Penrith High Towers-Alumni
Edition Twenty - Term 4 2022
Relieving Principal's Message
Welcome to the final edition of Towers Alumni for 2022.
Our 72nd year as a public high school has been extraordinarily busy to say the least. For the first time in 3 years, our school returned to “normal” as we reestablished events that the global pandemic saw us cancel in recent years. There has been so much to celebrate this year and as always, it’s difficult to capture in this publication the extraordinary number of achievements of our incredible alumni.
Graduation and welcoming of a new student body to our Alumni
Every year we welcome a new group of graduates to our growing number of impressive alumni. Our most recent episode of the Penrith Perception Podcast titled ‘The Cycle of High School’, congratulates our graduates of 2022 as they take a few minutes out of their last day of high school to share insights into their perspective of school now that they are leaving. In the episode, our newest alumni cohort recall favourite moments and provide advice to younger students.
You can listen to the episode on the link discussed in the following podcast article.
Inaugural Award Recipient - The Honourable Linda Burney MP Award
To recognise and honour the contributions of Alumna, The Honourable Linda Burney MP, the school has finalised its proposal for an annual award and honour board in her name. This prize is awarded to a student who is recognised as having been widely and positively involved in fostering a connection to culture.
After leaving Penrith High School, Linda Burney became a school teacher before becoming the first Aboriginal person to be elected to the NSW Parliament and the first Aboriginal woman to serve in the House of Representatives. She is currently the Minister for Indigenous Australians and is the first Aboriginal woman to hold that position.
We look forward to announcing the inaugural recipient of the award at our end of year Presentation Evening held at The Joan Sutherland Centre.
NSW Teachers Guild World Teachers Day Awards
Earlier in October, our school celebrated World Teachers' Day. I want to take this opportunity to acknowledge each of our amazing teachers and recognise their relentless commitment to our students. Four of our talented teachers have been recognized by the NSW Teachers Guild with World Teachers Day Awards. Congratulations to Mr Steve Lidster, Mr Karl Serrato, Mrs Konny Kwiet and Dr Anju Katyal on this well deserved achievement. Many of our Alumni would have been taught by these staff members and no doubt, would attest to their skills. The full citations are included in this publication below.
Recently, Mr Mark Long shared that he would be staying in the Relieving Director Educational Leadership role for a little while longer. We are not at all surprised that his team has been keen to hold on to him! As a result, I have been asked to continue relieving as Principal and I look forward to continuing to connect with you all next year.
In the meantime, please enjoy all the wonderful content of this final edition of Towers Alumni for 2022. We wish each of you a wonderful summer and hope the new year brings prosperity and joy.
Warm regards,
Jaclyn Cush
Relieving Principal
Mrs Konny Kwiet - World Teachers’ Day Award citation:
Konstanze is a highly experienced and outstanding History teacher and Stage 4 Academic Adviser. Her positive impact on all students is evident in the increase in the number of students wanting to study History and her excellent results in the HSC. Konstanze has been instrumental in leading the Ancient History course for the faculty and in offering accelerated Ancient History to Year 10 students. Her engaging lessons all include her highly successful and unique strategy of: establishing an esprit de corps, building confidence and encouraging intellectual curiosity. Konstanze’s lessons offer students a collaborative learning space built on trust whereby students can develop and refine their skills, challenge concepts, contemplate new ideas and develop their own perspectives. Her class motto of “No one left behind” sums up her passion for providing all students with optimal learning experiences.
Dr Anju Katyal - World Teachers’ Day Award citation:
Anju is an exceptional teacher of Mathematics whose internal, external and HSC results in Mathematics are outstanding. As a result of Anju’s expertise and excellent rapport with her students, she is entrusted with the more challenging courses of Mathematics such as Extension 2 and Compaction classes. Anju offers tutorial lessons to her students, designed to cater to the different level of abilities and learning styles within each cohort.
The tutorials also permit Anju to establish a more supportive, nurturing, engaging and successful environment for all students whilst allowing her to identify any weaknesses at all stages of students’ learning. Her extensive feedback, throughout units of work and in all assessment tasks, provides students with the avenue to improve. Anju is a role model within her faculty and the school. Her leadership, teaching practice and demeanour make her uniquely different.
