Hampton Middle School
Attendance Update
Current Attendance Rates
Student attendance continues to be an area of concern for us at Hampton Middle School. The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) requires schools to monitor student absences and intervene as students approach chronic absenteeism. VDOE defines chronic absenteeism as being absent from school for any reason for 10% or more of school days.
Attendance numbers for HMS through semester one are as follows:
Chronically Absent (missing 9 or more school days) - 235 students
At-risk of chronic absenteeism (missing 7-8 school days) -105 students
Warning criteria for chronic absenteeism (missing 5-6 school days) - 115 students
Students who have missed fewer than 5 school days - 471 students
How Do I Report Absences?
- ParentVUE
- Call Attendance (703) 670-6166
- Write a note and submit to attendance office
- Send an email, MendezKa@pwcs.edu
Sometimes there are circumstances that get in the way of regular school attendance. If you or your student are in need of additional assistance, please complete this referral form below.
Attendance and Absence Clarification
School attendance is one critical aspect of student success; if students aren't in the building, they are missing instruction and valuable learning opportunities. Absences from school are a barrier to student success, and it is essential that students attend school consistently. At Hampton, we have seen an increase in the number of requests for prearranged travel for both family needs and leisure.
Hampton Responsibilities and Requirements for Absences from School
Hampton must enforce PWCS regulation 724-1 and abide by the school attendance law of the Commonwealth of Virginia. We will work to schedule an attendance meeting, called an Initial Attendance Conference, once your student reaches five unexcused absences. At this initial attendance conference, we will work together as a team to create an attendance plan for the student. If the student accumulates two more unexcused absences after the Initial Attendance Conference, we will work to schedule a second attendance meeting, called an Interagency Team Meeting. This meeting may include school specialists and a more detailed attendance plan will be created. After the Interagency Team Meeting, if the student has any additional unexcused absences, the student will be referred to our school attendance officer.
Once a student reaches ten or more excused or unexcused absences, HMS may require a doctor's note for additional absences from school. Additionally, once a student reaches fifteen consecutive absences for any reason, we must withdraw them from school according to the Administrative Code of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Students who are withdrawn from school will be referred to our school attendance officer.
Requests for Prearranged Absences for Emergencies
Requests for prearranged absences for emergency travel for immediate family member needs will be approved as excused for up to five school days. If your travel will extend from six to fourteen days, these additional days will be considered unexcused absences. After five unexcused absences an attendance meeting will need to be held at HMS. If your travel extends to fifteen days or longer, your student will automatically be withdrawn from school on the fifteenth day. You will need to re-enroll your student after the fifteenth day and an attendance meeting will need to be held at HMS.
Requests for Prearranged Absences for Leisure / Vacation
Requests for prearranged absences for travel for leisure or vacation activities will be approved but as unexcused absences. After five unexcused absences an attendance meeting will need to be held at HMS. Please make every effort to schedule family vacations and travel around the school schedule to minimize absences from school.
Absences from School for Illness
Parents may keep their child at home from school, and provide a note or call the school for up to ten school days. Beyond the tenth day, a doctor's note will be required. Any time you take your child to the doctor for illness, please get a note from the doctor and submit that to the school; absences with a doctor's note do not count towards the ten absences you may use as a parent to keep your child home due to illness.
What Can You Do?
Make school attendance a priority for your family.
- Talk about the importance of showing up to school every day.
- Help your teen maintain daily routines, such as finishing homework and getting a good night’s sleep. Try not to schedule dental and non-Covid-19 related medical appointments during the school day.
- Keep your student healthy, and if you are concerned about Covid-19, call your school for advice.
- If your teens must stay home because they are sick or in quarantine, make sure they have asked teachers for resources and materials to make up for the missed learning time in the classroom.