Cedar Reader: PTC Edition
November 16, 2018
Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre nuestra hoja informativa y necesita la traducción en español, por favor contacte a Erica Sánchez al 503 356 2560 opción 2 para español.
All current parents and guardians of CPMS students are automatically members of the PTC. Our events, programs, school support, and enthusiasm make up this vibrant volunteer community and are indeed, POWERED BY YOU. So let's keep Cedar Park awesome!
Cedar Park Achieves 5K Dreams, Closes Book on Fall Fundraiser
To date, our Cedar Park 5K has officially brought in over $53,000, surpassing our goal and last year’s total. And the view from up here has never looked better!
Current gross totals for the 5K include:
Online– $31,092 (58%)
Sponsorships– $10,000 (19%)
Pledge Envelopes– $8944 (18%)
Confirmed Matching Funds– $1769 (5%)
GROSS TOTAL: $53, 380
Because we reached our $50K goal, Cedar Park students enjoyed an all-school ice cream social at lunch on October 31st.
Cedar Park Celebrates Halloween
Meet Richard Rusch, Cedar Park's first Campus Supervisor
Mr. Richard Rusch has been an excellent addition to CPMS as our first Campus Supervisor. Mr. Rusch can be found monitoring the hallways and lunch times, managing the chaos while building a repoire with the students. A former Cedar Park bus driver, Mr. Rusch already knew many of our students when he began working here in August. Before education, Richard was a long-time police officer.
Cedar Park staff member, Katelynn Hitsman has been impressed, sharing, "Mr. Rusch has began making wonderful connections with our students and is making an impact on their attendance, behavior and daily lives."
Library Offers LED Circuit Activity at Lunch
Thank you Ms. Peterson, for offering this STEM activity to our students!
New Paint, New Look for Cedar Park Hallways
Cedar Park's hallways are getting a fun facelift! Principal Dr. Anderson's goal with the new paint is to better reflect school colors and school spirit. Recent updates include:
- Lockers have been painted dark blue
- Bulletin Boards have been painted orange
- The lower portions of the hallways have been painted a Prairie Smoke Grey
- The support beams in the hallways have also been painted dark blue
Internet Safety Event a Success, Minutes Available for October's PTC Meeting
Last month's PTC meeting welcomed Cedar Park’s Safety Resource Officer, Matt Cline, to chat about keeping our kids safe online. Officer Cline is a Beaverton police officer assigned to Cedar Park (and several other BSD schools) to help support crime prevention in schools.
Before he took the stage, the PTC Board filled in the community with several PTC updates, including:
The 5K was a big success, exceeding its $50,000 goal
Volunteers still needed for Art Lit, AVID, and Wolf Work days.
Read the full minutes, including a recap of Officer Cline’s presentation HERE.
Additional parent resources can be found at:
Cedar Park Soccer Tournament a Success Despite Rain
CPMS' Soccer Club is supported by a grant from the Beaverton Education Foundation. The program combines after-school soccer and tournaments with academic support. The soccer portion of the program will keep the students in school and engaged in school by building critical student/adult relationships. The program will leverage the positive school connection through after-school soccer to reach out to those who need additional academic support.
Thank you to our CPMS staff members who make this valuable and FUN program possible through your time and energy.
Cedar Park Bands Showcase Talents
Cedar Park's first band concert (for 7th and 8th graders) was held November 8, under the direction of CPMS Band Director, Jennifer Stenehjem. 215 Cedar Park students take band as an elective. Ms. Stenehjem chooses a variety of music, usually music with folk melodies from different countries, a high-interest piece, something in rock-style, and a pop piece that everyone will recognize.
More info regarding CPMS' exciting band program can be found at Ms Stenehjem's website.
Brass Masterclass Offered Last Month
Trombonist and teacher, Dave Bones, held a low brass masterclasses for our 7th and 8th graders on Friday, Oct. 19. He recently became an artist for S.E. Shires and has a grant to provide schools with free clinics this fall.
Off-Campus Field Trip with Canadian Brass
November 19, The Canadian Brass quintet will be visiting Portland. Ms. Stenehjem will be taking 40 students to attend a performance/Q&A at Southridge HS. They will also be performing that night.
Jazz Band Just Beginning this November
7th and 8th graders auditioned to play in jazz band and rehearse one morning a week. There are 31 kids participating this year.
Next Concert 2/21/19
The 6th and 7th graders will both perform at 6:00 pm. The 8th grade and jazz band will perform at 7:00 p.m.
Check out the 8th grade perform "Ghostbusters" at lunches on Halloween!
Cedar Park Band Program Seeks Donors for "Music Mentors"
Cedar Park's band program is partnering with the Beaverton Education Foundation (BEF) to raise money for professional musicians to work with our students. CPMS' band classes are very large with over 40 students per class playing six different kinds of instruments that all read different music. Without help it can be challenging to give every student the support they need to be successful.
Every $50 raised will bring in a professional musician to give a masterclass for the students on their instrument. This individualized small group instruction will help students excel on their instrument and keep their enthusiasm going throughout the entire school year.
