SDSL's Cornerstone Newsletter
South Dakota State Library's e-newsletter
September 7, 2023
September is National Library Card Sign-Up Month
September often marks the beginning of the school year, the start of Fall, and the release of the Pumpkin Spice Latte, but it also celebrates an important library event – Library Card Sign-Up Month! This year the American Library Association (ALA) has partnered with the new Disney Pixar film Elemental to showcase the value of a library card.
According to the ALA, “From borrowing books, ebooks, and museum passes to getting homework help, learning new skills, or attending story time, a library card helps you do more of what you enjoy. Get a library card and dive into a new hobby. Use your library card to tinker in a maker space and spark your creativity. A library card is your most important school supply—it's elemental, really—and everyone should have one!”
Library supporters can also celebrate Library Card Sign-Up Month by participating the ALA’s How Do You Library? Challenge. All you have to do is snap a pic or shoot a video showcasing what you love about the library or choose a library element that best applies to you. Then post to Instagram, X, or on the I Love Libraries Facebook page with the hashtag #HowILibrary. Tag your library and your friends to help spread the word! One randomly selected winner will receive a $150 gift card, and three second-place winners will receive a poster of their choice from the ALA Store.
For more information about Library Card Sign-Up Month and for digital graphics you can share on your library’s social media, visit https://www.ala.org/conferencesevents/celebrationweeks/card.
To encourage families to sign their children up for a library card, the South Dakota State Library created the First Library Card brochure, which is distributed to families by the South Dakota Department of Health and South Dakota Head Start Collaboration Office.
The South Dakota State Library also acquired access to READsquared, a software program that allows South Dakota public libraries to manage their reading programs online. The program makes it easy and fun for your patrons to sign up for READsquared from home, track reading goals, and collect incentives. READsquared is available year-round and can be used to register for book clubs, fall/winter reading programs, and 1000 Books before Kindergarten.
Contact Amanda Raiche, Youth Services Coordinator, for copies of the First Library Card brochure or if you are interested in learning more about READsquared.
About SDSL
Email: library@state.sd.us
Website: library.sd.gov
Location: 800 Governors Drive, Pierre, SD, USA
Phone: 6057733131
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LibrarySD
Twitter: @LibrarySD
The SDSL does not endorse any service or product listed in this newsletter.