Region 8 Parent Resource Newsletter
Parent Training and Information for Special Needs Students
Upcoming Parent Trainings
Human Socialization Skills Workshop
Tuesday, Dec 10, 2019, 06:00 PM
3222 West 7th Street, Texarkana, TX, USA
Patricia Reedy, Coordinator Partners Resource Network
Partners Resource Network -Region 8 Coordinator
For more information or to RSVP 903-747-0010 or preedypath@gmail.com
Partners Resource Network is a non-profit agency that operates the federally funded Texas Parent Training and Information Centers - PATH, PEN & TEAM. All of the projects share the common purpose of empowering parents of children and youth with disabilities in their roles as parents, decision makers, and advocates for their children.
Organizing Your Family with Free Tools from Google
Thursday, November 14, 2019, 9:00 a.m.--12:00 p.m.
Organizing Your Family with Free Tools from Google
You know organizational skills are important to teach and model for your children, and more importantly, they can help you organize your family schedule and needs. In this session we will use free Google Tools (Google Calendar, Docs, Keep, Tasks) and learn how to organize and safely share schedules, notes, and alerts to family members. Your child may already be using Google Classroom at school, now you can learn how to guide them in scheduling, organizing, and notetaking for future success.
Please come with a Google account email address and password that you will use actively - if you know the Google email addresses of family members that will help also! If you have a laptop or tablet, please bring it with you.
Vaping Resources for Parents
Free Bilingual Handouts
The Latino Family Literacy Project provides bilingual handouts on topics that will support parents at schools. Our aim is to support Spanish-speaking and English-speaking parents in their quest to learn skills to support the academic success of their children.
Some handouts will be centered on reading, brain development, language acquisition, vocabulary development, and the educational process.
Check them out HERE!
Notes From the Backpack
This is a very worthwhile to listen to!
Who answers your questions about homework, bullying, school discipline, the transition to middle school?
Listen to Notes from the Backpack: A PTA Podcast and get the answers to the burning questions you have about how to best support your child's education and development. We know you have a lot to keep up with at home and throughout the school year and these episodes will support you every step of the way!
Real Experts. Real Parents. Real Conversations.
Each 30-minute podcast will give you the inside scoop on how to help your child succeed in and out of school.
Listen HERE.
Disability Rights of Texas has an accessible, mobile responsive website. They have been adding more features to their platform.
The new site has some amazing new accessibility features and content:
- Oz Player - a fully accessible video player
- BrowseAloud - a tool that offers translation in nearly 50 languages, screen reading in different languages, text magnification, saving content to MP3 audio files, and more (click on "Listen with Browse Aloud" at the top of any our web pages)
- Staff Blog - now you can hear from more of our attorneys and advocates on how they are protecting and advocating for your rights
- On Page Spanish Switcher - more pages and resources available for Spanish speakers
- Easier Navigation - get to the information you need faster
Go to the website today and check out all the latest features!
Dr. Vicki Brantley
Email: vbrantley@reg8.net
Website: www.reg8.net
Location: 4845 N. US Hwy 271
Phone: 903-575-2759