Cedar Park's goal is to raise $1,500 which will provide thirty masterclasses over the course of the school year. If you or someone you know would like to support this project please click on the link below to make a donation:
OBOB Forms Due Before Thanksgiving
Teams are forming now for Cedar Park’s Oregon Battle of the Books (OBOB). Students can find sign up sheets in the library and return to Ms. Hernandez by Tuesday, November 20, 2018.
Battles will begin in January 2019. Happy Reading!
More information about OBOB can be found at www.oregonbattleofthebooks.org.
Wolfpack Partners Taking the Plunge for Special Olympics
In February 2019, Cedar Park Middle School's Wolfpack Partners will be taking the chilly POLAR PLUNGE into the Columbia River to support the 14,000+ participants of Special Olympics Oregon (SOOR). Each year the athletes of SOOR train and compete their hardest, giving it their all, and being brave in the attempt.
We invite you to support us or join our team and help the Portland Polar Plunge reach its goal.
It’s a chilly job but someone has to do it!
The Wolfpack Partners are an official Unified Club that is supported by Special Olympics Oregon, 50% of your donation will go to support Special Olympics Oregon's great work and the other 50% of your donation will come back to the Wolfpack Partners!!! The students plan to use these funds to promote respect and inclusivity at Cedar Park!!!
Join the movement by simply donating or joining the team at the CPMS Polar Plunge fundraising page.
Send questions, concerns, or ideas to Mrs. Coleman, cory_coleman@beaverton.k12.or.us
Kandinsky Captivates CPMS 7th & 8th Graders
The 6th grade presentations are scheduled for Wed, 11/28. The CPMS Art Lit Program is made possible through your generous 5K donation.
Incoming Fifth Graders Enjoyed Glimpse of Cedar Park in New Interactive Event
Parents had an information presentation in the gym, while student information and student panel sessions were held in the cafeteria for the first 30 minutes.
Parents and students were then let loose to peruse various exploration activities, such as a musical instrument petting zoo, robotics and science fun, green screen and digital media, rock wall climbing, and of course, trying out those locker locks!
This new interactive format was a positive success for CPMS and our families.
November PTC Community Meeting Scheduled for THIS Monday, 11/19
Meeting starts at 7pm in the CPMS Media Center (library). Questions can be sent to Jana Drotzmann, PTC President.
Staff Appreciation Events Scheduled for November & December
Coffee & Tea with Dr. Anderson on Tuesday, 11/27
These coffee & tea events are a chance for inquisitive CPMS parents to meet, ask questions, and share ideas with our brave CPMS administration. Learn more about the policies, practices and academics at CPMS in a smaller, casual setting and meet other Cedar Park parents.
Two sessions will be offered in the CPMS Library-- at 8:45am and 6pm.
ALL PARENTS are welcome and encouraged to attend. Find October's recap HERE.
Cedar Park Onstage Presents "The Election" this December 7th & 8th
After an embattled student body president resigns in disgrace, Mark Davenport figures he will cruise to victory in the special election. After all, his only opponent is nerdy Christy Martin, who wants to eliminate football. But when a mysterious Super PAC gives her an unlimited budget, things start to get very ugly. Mark must face total annihilation or accept the services of a slick professional campaign manager with questionable ethics and a million-dollar Super PAC of his own. A hilarious and timely satire on the contemporary political scene. (via playscripts.com)
Performances will be Friday, 12/7 at 7pm and Saturday, 12/8 at 2pm & 7pm. Admission is $7 (adult), $5 (student), $1 (10 & under), $20 (family) and free to BSD staff.
For more information regarding theater at CPMS, head to Ms. Gladstone's website.
All opportunities are scheduled through the mVP system.
Hit the "Opportunities" tab and filter by "Cedar Park Middle School" to easily see sign-ups.
Ongoing Opportunities:
- Student Store (M-F, 8:45-9:15am)
- Wolf Pack Partners (Every Thursday, 11:30am-1:30pm)
- AVID tutors (Tues/Thurs) Email Richard_feely@beaverton.k12.or.us.
- PACK Store (Every other Thursday, 11am-1:30pm)
- Wolf Work Days (Every third Thursday, 2-4pm)
Upcoming (look for sign-up soon):
- Staff Appreciation November "Potato Bar"
All parent and community volunteers are required to have an mVP profile.
Head to www.cedarparkptc.org/volunteering for more details.
Support Beaverton High Through the Beaverton Holiday Bazaar, THIS Saturday, 11/17
Cedar Park Volunteers Staff the Beaverton Clothes Closet
October Cedar Reader: PTC Edition
Dr. A's October Principal Coffee Recap: The Secrets are Spilled
Several PTC Committees Waiting on Leadership (Student Socials & OBOB)
Cedar Park AVID Seeking Guest Speakers & Tutors
Advice from the Trenches: Veteran Parents Offer Insight
NEVER MISS A THING. Community members can subscribe to the PTC blog at www.cedarparkptc.org/news to receive the latest news on the day it posts.
Prefer social media? Find us on Facebook.
Cedar Park Parent-Teacher Club (PTC)
Email: cedarparkptc.contact@gmail.com
Website: www.cedarparkptc.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CPMSPTC/?ref=bookmarks