From the Desk of Kelly Harmon
Summer 2017 Newsletter
Dear Educators,
Happy Summer Break!
Kelly and Randi
Preparing for Next Year During the Summer
Summer is a great time to throw out the old. My rule is, if you haven't used it in a year, throw it out! Education is constantly changing and that means that you are constantly collecting new teaching tools. If the fear of "maybe" needing it in the future hits you, then take a picture and upload it to a jump drive. This will help to keep your paper load or clutter down.
Summer is also a great time to start labeling binders, folders, or tubs for next year's groups. Labeling your teaching resources, classroom library, and centers is an efficient way to help teachers stay on track all year long.
2. Prepare a Schedule
Being well-planned is crucial to a year's success. Summer is a great time to collaborate with your team or other staff members about next year's schedule. Layout times for core instruction, RTI, enrichment, and blocks of time for genius hour, wonder Wednesdays. This will help you when you are setting up your classroom for next year's students.
Scheduling your units of study is also important during this time! Grab your scope and sequence or curriculum guide and map out where your students are going this next year. Plan for genre studies, major projects, and assessments. It's important to have a road map lined out before the first day of school. You and your students will have a clear vision of what they will be learning this year! Do you have a high wall in your classroom? This is a great place to place a "road map" for the year. I put up a road and labeled it with the months of the year. Then put the unit names along the way. This also reminded me (and the students) to make linkages between units. It's a great way to stay on track all year long.
3. Build a List of Critical Expectations
Map out your classroom management plan ahead of time. Write out classroom expectations that the class will be able to easily follow starting on day one. More than 5 rules or expectations can be daunting to anyone, so make sure you have 3-5 simple expectations. All of the expectations should have the outcome of building a successful learning community. Some examples might be:
1. Students are Respectful
2. Students are Honest
3. Students Make Responsible Choices
4. Students are Punctual
5. Students Always Try Their Best
4. Draw a Blueprint of Your Classroom
Before setting up your classroom for next year, draw a blueprint of how you envision your classroom being laid out. Plan for areas like:
- Whole Group Meeting Area
- Small Group Meeting Area
- Classroom Library
- Student Work Areas
- Centers
- Teacher Work Area
- Storage
This will help you stay on track and plan for your most important spaces!
For more information on starting the school next year off strong, join us this June for The First 25 days of ELAR or The First 25 Days of Math!
Read Box
1. Select a recording app. I use the app Voice Memos on my iPhone. Read the text aloud, noting when students need to turn the page.
2. Upload the recording to Google Drive.
3. Right click on the recording file name to get a shareable link.
4. Paste the link into a QR code creator. Once the code is made, right click on it to save as an image.
5. Name the image with the title of the book and QR code.
6. Print out the QR code and tape it on the book.
Students can use iPads or old iPhones (Wifi still works on school network) to scan the code with a QR code scanner. Be sure to download a QR code scanner on the devices that doesn't contain ads. You may have to pay for the app, but this is necessary to keep your kids from navigating away from the recording.
Recording texts is an excellent way to scaffold students so they can practice comprehension strategies in grade level appropriate texts.
The First 25 days of ELAR K-6
June 27, 2017 - San Antonio, TX (5 Seats Left)
$225 per participant
10% Discount for booking 4 or more
The First 25 Days of ELAR + The First 25 Days of Math (Combo) = $425 per participant
The First 25 Days of Math K-6
June 28, 2017 - San Antonio, TX (6 Seats Left)
$225 per participant
10% discount for booking 4 or more
The First 25 Days of ELAR + The First 25 Days of Math (Combo) = $425 per participant
Strengthening Your Title I Program (Two-Day Intensive)
In this two-day intensive, you will investigate ways to ways to better lead your district or campus Title I teams! Discover how to work with teachers to identify and implement the most effective cutting-edge, research-based instructional strategies to increase school and district wide student achievement. Walk away with extended expertise in working with struggling students and ways to monitor and adjust instruction to better meet the needs of at risk learners! For more information, click here!
$399 per participant
10% Discount when you register 4 or more!
Marzano Conference: Building Expertise
Disney's Coronado Springs Resort
Click here for more information on the Conference
Is your email changing?
A Walk to Affirm
If you've never done something like this, please put this down as a "must do" before school starts. You will be so amazed at what you can share and learn with the staff at your campus.
Thank you to Dr. Cerna, Lynda Jacob and the entire staff for making this such a meaningful professional discovery for all!
Follow Fort Sam Houston Elementary on Twitter @FSHE_PLC
Educator Spotlight
Follow Genevie on Twitter here!
Don't forget to celebrate and share each day. Taking time to do this will raise morale and help everyone remember the reasons we do what we do! Students who are surrounded by positive, growth minded adults become positive growth minded learners.
5 Ways to Prevent Reading Loss (From the Archives)
1. Provide Books
Distribute 6-12 books for students to take home over the summer. "Simply providing children from low-income families with self-selected books for summer reading eliminated summer reading loss and spurred reading gains comparable to those experiences by middle class children (Allington, McGill-Frazen, Camilli, et al., 2010).
2. Meet Students...ONLINE!
Set up dates to meet online for book chats. If you use Edmodo, you can set up small groups. If you aren't an Edmodo user, use www.todaysmeet.com to set up a 2 hour chat on specific dates throughout the summer!
3. Meet Students Locally
Plan dates ahead of time to meet students at their neighborhood library. Meet to give book talks, browse and read books together, or set goals! Get your local librarian involved too!
4. Empower Parents
Suggest online library sources to parents. Tumblebooks is a great way to have instant access to great books! Visit our blog for a link to using Tumblebooks.
5. Make a Summer Plan
Create a summer calendar for parents and students to follow. The calendar can have fun simple daily activities for students to do with their parents or independently to build reading and math fluency & comprehension skills. Offer incentives for students who complete activities during summer vacation. Hold a "back-to-school" celebration so students can share summer learning activities and turn in reading logs for prizes and rewards.
Kelly Harmon & Associates, LLC
Email: randi@kellyharmon.net
Website: www.kellyharmon.net
Phone: 817-583-1290
Twitter: @Texasliteracy