforts.
Equity Action Plan- Annual Goals
Year 1 (2022)
- Adopt and enforce an Educational Equity Policy (Complete)
- Identify administrator responsible for conducting review and analysis of data and leadership of EAP (Complete)
- Communicate the purpose and goals of the EAP broadly and consistently (Complete)
- Support conversations in the classroom that help students to be prepared for difficult topics and conversations around equity (On-going and embedded in practices)
- Improve safety for marginalized students, including students of color and LGBTQ+ students (Area for continued growth)
- Utilize analytics to assess the impact our communication has on students and families (On-going and embedded in practices)
- Create feedback/communication system for parent teacher conferences (On-going and embedded in practices)
- Provide training for ALL district staff on equitable practices that are able to be implemented in the classroom and across district offices (On-going and embedded in practices)
Year 2 (2023)
- Create a system for the collection, review and dissemination of relevant data (On-Going)
- Elicit feedback from students, staff, and families (On-Going)
- Create a K-12 course overview with language accessibility (Complete)
- Simplify and focus our communication to families (On-Going)
- Improve our website's accessibility and ease of use/clarity (Complete)
- Train our MTSS teams to utilize the MTSS process to improve our systems of identification/readiness (On-Going)
- Utilize an online platform for feedback from students and families (On-Going)
- Continue to communicate and implement recommended strategies for recruitment and retention of a diverse, representative workforce across the district (On-Going)
Student and Staff Surveys
Year 2 of the Springfield Township Equity Action Plan focuses around collecting and using data to drive our actions. As such, the district is committed to providing opportunities for students and staff members to provide feedback about a variety of equity topics, including belonging, trauma-informed environments, and ability to facilitate difficult conversations.
Students are currently provided a short, 20 question survey in the fall, winter and spring each year. This survey asks students to share their sense of belonging in the school and community. Data from this survey is used to determine building climate and areas of focus for our equity action plan.
Our staff members will have opportunities this spring to participate in mini surveys on a variety of equity minded topics. This staff feedback will help us determine appropriate professional development topics, group staff members for professional learning communities, and find out how staff members can support specific equity initiatives.
Important Information for Students Celebrating Ramadan
The following information was sharing with district staff to provide information about our students who observe Ramadan:
Dates of/for Ramadan are as follows: March 22nd through April 20th
In the Islamic calendar, the 9th month is called Ramadan. During Ramadan, Muslims refrain from eating or drinking throughout the day, from sunrise to sunset. Once sunset arrives, Muslims break their fast with a meal called Iftar. Dates are commonly eaten first during Iftar, and then the sunset prayer or Maghrib is performed. Ramadan is a time of spiritual reflection and devotion for those of the Islamic faith. Many Muslims perform acts of charity during Ramadan. The end of Ramadan is marked by a celebration called Eid Al Fitr. On the day of Eid, Muslims attend a congregational prayer and celebrate with family and friends to mark the joyous event. Here are some considerations for teachers during Ramadan:
be conscious of playing games or issuing rewards that involve any food, including candy
do not host parties or other events during class time that include food.
avoiding consuming food and beverages in front of these students whenever possible
rearranging high stake exams to be done during the morning sessions closer to when Muslim students have eaten
offering alternative, i.e., less intensive, activities during PE classes
offering short breaks during lessons
avoiding questioning a student if they are fasting or not
not planning tests or exams on a recognized religious holiday like Eid-al Fitr
Upcoming Events
Around the District
VOE Showcase
Date: March 31, 2023 at 6:45pm
Location: High School Auditorium
STSHSP Meeting
Date: April 20, 2023 at 7pm
Location: Zoom
MPA Meeting
Date: May 4, 2023 at 6:30pm
Location: TBD
Equity Plan Updates
- The Winter Student Belonging Survey was administered to students in grades 3 through 12 in late February and early March. A preliminary data review indicates that over 93% of all students surveyed indicated that they feel like a part of their school.
- District administrators have worked with building principals to plan additional steps for embedding equitable practices into each school
- Yom Hashoah or Holocaust Day of Remembrance will be observed through MS and HS students from the Jewish Affinity Group visiting Enfield's 2nd grade classrooms to read a book on separated families during the Holocaust and on April 14th a Holocuast survivor will visit the high school for a student assembly.
- The district applied for an MCIU grant that will provide additional funding for trauma-informed practices professional development for all staff.
DVCEE District Membership
Our district is a proud member of the DVCEE, Delaware Valley Consortium for Excellence and Equity, an organization sponsored by the Graduate School of Education at the University of Pennsylvania. Springfield Township is proud to continue our membership and work collaboratively with the 37 other districts in the Greater Philadelphia region to enhance equitable educational practices for all students.
For more information on DVCEE, please visit their website.
