East Haven High School
Weekly Newsletter: November 19th, 2023
Annual Juniors v. Seniors Powder Puff Game This Tuesday
The Annual Juniors v. Seniors Powder Puff game will be played this Tuesday, November 21st at Crisafi Field at 6pm. Come out for a night of fun and support the players!
East Haven Football to Host Branford on Thanksgiving Morning
The East Haven High School Football team will be hosting Branford High School on Thanksgiving morning. The game starts at 10am at Crisafi Field. Tickets can be purchased in advance through GoFan or at the gate using cash. Starting Monday, November 20th at 12pm, use the QR code to get your tickets!
Also on Thanksgiving, ther East Haven High School culinary department will be making fresh egg and cheese sandwiches, serving hot chocolate and coffee and providing some other items for purchase.
Parent-Faculty Organization (PFO) To Host Movie Night
The EHHS PFO is hosting a movie night on Friday, December 1st. Doors open at 6pm and the movie will start at 6:30pm. We will be playing the movie, Home Alone. All are welcome to attend. We will be selling snacks and Santa will make an appearance!
Tickets are $5 (cash or card at the door) or you can use the link below to purchase tickets online (with additional fees).
The PFO is also holding a toy drive and fundraiser to the Yale Children's Hospital. You may bring an unwrapped toy or give a donation at the door.
We hope to see you there!
Yearbook Reminders
Next Yearbook Committee Meeting
Next yearbook meeting will be on Monday 11/27 in W103. All are welcome!
Purchase Your Ad For Your Graduating Senior
Seniors & Senior parents/guardians, please click on the link for all information about the yearbook--buying ads for your graduating senior, buying a yearbook, etc. There are due dates of things as well. Any questions please reach out to Mrs. Gardner or Mrs. Wright. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/12WmCBjpFvtcBY-7gqMcrTCnoDEDmhMBiM5wIIoWYvT8/edit?usp=sharing
Purchase Your Yearbook Now
Yearbooks are now on sale! The cost of the book is $80. Go to www.jostensyearbooks.com to purchase.
Class of 2026 - Pay Your Class Dues!
SOPHOMORE students should start contributing to their class dues now! By senior year, $100 should be paid to cover the costs of senior activities (luncheon, trip, prom, etc.). If you prefer to pay each year, you can make partial payments of $25 each year.
Pay on E-Funds: https://payments.efundsforschools.com/v3/districts/56620/
Check out this video on how to use E-Funds: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RIsKVGmXb4BsMO2p7Zk4Kjfl0GQhAFzc/view?usp=drive_link
Winter Fundraising Apparel!
Looking for holiday gifts for you teens or East Haven fans alike? Check out this apparel fundraiser run by the Class of 2026! 15% of all sales will be donated back to the Class of 2026. All orders will be delivered in school during the week of 12/18! The store will be open from now through Monday, December 4th!
National Honor Society Students Deliver Food To The East Haven Food Pantry
Members of the National Honor Society dropped off boxes of supplies to the East Haven Food Pantry this week, and spent some time helping the volunteers. Thank you to the East Haven high school community for their generosity in this time of giving.
Senior Honored By Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR)
Congratulations to Paul Carangelo Jr., who was awarded the Daughters of the American Revolution Good Citizens Award on Friday! The DAR Good Citizens Award is awarded to High School seniors who have demonstrated good citizenship qualities of dependability, service, leadership, and patriotism in their homes, schools, and communities. Paul was awarded a DAR Good Citizens pin, Honor cord, and a $500 scholarship.
9th Grade Classes Visited By Central Office Staff
Superintendent Erica Forti, along with Julie Church (Coordinator of Social Emotional Learning and Family Engagement) and Gisela Layedra (Family Engagement Specialist) have been visiting all 9th grade Launching Success classes this month to discuss the importance of attendance and why attendance matters. The students enjoyed the activity they did and they learned what can happen when they are absent and miss instructional time.
It is important for students to remember that high school (unlike middle school) is credit-driven, meaning students have to earn credit to move on to the next grade level. In order to earn credit, they have to pass their classes AND be in compliance with our attendance policy. If both of these conditions are not met, credit can be withheld and the student will fall behind in earning their 25 credits required for graduation.
Thank you to Superintendent Forti, Mrs Church and Mrs Layedra for reinforcing this important message!
Fair Haven Community Health Center - Flu Vaccines
Fair Haven Community Health Center, East Haven High School's Medical School Based Health Clinic, can provide flu shots to students enrolled in their program. See the letters below for more details: