The Scarlett Letter
September 2022
Message from the President
Dear Theta Friends,
Friendship is a special place; I’m glad we are there.
With summer coming to a close and our first DKG meeting approaching, I feel your support as I begin my biennium as Theta’s president. Our Executive Board met and has turned its attention to making plans. Officers and Committee Chairs have stepped up to take the lead, and other members have agreed to offer their support. I want to say a sincere “Thank You” to all who answered my calls, texts and emails, and chose the committees which most interest you. Many of you will soon be contacted as your committees meet and prepare to report plans and progress at our September 10th meeting. There is important work Theta can do this year, and it will take all of us working together to get it done. Supporting Education and Educators is our goal!
I am looking forward to our September meeting. We will make and share our favorite foods,
hear the bold plans committees have for the upcoming year, and enjoy the long-awaited “Native Plants” program our own Joyce Huguelet (gardener extraordinaire) is preparing for us for the third time. Joyce’s program has been the victim of both the pandemic and a snow storm, so cheers go out to her for being persistent!
Mark your calendars and let’s set a record for attendance at this first general meeting of the
Connie Marks
Delta Kappa Gamma Society
Theta Chapter President 2022-2024
Happy Birthday
Kitty Brunjes (8/12)
Candice Hart (8/12)
Sophia Floyd (8/14)
Linda Farrell (8/27)
Tammy Ferguson (9/1)
MaryPaul Beall (9/6)
Sylvia Quinn (9/12)
Marie Allison (9/15)
Chapter/State/International News
More Information About September 10th Meeting
Our annual covered dish luncheon is something everyone has missed. Since the meeting is being held at the Pine Valley Library, we will not have a full kitchen. Along with your covered dish, please bring a utensil for serving. Bottled water and paper products will be provided.
We are also excited to finally have Joyce Huguelet present her program on "Native Plants".
Mark the Dates - NC DKG
- Aug. 15-Sept. 1 : DKG Art Gallery submission window open
- September 16: Deadline to register for NC DKG Fall Executive Board Meeting
- September 24: NC DKG Fall Executive Board Meeting - Greensboro
- September 30: NC DKG Educational Foundation Grants applications due • Deadline to enter dues to avoid members being dropped
- October 1: Bulletin: Journal submissions due
- October 8: NCDKGEF golf tournament
- October 27: NC DKG Founders Day
- October 31: Form 72 - Website Compliance renewal due
- November 1: NC DKG News winter issue deadline • Cornetet Individual PD Awards applications due
- November 15: 990-N ePostcard due to IRS • Nominations due for 2023-2025 NC DKG state officers
- December 1: Deadline to submit proposed changes to NC DKG Bylaws or Standing Rules
- December 15: Chapter directory due to regional director • Bulletin: Collegial Exchange submissions due
Executive Board Summer Planning Meeting
Supporting Our Beginning Teachers
Our Beginning Teacher Committee is excited to support beginning teachers from Forest Hills Elementary School.
Judy Busick has bought some small notecards to take to our meeting on September 10th for those present to write short notes of encouragement to a BT. We will deliver the notes and a small bag of treats to the school the following week.
Explore the NC DKG Educational Foundation Grants
- Continuing Education for Professional/Personal Growth (Due Sept. 30th) - Educators statewide
- Learning/Literacy Project Grant (Due Sept. 30th) - Educators statewide
- Groves-Little Early Career Educator's Grant (available Spring 2023) - Educators, 4 years or less experience, employed in NC public schools
- McCall Gifted Education or Fine Arts Grant (Due Sept. 30th) - Educators statewide
- Lynda Tamblyn Endowment Grant (Due Sept. 30th) - Educators in Guilford County
- Margaret Church Endowment Grant (Due Sept. 30th) - Grades 4-12 educators statewide supporting leadership development
- Simmons-Longest Endowment Grant (available Spring 2023) - Active & retired NC DKG educators in Region VI for personal growth, leadership development and professional growth
- Linda G. Richards Endowment Grant (available Spring 2023) - NC public school female high school volleyball coaches
- Dr. Judith B. Carlson Endowment Grant (Due Sept. 30th) - Educators statewide supporting enrichment activities, travel, fieldtrips, outdoor education, and other experiential learning
- Phyllis Frye Copeland Endowment (Due Sept. 30th) - Active educators in Catawba County for non-consumable materials for hands-on learning experiences
A Note From NC DKG President
Make sure all of your members and prospective members recognize this valuable benefit from DKG.
On a side note – I wish each of you could have been there the morning Carol Bostian was announced as the North Carolina Star of the Southeast. She was positioned right in front of the podium, poised to take the recipient’s picture. The surprise on her face was evident. I am grateful to Dr. Teresa Cowan for taking the camera from Carol and to Susan Kuenzel for also taking some photos. It is always so rewarding to honor such a dedicated NC DKG member.
Congratulations also go to our very own Dr. Teresa Cowan for being elected as the 2022-2024 Southeast Regional Director. I look forward to working with her along with the other Southeast Region presidents.
Beth Winstead
NC DKG President 2021-2023
Coming Soon! DKG Website Redesign—User Focused, User Friendly
Two key concepts drove the website redesign decisions of CTOG. The first key principle is “User Focused” - who is visiting the website, and why are they coming? The second key principle is “User Friendly” - a logical progression of topics and only four to five clicks to get to the needed information. The redesigned member site will include seven key tabs, and the nonmember site will have six key tabs.
Members are encouraged to preview the site maps and the location of topics on the redesigned site. A link to the website redesign information is available under the rotator on the DKG homepage. A feedback form is available by scrolling to the bottom of the website redesign page. CTOG is continuing to request feedback before the site debuts in late fall.
Questions? Contact Dr. Teresa Cowan, 2020-2022 Communications & Marketing chair, or Dr. Judy Merz, DKG Bulletin editor
Tech Tips
Beware of Phishing Scams!
- Never respond to requests for personal information via email
- Visit websites by typing the URL into your address bar
- Check to make sure the website is using encryption
- Routinely review your credit card and bank statements
- Report suspected abuses of your personal information to the proper authorities
- Use anti-virus software and maintain security settings on your computer
Scarlett Letter Editor: MaryPaul Beall