Pinewood Newsletter
August 18, 2023 - Pinewood Elementary School
Principal's Message
Hello Families!
Congratulations on a fantastic first full week in school. The positive vibes coming from our students this week was contagious. I can't wait to see what the rest of this year has in store.
Thank you to everyone that attended our Back to School Night. There was a lot of information given out to help us get this year off to a great start. If you missed it, please reach out to your teacher for more information.
There are a few things to look forward to in the next few weeks. First is our first PTC meeting of the year. If you are interested in checking out PTC, please come to our meeting on Monday, August 28th at 2:45 in Room 2. This is a pressure free meeting where you can learn more about what PTC is and what they do to support our school.
We're also getting ready to kick off our first fundraiser of the year. Our Believe Kids Fundraiser starts on September 8th. This fundraiser goes directly into your child's classroom. These funds are then used at the discretion of the teacher throughout the year.
Get ready for another great week Falcons. See you Monday!
Heather Minton
Mark Your Calendars:
- August 22nd -- First Cross Country Practice
- August 28th -- 2:45 pm -- Parent Teacher Club Meeting
- September 4th -- Labor Day (No School)
- September 8th -- Fall Fundraiser Begins
- September 8th -- Spirit Wear Orders Due (See Flyer Below)
- September 13th -- Coloma Information Night (4th Grade Only)
- September 19th/20th -- Picture Days
- September 19th -- Chipotle Dine Out Event - Benefiting 4th Grade Coloma Trip
- October 9th -- No School
- October 12th -- Hearing Van
Parent Teacher Club
Pinewood Cross Country Team
Greetings Pollock Pines runners and Families,
Please join us for our first Cross Country practice Tuesday, August 22 at Sierra Ridge at 2:45 p.m. We will be walking the courses, having a meet and greet, then a parent meeting to follow. Parents should plan to be there at 3:50 for the meeting, and to pick up your runner after. Please be prompt as we value everyone’s time.
All practices will be held at Sierra Ridge this year, so Pinewood students will need a note to bus to Sierra Ridge or have a parent drive them there for practices. We have several changes this year, so communication will be very important! Please join us as we move forward with our amazing student athletes for the fall of 2023.
Looking forward to a great season
Coach Curtin and Coach A.
Join Our Team! Employment Opportunities:
Pollock Pines Elementary School District currently has the following open positions:
- 7/8 Grade Social Science Teacher - Sierra Ridge
- Paraprofessional - Special Education - Pinewood
- Yard Duty - Sierra Ridge
To apply for any of these positions visit Edjoin.org/PPESD.
We're also looking to expand our Substitute Pool for this year. This is not just for people with teaching credentials. We have opportunities for all types of positions ranging from teachers, yard duties, library technicians, instructional aides, and custodial. The great thing about being a substitute is that you can be very flexible with your work schedule. If you are interested in learning more about subbing for our district, call the District Office at (530)644-5416. Start now to be ready by the start of next school year.
Chipotle Dine Out Fundraiser
Wellness Center
Family Engagement
Spirit Wear (Limited Edition)
Important Links
Pinewood Elementary School
Email: jmckeand@ppesd.org
Location: 6181 Pine Street, Pollock Pines, CA, USA
Phone: (530) 644-2384