Mr Karl Serrato - World Teachers’ Day Award citation:
Karl is a dynamic, engaging and highly effective teacher, Year Adviser, Transition Adviser and Multimedia Co-ordinator whose expertise, both within and out of the classroom, has resulted in great success in all his roles. Karl’s work in the multimedia space has led to the establishment of a new and ever-expanding leadership body which deals specifically with the evolving technology and media demands of our school and future focused learning. Under Karl’s guidance and tutelage, students are working at a quasi-professional level in both media production and post-production. Karl’s in-depth knowledge of the school’s 5-13 Wellbeing Strategy and, his ability to connect with all students, makes him an exceptional Year Adviser. His deep understanding of the unique educational and social needs of highly gifted students, at various stages of adolescence, is commendable. His desire to improve and enrich students’ learning experiences guarantees his continued success as a teacher and leader.
Mr Steve Lidster - World Teachers’ Day Award citation:
Steven Lidster is a Head Teacher of English who has changed the culture and direction of his faculty through collaborative practice, cooperation and an appreciation of literature. Steven has successfully cultivated an environment which has resulted in improved HSC results with over 95% of the cohort achieving band 5s and 6s in the 2020 and 2021 HSC. His innovative “Bump it Up” program delivers regular, targeted and individualised teacher feedback to senior students to maximise their HSC results. Steven is an exceptional and inspirational leader, both within and out of the classroom. His wealth of knowledge, experience and deep understanding of best teaching practice is generously shared with his staff. Steven provides mentorship, expertise and an effective avenue for his staff to realise professional development goals and leadership pathways. Steven is an engaging leader and a highly valued member of the school.
Below: Our staff being presented their award by Education Minister, The Hon. Sarah Mitchell MLC and Deputy Leader of the Opposition/Shadow Minister for Education Ms Prue Car MP.
Anju (centred) receiving her award
Steve (centred) receiving his award
Karl (centred) receiving his award
The Honourable Linda Burney MP recently at the 70th Anniversary Luncheon
2022/2023 Senior Leaders
The Penrith Perception - Episode 11
2021 saw the construction of Penrith High School’s Yarning Circle, built by the Eather group. In 2022 the Yarning Circle and surrounding artwork design were completed, allowing for staff and students to work collaboratively and deepen their collective knowledge of First Nations People and culture. The construction of the project involved six Indigenous companies, including in design, landscaping, artwork, and cultural consultation. Our school has a rich history of success achieved by its Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and we want to celebrate that.
In this episode the team talks to Year 8 student, Elijah Craig, Tanisha Malik and Caron Cyril of Year 11 as well as Ms Lowe, the Deputy Principal.
The Penrith Perception - Episode 12
In congratulating and celebrating our graduates of 2022, we take a few minutes out of their final day at Penrith High to get an insight into their perspective of school now that they've left. On the day of their Graduation, we interviewed a number of Year 12s as they recall their favourite moments with peers and teachers and provide some advice for younger students. For the rest of us, the cycle of high school continues, and we greet new students as our graduates leave. The current Year 7s were asked similar questions on their experiences at Penrith so far.
A huge CONGRATULATIONS to the graduating class of 2022! 🎓
The Penrith Perception - Episode 13
Our last podcast episode for 2022 is currently out on Spotify.
In this episode we hear from the newly elected Captains, Milvia and George, and from the Prefects for 2023 to understand what makes them tick. The Prefects introduce themselves and talk us through their goals and plans as school leaders. Listeners will hear all the processes of becoming a Prefect, reflecting on their leadership journey, and hopefully, words of wisdom for aspiring leaders.
I also want to take this opportunity to personally thank Myat Noe, Holy Kuriakose and Abhi Tamma for their outstanding work with the podcast this year. They have demonstrated true professionalism and dedication to both their studies and the podcast team, sharing insights with our community. I am extremely proud of their efforts and wish Myat the best of luck as she moves on to bigger things in 2023. Holy and Abhi will stay on with the Podcast team in an executive role to support our new members.
Dimity Scardanas - HT Educational Achievement
Penrith In Performance 3/12/22
Penrith in Performance, a tradition at Penrith High School, made a return on Saturday 3 December. However, the event looked and felt slightly different this year due to the broad team that contributed to the event. Some of the new facets of the event included:
The relocation of the venue from our school hall to the Verbrugghen Hall at the Conservatorium of Music. This reflects our expanded ensemble programs and the growth that has taken place over the past few years.
The inaugural performance of Altiora Peto, an orchestral piece composed and conducted by Richard Sandham. This piece will be woven into many of our formal ceremonies and will be a part of our ensemble program’s core repertoire.
