Principal's Update
January 26, 2024
Upcoming Dates
School hours: 7:55am-2:15pm
Saturday 27 | Early Learning Fair (Rescheduled date)
Saturday & Sunday 27 & 28 | Bottle Drop Weekend 10-4
Tuesday 30 | Pre-K Open House 4-6 (Please enter through front entrance)
Wednesday 31 | Early Release @ 1:15
Monday-Friday 5-9 | Staff Appreciation Week
Thursday 8 | Dinner Night Out @ Red Robin
Saturday & Sunday 10 & 11 | Bottle Drop Weekend 10-4
Tuesday 13 | Vision Screenings
Friday 16 | Spirit Friday
Saturday & Sunday 24 & 25 | Bottle Drop Weekend 10-4
Thursday 29 | STEM Night 5-7:00
Around the School Spotlight
This week, we were able to welcome Middleton’s PreK class to Hawks View! Below are a few pictures of their temporary classroom here. It’s hard to believe that this was put together in just two days! It’s such a welcoming, joyful environment and we’re happy to have them with us while Middleton’s construction work is underway. The teacher, Molly Strutz, was formerly at Hopkins, so it’s exciting to have her friendly face back in the building too!
Drop Off & Pick Up
We have noticed a decrease in parents/caregivers getting out of their cars in the morning to let students out, which has been a huge help in making our line more efficient. We know waiting can be frustrating, but if cars could please wait to unload until they move past the pedestrian crosswalk near the main entrance, that would be helpful.
One area of concern this past week is afternoon dismissal. We’ve had a couple of older students almost get hit by cars trying to exit the building. Students are running towards their car even in the presence of an adult. Please be vigilant in the parking lot and keep your student(s) with you. Overall, arrival & dismissal are running smoothly, but with almost 500 students entering & exiting our building each day, it will take all of us working together to keep everyone safe! Thank you!
Changes to District Calendar Due to Snow Days
As you know, last week we lost four school days due to inclement weather. Since that time, the Governor declared a State of Emergency, and as a short-term solution, the Oregon Department of Education will pursue a temporary rule with the State Board of Education to provide school districts up to 14 hours of instructional time due to closures caused by extreme weather.
In addition to the exception those 14 hours from the state provides, our district will need to make up one inclement weather day. Please note that this makeup day will occur on Monday, February 19 (Presidents’ Day), which had already been identified on the 2023-2024 academic calendar as one of our inclement weather makeup days. This means that February 19 will be a regular school day.
Additionally, we will need to adjust the length of the 2nd trimester to rebalance the trimesters for the year. The 2nd (current) trimester will now end on Thursday, March 14, and the teacher work day (no school day) will move from Monday, March 11 to Friday, March 15. This means that March 11 will be a regular school day, and March 15 will be a no school day.
These adjustments will allow our district to meet our state requirements for instructional time, as well as ensure that students are able to complete all 2nd trimester learning objectives without loss of content due to the impacts on last week’s schedule.
February Lunch Menu Updated
The lunch menu for February has been updated to reflect the weather makeup day on February 19. To view or print the updated menu, please click the link below.
Winter Lockdown Drill
All Sherwood schools will be participating in our second round of lockdown drills for this school year January 29 - February 9. Lockdown drills are an essential part of our emergency preparedness, and help students and staff to practice specific actions that would occur in an emergency situation. Practice drills such as these are also an opportunity for our administrators and staff to collaborate with the Sherwood Police Department to continue improving our safety plans. You may notice increased police presence if you are on/near our campus during a lockdown drill, as our SROs do participate in checking our building security during the drill.
During drills, staff and students are secured within their individual classrooms/offices, and there is no movement in the building. No one will be allowed to enter or exit the campus until the drill has been completed.
For more information on District emergency response protocols and communication, please visit the SSD website here.
RESCHEDULED - 2024 Early Learning Fair, January 27, 2024
Child Care ~ Enrichment ~ Preschool options for all Sherwood families with children 0-5 years old. Come explore the many options available in Sherwood tomorrow, January 27th, 9:00-11:00am at the SSD District Office.
Student Services Parent Partnership Meeting
Join us for the next Student Services Parent Partnership meeting on Wednesday, January 31st from 6:30pm- 8:00pm at the District Office! These meetings provide an opportunity to build positive connections and learn more about special education and Section 504. Please RSVP to Angela Thiemann at 503-825-5035 or
Our topics this month include:
Meaningful progress for students with disabilities
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act definition
Data collection- how educators track progress
Ensuring access for students with disabilities
Accommodations and modifications
Upcoming 2023-2024 Student Services Parent Partnership Dates:
- Wednesday, February 28th 4:30pm-6:00pm
- Friday, March 22nd- 9:00am-10:30am
- Wednesday, April 24th 6:30pm-8:00pm
- Wednesday, May 29th 4:30pm-6:00pm
PAC Corner
Rescheduled - PAC Family Bingo Night!
Family Bingo Night has been rescheduled and will be held February 9th, 6:00-7:30pm. One FREE Bingo board for every participant (optional additional boards are 50¢ each). Pizza, Snacks, Candy and Water will be available for purchase.
Hawks View Yearbook
- Don't forget to get your yearbook order in!
Chess Club
- Members of our Chess Club attended a tournament today. Congratulations to all students that participated, Hawks View brought back the trophy. Great job Hawks!
- Buy our staff a shirt! Follow the link below to purchase.
- Decorate a Staff member's door! Click on the button below to sign up.
SHS Staff vs Student Basketball - Fundraiser for Doernbecher Children's Hospital
The Sherwood High School Staff vs. Students Bowmen Pageant Basketball Game is tomorrow (Saturday Jan. 27), starting at 3pm in the SHS main gym. Tickets are $5 and all proceeds will go to Doernbecher Children’s Hospital! Come check out this fun event and support the fundraising efforts of our amazing Bowmen!
Helpful Links
Hawks View Elementary
Location: 21970 SW Sherwood Blvd
Phone: (503) 825-5400