Friday Final (Thanksgiving Edition)
November 22, 2021 | TRANSLATE THIS MESSAGE

Kolmar School Has So Much To Be Thankful For
Kolmar students and staff are always thankful to be part of their wonderful school community, but at this time of year they are especially reflective and grateful for all they have and all they have accomplished. First grade teacher Colleen Koch is happy to have everyone back together this year.
“It’s great to have a full class of students all together this year. Moving into the holiday season has brought a lot of joy and excitement, and being all together really adds to that! Our students are feeling just as happy to be here!
Throughout the school there is a sense of excitement, pride, and appreciation for “the small things.” Read more...
Hannum Balloon Project definitely not a Bust!

The Hannum third grade has been participating in a Cross-curricular project-based learning experience that launched from the viewing of a previous Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Balloon Parade. Students explored the dynamics of weather while also learning about the mixing of matter and gases. They were eventually tasked with the creation of their own balloons for a culminating activity for the Hannum School balloon parade. The parade fittingly took place the day before students left on Thanksgiving break this past Friday, and served as the public display portion of the high-quality project based experience. Make sure to check out some of their creations and a video below. via twitter.com/d123hannum
The Covington PBIS Scoop Challenge
You think you know, but do you? Check out the video interview below with the PBIS Scoop Challenge winners at Covington School. via twitter.com/d123covington
Thanksgiving Planning & Budgeting at Sward School
Financial literacy lessons this week in the Sward 4th grade as Mrs. Collura’s class makes lists and compares prices while multiplying and dividing to determine how much food is needed per attendee for a Thanksgiving dinner 🥘 🦃 🌽 🥕 🥔. via twitter.com/D123Sward
PBIS Celebration at Hometown School
Can you believe it? There’s was a "turkey" loose in the building at Hometown School this past week. The turkey could be found walking swiftly through the hallways and playing BINGO with the students of Hometown school. via twitter.com/d123hometown