What's Happening at JPE?
May 2021
A Message from the Principal
In some ways this year has flown by, and in other ways it has been the longest year yet. As we look back over the 20-21 school year, we are so proud of the resiliency of our staff and students. We have faced so many hard things, and we have overcome each one of them. Thank you for trusting us with your children. Being together, face-to-face, has been a blessing to all of us.
Though this year has been different and opportunities for parental involvement have been limited, you have still been such a huge part of our success this year. We can't thank you enough for the snacks, the disinfectant wipes, and Lysol that you have sent to school. We are so grateful for your continued support.
May will be a busy month as we wrap up the school year. Please see all the exciting things happening in the upcoming days. We will wrap up testing this week. The students have been working so hard, and we could not be prouder of all that they have accomplished this year.
We hope you have a fantastic and restful summer.
Lauren Kennedy, Principal
JPE will knock testing out of the "parc"! (Testing continues for 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders)
Teacher Appreciation Week
Next week (May 10-14) students will have the opportunity to have "Alternate Dress" each day for $2 each day. You can pay $10 for the whole week, or you can pick and choose the days you'd like them to dress. The proceeds will help us make Staff Appreciation Week a little more special this year. (Tops and Bottoms - appropriate shoes for PE must be worn)
Other gift ideas:
Monday - Flower Day (Bring a flower from your garden or from the store to brighten your teacher's day.)
Tuesday - Handwritten Note Day (Write a sweet note telling your teacher(s) why they are special to you.)
Wednesday - School Supply Day (No one loves school supplies more than teachers do! Bring your teacher their favorite supply to help them start stocking up for next year.)
Thursday - Snack Day (What is your teacher's favorite snack? Surprise them with a small treat!)
Friday - Hug Day (Bring your teacher a big hug and tell her how much you will miss her this summer!)
**These are only suggested gifts.
Upcoming Dates:
May 5 - K Cap and Gown Pictures (prepay envelope)
May 10 - 14 - Teacher Appreciation Week
May 11 - Field Day for Kindergarten - 2nd Grade
May 12 - Jag Mart; Smoothie Day ($3 due on Tuesday)
*NOTE: Smoothie Day has changed!
JPE Senior 2021 Graduation Recognition
May 13 - Field Day for 3rd - 5th Grade
May 14 - Jag Fest Talent Show
May 17 - 5th Grade Awards Day (9:00am) *Limit 2 guests/student
May 18 - Kindergarten Awards Day (9:00am) *Limit 2 guests/student
**Other Grade Levels will have Awards Day in their classrooms with no guests this year.
May 21 - Early Dismissal and Final Day for students (11:40 dismissal)
May 28 - Report Cards will be mailed (all fees must be paid before May 28)
Special Thanks to so many for their help with extra donations this year!
Danielle and Matt Blackwell
Kathryn Blackwell
Theresa Callicott
Becky and Gary Traylor
Dehia Crusta
Shannon Cranford
Heather Watkins
The Jarrell Family
Aaron Ulery
Kevin Planchet
Joan LeBlanc
Crystal Miller
Phuong Nguyen
Village Market in Port Vincent
Heidi McGovern
Candace Shaidaee
Pam Letard
Alexis Murphy
Cody Seals
Jennifer Dawson
Heather Letourneau
Simone Shiratsuchi
Brittany WichersMorgan Worley
Kimberely Boeke
Antonela Stojak
Kelli Lowery
Ashley Golden
Callie Hill
Lisa Kirby
Ellen Fagan
Kamie Kline
Jenelle Simmons
Adrianna Humpal
Nellie Webster
Leah Skipper
Eileen Jarman
Heather Sweeney
Staci Cefalu
Whitney Johnson
Katherine Shook
Emily Granier