The Nugget
2020 Census
Every ten years, everyone living in the United States – regardless of immigration status – is counted in the census. The count is used to distribute power at every level of government and distribute more than $675 billion each year to communities across the nation. Participating in the census is a civic duty – much like voting – and is confidential and simple to complete.
The census is important. From school boards to the U.S. House of Representatives, the census is used to distribute power – and resources – to the people. The 2020 Census will determine how much federal funding our community receives for education, healthcare, housing, transportation, emergency services, and more. Every person counted in the census means more money for programs that support MSD Warren Township, our students, and you – their families. The census supports all children, helping them meet challenging state academic standards and have a well-rounded education.
The census is safe. By federal law, individual responses to the census are confidential for 72 years and cannot be shared with anyone, including law enforcement, immigration, tax agencies, or even the President of the United States. Your information is private and cannot be used against you.
The census is easy. Completing the census for your household should only take about ten minutes and is simpler than ever to do. Your household should have received a form by mail earlier this year, but if you’ve misplaced it don’t worry! You can still respond by calling [English version: (844) 330-2020/Spanish version: (844) 468-2020] or online at my2020census.gov.
The census’s deadline is approaching. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the deadline to respond to the 2020 Census was extended earlier this year until September 30, 2020. The date your household will reference when completing your census is April 1, 2020. Make sure you count everyone who was residing in your household on this date, including roommates, extended family, friends, and – of course – children!
Please help support our school and community by completing your 2020 Census today. Whoever you are, wherever you’re from, YOU COUNT!
Student Masks
All students received a washable face mask at school We have extras should a child need another in the future. Remember, washing masks daily is important!
- Talk about it - Empower them by sharing how wearing a face mask gets them involved in the fight against COVID-19. Remember, wearing a face mask helps to slow the spread of the virus!
- Make sure you are wearing a face mask, too - this will let your child know they are not alone and that you, too, are doing your part to slow the spread of the virus.
- Put a face mask on their favorite stuffed animal or toy - share photos of other kids wearing a mask. Showing kids like them or having their favorite toy wear a face mask will help to normalize this change.
- Remind them not to touch their masks - keeping hands away from their face will help prevent the transfer of germs from hard surfaces to their masks.
- Washing hands is key to slowing the spread - encourage your child to wash their hands before applying and removing their mask.
Student Success Handbooks
Please take a moment to review and complete this as acknowledgement that you have received the handbook. Please reach out if you have any questions.
All grades should be submitted by Oct 2nd.
5-8 - Deans will supply virtual citizenship grades
No Grade (NG) can only be used for students that have been with the teacher less than 10 days when grades are due.
Students will not receive music, art, PE or STEM grades on this report card.
STEM was not offered for K-4 this quarter
Related Arts was not assessed this quarter.
****The ParentView app or link is where family will find grade information. This ParentView link is a “how to” for families to use ParentView.
All conferences will be virtual.
Teachers will begin sharing their signups soon if they have not already done so.
Teachers will have a conference for every student they give a report card even if they are in a different class and setting.
Conferences will be held on October 22nd from 11am - 7PM.
All conferences are virtual or done via the phone.
Reports will not be printed. Parents need to use the ParentVue App.
Attendance App:
Please continue to work with you teacher as we are fine tuning the use of the attendance app and/or Canvas!
All virtual students are now required to login to Canvas to validate their attendance every day of school. This includes direct instruction days, application days, and academic enrichment days. Please help your student login and submit their attendance each day.
1. Open the app called “V attendance” on your student’s iPad. It is black with a gold check mark.
2. Click the red button that says “Log into Google” to sign into the student’s google account. This is the same email and password that students use to log into Clever. Not sure about what this login information is? Email me!
3. You should now be logged into Canvas. Click on the box that says “Period 1”. It is outlined in yellow.
4. It will come up with a question about whether or not your student is attending that day. Click yes.
5. Click submit. You did it!
You may also continue to login through the Canvas app if it has been working for you. Please reach out with any questions!
Picture Day: In early November, virtual students will be given the opportunity to have their picture taken. The virtual support team is working on what this will look like for families. After break, families will be given a survey to gauge interest in having their virtual student’s picture taken. Please be on the lookout for that after break.
Resource from the Superintendent: The Indiana eLearning Lab is a free, dynamic virtual hub that includes free eLearning resources, Communities of Practice for teachers, parents and administrators, as well as free professional development (that logs a record to submit directly to LVIS for PGP points!). This resource is being made free to ALL Indiana teachers, parents and educators through the Indianapolis eLearning Fund and the Indy College Football Playoff 2022 Host Committee. The eLearning Fund was created by a partnership between the Richard M Fairbanks Foundation, the Eli Lilly Foundation, The Mind Trust and the Indianapolis Mayor's Office, along with generous support from many other donors.
Sign up for free at inelearninglab.com
Here is a quick form where they or someone on their team can give some feedback on the lab.
An FAQ document to share is attached here as well.
Students will receive information on their second quarter teacher on October 1st and October 2nd via email. Please ensure that all shared emails are updated in ParentVue and with your current home school.
Students moving from in-person to viratul will bring home all of their materials on October 1st and October 2nd.
Students staying virtual will pick up their new material at their Home School on October 21st. More details to come….
Special Reminders from Nurse Springer
In order for our school to be in compliance with the state laws regarding immunizations, please make sure that your student(s) have their updated information on file with Mrs. Springer. Please make Mrs. Springer aware of any upcoming appointments for vaccines, or if there are any medical or religious objections to your student receiving his or her vaccines
Religious Exemptions for Immunizations--Yearly paperwork needs to be completed for students with a religious exemption for immunizations. Please complete the paperwork and return it to the clinic as soon as possible.
Food Allergies or Sensitivities--If your student has a food allergy/sensitivity, we need an updated note from the doctor stating the allergy every year. Reminder letters about food allergies were sent home with students on Wednesday. If you have not notified the clinic or teacher about a food allergy, please do so immediately. If your child does not eat a particular type of food for religious reasons, please send a parent note that is dated and signed informing us of this. Dietary will then be notified.
Also, PLEASE inform Mrs. Springer of any chronic health conditions that the school should be made aware of, and that your student's medical emergency information is up to date.
School District Publication/Media Use
Grassy Creek Elementary School
Website: http://grassycreek.warren.k12.in.us/
Location: 10330 East Prospect Street, Indianapolis, IN 46239, USA
Phone: 317-532-3100
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GrassyCreekElementary/
Twitter: @GrassyCreekElem