Tech Tools For Math Instruction
Great tools to engage your students
Get Inspired
Greg Tang -
If you're thinking about hosting a inspirational talk that will definitely inspire your teachers and give them purpose for math instruction, then use this video. Start at minute marker 2:40. It's lengthy, but you will enjoy every minute of it!
Tools For Visualizing Math Concepts
Gynzy -
Money Lesson
Get lessons here at Share My Lesson
Glencoe/McGraw Hill Virtual Manipulatives
Primary Tools-
Secondary Tools
Math Playground
Example: Weigh The Wangdoodles
Cool Tools
Greg Tang Math
GregTangMath.com is an important part of Greg’s mission to help children of all ages, abilities and backgrounds. Since 2013, he has made his site free to everyone and continues to support it through his teaching and writing.
National Library of Math Manipulatives
Fact Fluency
XtraMath is a free service designed to help teachers and parents help their students learn basic mathematics. The service provides an online environment in which students complete practice activities that are recorded and shared with teachers and parents. Teachers can create classroom accounts in which each child has his or her own log-in credentials. Parents can also be given log-in credentials to see how their children are progressing. The purpose of XtraMath is to help teachers and parents monitor the progress that their students are making and prepare lessons that meet students where they are. Service if free but App for iPad is $4.99.
Math Drills App
Spirit of Math
Spirit of Math Drills by Spirit of Math is a top math app for any kids who wants to improve their mental math skills. Use it everyday for a fast 5 minutes math drill exercise... and you can be assured this math app will help your kids master their number facts in no time!
To improve mental math skills... the solution is to practice again and again. Using math apps on the iPad or iPhone can be great help. Apps offer a fun and interactive interface that appears to be a lot more engaging than pen and paper! Various math apps are available, and today Fun Educational Apps wants to draw your attention on Spirit of Math Drill. It is a fantastic math app and used on a daily basis it will help your kids become math proficient.
Everyday, simply open the app, select a math drill and go ahead. Your kids have 5 minutes to complete a series of 40 math facts!
Youtube App Review and Overview
Review by Fun Educational Apps
Gummii App
Gummii is an adaptive game-based math tutoring system for the iPad that attempts to combine introductory math problems with an interactive Minecraft-style world. By completing very simple addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division problems, users earn rewards that help them build objects in a virtual environment. Founded by an admittedly "exasperated parent," Gummii tries to construct a custom-tailored tutoring experience for kids struggling with math concepts.
Players of Minecraft will be very familiar with the block world of Gummii. After installation, users are guided through an avatar setup by an inexplicably floating robot dog named Zoom and placed in a mountainous cube landscape. Zoom provides setup and navigation advice and explains the basics of building blocks and math challenges that unlock tools that can be monitored by parents for signs of learning progress.
Despite tutorials, the overall objectives of the game aren’t immediately evident or well-explained, nor are the navigation icons or hierarchy of rewards. The lack of a narrative and an incohesive design make features feel disconnected. Not only are math challenges thematically isolated from the building experience, but they are not preceded by a lesson, they are limited in quantity and skill level (four exercises for addition/subtraction and one for multiplication), and questions are often repetitive. It seems as though math exercises were neglected for the development of graphics that are visually identical to Minecraft.
Further perplexing and irritating for users is a repetitive techno buzzing noise emitted by Zoom (who is constantly blocking the camera’s point of view), and a shockingly expensive fee structure; booster packs that multiply rewards range in price from $2.99 to $24.99 and only last 24 hours.
It’s not clear how the name Gummii relates to math, flying robot dogs, counting bananas, or block mountains, and visiting the site does little to clarify the overall vision for this product; the ‘our principles’ section is a disconnected list of educational mantras that anyone would agree with, and unfortunately the ‘how does it work section’ fails to explain how it works. Overall the entire user experience feels like testing a hastily designed beta product that is in early stages of development.
Student Response/Assessment
Kahoot is a service for delivering online quizzes and surveys to your students. On Kahoot you create a quiz or survey that your students respond to through any device that has a web browser. Your Kahoot questions can include pictures and videos. As the teacher you can control the pace of the Kahoot quiz or survey by imposing a time limit for each question. As students answer questions they are awarded points for correct answers and the timeliness of their answers. A scoreboard is displayed on the teacher's screen. Students do not need to have a Kahoot account in order to participate in your activities. To participate they simply have to visit Kahoot.it then enter the PIN code that you give to them to join the activity.