Educational Materials
The following information is shared with families to help strengthen equity conversations in the home. Please note that these resources are not shared in the schools. However, we encourage families to use these resources to engage your children in conversations around equity in the home.
Yom Hashoah: Holocaust Memorial Day
This year, April 27th marks Yom Hashoah or Holocaust Memorial Day. This day commemorates the murder of over 6 million Jews during World War II by the Nazi party and their collaborators. The day was originally established in April of 1959 for the "commemoration of the disaster which the Nazis and their collaborators brought upon the Jewish people and the acts of heroism and revolt performed."
In Isreal, flags are flown at half staff and ceremonies are held to remember and honor those who died and resisted throughout the Holocaust.
Gratz College Yom HaShaoh Events
Philadelphia Holocaust Memorial Ceremony
Sunday, April 16, 1:30–3:00 PM in person
Horwitz-Wasserman Holocaust Memorial Plaza, 16th Street and Ben Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia
Questions? Contact Julian Morein.
Yom HaShoah Memorial Service and Performance of Survivors
Monday, April 17, 6:15 PM Service, 7:00 PM Play Performance in person
Theatre Ariel's performance of Survivors is designed for families with children in middle and high school.
Gratz College, 7605 Old York Road, Melrose Park, PA. Co-sponsored by the Kehillah of Old York Road.
Free and open to the public. Register
Monday, April 17, 6:30 PM ET virtual
A virtual candle-lighting and 45-minute program exploring artwork from survivors. Co-sponsored by the Philadelphia Holocaust Remembrance Foundation, Rodeph Shalom, HAMEC, 3G Philly, and Art & Remembrance. Order candles by April 5 to ensure delivery.
April 18, 6:00 PM in person
Rodeph Shalom, 615 N. Broad Street, Philadelphia. Sponsored by HAMEC. Interfaith, interdisciplinary panel discussion and musical performance with Avi Wisnia.
Family Yom HaShoah Commemoration
Sunday, April 23, 1:00-2:30 PM in person
For families with children in grades 4-10. Horwitz-Wasserman Holocaust Memorial Plaza, Philadelphia
Art activities and musical performance by Zachor Choir. Register
Museum of Jewish Heritage
Wednesday, April 19, 2:00-3:00 PM ET Free or $10 donation requested. Register
- To Paint the Earth in Concert
Thursday, May 4, 7:00 – 8:30 PM ET livestream Free; donation optional.
Richard Rogers' award-winning musical of the Jewish Underground in the Warsaw Ghetto. Register
JDC Archives and the Feinstein Center at Tufts University
Heroic Medical Research from the Warsaw Ghetto: Preserving a JDC Legacy
Wednesday, April 19, 12:00 PM-1:30 PM ET. In 1942, Jewish doctors in the Warsaw Ghetto researched biological effects of starvation. The report, smuggled out of the Ghetto, included articles later published by JDC. Register
Trauma Informed Schools
Children who are exposed to traumatic events may experience a range of reactions including grief, difficulties with attention, academic problems, nightmares, or illness. Trauma can also affect a child’s brain development in a number of ways, such as activating the body’s biological stress response systems, inducing chronic fight or flight reactions. Activation of these systems can result in behavioral and emotional changes as well. On a larger scale, trauma and traumatic stress reactions can disrupt the educational processes related to teaching and learning, not only for the child who experiences the event, but also for peers, teachers, and staff who make up the school community.
For more information on trauma-informed schools and supporting students in the classroom, check out this resource.
Great Reads
The Proudest Blue
By Ibtihaj Muhammad and S.K. Ali, illustrated by Hatem Aly
A picture book about the hajib.
Reading Level: 1.6
Available at Enfield and Erdenheim
All Are Welcome
By Alexandra Penfold
All Are Welcome invites children to step into a school where everyone is received with open arms.
Reading Level: 2.0
Available at Enfield and Erdenheim
Julian is a Mermaid
By Jessica Love
Julian is a Mermaid tells the story of a boy who wants to become a mermaid and participate in the Coney Island Mermaid Parade.
Reading Level: 0.7
Available at Enfield and Erdenheim
Omar Rising
By Aisha Saeed
Omar gets the opportunity of a lifetime when he is awarded a scholarship to an elite private school, but little does he know the mistreatment that is waiting for him.
Reading Level: Young Adult
Available at Springfield Township Middle School
It Wasn't Me
By Dana Alison Levy
When Theo's art project is vandalized, six students from diverse backgrounds are forced to band together to figure out the culprit.
Interest Level: Young Adult
Available at Springfield Township High School
Not Your All American Girl
By Madelyn Rosenberg & Wendy Wan-Long Shang
This is the heartwarming multicultural story of two best friends who are pitted against each other when they both try out for the school play.
Interest Level: Young Adult
Available at Springfield Township Middle School