SCCS Choir Newsletter - Fall 2018
Your go-to for all things choir
Welcome back!
Welcome back to another exciting year here at Silver Creek Central Schools! We have so many amazing things planned for this year and we’re already off to a busy start! On this page you'll find information on everything you need to know about the middle and high school choirs here at Silver Creek.
Some photos from last year!!!
October and November Events
Event Information
Welcome Back Concert
Join the Middle Schools Band, High School Bands, and High School Choirs for a fun evening of music making! The concert starts at 7:00 and all choral students should plan on arriving at 6:30. Our theme this fall is folk songs and will feature classics like Fields of Gold, Loch Lomond, and Barbara Allen.
Thursday, Oct 18, 2018, 07:00 PM
Silver Creek Central School District, NY, USA
Event Information
Junior Area All State
Some of our students in grades 6-9 come together with top students from around the region for two days of making music together. The concert is at Akron High School.
Friday, Nov 2, 2018, 04:00 PM
Akron, NY, USA
Event Information
First Annual Middle School Musical - Disney's Aladdin
SCCS's first ever Middle School Musical! All the students in MS Choirs will be coming together to present the classic story on stage. Tickets will be $5.00 and are available at the door.
Friday, Nov 9, 2018, 07:00 PM
Silver Creek Central School District, NY, USA
Event Information
Trinity Masterworks Choir presents Arnesen Requiem for Solace
Mr. McMullen's community choir and orchestra in Fredonia, NY (which includes students from SCCS) presents Arnesen's Requiem for Solace. Come out for an evening of beautiful music followed by a light reception. Donations accepted.
Friday, Nov 16, 2018, 07:00 PM
Trinity Episcopal Church, Day Street, Fredonia, NY, USA
Event Information
Senior Area All State
Students in grades 10-12 from around the region come together for two days of high quality music making with nationally renowned composers and conductors.
Friday, Nov 16, 2018, 04:00 PM
State University of New York at Fredonia, Central Avenue, Fredonia, NY, USA
Mr. Phillip McMullen
Phillip McMullen is an active singer, conductor, and accompanist throughout Chautauqua County. In addition to working as the Middle and High School Choral Director at SCCS, he has worked with Syracuse Opera, New Fangled Opera, St. Paul's Cathedral Syracuse, Playground Academy, and Venture Productions. He currently serves as Choir Director at Trinity Episcopal Church and is the founder and director of the Trinity Masterworks Choir and Orchestra in Fredonia, NY.