Kahoot is one of my favorite services for creating and delivering quizzes to your students' tablets, iPads, and laptops. On Kahoot you create a quiz or survey that your students respond to through any device that has a web browser (iPad, Android device, Chromebook). Your Kahoot questions can include pictures and videos.The latest update to Kahoot enables you to save the results of a Kahoot in your Google Drive account. When you have completed a Kahoot activity simply go to the results screen and click the Google Drive icon to save the results. You can still download your results as a PDF if you prefer that option.
Plickers is a neat student response system that you can use with just one iPad. Plickers uses a teacher's iPad or Android tablet in conjunction with a series of QR codes to create a student response system. Students are given a set of QR codes on large index cards. The codes are assigned to students. Each code card can be turned in four orientations. Each orientation provides a different answer. When the teacher is ready to collect data, he or she uses the Plickers mobile app to scan the cards to see a bar graph of responses.
Plickers could be a good student response system to use in classrooms in which students don't have laptops or tablets to use. Using Plickers to poll your students instead of asking them to raise hands to indicate if they "get it" or not allows students to reply anonymously by holding up their cards. Have all students hold up their cards at the same time, scan them, and see the results. Students won't know who said they "got it" or not because each code is unique to each student.
Quiz Socket
Quiz Socket is a new tool developed for the purpose of enabling teachers to quickly gather feedback from students. Quiz Socket enables students to respond to questions through their cell phones, tablets, and laptops.
Here's how Quiz Socket works. Teachers visit the Quiz Socket website and click "create quiz." A quiz code is assigned to the teacher. The teacher then gives that quiz code to students to enter on QuizSocket.com. Teachers then deliver multiple choice questions to students either verbally or by posting them on a whiteboard. The teacher controls the pace of the quiz by simply clicking "next question" to move the quiz along.
Quiz Socket doesn't have the advanced options of similar services like Socrative and Infuse Learning, but it doesn't require you to register and you can get a quiz running on the spur of the moment. Quiz Socket could be handy for running a quick prior knowledge assessment or a quick exit ticket activity.
Nearpod allows teachers to construct presentations using the Nearpod website and deliver instruction to students by pushing content out to multiple devices at once. The teacher controls the presentation from a master iOS device, while students follow along on a class set of iPods or iPads. To enliven instruction, teachers can also embed multiple choice questions, polls, videos, quizzes, open-ended questions, and web-links in their presentations.
One of my favorite components of Nearpod is that it has a drawing feature students can use to annotate images. For example, a Social Studies teacher could include a map and have students annotate the route of Lewis and Clark. This same feature can also be used to create graphic organizers or solve math problems. All student responses within Nearpod are submitted to the controlling iPad (held by the teacher) and may be pushed out or shared with the class during instruction. This aspect of Nearpod's design provides a wonderful opportunity for evaluative conversation and collaboration with just the tap of a button.
A few implementation notes about Nearpod:
- Teachers may easily upload existing Powerpoint or Keynote presentations on the Nearpod website.
- Nearpod can be a helpful student-centered BYOD tool. Students may access a Nearpod presentation from any network using a browser and a five letter code. Students who are absent may also follow your presentation from home or wherever an Internet connection is available.
The Answer Pad
The Answer Pad is a student response system that collects data requiring a minimal amount of prep time, but allowing for maximum data analysis. With both an iPad app and web interface (the app for Android is coming soon), the product is available to students using different devices. The interfaces are easy to use, making the app accessible to students of all ages. As you would expect from a response system, The Answer Pad allows teachers to conduct formative and summative assessments, create individual and group reports for analysis, and interact with students in real time for immediate feedback.
This free application allows teachers to easily register, create classes, and create answer sheets for up to 38 students.
Infused Learning
Pear Deck
Pear Deck makes it easy to plan and build interactive lessons directly from your Google Drive that promote active learning in the classroom. As students interact with the lesson, real-time data provides instructors the feedback they need to adapt teaching on-the-fly.
Poll Everywhere
Differentiation and Assessment
Overview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjBTp-aAdqg
Premium Overview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWA8N1vBA7w
Front Row
Front Row is a math app for the ipad and web-based devices. Front Row’s 15 000 math questions are aligned to the common core,and provides over 500 videos students can view when they get stuck on a question.Front Row enables students to ask for and get help privately and save face when they’re stuck by viewing the over 500 videos that explain things to them. Front Row enables students to share their successes publicly and get help privately–a win/win situation. At present Front Row is aligned to the common core up to grade five, but it will be available for students to the end of grade eight.
