Hometown School Newsletter
May 9, 2023
Bencik's Buzz
Hometown Families:
We are celebrating our teacher this week. Their hard work and dedication to our students is outstanding to witness on a daily basis! Please take a minute next week to send a note of thanks for all of their hard work. Thank you to our PTA who has planned many fun things for them. We started off with a school supply bar yesterday and today was a great salad bar.
Ned Show
Today, our students had an assembly from the Ned Show team. We trust your student was encouraged by the show which inspires everyone to become Champions at school and in life!
The NED Show yoyos are still available for purchase to support the free show and message. If your student has already purchased a yoyo, here is an important link to help them get off to a good start with proper string length adjustment, click here.
Additionally, here are a couple of our favorite follow up home resources from the Then NED Show website. You may want to use these with your child as they are designed to go hand in hand with the program.
The NED Pledge
Champion Choices
If you'd like additional resources, they are available here.
And don’t forget to ask your student what they learned in the show about Never giving up, Encouraging others and Doing your best!
Yo-Yo Sales
As a result of the Ned Show we will be selling some of the yo-yos. The order form did go home in the back packs today. We will be selling them during lunch, so be sure to fill out the form and return it if your child would like the yo-yo. Students will get them by lunch time.
What's New Around Hometown???
Happy Cinco De Mayo
Enjoying our CASE coffee cart
Playing games in Fundations
PTA Presentation
Attached is the presentation from our PTA. It discusses different language milestones. If you have questions, please email for more information.
Fifth Grade Families- SAVE THE DATE
Our DARE graduation will be on Monday, May 15th starting at 2:00pm. We are looking forward to celebrating our fifth graders hard work.
Author Visit
We will have a virtual visit from the author, Jennifer Shaw. She is the author of Dumplings Mean Family. We are excited to meet her. There are number of students who have already purchased the book. If you are interested, please make sure you fill out the form that was previously sent home.
3rd-5th Concert
Please join us for the spring performance. Our students in grades three through five and our chorus will be singing on Wednesday, May 17th starting at 2pm. We look forward to all of you coming to celebrate their work throughout the year. Parents should have filled out the forms if you will be taking your child right after the concert.
Kindergarten Families- SAVE THE DATE
We will be having a Kindergarten Celebration on May 26 at 2:30. Families are welcome to attend!!
Cases of Water
Field Day is quickly approaching, we are in need of drinking water. Please drop off any donated water to the main office before May 30th. If you have questions, please reach out to our PE department.
Wizard of Oz- Second grade
We are excited to have our second grade students perform Wizard of Oz starting at 2pm on Friday, May 19th. Please join us to see all of our second graders' hard work.
Yearbook Orders
The flyer attached is to order your yearbook! Capture the memories of the year.
Donuts with Dudes
Please see this flyer that went home today to sign up for donuts and dudes.
VFW- CARDS/Letters
We are looking for our students and families to write cards or letters to our soldiers. Please turn them in on May 18th to the teacher. The classroom with the most will receive a pizza party.
Returning Registration- 2023-24
Returning registration opens tomorrow. Any family returning to Hometown next year, must register. Families should log onto Skyward and click the tab on the left side to re-register.
Calling All Kindergarten Families for the 2023-24 School Year
If you will have a child that will turn 5 by September 1st, please begin registration for the upcoming school year. Please register as soon as possible, so we can make sure we have adequate staff for our students.
Use the link to register.
Preschool/Kindergarten Registration
Please register your child for the upcoming school year for Preschool/Kindergarten. The links are provided.
2023-2024 Preschool Registration is now open!
For more information and to start the process please visit:
2023-2024 Kindergarten Registration is now open!
For more information and to start the process please visit:
Kindergarten Documents to Register
Any new kindergarten students will need to register with our district office. All of the documents are listed for easy access to our families. If you are unsure or need more information about registering, please let our office know.
Summer School
Please consider signing up for summer school. There are many different offerings for our students to take advantage of . The flyer is attached. There is also a paper copy.
Future OLHMS 6th Graders!
Please consider joining us on may 17th beginning at 6:00 pm for our annual OLHMS 5th Grade Open Gym and Parent Night! The itinerary is LINKED here!
The OLHMS Spanish Selection Form will help us establish incoming 6th grade Spanish classes for the 2023/2024 school year. Spanish screenings will take place later this month for students who will be in the OLHMS Heritage Spanish classes. The Google Form will close on May 19th.
Volunteer Opportunities
If you are interested in volunteering for our PTA events, please visit the signup genius and Facebook.
District 123 is hiring! Please see the flyer and visit our website under employment.
If you are moving over the summer and will not be returning to Hometown, please fill out the flyer and return it to the office. We would like to be prepared for you with transfer paperwork.
Teacher Spotlight: Five Fun Facts About Your Teacher
Five Fun Facts about Mrs. Finnegan:
1. She played tennis and softball at Moraine Valley College.
2. She wanted to be a physical therapist when she started college.
3. Growing up she was not good at math! (She is great now)
4. She loves learning from her mistakes.
5. She would like to ride in a hot air balloon or jump off a cliff into water (even though she is afraid of heights.)
Principal Hometown School
Email: abencik@d123.org
Phone: 708-423-7360
Twitter: @AmandaBencik
Hometown Elementary School
Website: d123.org/hometown
Location: 8870 S Duffy Ave, Hometown, IL, USA
Phone: 708-423-7360
Twitter: @d123hometown