Bright Beginnings
Early Childhood Center
AM Session: 8:00am - 11:10am
PM Session: 12:05pm - 3:15pm
Full Day: 8:00am - 3:15pm
Sunnyside Full Day: 7:50am - 3:05pm
Day Care: 7:00am - 5:00pm
May 4-6- No School for Home Visits
May 10-Parent Meeting and Literacy Event at Sunnyside Elementary
May 11-Late Start
May 17-Policy Council
May 19-Application Day
May 24th-Last Day of School
Letter from the Principal
I can't believe the end of the year is almost here! Your children have made so much growth this year and the last three weeks will see even more. This week (May 2-6) is Teacher Appreciation Week. Please take some time to thank your child's teacher and classroom team.
This week, our teachers will be making Home Visits to share some of these wonderful changes. We look forward to seeing our students and families over these three days.
We will have our last Late Start on May 11th and our last Policy Council Meeting on May 17th. We would like to thank all of the parents that have served on Policy Council this year!
We will be having Special Events on the last day of school for both BBEC and Sunnyside. We look forward to saying goodbye to a wonderful group.
Thank you so much for the opportunity to serve your students! Have a wonderful Summer.
Arthur Barker
Bright Beginnings Early Childhood Center/Sunnyside Pre-K
Spring Literacy Event
Tuesday, May 10, 2022, 05:00 PM
Sunnyside Elementary, Sunnyside Avenue, Dodge City, KS, USA
Policy Council
The April Policy Council Meeting took place on April 19th, 2022. The Policy Council members voted to approve the following:
- Accept the Childcare Aware Grant Award
The next meeting will be May 17th, 2022 at 11:30 am. If you are interested in participating in Policy Council, contact your classroom teacher or family advocate for more information. Please click here to read more about Policy Council.
A Note From Miss Melyssa
Parent Connection Groups met and it was a great experience! As we plan for next year and offering more sessions and activities, please complete the link to share your feedback.
I will be sharing videos straight from Conscious Discipline Facebook Page weekly. Check out these great tools to share with your child. Also feel free to follow the Conscious Discipline Page on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ConsciousDiscipline
Summer is almost here! There are many opportunities in the community to do things as a family to connect and play! Check in with our Bright Beginnings Facebook page to see links to many activities as well.
Feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns you wish to visit about to best support your child.
Sending you Well Wishes during this Spring season~ Miss Melyssa Walker
Parent Connection Group met in March and April
Connections with your child and your family can be fun! They are so important every day
Another fun idea this Spring is an outdoor Scavenger Hunt. While there are many ideas online, get out some books about spring, a piece of paper and crayons/markers. Talk about the things you and your child may see during this time of year. Such as, sunshine, trees budding with blooms, new flowers, birds, kids riding bikes, etc. Make a list of 10 things. Add drawings created by anyone in your family. Then off you go! Take a picture or video as you find the item or action and check off your paper list. When families do things together and enjoy the outdoors it build connections as well as helping all feeling better. Feel free to share these pictures and stories on our Facebook page.
Bright Beginnings Child Care
Spending time outside is important for children. The benefits include strengthening motor skills, physical activity, developing creativity, and vitamin D for stronger bones.
Early Head Start Home Visitation
Our May Socialization will be on May 10th and we will be focusing on building relationships and celebrating our moms. The playgroup will take place in the Infant/Toddler Services building. Ask your Home Visitor for more information.
If your phone number is correct in the school database, you should have already received messages from Bright Beginnings. Please make sure your number is updated in our system by checking with the office staff.
You can receive the messages via text or you can download the app from iTunes or Google Play. If you need help receiving these messages, you can speak to your classroom teacher or the office staff to get you started.
Click here for more information.