Inside Mathematics
Tools for teachers and students to improve math practice. Problem of the Month (non-routine math problems with scaffolding to go deeper into mathematical complexity), performance assessment tasks (by grade level and standard with scoring rubrics and student work samples), and classroom videos for teachers. Visit insidemathematics.org to see how it can help you prepare students.
Common Core Quest App
To use Common Core Quest a student selects his or her grade then selects the math or language arts standards he or she is working toward mastering. The student will earn digital badges when he or she shows mastery of a standard through quiz scores.
Click here for the iPad version. Click here for the Android version.
OpenEd Website
OpenEd's assessment creation tool is designed to help teachers create Common Core-aligned assessments. To get started you have to create an accountant on OpenEd.io. Click the "assessments" tab then the "create" button to start building your standards-aligned resources. After titling your assessment you can choose the standards that your assessment will address. You can choose as many standards as you like. With your standards identified you can move on to adding questions to your assessment. Assessment questions can be created from scratch you can choose some of the questions that OpenEd recommends based on your standards choices. You can also search for questions on OpenEd and add them to your assessments.
The best feature of the OpenEd assessment creation tool is the option to associate images and videos with specific questions. This option not only allows you to use media in your questions, but it also allows your students to see suggested review resources when they don't reach a standard on your assessment
OpenEd is a service that has offers a huge catalog of educational videos, games, and practice assessments that you can browse by topic, grade level, or Common Core standard. The service allows teachers to create collections of resources that they share with their students in an online classroom. This week OpenEd released a new beta version of their service.
The beta version of OpenEd includes a selection of pre-built lesson plans full of videos, games, and quizzes for grades 6 through 12 for math and Language Arts. When you create a class on the beta version of OpenEd you will asked to select a grade and the standards that your course addresses. If your selections are math or language arts standards for students in grades six through twelve, you will see the pre-built lessons immediately appear in your OpenEd classroom. You can remove the pre-built lessons and or add more content to them.
Screen Recorders
Screenr is an interesting way to share a screencast (recording of your screen) online without installing a program on your computer; it requires Java to work. You select an area on your screen which you want to record (max: 5 minutes). All recordings are saved into your account.After recording you’ll be given a link which you can share. You can also export your video to MP4 or upload it on YouTube.
Screenr also provides a bookmarklet so you can record without going to the website. Register with your Facebook, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn, Yahoo or Windows Live account in order to use Screenr for free.
SMART Recorder
Use this video to learn how to use SMARTNotebook Recorder to record whatever is on your screen.
A simple whiteboard-casting recorder.
The best features include:
- No sign-in needed!
- Ink annotation
- Text annotation
- Upload (multiple) images
- Insert audio/video
- Records automatically
- Automatically pauses between interaction/utilization of tools (unless recording voice/webcam)
- Ability to restart the recording
- Share via social media, email, link, or embed (see below!)
Word-of-warning--PixiClip is still in Beta:
- No Google integration
- Resizing images doesn't always carry over to the finished recording
- Embed is a bit spotty
This web app shows a lot of promise.
Knowmia App
Knowmia Teach is a free iPad app that can be used to create vibrant video presentations and lessons and publish them on the app's website (http://www.knowmia.com/). The video content produced is high quality and can serve as a free lesson planning and recording tool for instructors. Knowmia Teach enables users to create video lessons on any subject, import your own visual aids, organize visuals and writing into steps and record your voice and face via the iPad camera to bring them to life.
Share What's On Your Screen
Screen Leap
Limited FREE Account
Free screen sharing using Screenleap. The fast, simple, and free way to share your screen instantly for online meetings, classes, demos, and collaboration.
Air Sketch App
Worth Every Penny!
With Air Sketch Free, you can project live sketches to your students using a local computer. This can be done in three easy steps: First launch Air Sketch, then open the indicated URL in a web browser and now everything you draw appears in the browser as you draw it.
Air Sketch is a handy app that does not require any software download, all you need is an HTML5 compatible browser like Firefox, Chrome, or Safari. There is also a pro version of Air Sketch which provides some advanced features including the ability to wirelessly project and annotate PDF documents (including exported PDF slide decks) and pictures.
10 Ways to Show Your iPad on a Projector Screen - by Learning In Hand
QR Codes
QR Stuff
QR Reader For Desktop/Laptop
QR Voice
Go to this website, type in what you would like to be recorded into audio, and it will create a synthesized voice saying what you want.