The introduction of the Year 7 Choir, conducted by Annabel Goodman. This initiative is an expansion of classroom content but focuses on bringing the cohort together at the end of their first year of high school to celebrate their achievements.
The inclusion of our combined finale. This will change each year, but it is an opportunity for students across the school to come together from Year 7-12 and perform an item together.
I am extremely proud of our team of conductors, teachers, choreographers, directors, tutors and production staff, and thank them deeply for their work. From the late-night phone calls with a 'a quick question', to the early morning coffee catch ups, to the weekly rehearsals, to the drafts and re-drafts - nothing was too much. To Annabel Goodman, Jack Rolls, Richard Sandham, Iain Wallace, Cameron Ferguson, Rachel Kelly, Ellie Kennedy, Tara Lawson, Ben Smith and Anne-Maree Magi - thank you!
I would also like to thank the co-curricular office and SAS staff for their work. In particular, Maria Ryan, Antoinette Pipio, Danica Pattison, Brooklyn Dicker, Amelia Perri and Jeannie Guy who worked behind the scenes to support the event. It would be remiss to not thank Mark Long and Jaclyn Cush who have been catalysts for the event coming together and provided consistent guidance across the planning and implementation.
Thank you to the staff who supported our students in attending rehearsals. I understand how valuable class time is and I thank you for seeing the value in this event. A special thank you to the staff that were able to attend last minute.
Please take some time to watch the finale, an arrangement of Titanium by Sia, performed by the Penrith High School’s Combined Ensembles Program.
At present, we have ricocheted from the challenges presented to our program over the past few years and as we continue to move forward, we will build momentum in 2023.
Anthony Vassallo
In the Media.....
John Elton - Principal of PSHS 2011-2016 - appeared on Better Homes and Gardens
Former Principal, Mr John Elton, was featured on channel 7’s Better Homes and Gardens earlier this year. John, a prolific gardener has transformed his home since concluding his principalship in 2016. John lives on the South Coast in Coolangatta - yes-the other one!
John has an amazing passion for native plants, in particular grevilleas, which dominate the garden along with some boronias.
He also has created a wetlands area down the bottom of his beautiful garden.
The full episode (Season 28 Episode 22) can be viewed on 7+. John’s showcase is spread across two segments. The first segment is around 50 minutes in and the second segment closes the show.
John, we love your work!
SOME OF THE HONOUR BOARDS IN THE HALL - can you see your name?
Interview with Ms Maria Ryan - Business Manager
Ms Ryan has been a key member of Penrith High School for many years and has played an important role in shaping and changing the vision of Penrith High, in order for it to be what it is today. The Functions Prefects conducted an interview in order to get her insight into the changes here, specifically the Alumni Garden.
What is your role here at Penrith?
My role here is as a Business Manager. Essentially I look after the SASS staff as well as all the budgets, the building and maintenance and health and safety.
How has your time been here at Penrith, have there been any key events?
Mr Long coming was a major significant event here at Penrith, it was one change that changed the whole vision of the school. He essentially had a vision and everyone else adapted to it. To me, that was a big thing because what he was able to do in that amount of time for the school in areas was really key. Just getting the school to be somewhere where people want to come and learn.
What is the significance of the Alumni Pathway?
To me, the Alumni Garden represents ex-students and a lot of principals I either knew or I worked with or people who were relatives of them. Each one had their own story and left an impact on the school. The main significance of that path is for past and future students because everyone walks down that path and either knows someone or has heard of them. It is essentially another vision of remembering the past, present and future.
Can you tell us anything about the additional path that is being added to the Alumni Garden?
We have added another path from the history block and hopefully, we are going to get students who will come into the school when we’re gone that will keep that vision alive.Because this is a very big school, you can always put a path somewhere, so it hopefully can be a tradition to be carried on.
What changes have occurred at Penrith High since you have been here?
The transformations to the TAS block, basketball courts, and Alumni Garden has all happened when Mr Long came in 2016 because we both had visions for this school, so we both made that happen. We had done a lot from parent contributions to the school. It was largely parent and community involvement.
Functions Prefects
Angeline Joby
Dharani Sutharshan
Dharika Sujendran
Maria Ryan in the Block A Stairwell where another initiative has been added - the mural featuring outstanding student achievements
The first extension to the Alumni Garden Pathway
The new Alumni Pathway near History which will also have Alumni Pavers featured
Vegetable Garden Upgrade
Look at the incredible before and after photos!
Down Memory Lane...