- It creates a QR code for you directly on the site which you can scan and listen to
Math & Augmented Reality
Aurasma - How To: Checklists and Cheat Sheets
Video Tutorials for Using Aurasma App
AR Math Videos from Kleinspiration
Erin Klein is an award winning educator, national keynote speaker, author, and mother who has been twice selected to serve on the Scholastic, Inc. Top Teaching Team based in New York. Her recent publication, Amazing Grades, was a collaboration with experts from 13 countries around the world. She travels the country speaking about the power of student voice, how meaningful technology integration can enhance learning experiences, and the impact classroom design has on today’s learner.
AR Experiments by Paul Hamilton
Google Docs & Quizes
Self Check Quiz Templates for Google Docs
Self-Check Quiz Templates
SMART Notebook Lessons
SMART Exchange
SMART Express
Accessing SMART Notebook Express To access SMART Notebook Express, browse to http://express.smarttech.com
using your Internet browser.
SMAR Notebook App
Flipped Classroom
eduCanon is a free service for creating, assigning, and tracking your students' progress on flipped lessons. eduCanon allows teachers to build flipped lessons using YouTube and Vimeo videos, create questions about the videos, then assign lessons to their students. Teachers can track the progress of their students within eduCanon.
Overview here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UqkODgIdLpI
Web Based Games
Jeopardy Labs
Jeopard Labs allows you to create a customized jeopardy template without PowerPoint. The games you make can be played online from anywhere in the world. Building your own jeopardy template is a piece of cake. Just use our simple editor to get your game up and running.
Math Worksheet Land
Over 57,000 Worksheets, Tests, Homework & Answer Keys - Common Core Aligned Material - Printable PDF Formats
Worsheet Works
Math Drills
Math-Drills.com has thousands of Free Math Worksheets for teachers and parents on a variety of math topics.
Animated Videos with Questions and Lessons
Math Live
Math Live is a neat mathematics website hosted by Learn Alberta. Math Live presents students with animated stories that teach mathematics lessons. In all there are twenty-three lessons for elementary school and middle school students. The lessons are divided into four categories; Number, Patterns and Relations, Shape and Space, Statistics and Probability. Each animated lesson is accompanied by a mathematics worksheet that students complete either while watching the lesson or after viewing the lesson. Each lesson is divided into sections and students can advance or rewind as needed.
Math Live does a nice good job of providing students with some real world examples of the uses of mathematics. In addition to the student worksheets, Math Live provides teachers with downloadable teaching guides. For parents who would like to help their children with mathematics, Math Live offers parent guides.
Study Jams
Over 200 jams on a variety of math and science topics that use key vocabulary words, short videos, karaoke style music screens, and online student quizzes to check content knowledge of students.
Secondary or Gifted Math with Real World Applications
Real-world lessons from Mathalicious help middle and high school teachers address the Common Core Standards while challenging their students to think critically about the world.
Get The Math
Get the Math is about algebra in the real world. See how professionals use math in music, fashion, videogames, restaurants, basketball, and special effects.
Math is Awesum
NEW collection of videos, lesson plans, and interactive games to help your students engage with curriculum and tap into the true power of numbers.
Math Mess
Short, animated videos of real world math problems with a Teacher's Guide. The Math Mess series was designed specifically to promote inquiry and problem-solving in elementary and middle school classrooms. You can also access the videos from the Math Mess web site, but using the PBS LearningMedia site allows you to assign lessons to student accounts.
Web Based Games to Support CC Math
Math Resources by Horizion School Division Schools
Lessons for Each Module
Share my Lesson
Share My Lesson has a significant resource bank for Common Core State Standards, covering all aspects of the standards, from advice and guides to help with dedicated resources that support the standards.
Share My Lesson was developed by the American Federation of Teachers and TES Connect, the largest network of teachers in the world.
Portfolio Assessment & Reflection
Seesaw - The Learning Journal
SeeSaw help teachers and parents connect with students and keep track of their school work. Seesaw is a simple way for students as young as 5 to independently document what they are learning at school. It empowers students to take more ownership of their learning.
More: http://web.seesaw.me/
Three Ring
Three Ring is a new free service offering free Android and iPhone apps for digitizing and organizing student work. Using the app teachers can take a picture of a student's work and upload it to a free Three Ring account. Three Ring offers teachers a lot of organizational flexibility. You could organize artifacts by student name, class, date, or just about any other tagging system that works for you.