The scholarship is awarded to those who most convincingly demonstrate their potential as a future leader, the contribution they have made to their school and community and their academic ability, in keeping with the example C.A.S. Hawker set as a leader and his contribution and service to Australia.
Charles Allan Seymour Hawker served in the First World War and went on to become a distinguished scholar and leading figure in the Federal Parliament, prior to his untimely death in an aircraft accident in 1938.
Stuart Bryson at the 70th Anniversary Luncheon 2022
Students from PHS show what you can do with a great idea, a can of diet coke and some brain power
It is from The Western Weekender September 23 2011, written by Stacey Moseley with photo by Melinda Jenkins.
Derek Peczek, George Caley and Altay Nughoglu with their award winning robot.
Let us know if you continued with this line of study at university, Derek, George and Altay?
The Class of 1968 Alumni gathered recently, missing some regulars for various reasons. A great night nonetheless!
Class of '61 Reunion
Recently the Class of '61 enjoyed lunch at Aghora Greek Restaurant in Glebe. Everyone looked fabulous. It was a fantastic reunion.
People came from Wagga Wagga, Bendigo, Blue Mountains, Stanwell Tops and Bathurst which is a 3 hour train trip.
We are hoping to have another reunion in June next year.
Photo courtesy of Ann Parson.
In Memoriam
Remembering Stephanie Doohan - Class of 2008
Stephanie Doohan attended PHS from 2003-2008. She was a talented and dedicated student who excelled in her classes and had a passion for Music (especially the drums), English and History.
She went on to attend the University of Western Sydney on a full scholarship, studying a Bachelor of Music, for which she achieved a Distinction. She continued her studies with a Bachelor of Music (Honours), followed by a Masters of Teaching, where she also received a Distinction and was awarded the Dean's Medal for Academic Excellence.
Steph became an amazing Music and English Teacher who cared deeply for her students- who adored her right back!
In 2021 Steph was diagnosed with Breast Cancer and even throughout numerous treatments she never lost sight of what mattered and wanting to help others. When the opportunity arose for her to speak at the Alumni Night with senior PHS students, she was excited to come back and share her experiences - being the proud former student that she was!
It breaks our hearts to share that Steph passed away on the 9th of November after a 14 month long battle with Breast Cancer at the age of 32.
She will never be forgotten and lives on through the impact she has made on so many lives. Her family, friends and students will keep her memory alive through the passion, grit and determination they apply to all they undertake. Just like Steph.
Hayley Clancy - Steph's Best Friend
Thank you Hayley for your lovely words.
May Steph Rest in Peace!
Remembering Brian Tucker - 1937-2022
He had three sons, two of whom came to our school with his son David being School Captain in 1994 when Penrith High became fully selective.
With a Mormon Church connection, Tommy probably coached most of the youth in the area and obviously at Penrith High. In the excerpt below he discusses taking a formidable team to the United States to gain experience and unite.
He will be sadly missed.
An excerpt from 1986 Towers re Boys Basketball by Tommy Tucker
School Captains Book in Celebration of our 70th Anniversary
We are proud to announce that the first edition of the school's Captains Book is now available for purchase. Please follow the instructions below to order your copy now.
Price: $40 - Please pay on the website under Make a Payment (in the top right of the home page)
Note- you will need to fill out the questions marked in an asterisk *
Keep a record of your payment
Postage within Australia will be free. Contact the school with proof of purchase and mailing address.
For overseas mail, you will need to contact the school and emails/calls can be directed to Cathie in the Library .
Nonetheless, we would still like to hear further from the Captains that are not in edition one.
Photo courtesy of The Vietnam War Experience by Gerry & Janet Souter 2008
Would you like to be recognised on PHS Defence Force Service Honour Board? Or, have your friend or relative recognised who attended PHS?
The servicemen and woman shown are a few whose names have been recognised or are on the list to be updated.
If you are interested please email the school on: penrith-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au
Attention Cathie in the library for further details
NOTE: the school was not established until 1950 so bear this in mind.
In addition, if the Alumni listed below could also reach out to update some details:
Harry Grimes
Jason Peterson
Stephen Thompson
Brian Carney
Alan Ormerod
David Stevens
Ian Dickens
Please Note
The Defence Service Honour Board will be updated early in 2023 with all the perpetual boards.
Penrith Selective High School
Email: penrith-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au
Website: http://penrith-h.schools.nsw.gov.au
Location: 158-240 High Street, Penrith NSW, Australia
Phone: 02 4721 0529
Facebook: facebook.com/penrithselectivehighschool